The second prince's mansion.

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Tang Tianfeng sat on one side of the chair and fell into deep thought.

"Tianfeng, do you have any idea how to arrange Qi Shaorong?" Asked Shen man.

Tang Tianfeng shook his head and said, "it's hard! The father sent Qi Shaorong to the Bihai plain. As a result, Qi Shaorong not only didn't die in the conflict between the human race and the Haizu, but also married Hailing. It's said that because of the relationship between the biliuyun, now the relationship between Qi Shaorong and the Haizu is very iron. "

"I heard that Qi Heng and Zuo Yunfei, the founder of Jin State, are also very close!" Shen man danced.

"I've heard about this man. Zuo Yunfei, the founder of Jin State, heard that he had a physical problem and was humiliated by his family brothers who were not as good as him. He left Zuo's house angrily. A few years later, he went back to Zuo's house. At that time, he was in the middle of Zuo's family."

"Zuo Yunfei went on stage and killed three clan brothers in a row. His parents could not help but stop him. As a result, seven or eight elders couldn't stop him. The big match of Zuo family suddenly became a farce. Later, the holy elder of Zuo family appeared and stopped him!"

"Zuo Yunfei, is he so crazy?" Shen man's dance is full of surprises.

Tang Tianfeng nodded solemnly and said, "this man is not easy to provoke!"

"I heard that the relationship between Zuo Yunfei and Qi Heng must be very close!" Shen man danced.

Tang Tianfeng took a deep breath and said: "it's said that Qi Heng and Zuo Yunfei went to Jin together before, and lived in Zuo Yunfei's home. Zuo Yunfei defended him very much. If Zuo Yunfei married Qi Heng, Qi Shaorong would not be able to change!"

"I heard that Zuo Yunfei wants to marry Qi Heng. Qi Shaorong and Zuo Yunfei have asked for 2 billion yuan of dowry. Qi Shaorong has asked too much. Maybe Zuo Yunfei will give up!" Shen man danced.

"Where did you get the news?" Tang Tianfeng asked.

"What Yuan said should not be wrong!" Shen man danced.

"Two billion yuan, Qi Shaorong opened this price is also too strange, if this price did not scare left Yunfei away, then left Yunfei can really call Qi Heng deeply in love!" Tang Tianfeng's way of thinking.


When Zuo Yunfei returned to another courtyard, he was shocked by the house full of warblers, warblers, swallows and swallows!

"What's the matter with these elves?"

"Shaorong said before that the Elves will send some guards. Now the people are coming." Zhuang Hao said.

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Zuo Yunfei said angrily: "where are these guys like guards? There's a Dickie, it's been a lot of trouble, now all of a sudden so many! "

"Don't be so excited, it's just a guard!" Zhuang Hao said.

"I'll talk to Qi Shaorong!" Bad cloud flying way.

Qi Shaorong looked at Zuo Yunfei and said, "Zuo Shao, what's up?"

Left cloud flies red eye, look at Qi Shaorong angrily, way: "Qi Shao, what do you mean?"

"What do you mean?" Qi Shaorong asked innocently with his big eyes open.

"The guards of the elves!" Zuo Yunfei's angry way.

Qi Shaorong smiled and said, "I see. You're talking about the guards of the elves. That's the people sent by the elves. You know I've never been bad to my men, so I'll give some to Qi Heng."

"What is it for Qiheng?" Asked Zuo Yunfei.

"Ah Heng's strength is not strong enough, so it needs to be protected! What's more, I'm not a lone eater. I'm the kindest! " Qi Shaorong said.

"You bastard..."

Qi Shaorong took a deep breath and helplessly looked at Zuo Yunfei and said with sharp eyes: "Zuo Shao, what do you say? You think the 2 billion dowry is too little, don't you? "

"You threaten me?" Zuo Yunfei said.

Qi Shaorong smiled and said, "if you have low quality, you can only rely on a huge family Zhu Bang to make up. If you don't even have a family, I'm sorry!"

Zuo Yunfei: "..."

"Hello, Qi Shaorong, you are very good!" Zuo Yunfei glared at Qi Shaorong and turned angrily away.

Zhuang Hao walked into the room, looked at Qi Shaorong, and said, "I saw Zuo Yunfei go out. His face is not very good."

Qi Shaorong nodded and said, "that guy, I really need to be beaten! Every time I see him, I want to beat him. "

Zhuang Hao: "..."

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"Don't worry about him. It's said that he killed three of his brothers and fought with the eldest left parent. It's not good if you push him to fight with him." Zhuang Hao said.

Qi Shaorong looked at Zhuang Hao and said, "how can I not know about this?"

"It's blocked by Zuojia, which I only know recently." Zhuang Hao said.

Qi Shao killed: "..."

"It looks like we can't talk to this guy next time." Qi Shaorong held his chin, thinking.

Zhuang Hao nodded and said, "next time you can call me!"Zuo Yunfei enters the room angrily. Qiheng looks at Zuo Yunfei and says, "you went to find the young master?"

Zuo Yunfei held his arms and said angrily, "your young master can't see me!"

