Bi Liuyun and Qi Shaorong are talking about reading here. The door is suddenly pushed open, and Ariel stands at the door full of anger.

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Bi Liuyun looks at the visitor and can't help frowning.

"Bi Liuyun, what kind of charm did you use to confuse Hailing? For you, he even gave up the throne of Hailong! " Asked Ariel, with a straight face.

Bi Liuyun smiled and said: "I don't know! When I come back to God, he has been dead set to me! Maybe I'm the only one to blame for my charm! "

Ariel grins at BI Liuyun. "You will destroy him!"

Bi Liuyun smiled bitterly and said, "in fact, I don't think he is so weak. If he is so weak, he will be destroyed easily. I can give him up!"

"Bi Liuyun, if you really like him, you should leave him!" Said Ariel.

Bi Liuyun looked sideways and said: "I leave him? Then, do you want him with you? Oh, that will make him die. I can't watch him jump into the Kang! "

Ariel looked at BI Liuyun angrily and said, "you..."

Bi Liuyun followed her hair and said, "princess, if you have time to make trouble with me, it's better to go back and think about how to improve your charm."

Ariel: "..."

Ariel was damaged by Bi Liuyun and left angrily.

Qi Shaorong looked at BI Liuyun and said, "are you ok?"

Bi Liuyun smiled and said, "it's OK, small scene, I'm experienced in all kinds of battles!" When he ran luohuaxuan, he met many female tigers who came to plant stubbles! The mermaid princess is also a lady of great family. Compared with those savage guys, she is much worse.

"What's the attitude of the mermaid people towards this marriage?" Asked Qi Shaorong.

"The current Mermaid emperor is very opposed. Those elders often pester me and say that as long as I hand over the trident of the sea king, they will support me to marry Hailing!" Bi Liuyun road.

Qi Shaorong: " You won't promise them! "

Bi Liuyun shrugged and said, "of course not. If I fall on the old guys who don't speak well, I'm too inferior."

Qi Shaorong: "..."


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Hailing opened the door and came in

Zhuang Hao stood up and said, "Congratulations, hailing Shaodong! What a blessing! "

"Thank you very much, Zhuang Shao." Hailing road.

Zhuang Hao looked at hailing, tilted his head, and said: "Luo Shao, you are going to get married. It seems that you haven't dealt with your affair properly. It's not very good!"

Hailing's face changed. Looking back at BI Liuyun, hailing asked, "has Ariel come?"

Bi Liuyun nodded and said, "yes!"

"What did she say?" Hailing frowned.

Bi Liuyun shrugged and said, "you know, it's the same old way."

"The mermaid family is facing a crisis, and this woman is still in constant danger. I don't know what she thinks!" Hailing's dissatisfied way.

Zhuang Hao is puzzled and says: "crisis, what crisis is the mermaid family facing!"

"The mermaid people are adjacent to the sea people's forbidden area, the former Muhai. Most of the monsters in the former Muhai forbidden area are ferocious and have no divinity. There is a natural barrier between the forbidden area and the open sea. In normal times, these monsters can't come out. However, there seems to be something wrong with that barrier recently. It is said that many Mermaid people have been attacked. Several Mermaid tribes have been destroyed. " Hailing road.

"What's the level of the running sea animals?" Zhuang Hao asked.

"It is said that there are several eight grades." Hailing road.

Zhuang Hao looked at hailing and said with some doubts: "only level eight? Isn't it holy? "

Hailing sighed: "no, it's said that one of them is suspected to be level 9, and the rest is level 8. The most beautiful mermaid pageant of the mermaid family has been held in a red fire in recent years, but no powerful mermaid has emerged."

Zhuang Hao was puzzled and said: "the mermaid family is also the royal family of the sea family? The decline is so serious! "

Hailing shook his head and said, "the internal fight is too serious!"


Mermaid palace.

"Back?" Elena meets Ariel.

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Ariel said angrily, "Hailing insists on marrying biliuyun. He won't listen to me."

Elena frowned, and a bad premonition rose in her heart, "how about reinforcements?"

Ariel froze for a moment, and asked for some hesitation, "I forgot!"

"Forget it, how can you forget it?" Irina said with some excitement.

Ariel bit her teeth and said wrongly, "when I used to live in Hailong, I was preparing for the wedding, so I was excited."

Irina sighed and said, "before you go, your mother told you that the first priority of your trip is to ask for help, and the second is to stop the marriage between Bi Liuyun and hailing depending on the situation. How can you forget the business?"Ariel bit her lip and said, "well, if not, I'll go again?"

"I'm afraid it's too late."

Ellie and Irina were speaking here. Several elders rushed in. "Princess, your reinforcements?"

Ariel looked at some elders who were excited. Her face was ugly. "No," she said

"Princess your highness, at the beginning, you have a ticket that you can invite the reinforcements of the dragon clan, we will let you go, have you not brought a reinforcements of the haulong family?" A fish chief is full of reproaches.

