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Qi Shaofu looked at the invitation in his hand and said, "Zhuang Hao and his fourth brother have been struggling for so long, and finally they are going to get married."

Qi Shaofu thought to himself: the matter between Zhuang Hao and his fourth brother is settled. Shen Yuan may be really relieved.

"What does Zhuang Hao mean? The invitation to us is actually an ordinary invitation. I heard that Yi Fan got the VIP invitation. It's clear that we are Qi Shaorong's relatives! " Qi Shaoru is full of displeasure.

Qi Shaofu gave a wry smile and said: the invitation was sent by Zhuang Hao. Be content. If it is sent by Shaorong, it can't be done well. Qi family can't even receive the ordinary invitation! "

Qi Shaoru: "..."

Qi Shaofu takes a deep breath. Zhuang Hao has been promoted to the saint level, and Qi Shaorong's identity has also risen with the tide.

Today's Qi family is not a threat to Qi Shaorong.

Qi Shaoru said stiffly, "it's said that Zhuang Hao invited many people from other countries!"

Qi Shaofu nodded and said, "yes! It's said that Zhuang Hao invited Zuojia people, Haizu people, shangmeng people, and ELF people. It's said that when Zhuang Hao was in Dilan City, he also got to know several level-9 experts

... " On this day, the tavern of the imperial capital was full, and the tavern was completely covered by all kinds of distinguished guests.

Qi Shaoru frowned and said, "will all those people come?"

Qi Shaofu shook his head and said, "I don't know! Most of them will come. "

Qi Shaofu took a breath and said to himself: Qi's family is a little influential for the reason. Many of the people Qi Shaorong met were people who could shake their feet and make the original country tremble three times!


Yi Fan looks at Qi Shaorong and says, "young master, do you think this dress is OK? Do you want to change it again? "

Qi Shaorong waved his hand and said, "no, that's all. I'm gorgeous. I look good in everything!"

Yi Fan: "..."

Looking at Qi Shaorong, mu Tingxuan said: "young master, so excellent, when you cut your throat, people at the wedding will be jealous of Zhuang Shao, and they want to cut Zhuang Shao a thousand times!"

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Qi Shaorong smiled and said, "that's all right, but Zhuang Hao is more famous than me. When I think about it, I'm jealous of me and there are more people who want to cut me to pieces!"

Mutingxuan: "..."

"Zhuang Shao invited a lot of people!" Yifan road.

Qi Shaorong nodded and said, "that guy doesn't know if he has a brain problem. Please all the people he knows."

"If there's anything wrong with the wedding, that guy will be in a mess!" Yifan road.

Mu Tingxuan glanced at Yi Fan and said, "what can happen to the wedding?"

"Ah! That's more. For example, Zhuang Hao is drunk and vomits all over his body! " Yifan road.

Mouting Xuan side of the head, said: "Zhuang little, it should not be so easy to get drunk."

Yi Fan shrugged and said, "who knows? I'm just making an analogy. Maybe the young master is drunk and the spitting villa is full of people!"

A earth bear, holding a male's gift, came in.

Looking at the earth bear, mu Tingxuan smiled and said, "for the wedding, Zhuang Shao has transferred this big guy here!"

Qi Shaorong nodded and said, "yes! Zhuang Hao felt that he would be very proud to have such a bear in the earth. "

"It's a real face." When the earth bear was brought back by Zhuang Hao, I didn't know how many people were attracted to watch.

Such a large holy beast was swinging around the imperial city. At first, it scared many people to death.

"Young master, is this earth bear holy?" Asked mu Tingxuan.

Qi Shaorong nodded and said, "yes."

"However, I haven't seen it turn into a human shape!" said Mu Tingxuan

Holy level monsters can be transformed into human form, because the earth bear never transforms into human form, so many people in the imperial capital doubt whether the earth bear's level is holy. However, no one denies the power of the earth bear.

"He's shy and doesn't like to be human." Qi Shaorong said.

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The earth bear turns into a human shape. He is a fat and white man. In particular, a circle of black circles around his eyes can't be removed. The earth bear thinks it's ugly, so he rarely turns into a human shape.

Mu Tingxuan nodded and said, "that's it!"


Tang Tianfeng looked at the invitation in his hand, frowned, and said, "Qi Shaorong and Zhuang Hao are finally getting married!"

Shen man smiled and said, "yes!" After such a big round, Zhuang Hao is finally going to marry master Qi!

"It's said that Zhuang Wu attached great importance to the wedding and was busy all day." Tang Tiandao 0

"can Zhuang Hao not? He chased Qi Shaorong for so long that Qi Shaoyu finally let go. " Shen man danced.

Tang Tianfeng lowers his head. His father is always afraid of Zhuang Hao, and Zhuang Hao has always avoided being too sharp. However, this wedding is not the same.

Zhuang Hao didn't have any scruples. He invited guests from all over the world. Even the earth bear was transferred back.Zhuang Hao didn't know what to think. He let the earth bear go out to purchase materials. Those merchants were almost scared to be stupid.

The father received several reports from the captain of the city guard, but he was helpless. No one can restrain Zhuang Hao's current strength.

Originally, the four families were equally famous and controlled each other. Now, the influence of the dealer has far surpassed the other three.

