"Ah Heng, how long have you been here?" Zuo Yunfei tries his best to keep calm, but his bright eyes still reveal his good mood at the moment.

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"I arrived in the morning and went around the settlement area outside the Tianxing mountain range. You two managed this place well!" Qi Heng said with a smile.

Zuo Yunfei shouldered his hands. Although he was proud of himself, he was still very modest and said: "I don't know what happened. Outside the mountains, suddenly there are many more monster merchants, and they become very prosperous. In fact, I don't have much credit."

"Those monster merchants think highly of you." Qiheng road.

"Is it? I've been praised since I was a child. I don't know what I've been praised for. " Zuo Yunfei said.

Zhuang Hao looks at left Yunfei's smile, and his heart is stuffy.

"But..." Qi Heng's story turned.

Zuo Yunfei looked at Qi Heng and asked, "but what..."

"Those monster merchants said that you didn't seem to work very hard recently, and there were very few monsters to take in. I guess you didn't do your job to fight in the field." Qi Heng's light way.

Zuo Yunfei's face was suddenly black, "what!"

Left cloud is full of grumpy way: "these are the rumors of some people! I'm going to blow them all away. "

"People just talk about it casually. What's your excitement!" Qi Heng's subtle way.

Zuo Yunfei: "..."

After Zhuang Hao, Zuo Yunfei and Qi Heng returned to the settlement, Qi Heng followed them into Zuo Yunfei's other courtyard, leaving Zhuang Hao alone.

++++++++++++++++++++++++++++"Your wound is a little deep. You'd better not go out these days."

Zuo Yunfei looked at Qiheng attentively and smiled at Wen Yan. "It's just a small injury, it's not in the way."

Qi Heng frowned and said displeased, "because the wound is caused by the holy beast, it seems that there is a layer of special material attached to it, which seems to hinder the healing of the wound. You should pay attention to it."

Zuo Yunfei nodded and said: "OK! I'll listen to you. "

Zuo Yunfei looked at the busy Qiheng, leaning his head, and said, "how can you come because you are worried about me?"

Qi Heng stopped his work, glanced at Zuo Yunfei, and said, "I heard that young master and Yi Fan guessed that there was a holy beast in this place. I'll see it."

"It's just a stupid bear, nothing to look at." Zuo Yunfei said.

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"Is it?" Qiheng muttered.

Zuo Yunfei narrowed his eyes and said: "I feel that stupid bear should be weak for some successors. If I persist for a while, it should be solved."

Qi Heng looks at Zuo Yunfei, shakes his head, and says: "you don't have to rush to collect 2 billion yuan. Young master, he is joking with you."

Zuo Yunfei shook his fist and said, "anyway, I can't let Qi Shaorong look down on him."

Qi Heng: "..."

Zuo Yunfei looked at Qi Heng and asked, "ah Heng, did you come here secretly without Qi Shaorong's knowledge?"

Qi Heng was stunned for a moment, but didn't answer.

Zuo Yunfei looked at Qiheng's appearance, smiled and said, "it's really sneaky."

Qi Heng twisted his brow, and left cloud kissed Qi Heng's forehead quickly, "I'm glad you can come."

+++++++++++++++++++++++++++In the morning, Zuo Yunfei and Qi Heng came out of the other courtyard, and Zhuang Hao stood in the other courtyard.

"Zhuang Shao." Zuo Yunfei looks at Zhuang Hao, who is full of spring breeze. He can't help but wonder why.

Zhuang Hao looks at Zuo Yunfei and smiles brightly, "Zuo Shao, you will not think who is coming."

Zuo Yunfei held his arms in his arms and said doubtfully, "who is that?"

Qi Shaorong came out of the shadow. When Zuo Yunfei saw Qi Shaorong, he was surprised.

"Young master, why are you here?" Qi Hengman is surprised.

"I'm afraid you're lost, so come and see you!" Qi Shaorong's casual way.

Qiheng smiled dryly and said: "young master, you are really joking."

"Shaorong said he wanted to go to see the earth bear with us." Zhuang Hao said.

Zuo Yunfei glanced at Qi Shaorong and turned his eyes back to Zhuang Hao. "Are you going to take him?"

Zhuang Hao nodded and said, "yes!"

Zuo Yunfei frowned, full of resistance: "this problem, you can think about it! After a while, he was trampled to death by the earth bear. There is no place for you to cry. "

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Zhuang Hao: "..."

Qi Shaorong looked at Zuo Yunfei and said angrily: "Zuo Yunfei, what's the matter with you! Want to fight with me? " Although his own strength is inferior to that of the two men, his magic weapon is divine!"With Shaorong's strength, there should be no problem in self-protection. You don't have to worry." Zhuang Hao said.

Zuo Yunfei looked at Zhuang Hao suspiciously and raised his eyebrows. "You are sure that he can protect himself. He looks like he has great strength."

Qiheng helplessly pinched left Yunfei. "Yunfei, don't say anything."

Zuo Yunfei shrugged and said gloomily, "if you don't say it, you won't say it."

Qi Heng: "..."

Qi Shaorong looked at Zuo Yunfei and said in secret: Zuo Yunfei is a white goods. It seems that his attitude towards this guy is too polite to make this guy so advanced.


the next day.

