Qi Shaorong and Zhuang Hao spent half a month in the magic tower, and the city Lord's office was busy preparing for the exploration of the mausoleum of the burning devil.

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Zhuang Hao stayed in the water magic tower and suddenly hit Zhuang Hao on the shoulder with one hand.

Zhuang Hao turned around and took a look at the visitor. It was full of unexpected tunnel: "hailing, why are you here?"

"Liuyun wants to come to Dilan city and have a look. I will accompany him." Hailing road.

"I see!" Zhuang Hao said.

"By the way, I have something for you." Hailing road.

Zhuang Hao held his arms, looked at hailing and said, "Oh, do you want to give me a gift?"

"It's a gift, too." Hailing takes out two red invitations and hands them to Zhuang Hao.

Zhuang Hao looked at the two red envelopes he handed to him, and he felt a little bad in his heart.

Hailing smiled and said: "these are two wedding invitations. One is from Liuyun and I, and the other is from zuoyufei. My wedding with Liuyun is four months later. Zuoyufei and Qiheng's wedding is five months later. Then, you and Qi Shaorong may be busy and need to rush back and forth to attend the wedding."

Zhuang Hao smiled dryly and said, "this is the gift you want to give me?"

Hailing looked at Zhuang Hao's face, but said: "don't look so ugly. You don't know how many people of the Hai nationality want to get the invitation I gave you and Qi Shaorong, but it's the highest standard."

Zhuang Hao: "..."

"Zuo Yunfei and Qi Heng are going to get married, too?" Zhuang Hao muttered.

Hailing nodded and said, "yes! It's said that some people in Zuo's family don't agree with the marriage. However, those who disagree are beaten by Zuo Yunfei. No one is against it. It's true that Zuo Shaoguo is not so good as the rumor says! "

Zhuang Hao: "..."

Hailing, holding her arms, said, "I hope you and Qi Shaorong will get married later, and will not be in the middle of Zuo Yunfei and me."


Hailing looked at Zhuang Hao, smiled and said, "I don't think you are so fast either."

Zhuang Hao: "..."

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Hailing patted Zhuang Hao on the shoulder and said, "my wedding with Liuyun, you must come!"

Zhuang Hao glanced at hailing and said, "I will go."

"By the way, Zuo Yunfei asked me to tell you that if you can't make it to his wedding with Qi Heng, you can't, but you must remember to prepare a big gift for it." Hailing road.

Zhuang Hao said unexpectedly, "that's what he said?"

Hailing nodded and said, "yes!"

Zhuang Hao was stunned for a moment and said: "I didn't see it before. Zuo Yunfei, this guy, is not such a thing!"

Hailing smiled and said, "that guy is not a thing! You can't see it, it just means your eyesight is not good. "

Zhuang Hao: "..."

"By the way, I heard that the Lord of Dylan city invited you to explore the mausoleum of the fire Lord?" Hailing asked.

"How do you know?" Zhuang Hao asked.

"Many places have been spread. Of course, I know. You are very popular everywhere!" Hailing road.

Zhuang Hao smiled and said, "that's nature."


In the tavern.

Qi Shaorong played with the invitation on his hand and said to himself: This is the so-called red bomb! Two came at once, Qi Shaorong suddenly raised a kind of mind, maybe he should also consider the idea of marriage.

"Your marriage with Qiheng is in front and back!"

Bi Liuyun nodded and said, "yes! If the young master wants to, he can also come to help! Young master and Zhuang Shao have been engaged for a while, and they can also get married. "

Qi Shaorong smiled and said, "it's not urgent." He's not old enough to get married and have children. Zhuang Hao is still young!

Bi Liuyun smiled and said: "young master, you are not in a hurry. However, young master Zhuang Hao, I'm afraid you are going to be in a hurry."

Qi Shaorong shrugged and said, "let him go in a hurry."

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Bi Liuyun: "..."

"It's almost time. Zhuang Hao should be coming soon." Qi Shaorong said.

Bi Liuyun nodded and said, "yes!"

"Are you interested in the invitation of the city Lord's residence?" Bi Liuyun road.

Qi Shaorong sighed and said, "I'm interested, but there are so many tomb guards. It's a problem!"

"That's not a problem. The city Lord's government has issued a reward. Every guard who solves a tomb has a reward. Now many mercenaries have gone to deal with the guard. It's hard to deal with the large number of mausoleum guards, but he still has weaknesses. The mausoleum guards have no wisdom, but instinctively snipe people who destroy the mausoleum. It's not difficult to deal with a single one. " Bi Liuyun road.

Qi Shaorong nodded and said, "that's it! How long will it take to clear 300000 guards! "

"About a month." Bi Liuyun road.Qi Shaorong nodded and said, "that's good. Let's talk about it in a month." In a month, it's just enough to make a thorough understanding of the things in the magic tower.

Zhuang Hao and hailing came out, and Bi Liuyun looked at them, and said, "you two are coming together!"

"As soon as I met Zhuang Hao in the water magic tower, I came with him." Hailing road.


Qi Shaorong has been in the magic tower for more than a month. He has a better understanding of light magic and dark magic.

