Zhuang Hao came in, looked at cecia, and said, "master, you'd better have a good rest when you are recovering from a serious illness."

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"And Hagar?" Cecia asked coldly.

"He's out." Zhuang Hao said.

Cecia snorted and turned away.

When Qi Shaorong saw cecia turn around and leave, he couldn't help but breathe a sigh of relief.

"Scared to death, I thought that guy would come and pinch me on the neck." Qi Shaorong is relieved.

"He may think so, but he can't do it." Zhuang Hao said.

Qi Shaorong man is puzzled: "why?"

"Hagar has sealed his power." Zhuang Hao said.

Qi Shaorong widened his eyes and said, "that's it!"

Scared to death, it turned out to be a tiger with no teeth. He thought originally that black Jia was an idiot dragon. Now he looks at mining. Black Jia is a treacherous dragon. Anyway, it's a dragon that has lived for thousands of years. It's impossible to raise a dragon to suffer. It's a way to die!

Think about it carefully. If cecia didn't wake up suddenly, maybe HEGA would have taken protective measures in advance.

"Here comes the fourth prince!" Zhuang Hao looks at Tang Tianying's way.

Tang Tianying said to Zhuang Hao, "ah Hao, the guests you brought back are not easy to provoke!"

Zhuang Hao reluctantly smiled and said, "yes! Fourth prince, don't worry. I will try my best to keep things under control. "

Tang Tianying grabbed Zhuang Hao's hand and said excitedly, "please a Hao for everything."


In the evening, Hagar returned to Zhuang Hao's residence.

"And he?" Asked Hagar.

"I'm awake, in the room." Qi Shaorong said.

Hagar didn't ask much, and went straight into the room.

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After heijia walked into the room for a while, Qi Shaorong heard a sound of ping-pong. Qi Shaorong said to himself: if Guangming dragon has no magic power, he can only learn from ordinary people and drop glasses and bottles

Qi Shaorong looked at Zhuang Hao and said, "there's nothing special in the room, right?"

Zhuang Hao frowned and said, "there are some antiques!"

Qi Shaorong glanced at Zhuang Hao displeased and said, "you are too wasteful. How can you put the antiques around? Next time, remember to replace them with fakes."

Zhuang Hao nodded and said, "OK."

When Hagar came out, his face was painted again.

"Senior, are you ok?" Qi Shaorong looks at heijia and asks.

Black adds light way: "it's OK, he just sober up, mood is a little excited."

Qi Shaorong looked at heijia's expression and said to himself: Youming dragon has lived for thousands of years. He has a thick skin. With such a face, he still looks like Mount Tai collapsing in front of him.

"Senior, this is the imperial capital. There are many civilians. If you fight here, many people will die." Qi Shaorong said.

Hagar smiled and said, "we won't fight all the time. We have a very good relationship."

Qi Shaorong: " "Master, are you really good at opening your eyes and telling lies like this?


Heijia always runs out in the daytime, and doesn't know what he is busy with. When he comes back, he will always go to see Guangming dragon. Then the house is banging and banging until late.

Qi Shaorong and Zhuang Hao can hear the dispute between them from a long distance. Cecia scolds heiga for being nothing. Heiga says he didn't do it. Cecia misunderstands.

They scolded and scolded each other, and then suspected that Go to bed.

One morning.

When Qi Shaorong went to another hospital, he saw the panda drilling in the fire ring.

The chubby panda, jumping from the fire circle twice at a time, has a face full of pain.

Qi Shaorong looks at the pitiful panda who has been tossed. His heart flashes with sympathy.

"What are you doing, elder?" Qi Shaorong went to cecia and asked.

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"This earth bear is a little fat. I'm training him to lose weight." Cecia said.

Although cecia was imprisoned in mana, her own pressure was still there.

Under the pressure of the bright dragon, the earth bear can only listen to cecia.

Qi Shaorong thought that Zhuang Hao and Zuo Yunfei had asked the national treasure to help with the mining, which was too much. Now he found that there is no excess, only more excess. The guy of cecia actually asked the national treasure to drill the fire circle, which is the national treasure!

Seeing Qi Shaorong, the earth bear hid behind Qi Shaorong.

Cecia is full of discontented looking at the earth bear hiding behind Qi Shaorong, saying: "nothing."

Looking at cecia, Qi Shaorong said with some difficulty, "elder, why do you have to live with a panda?"

"Don't you want me to go with you?" Cecia asked coldly.

Qi Shaorong: "..."

"Elder, you have a bad relationship with elder Hejia. You should not be angry with others." Qi Shaorong said."Because of you! If it wasn't for you, how could he... " The way of cecia's anger.

Qi Shaorong smiled awkwardly and said, "aren't you lovers? You've done that for a long time. In fact, it's nothing. "

"Bastard." Cecia angrily scolded and rushed to Qi Shaorong, who quickly hid.