Qi Shaorong followed Zuo Yunfei and Zhuang Hao into the forest.

"Panda." Qi Shaorong exclaimed.

The furry ears, the black eyes that will never fade, the round belly

Qi Shaorong's eyes widened, and his heart was filled with surprise. The so-called bear of the earth is actually a national treasure. Qi Shaorong didn't expect that he could still see the national treasure when he was in exile. He felt excited when he met his hometown.

"Be careful, it's the earth bear!" Zhuang Hao said.

Qi Shaorong glances at Zhuang Hao. The national treasure is the existence that even Zhuang Hao is afraid of. The national treasure is really powerful.

Left cloud flying hand, a string of dense lightning fell on the earth bear's head.

Qi Shaorong takes left Yunfei's hand and turns his head. Looking at Qi Shaorong, he says, "what are you doing?"

"You are too rude. That guy is so cute. Don't you know how to be gentle?" Qi Shaorong said.

Left cloud flies to be full of discontented way: "your eye has a problem, that round and rolling thing ugliness died, where sprouted, what vision do you have?"

Qi Shaorong: "..." Zuo Yunfei, he really has no vision! Dare to say that the national treasure is not cute, this guy should be drowned by spitting stars.

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"Shaorong, the soil is very fat. Don't take it lightly." Zhuang Hao said, seven series magic flew towards the giant bear.

Qi Shaorong: "I'm sorry." Zhuang Hao, how can he describe the national treasure as the earth fat circle.

+++++++++++++++++++++++++After waiting for a morning in the settlement area, Qi Heng met Qi Shaorong and others who were very busy at noon.

"Young master, are you ok?" Qi Heng asked.

"He's OK. He was scared to see the earth bear. Because he was so scared, we had to retreat ahead of time." Zuo Yunfei said.

"Zuo Yunfei, don't talk nonsense." Qi Shaorong glanced at Zuo Yunfei and said to himself, "Zuo Yunfei is such a cheap guy. Who is so scared?"!

"What's the matter, young master?" Qi Heng asked.

"That holy beast is so cute. These two guys don't know how to pity each other." Qi Shaorong said.

Qi Heng: "..."

"Qi Shao! If Zhuang Hao and I are as loving as you are, we may have already fed the bear. " Zuo Yunfei said.

Qi Shaorong took a look at Zuo Yunfei and said, "OK, you are OK? Stop arguing. "

"Now what? Because that guy is so cute, we can't deal with him? " Asked Zuo Yunfei.

Qi Shaorong rubbed his chin, thought for a moment, and said, "that's not true. We can try our wisdom."

"How to take it out!" Zuo Yunfei asked excitedly.

Qi Shaorong said thoughtfully, "I have to think about this."

Zhuang Hao: "think slowly. You can always find a way..."

Zuo Yunfei: "..."

++++++++++++++++++++++++++Zhuang Hao looked at the wine, frowned and said, "do you think it's useful? Give the earth bear wine? "

"I don't know very well either! But if it's drunk, maybe you can just give it to the contract. " Qi Shaorong's way with flying eyebrows.

Zhuang Hao: "..."

"Anyway, you and Zuo Yunfei have been fighting with that bear for more than a month, but they haven't taken that bear. It's good to try, isn't it?" Asked Qi Shaorong.

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Zhuang Hao smiled dryly and said, "I think so."

Zuo Yunfei leaned against the door and said to Qi Heng, "do you believe it? You young master, unexpectedly want to give that bear wine to drink, he this is in endowment enemy! "

"Young master should have his own reason to do so." Qi Heng's way.

Zuo Yunfei looked at Qiheng and said angrily, "your young master is right to do everything."

Qi Heng nodded and said, "it's true."

Zuo Yunfei: "..."

Qi Heng smiled at Zuo Yunfei and said, "young master is the most resourceful. You will know after a long time."Zuo Yunfei: "..."

Qi Shaorong is an action group. On that day, he found someone to drop thousands of tons of wine into the territory of the earth bear.


"ouch, ouch..."

Zuo Yunfei thought that the earth bear could not drink the wine given by Qi Shaorong. Qi Shaorong was only busy after all. Unexpectedly, Qi Shaorong gave the wine, and the earth bear gave face to drink.

After the earth bear drank wine, he began to be drunk and howled all night.

The rest of the monsters in the jungle are scared to run around. Zuo Yunfei and Zhuang Hao can only save the scene.

"Look at your bad idea." Zuo Yunfei's unhappy way.

Zhuang Hao glanced at Zuo Yunfei and said, "it's not necessarily a bad idea. Shaorong said that as long as the earth bear gets used to the taste of wine, he can add some overpowering drugs to the wine."

Zuo Yunfei turned his white eyes and said, "you should be glad that we emptied all the monsters in this forest in advance. If not, there would be a large-scale animal tide."

Zhuang Hao smiled and said, "isn't it ok now? Don't be alarmist... "

Zuo Yunfei: "..."

Black and white light, looming in the woods.

"Light and dark double magic is Shaorong." Zhuang Hao's way is exciting.

"I feel the breath of Jin magic. Qi Shaorong, this guy, has brought Qi Heng out." Zuo Yunfei said.

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