Qi Heng, with his tired body, went back to another hospital.

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Qi Heng pushes the door open, a fuzzy figure, accidentally bumps into his eyes.

"I don't sleep at this late hour, and I don't light the light here. Do you want to scare people to death?" Qi Heng rubbed his forehead, full of helpless tunnel.

"I've been waiting for you for a long time. You've been talking with Qi Shaorong for a long time!" Zuo Yunfei sullen tunnel.

Qi Heng glanced at Zuo Yunfei and said, "not everyone can be as free as Zuo Shao. We only talk about work, but nothing else."

Zuo Yunfei turned his mouth and said, "have you been squeezed by Qi Shaorong for so long? You don't have to listen to him at all. "

"Young master, it's also for my good. Gold coins will not fall from the sky." Qiheng road.

Zuo Yunfei shouldered his hands, looked at Qi Heng coldly and said, "you are very good at talking to him!"

Qi Heng yawned and said, "I will go to bed. If you have nothing else, you can go to bed earlier."

Zuo Yunfei: "..."

Zuo Yunfei looks at Qi Heng's back, grinds his teeth angrily, and says in secret: not everyone is as idle as himself! What does Qiheng mean by that! When he is idle!


Zuo Yunfei walked into the courtyard with depression.

"Hasn't Zuo Shao had a rest yet? Is there something wrong with my room? " Qi Shaorong stands on the corridor, facing the humanity in the courtyard.

"No problem, it's good." Zuo Yunfei said.

"I'm glad to hear that from Zuo Shao." Qi Shaorong said.

"When people are under the eaves, there should be some people's self-consciousness under the eaves. They can't ask too much if they are under the fence of others." Zuo Yunfei is not salty but not plain.

Qi Shaorong frowned and said, "sorry, Zuo Shao, what do you say?"

"Nothing, Qi Shao. I'll go to bed first. Excuse me." Zuo Yunfei said.

Qi Shaorong nodded and said, "OK."

Zuo Yunfei turned around and said, "Qi Shao, no matter how hard you embarrass me, I will not back down. I will marry Qi Heng."

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Qi Shaorong nodded and said, "OK, I'll wait." Zuo Yunfei, who hasn't slept yet, began to dream.


in the morning.

Qi Heng walked into the restaurant and looked sad. "Young master, do you see Zuo Yunfei?"

Qi Shaorong shook his head and said, "no! What's the matter? "

"He's gone."

"One day's plan is in the morning. Don't worry. He can't lose such a big man. He should go out to find a job. There are two billion of them. He can't wait to fall from the sky." Qi Shaorong said.

Qi Shaorong shook his head and said, "you haven't married him yet. Don't worry about him so much."

Qi Heng: "..."

"I don't have any heartache. I just don't think it's easy to make money with so much money!" Qiheng muttered.

Qi Shaorong nodded and said, "of course, it's not easy to earn money. Poor child, protected by the family, has not seen the danger of human life, so he knows that red mouth and white teeth are talking nonsense. Let him go out to practice, and then he knows that it's not easy to make money, and it's not easy to talk big."

Qi Heng: "..."

+++++Looking at the tired Zuo Yunfei, Zhuang Hao said: "you look very tired! What did you do? "

"To the mercenary Union, to take up the task." Zuo Yunfei said.

Zhuang Hao smiled, full of appreciation: "you are really working hard! What kind of task is it! "

"Repair the Minepit." Left cloud flies light tunnel.

Zhuang Hao smiled and said, "it's not easy to repair Leichi!"

Zuo Yunfei took a deep breath and said, "it's OK."

"Zuo Shao, you are preparing to marry Qi Heng as a steward."

Zuo Yunfei frowned and said, "yes, it's just that the family is too stingy. They only pay 500000 yuan."

Zhuang Hao patted Zuo Yunfei on the shoulder and comforted him: "that family has been generous enough. There are too few rich people in the original country. Three Wen money can't defeat hero Han! Although that said, if you make money at this speed, unless you change someone you like, you will only be lonely and grow old. According to the current market, Qiheng's value will rise year by year. "

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Zuo Yunfei looked at Zhuang Hao and said, "Qi Shaorong asked me for two billion betrothal gifts. How much did he ask you for?"

Zhuang Hao froze for a moment, and the smile on his face froze, "this He didn't mention it. "

Zuo Yunfei looked at Zhuang Hao and said thoughtfully: "Qi Heng is only a steward. Qi Shaorong is the real boss. According to Qi Shaorong's requirements for me, I think if Qi Shaorong offers you a price, it must be at least 4 billion yuan."

Zhuang Hao: "..." That sounds like a thrill.

Zuo Yunfei looked at Zhuang Hao and doubted: "Young Master Zhuang, have you thought about it? Your relationship with Qi Shaorong has no result because you haven't offered the bride price yet!"Zhuang Hao: "..."

"Now it seems that your question may be bigger than mine. If your dowry is 4 billion yuan, how are you going to make money?" Asked Zuo Yunfei.

Zhuang Hao: "..." What a thought-provoking question!

"Shaorong, he didn't mention it." Zhuang Hao is embarrassed.

