Whew, a hawk was shot down from the sky.

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Cindoraemon gave a cheering cry and ran towards the place where the eagle had fallen.

Fred could not help but play with the bow in his hand and said, "it's very useful."

Qi Shaorong's opponent is always generous. After Fred said to follow him, Qi Shaorong gave Fred a heavy bow. Most of the bows made by the elves are light and light, but only a black wood bow and arrow are very heavy. It's hard to hold them.

Qi Shaorong thought that the bow and arrow were redundant, but he didn't expect that the big savage could not let go of the bow and arrow. Looking at the bow and arrow, he looked like a peerless beauty.

"Brother, you are so good!" Hindley came dragging a huge flying eagle.

Fred bowed to Qi Shaorong and said, "it's not me, it's bows and arrows."

Qi Shaorong waved and said, "it's nothing. No one here makes bows and arrows?"

"Yes! However, there is no such a good bow and arrow. " Xinduolei's eyes are shining.

Qi Shaorong smiled and said, "that's it!"

Hindley looked at the sky, full of heroic way: "these guys with long wings are very difficult to wrap. They like to fly down to catch females to eat in ordinary days. People in the tribe are very troubled. However, with this bow, we don't need to be afraid."

Qi Shaorong looks at xinduolei, who is in a good mood.

"Where are we going?" Qi Shaorong looked at Fred and said.

Fred said apologetically, "find a place and settle down for a while. It may be dangerous."

Fred frowned. Qi Shaorong and others were outsiders with a few people. Fred was not good enough to join other tribes. Most of the places with rich water and grass were occupied by the tribes. Fred thought about it and decided to take some people to shanyingling.

There are many Eagles living in the Mountain Eagle mountain. The female is the favorite food of the eagles. The soldiers can't fly and usually can't catch up with these winged guys. Therefore, the place where the eagles gather is usually the place where the tribe can't avoid.

From xinduolei, Qi Shaorong knows that the Shenxue people like to drink beast blood and draw strength from it.

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The Shenxue people call women females. There are more males than females, but only a quarter of them are females. Females are rare and rare. As a result, females have a very high status and are chased by many males.

Most of the males can only fight single, and many of them choose to pair up with the males. It's difficult for them to have offspring, but it's not impossible. There is a kind of fruit combination in this world. If we take the fruit and raise it with the blood of both sides for one month, we can have a child.

However, there are few mixed fruits and it is very dangerous to get them. Therefore, people in this world can only marry females if they want to inherit their families.

Zhuang Hao and others lived in Shanying mountain.


Qi Shaorong looks at the bowl Zhuang Hao handed over and frowns.

Zhuang Hao's brow didn't jump. He drank all the blood in the bowl.

Qi Shaorong looked at Zhuang Hao and said, "you like drinking blood!"

Qi Shaorong also drank blood, but he was not used to it.

Zhuang Hao smiled and said, "just get used to it."

Qi Shaorong took a deep breath. He had no appetite for the thick blood. "I don't know if I can make this blood into blood tofu."

Zhuang Hao smiled and said, "study slowly. You stay here with mu Tingxuan. I, Yi Fan and Fred will go out for a walk."

Qi Shaorong frowned and said, "go out again!"

Zhuang Hao nodded and said, "yes!"

Qi Shaorong looked at Zhuang Hao and said, "be careful!"

Zhuang Hao nodded, smiled and said, "OK."

Qi Shaorong looks at Zhuang Hao's figure and hooks the corners of his mouth. Zhuang Hao's adaptability is very strong. After arriving here, his physique quickly follows him.

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Fred and Zhuang Hao are walking on the road one by one. Fred looks at Zhuang Hao and says, "you are very strong. I heard that the people of different nationalities living here are very weak. You seem to be different. You are a master in your place."

Zhuang Hao smiled and said, "yes! I'm pretty good with us. "

Yi Fan glanced at Zhuang Hao and said, "Zhuang Hao is not only powerful in the magic world.".

Hindley smiled and showed his white teeth. "It's a pity that you have arrived here. Here you are a rookie! My brother can beat you with one hand. "

Zhuang Hao smiled dryly and said to himself: after Fred got well, Hindley became more active and needed a lot of beating.

"Don't mind that my brother always speaks with his mouth open," Fred said awkwardly

Zhuang Hao smiled nonchalantly and said, "it doesn't matter."

"Your strength is improving very fast." Fred said.Zhuang Hao smiled and murmured, "I can only protect him if I have my own strength!"

"Is your doctor your companion?" Asked Hindley.