"Well, don't be angry. If you don't like me using the guard of elves, I'll push it!" Qiheng road.

Left cloud flies to turn head, looking at Qi Heng, Leng for a while, the face was dyed a few minutes thin red, "really? I don't like it, don't you? "

Qi Heng looked at Zuo Yunfei and nodded, but said: "yes! You don't want me! "

Zuo Yunfei raised a light smile at the corner of his mouth and said, "you can use it if you like. Those guys with sharp ears are very strange and strange. It's really weird."

Qi Heng: "..."

Qi Heng hesitated for a moment and said: "the two billion yuan that the young master said..."

Left cloud flies to sink a face, way: "the 2 billion that your young master says, I can think of a way, you need not worry!"

Qi Heng looked at Zuo Yunfei and said, "you don't have to be too reluctant to do this!"

Zuo Yunfei looked at Qiheng and said, "in your eyes, am I such an incompetent person?"

Qi Heng: "..."


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Another courtyard of Qi Shaorong.

"Master Zhuang, I want to talk to you." Zuo Yunfei said.

Zhuang Hao nodded and said, "OK!"

"Young Master Zhuang, are you rich?" Asked Zuo Yunfei.

Zhuang Hao was stunned for a moment and said, "Zuo Shao, do you want to borrow money from me? Although I am short of money, if Zuo Shao asks you, how about borrowing 10 million yuan?"

"It's not very auspicious. You know Qi Shaorong's offer is two billion yuan." Zuo Yunfei's unhappy way.

Zhuang Hao: "..." Damn it, he really knows!

"Zhuang Shao, I don't understand! What do you like about Qi Shaorong! He is sharp, mean and vicious. " Zuo Yunfei said.

Zhuang Hao took a deep breath and said, "Zuo Shao, do you want to fight with me?"

Zuo Yunfei sneered and said, "I don't want to talk about Qi Shaorong anymore. I have contacted my family. They think it's too strange for me to pay two billion yuan to marry a wife."

Zhuang Hao: "..." The family with a little normality should not pay the money.

"They think that with so much money, they can marry two thousand wives, and some people ask me if I'm crazy!" Zuo Yunfei said.

Zhuang Hao: "..." More than two thousand! It's possible to have 20000.

"They didn't want to give me the money, but they gave me a solution!" Zuo Yunfei said.

Zhuang Hao's curiosity was suddenly raised, "what?"

Zuo Yunfei took out a map and said: "this is the Tianxing mountain range. The whole mountain range is my Zuojia's territory. Zuojia has found a concentrate in this area. The concentrate and metal output are very rich. If all the concentrates are mined, there will be more than 20 billion. However, Zuojia has tried to mine several times, and the miners will die and suffer a lot!"

"There are more and more monsters in this mountain range, so the mining has been put on hold!"

"If I can get rid of the monsters in the mountains, I can get rid of this mining area. Then I can raise enough money for the dowry!"

Zhuang Hao looked at the map and was shocked. The whole mountain range belongs to Zuojia. Zuojia's financial resources are extraordinary!

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"Do you want me to help you kill monsters?" Zhuang Hao asked.

Zuo Yunfei shook his head and said: "no, I hope you can help domesticate the monsters. You are a golden Beast Master and strong enough. It's not difficult for you to domesticate the monsters in batches. The resources of monsters in this area are very rich. If all of them can be developed, it will be a lot of wealth!"

Zhuang Hao looks at Zuo Yunfei and asks, "Zuo Shao, why do you think I will help you?"

Zuo Yunfei looked at Zhuang Hao, smiled and said: "Young Master Zhuang, why don't you help me? You are also short of money, aren't you? Or Zhuang Shao, have you made up your mind to have a soft meal? "

Zhuang Wu smiled and said, "OK, left little, you convinced me!"


Qi Shaorong walked into the room, looked at Qi Heng and said, "ah Heng, where is left Yunfei?"

"He left. He said that he would let me wait for him for four months. After four months, he would gather all the money for the dowry to marry me!" Qiheng road.

"Four months?" Qi Shaorong said.

Qi Heng nodded and said, "yes! What's the matter, young master? "

"Zhuang Hao said that he would fly with Zuoyun to do a big thing and come back in four months." Qi Shaorong said.

Qi Shaorong narrowed his eyes and said in secret: he didn't see it before. Zuo Yunfei is a guy who can abduct people!

"I'm sorry, young master!" Qi Heng apologized.

Qi shaorongman looked at Qi Heng incomprehensibly and said, "ah Heng, why do you apologize to me?"Qi Heng frowned and said, "if I hadn't brought Zuo Yunfei back, Master Zhuang wouldn't have been abducted by him. Master Zhuang would have been away for four months. You must miss him very much, young master?"

Qi Shaorong frowned and said, "don't think too much about nothing!"

Qi Hengman is suspicious: "really not?"

"Of course, Zhuang Hao's kid is very annoying. He's gone, and I'm just at peace!" Qi Shaorong said.

Qi Heng: "..."

Qi Shaorong takes a deep breath. Zhuang Hao is a bit of a troublemaker, but he's not here. He's really lonely.

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