The mana was imprisoned, which made cecia's movement slow down a lot.

Cecia's eyes are sharp at the earth bear behind Qi Shaorong. The earth bear suddenly shivers.

"A worthless thing." Cecia gave an unpleasant shout.

The earth bear shrunk its head without a sound.

"I don't know how holy animals hide behind human beings."

Qi Shaorong smiles. The pressure on cecia is fatal to evil and good, but it's also good for Qi Shaorong.

Qi Shaorong and cecia face each other silently, and Zhuang Qianxing rushes in.

"Brother Shaorong." Zhuang Qian gave a warm greeting.

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"Why are you here?" Asked Qi Shaorong.

"I'm worried about you! Before, I went out to look for you. I heard that you came back, and I came back too. People in Huangdu said that you left my brother and eloped with others. " Zhuang Qian said.

Qi Shaorong: " "It's possible for him to leave Zhuang Hao, but it's impossible to elope with Youming dragon. That old black dragon is not a good thing at first sight. Even if he wants to elope with someone, he won't choose that old black dragon.

Qi Shaorong waved and said, "you can't look down on your brother like this. Do you think your brother is not attractive?"

Zhuang Qian smiled and said, "I don't think my brother has no charm, but Qi Shao has too much charm."

Qi Shaorong pinched Zhuang Qian's face and said, "boy, you can talk!"

Zhuang Qianman smiled awkwardly.

Cecia looked at Zhuang Qian and said, "who are you! I don't think it's good to mix with such a quack. "

Zhuang Qian smiled awkwardly, without a word.

Qi Shaorong: "..."

Qi Shaorong looked at the people who came in unexpectedly. "Hailing, why are you here?"

Hailing shrugged his shoulders and said, "Liuyun heard that you eloped with someone. Zhuang Hao has caught the adulterer back with you again. It's a little uneasy."

Bi Liuyun stared at hailing and said, "what are you talking about?"

"That's what's going on outside." Hailing has some grievances.

Qi Shaorong frowned. He had heard that the rumours about his disappearance from the emperor's capital were a bit off the mark, but he didn't expect to be so.

Bi Liuyun glared at hailing, turned to look at Qi Shaorong, and said: "young master, don't listen to Hailing nonsense, this guy has nothing to stop."

Qi Shaorong shrugged and said, "it doesn't matter."

Bi Liuyun looked at Qi Shaorong for a few eyes, and said mysteriously: "young master, so, those two elders..."

Qi Shaorong nodded and said, "those two predecessors are here."

"Qi Shao, you are so angry." Hailing road.

Qi Shaorong looked at hailing puzzledly and asked, "is it really good? How to say it! "

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Hailing smiled and said: "Qi Shao doesn't know how many people dream of meeting two people once, but it's impossible to see each other!"

Qi Shaorong: "..." This kind of legend, see one side is enough, see more, easy to destroy two bright and great image.

"If you want to see two elders in Hailing, you'd better stay for a few days. If you're angry, you can see a fight between them..." Qi Shaorong said.

Hailing: "..."


Fourth Prince's mansion.

"Second brother. Why are you here? " Tang Tianying was surprised to see Tang Tianfeng, because Tang Tianying and the rest of his brothers were not very close.

"Do you know that Zhuang Hao brought two people back?" Tang Tianfeng asked.

Tang Tianying nodded and said, "I know."

"Those two people are likely to be the two who caused the war in the city of Dylan, that is, the ghost dragon and the bright Dragon King." Temple air way.

Tang Tianying nodded and said with a wry smile, "I know. "

" how could Zhuang Hao bring these two people back? " Tang Tianfeng couldn't help saying.

Tang Tianying took a deep breath and said, "I don't think Zhuang Hao wants to bring those two people here, but he has no choice."

Tang Tianfeng closed his eyes, and his heart was red. The original country was not a big country, but it attracted too much attention during this period. Before Zhuang Hao's wedding, it caused quite a stir. Now, the bright dragon and the netherworld dragon actually stay in Zhuang Hao's other courtyard.

Those two dragons are not good at fault. Zhuang Hao brought them back. What does Zhuang Hao want to do!

Tang Tianfeng purses his lips. Zhuang Hao and Qi Shaorong have far more contacts and strength than the royal family of the original country. Now the father can only choose to make friends with them."Our original country is a small temple, but we can't hold these two great Buddhas!" Tang Tianfeng.

Tang Tianying nodded and said, "I know, but..." If we have to rush, how can we rush!

"Zhuang Hao, is the relationship with those two dragons very good?" Tang Tianfeng asked.

Tang Tianying shook her head and said, "I'm not sure about that. However, shortly after Zhuang Hao's marriage, Youming dragon took Qi Shaorong away without greeting. It's better to have a good relationship with him without cutting his throat."

Tang Tianfeng nodded and said, "that's it!"

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