Zhuang Hao nodded and said, "yes!"

Cindolei was puzzled and said, "doctor, you are so thin and weak. How can you catch up with doctor?"

Zhuang Hao smiled and said, "with my charm!"

The Shenxue family is beautiful for its strength. The soldiers Zhuang Hao met are almost muscular men with big physique. The Shenxue family also has soldiers like him. But cindore said that those who look like him mostly have no strength and can't fight the prey. Most of them will be paired with the warriors in the tribe and lie in other people's hands.

For the first time, Zhuang Hao heard half jokingly that he wanted to give xinduolei a blow when he was supposed to marry someone like this.

"That flying eagle, there are people on its feet!" Zhuang Hao looks at the mountain Hawk Road flying from afar.

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Fred quickly drew his bow and shot through the eagle's chest.

The people on the foot of the Mountain Eagle fell down quickly.

Fred ran quickly and caught the man who fell.


Fred saw the face of the man in his hand, and his heart flashed a little bored. Fred left the man aside. Mill's shoulder was scratched, and his blood overflowed. He looked very pitiful.

"Why are you here?" Fred said.

"Mill Leng for a while, way:" I was caught by mountain hawk

"You're in the purple grove again?" Fred said.

Xin duolei snorted dully, and there was some contempt in her eyes.

The purple fruit forest is far away from the tribe. There is a kind of purple fruit growing in the purple fruit forest. Many females in the tribe like it. However, most females only occasionally let their partners pick it for a tooth offering, but mill is not so.

Mill likes to eat purple fruit. No matter how tired my brother is after hunting, he yells for it. My brother has to pick it. Several times when my brother didn't go, mill ran away.

The mountain hawk also likes eating purple fruit. It's easy to meet the mountain hawk in the purple fruit forest. Once mill stole away, Fred had to find it.

"Jesse, isn't he with you?" Asked Fred.

Mill pursed his lips and said angrily, "he Very busy. "

Mill felt wronged, and Jesse was obedient to her at first. However, over time, mill found that Jesse was far less considerate than Fred, and Jesse's ability was not as good as Fred's.

Fred frowned and said, "it's going to be winter soon. Everyone has to prepare for the winter. Don't make any trouble. Cindory, send her back to the tribe."

Cindolei was a little flustered. He pointed to himself with his finger. He said gloomily, "I'll go!"

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Fred nodded and said, "yes."

"All right," said cindolei

"Don't you send me, Fred?" said mill, discontented

Fred frowned and said, "no, I don't think it's appropriate for you. It's not good that Jesse misunderstood you."

Hindley looked at mill and said, "yes! You are engaged to Jesse. Jesse is not like my brother. Let him know that you are not involved with my brother. He will get angry. "

Mill frowned and looked at Fred unwillingly. "Fred, since you are cured, come back to the tribe with me. You are the warrior of the tribe. Go back to the tribe, and the tribe will still have your place. For you, I can refuse Jesse."

Fred's brow grew tighter and tighter. "Jesse likes you very much. Now that you choose him, you'd better not change again."

Fred clenched his fist. He didn't want to go back to the tribe. He was ill at the meeting. The sacrifice had said that he was possessed by evil spirits. There was no other way but to burn him. The disrespect had been closed and could not be easily eliminated. If he went back to the tribe, the sacrifice would not like him, and he would also resent the sacrifice.

Sacrifice is the authority of the tribe. Fred doesn't want to live in the shadow of sacrifice. What's more, he has promised Qi Shaorong to follow him.

Mill said sadly, "are you blaming me?"

Fred frowned and said, "you worry too much. Jesse is excellent. You are right to choose him." Fred looked at Hindley impatiently and said, "Hindley, go quickly."

Hindley puffed up his cheeks and said, "mill, come with me."

Miler looks at Fred reluctantly, and Hindley has to reach for her.

When mill saw that Fred was unmoved, he had to bite his teeth and follow Hindley.

Looking at the people in front of him, Hindley was a little bored. Hindley didn't like mill very much. He always felt that mill was too delicate. Although the females in the tribe were capricious, there were few unreasonable demands like mill.

Hindley still remembers that in last winter, mill quarreled to eat snow melting beast. Snow melting beast has little meat, is good at avoiding, and is extremely difficult to catch. In winter, prey will become extremely bloodthirsty. Most of the warriors in the tribe will not choose to go out.Last year, my brother was so upset by mill that he had to go out to find Xuerong beast. When he came back, he was seriously injured. Mill didn't even have a word of comfort. He took Xuerong beast and went to show it off to other females in the tribe.

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