Qi Shaorong walked in the light magic tower and accidentally kicked a man.

Looking at the old man in front of him, Qi Shaorong frowned.

The old man suddenly opened his eyes and glared at Qi Shaorong. Qi Shaorong felt like he was in the snow.

"Qi Shao, let's go." A magician nearby said to Qi Shaorong.

Hearing this, Qi Shaorong quickly stepped back and said, "who is that man?"

"No one knows who he is, but he has been in this tower for hundreds of years." Qi Shaorong's side a strange light Department cultivator advised.

Qi Shaorong stared and said, "for hundreds of years, it doesn't need a lot of money." It takes tens of millions, hundreds of years to stay in this magic tower for a month. Isn't that tens of billions?

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"That's not necessary. This guy stays here and never goes out. There used to be tower watchers who came in and tried to drag him out, but they all beat him up." The green clothes magic cultivator said.

Qi Shaorong blinked, old rascal of different world! "So, this guy is very good."

The magic of Qingyi frowned and said, "it's not very powerful, it's very powerful, but this guy is so strange."

Qi Shaorong doesn't understand: "what's strange?"

"That guy is a dark magician! But stay in the tower of light. "

Qi Shaorong widened his eyes and said, "that's strange enough."

Looking at the old man in black, Qi Shaorong said to himself: is this guy like himself a light and dark magician? He doesn't look like him!

Looking at Qi Shaorong's back, the old man in black suddenly reached out and dragged Qi Shaorong to his side.

"Light and dark double magic practice together, forming a cycle in the body. It can still be like this."

Qi Shaorong was dragged to his side by the old man in black. He couldn't help but feel a little frightened.

Qi Shaorong looked at the eyes of the old man in black, and found that the eyes of the old man in black were like snake eyes. Although the eyes of the old man were a bit like snake eyes, they were more majestic than snake eyes.

Qi Shaorong's heart was pounding. The old man let go of his hand and muttered incessantly. He completely ignored Qi Shaorong's existence.

Qi Shaorong saw that the old man's attention was not on himself and left quickly.


In the tavern.

Zhuang Hao looked at Qi Shaorong and said, "Shaorong, what's wrong with you? No appetite? "

Qi Shaorong smiled awkwardly and said, "the appetite is not good."

"What's the matter?" Zhuang Hao asked.

"On the magic tower of the light system, I met a strange man and was a little scared." Qi Shaorong said.

Zhuang Hao twisted his head and asked, "who did you meet?"

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"A strange man, who is a dark attribute himself, but stays in the magic tower of the light system. It is said that he has been in the magic tower of the light system for hundreds of years, but even if he doesn't pay, no one can stir him up. The man doesn't know if his head asks again." Qi Shaorong said.

Hailing looked up and said, "did you go to the top of the magic tower of the light system?"

Qi Shaorong nodded and said, "yes, hailing, do you know anything? "

" one thing is that the old man may be the dark dark netherworld dragon. It is said that the dark netherworld dragon and the bright magic dragon are the enemies of life and death. Once they meet, there will be a war. A thousand years ago, the dark netherworld Dragon King and the bright magic dragon fought each other. After the war, the dark netherworld dragon and the bright magic dragon disappeared. They are said to have died together. "

"More people believe that these two dragons will not die easily, and guess that they may find a place to heal."

Qi Shaorong turned his eyes and said, "you mean that the guy in the magic tower of the light department is the netherworld dragon?"

Hailing nodded and said, "it's possible!"

"What does the netherworld dragon do in the magic tower of the light system? Don't you think this guy has been hit by the magic dragon of the light department. " Said Bi Liuyun.

Qi Shaorong nodded and said, "I think it's possible, but it's more likely that he knows himself and his enemy. He may feel that he has studied the magic of the light system thoroughly, and he will be more confident in facing the light dragon next time."

Bi Liuyun held his chin and said: "it's the same! However, it's too long for hundreds of years, isn't this guy so patient that he doesn't feel bored? "

"That's the netherworld dragon! It's said that people who have lived for tens of thousands of years will be able to snap their fingers for a few hundred years. " Hailing road.Qi Shaorong tilted his head and said, "I feel a magic power of Light Department in that guy."

"It may be that during the fierce battle, cecia's magic power of light system was integrated into the body of Hagar." Hailing road.

Qi Shaorong: "..."

Qi Shaorong took a deep breath and said, "if you don't say that, how is the tomb of the fire devil?"

"The guard of the mausoleum has almost been cleaned up. The city Lord invited us to go to the city Lord's mansion to talk about it in detail." Zhuang Hao said.

Qi Shaorong held his arms and said, "let's talk about it."

Hailing hesitated for a moment after eating the food. "Master Zhuang, I heard that you have accepted a Holy Earth bear, isn't it true?"

Zhuang Hao nodded and said, "there is such a thing. Shaorong drunk him. I contracted him while he was drunk."

Hailing blinked and said, "even so, it's powerful enough!" Hailing turned to look at Qi Shaorong and said, "Qi Shao, Zhuang Shao, but you are more powerful."

Qi Shaorong smiled implicitly and said, "of course, that is

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