Ariel said awkwardly, "the Hailong people are very busy. They can't draw reinforcements for the time being."

, "Your Highness, you said, you will argue." The mermaid elder roared excitedly. The talking Mermaid belongs to the blue tailed Mermaid, and the sea demon in the forbidden area runs out, and the most serious one is the blue tailed Mermaid.

Ariel pursed her lips, a little embarrassed.

"Princess highness, what exactly does the Hai Long clan say? Did they refuse? "

Elle's face changed and changed. The blue tail Mermaid jumped up. "Princess, have you ever been in the rescue of the Hailong people? I heard that you came to the Hailong clan and quarrelled with the couple who were going to marry her. They didn't of vital importance to the life of the mermaid, did they?"

Ariel blushed and said, "the Hailong people are not willing to send troops. I can't help it!"

the mermaid elder is full of indignant way: "I have said that you are not fit to go. Now you have proved that you should not go to the princess. Your highness, you are so unworthy of being a princess."

Ariel said excitedly, "elder, what do you mean?"

"If you go to another place, the Hailong people may send troops. All because of you, you and Hailing's partner quarrel, the sea clan just refuses to send troops! " The blue tailed mermaid's face was ferocious. He didn't give Ariel any face.

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"Elder blue, you are too much!" Elena is not happy to stop the blue tailed Mermaid.

"queen, I asked a few guardians. After her royal highness came to Hailong, she only tried to dissuade hailing from marrying Bi Liu Yun." Another elder said.

Irina's face darkened. Ariel said excitedly, "well, we don't have to rely on the Hailong people. We can rely on ourselves. There's no need to see the Hailong people's face!"

Irina could not help but stop Ariel's mouth. The elders immediately grabbed her and took a verbal attack.


Although there were not many guests invited for the wedding of biliuyun and hailing, Haifu still made full use of his mind to decorate the palace in a beautiful way.

The wedding of Haizu is very simple.

The first part is the reception of the play. The new people receive the gifts from the guests. Thank you to the guests in turn.

"There are 18 pairs of night pearls from Antarctica sent by my predecessors from Haidong. I wish hailing and bilingun a happy future."

"Master Hai Lan sent us a hundred volumes of dazzle shadow Shasha. I wish hailing and bilianyun a long life together."

"Master Haili, I've sent you a set of abyss iron battle armour. I wish you two a very early birth."


The guests who were named in the ceremony paid homage to the newcomer and the rest of the guests.

Qi Shaorong held his arms and stood on one side, looking at hailing and biliuyun enviously. He said to himself, "no wonder some people say marriage is a happy thing. So many gifts make you rich as soon as you get married.".

"It's all big money!" Qi Shaorong said.

Zhuang Hao smiled and said, "no big money!"

"Qi Shaorong and Zhuang Hao sent thousands of Jin of fire crystals to wish you all the best."

Qi Shaorong noticed that as soon as the gift came out, the people around him all looked towards him.

Qi Shaorong received the attention of the public with a smile.

"Qi Shao, how generous you are!" Hailan walked towards Qi Shaorong.

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Qi Shaorong smiled and said: it's OK, senior Hai Lan is flattered. "

"They match very well, don't they?" Asked Helan.

Qi Shaorong nodded, smiled and said, "yes!"

Hai Lan's eyes turned to Zhuang Hao on one side. "It's said that Zhuang Shao has been promoted to the saint level. It's amazing."

Zhuang Hao smiled and said, "it's OK."

A guard came over and whispered to Helan.

Qi Shaorong looked at Hai Lan and said, "what's the matter?"

"It's no big deal. The mermaid family is attacked by the sea animals outside the forbidden area. Princess Ariel came here to move the soldiers. However, when the girl came, she forgot her business and just pestered Hailing." Highland Road.

"What's the matter now?" Asked Qi Shaorong.

"It seems that things are out of control. The mermaid family sent someone else to ask for help." Highland Road.

Qi Shaorong frowned and said, "now come for help?"

Hailan nodded and said, "yes! I'll take care of it. "Qi Shaorong smiled and said, "OK..."

After a group of guests have given their presents, the second part is dancing.

New people dance, and then the guests step onto the dance floor.

The third part is the legendary feast of 360 sea people.

Zuo Yunfei looked at the food in the plate, frowned, and said, "all the food of the sea people is fish!"

Qi Heng nodded and said, "yes!"

"Bi Liuyun is miserable. I have to eat fish every day!" Zuo Yunfei said.

Qi Heng shook his head and said: "not necessarily! Hailing should not inherit the throne of Hailong people, so that he can go ashore with Liuyun. "

"Oh, hailing is a cunning guy. If you marry a mixed race, you will get rid of the fate of eating fish. This guy has an impure heart for bilianyun!" Zuo Yunfei said.

Qi Heng: "..."

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