"It seems that there are many strange people in the imperial city." Shen man danced.

Tang Tianfeng nodded and said: "of course, it's said that Yoda, the Night Walker of the Hai nationality, the elder of the trade union, and the fairy princess have joined in..." Because of the arrival of these people, many people rushed to see the bustle.

Shen man narrowed his eyes and said, "Zhuang Hao is very popular!"

Tang Tianfeng smiled bitterly and said, "can't you?" If he is less than 20 years old, he will have a promising future. If he has the ability of Zhuang Hao, even if he has more excellent brothers, he will not worry about his father's not giving him the throne.

Qi Shaoru and Qi Shaoxuan are walking on the street. Qi Shaoxuan can't live looking around.

"What are you looking at?" Qi Shaoru asked.

"Elves! Recently, there have been many elves in Haojia. It's said that the elves are beautiful. It's true! Qi Shaoxuan is very interested.

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Qi Shaoru turned her white eyes and said, "Qi Shaorong wants to get married and brings in all kinds of ghosts and gods."

"Look, elder sister, the earth's evil bear! It is said that the earth bear is holy, but he is very kind. " Qi Shaoxuan looked at the counter, whining at the earth bear way of purchasing materials.

Zhuang Qian stands in front of the counter, appeasing the earth bear while bargaining with the shopkeeper.

Qi Shaoru's eyes flashed a little strange, "Zhuang Hao is fierce!"

If you are holy, you have contracted a holy monster. If you are against Zhuang Hao, you are equal to two holy levels.

"Eh, is that Qi Heng? He's back! " Qi Shaoxuan was surprised.

Qi Shaoru looks at the past in the direction Qi Shaoxuan points to. Qi Heng and Zuo Yunfei are walking in the street. They are talking and laughing, and the atmosphere is very good.

"It's said that Qi Heng and Zuo Yunfei are getting married less. Their feelings look good!" Qi Shaoxuan said.

Qi Shaoru hummed, and said stiffly, "Qi Heng is lucky!"


"Zhuang Shao, what a blessing."

Zhuang Hao was in the process of purchasing materials. Turning around, he saw the figure of crane, the temple of Kalan.

"Why did the temple master come?" Zhuang Hao asked.

"If the temple of Kalan wants to build a branch in the original country, I will come." Said crane.

In the original country, it was not necessary for Corean to set up the branch temple. However, the high-level of the Karan Temple weighed it and thought that Zhuang Hao should not be offended. There was some conflict between the two sides before, so Corean came to eliminate the conflict.

"I see. I wonder if the temple master would like to attend my wedding." Zhuang Haoman asked enthusiastically.

"It depends on whether you invite me, Master Zhuang?" Said crane.

Zhuang Hao smiled and said, "the Lord of the temple is so kind and selfless. He has taught me for more than 20 days. Why don't I invite you?"

Cohen: "..."

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Qi Shaokang and Shen Yuan walk in the street, just to see Zhuang Hao and crane talking and laughing.

Qi Shaokang looked at Shen Yuan and said in a puzzled way, "don't you say that crane and Zhuang Hao are very stiff?"

Shen Yuan frowned and said, "this is the news I got." He got the news that Zhuang Hao picked up several people in the Jialan temple. In order to get ahead of the people in the temple, crane fought with Zhuang Hao for half a month. No one on both sides allowed him to fight.

Qi Shaokang smiled and said, "it seems that they have turned their swords into silk." When the strength reaches the level of Zhuang Hao and crane, it's usually the enemy who should not be reconciled. Crane probably found that Zhuang Hao was not easy to be offended, so he took the initiative to give up.

"The temple leader of the Qilan temple, the elder of the commercial alliance, and the Night Walker of the Hai nationality Zhuang Hao's marriage has brought a lot of saints. " Shen Yuandao.

Qi Shaokang smiled and said, "yes!" Zhuang Hao invited too many big people to get married this time. The Qi family can't even rank!

Shen Yuan looks at the two people coming face to face, and some accidents flash in his heart.

"Isn't that Qi Heng and Zuo Yunfei? I'm going to say hello. Are you going to Shaokang? " Shen Yuan looks at Qi Shaokang and asks.

Qi Shaokang reluctantly smiled and said, "go." Facing Qi Heng, Qi Shaokang's mood is a little complicated.

Qi Heng was just a servant beside Qi Shaorong. Unfortunately, he married the genius of Zuo family. In the eyes of outsiders, Qi Heng's status is more honorable than his master. As far as he knows, Shaoru is jealous of Qi Heng.

"Qiheng, come back!" Shen Yuan said.

Qi Heng nodded and said, "yes! If the young master wants to get married, I will come back naturally. "

"Congratulations to Qiheng for getting married with Zuo Shaoxi!" Qi Shaokang said.Qi Heng shrugged and said, "thank you, Master Kang!"

Zuo Yunfei holds his arms and looks at Shen Yuan and Qi Shaokang lightly.

Shen Yuan looked at Qi Heng's hand and said, "Heng Shao, are you helping to purchase materials?"

Qi Heng smiled and said, "yes, I didn't buy anything. Zhuang Hao has bought most of the things!

"Zhuang Hao, it seems very excited!" Shen Yuandao.

Qi Heng smiled and said, "I can see it!"

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