"Qi Shaorong didn't mention it, so are you waiting for a soft meal?" Asked Zuo Yunfei.

Zhuang Hao: "..."

Zuo Yunfei patted Zhuang Hao on the shoulder and said, "Zhuang Shao, it's not good for you to do this!"

Zhuang Hao: "..." It's a shame that he was scolded by Zuo Yunfei.


"young master." Yi fan enters Qi Shaorong's study.

"Ah fan, you seem to be very happy. What's the good news?" Qi Shaorong looks at Yi Fan's way full of spring breeze.

Yi Fan smiled and said, "it's nothing. I just overheard Zuo Yunfei chatting with master Zhuang Hao."

Qi Shaorong is stupefied for a moment, way: "what did those two guys say?"

"Zuo Shao asked Zhuang Shao how much dowry did the young master ask for from Zhuang Shao?"

Qi Shaorong narrowed his eyes and said, "is that right?" Yeah! If Zhuang Hao proposes, how much money will he have to knock on him.

Yi Fan looked at Qi Shaorong with interest and said, "young master Zuo said you must ask Zhuang Hao for at least four billion yuan."

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Qi Shaorong: "..." With four billion yuan, Zhuang Hao doesn't sell himself enough!

Yi Fan looks at Qi Shaorong and says, "I think Zuo Shao's valuation is still too conservative. If young master Zhuang wants to marry you, how can four billion yuan be enough? How can ten billion yuan be obtained?"

"Ah fan, you really look up to me!" Qi Shaorong reluctantly smiled. The secret way: according to this price, he estimated that he would never get married.

"In this world, I admire you most." Yifanman is sincere.

Qi Shaorong: "..."

"What about them?" Asked Qi Shaorong.

"It seems that Master Zhuang Hao has gone shopping with Zuo Yunfei and Zuo Shao." Yifan road.

Qi Shaorong narrowed his eyes and said, "those two guys have a common language!"


Zhuang Hao and Zuo Yunfei went on the street and attracted many people's attention. Many people secretly stared at Zuo Yunfei.

With the strength of Zuo Yunfei, those peeping eyes have no way to hide.

Zuo Yunfei held his arms and frowned.

"Zuo Yunfei, what do you think of the local conditions and customs of our country?" Zhuang Hao turned around and asked enthusiastically.

Zuo Yunfei gave Zhuang Hao a bad look and said, "not so good!"

Zhuang Hao smiled dryly and said, "Zuo Shao, don't be too picky. In fact, the people in our country are very kind and hospitable. You seem to be very popular!"

Zuo Yunfei stopped, looked at Zhuang Hao and said, "some girls over there are saying, is there something wrong with your relationship with Qi Shaorong, and whether I'm your new love?"

Zhuang Hao took a deep breath and said with a tangled face, "I don't like you."

Left cloud flies to turn head, and Zhuang Hao four eyes opposite, coldly smile, way: "each other, each other!"

Zuo Yunfei frowned and suddenly turned away.

Zhuang Hao looked at Zuo Yunfei and said, "what's the matter with you? Are you scared by me? "

Zuo Yunfei shook his head and said: "no, it's just a girl over there said that we look at each other affectionately, which is very suitable. Although I think her eyes are almost blind, in order to avoid more misunderstandings, I think I'd better not look at you."

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Zhuang Hao hears the words and looks straight ahead.

+++++Shen Yuanxing rushed to Zhuang Hao and Zuo Yunfei and said, "ah Hao, come out and play!"

Zhuang Hao nodded and said, "yes!"

Shen Yuan looked at Zuo Yunfei and said, "that man, it looks like he has some eyes!"

"Let me introduce you to Zuo Yunfei and Zuo Shao." Zhuang Hao said.

Shen Yuan lowered his voice and said, "is this Qi Heng

Zhuang Hao nodded and said, "yes, but there is a distance of two billion between him and Qi Heng. This distance is like the Milky Way sky ridge."

Shen Yuan: "..."

"Two billion?" Shen Yuan is suspicious.

Zhuang Hao nodded and said, "yes!"

"Zuo Shao, did Qi Shaorong ask you for 2 billion dowry?" Shen Yuan asked.

Zuo Yunfei nodded, "MMM".

Shen Yuan looked at Zuo Yunfei, full of sympathy and said: "Zuo Shao, it's not easy to see Qi Shao!"

Zuo Yunfei carried his hands and didn't speak.

"Left little, I'll tell you! If you have money, do it quickly. Qi Shaorong, the immoral guy, is about to raise his price. " Shen Yuandao.Zuo Yunfei frowned and asked, "will the price rise?"

"Of course! There used to be a guy named Hailing who suffered a lot from it! " Shen Yuan without thinking.

"Before, now?" Asked Zuo Yunfei.

"Now? Now people hide their wives strictly, and they don't let him contact Qi Shaorong. " Shen Yuandao.

Zuo Yunfei nodded and muttered, "when Qi Heng and I are finished, I want him to stay away from Qi Shaorong's asshole."

Zhuang Hao glanced at zuoyunfei and said to him, "zuoyunfei is a guy who can marry Qiheng for a long time, but he has many delusions."..

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