"Raymond and SISAR are trapped in the Eagle Ridge." Xinya road.

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Fred frowned and said, "what's the matter? What are they doing at Eagle Ridge? "

"The two of them went to find the herb for sacrifice. Although the herb was found, it was the thing that the flying eagle guards in the Flying Eagle mountain. They hid in the cave. Because the cave entrance is narrow and the flying eagle can't enter, so they are OK for the time being, but they can't say for a long time."

Fred's face changed when he heard that Raymond was also trapped in Eagle Ridge.

After Fred's illness, he saw the whole world. Raymond was the only one who showed his kindness to his brother after his illness. Fred was grateful to Raymond.

"Why did the sacrifice ask people to go to Feiying mountain to find herbs? That place is so dangerous." Asked Fred unhappily.

Xin Ya frowned and said, "there is always a reason for sacrifice."

Xin Ya lowered her head and sighed in her heart.

The prescription to cure the tribal disease comes from the external doctors, which makes the worship prestige of the flying tiger tribe lose greatly. There are only three totem warriors in the tribe. Fred leaves, which weakens many of the cutting-edge forces in the tribe. The sacrifice is eager to change the status quo.

Fred bit his teeth and said, "let's go and get the people out first."

"Thank you very much," said Xinya

Fred glanced at the bow in Jesse's hand and said in some confusion, "the heavy bow of GADA?"

Xin Ya nodded and said, "yes, GADA doesn't need it, so we borrowed it. There are two eagles guarding the cave entrance. If one of them is injured, the other will go mad. Then it will be up to you and Jesse's."

Fred killed a lot of flying eagles in this period of time. He nodded lightly and said, "OK."

Xin Ya takes a look at Jesse, and her eyes turn. Fred and Jesse were good friends, but when she looks at them, she thinks the atmosphere between them is strange.

"Let's go." Xinya road.

As soon as several people left, Zhuang Hao came out of the jungle. "Your brother is following the tribe!"

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"These people are really annoying, my brother has left the tribe, these guys are in trouble, or come to my brother, what is my brother?"

Zhuang Hao frowned and said, "your brother will not go back to the tribe." There are three totem warriors in the flying tiger tribe, one is the clan leader, the other is an old clan, and Fred is the youngest. It can be said that the future is limitless.

Cindolei frowned and said, "I don't think so."

Cindolei sipped his lips. He was very satisfied with his current life. In fact, cindolei didn't like the tribe very much. His father and Fred were once the best of the tribe. They were expected to become the clan leader, but they were injured in an animal attack.

Xinduolei always had doubts about his father's sadness, because his father was only slightly injured at that time. After the treatment of sacrifice, his condition deteriorated rapidly.

Over the years in the tribe, my brother has made a lot of contributions, but he has received very little.

Zhuang Hao narrowed his eyes and said, "your brother is gone. Let's go back earlier."

Hindley nodded and said, "OK."

"Why did you come back so early?" Qi Shaorong looks at Zhuang Hao and others and asks.

Zhuang Hao nodded and said, "Fred has been abducted. I will come back first." Zhuang Hao and others have limited knowledge of the world, and Fred dare not rush into it after he leaves.

Qi Shaorong took a look at Hindley and said, "your brother has been abducted. Who abducted your brother?"

"Jessie's men."

Qi Shaorong was puzzled. "Jesse? I thought the tribe sent beautiful females to abduct your brother. "

Hindley smiled awkwardly and said, "master, it's not what you think."

Qi Shaorong waved and said, "OK, you don't have to say, I understand."


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When Fred and others reached the cliff edge of the Eagle Ridge, they saw two huge black eagles, guarding the cave edge on the cliff, making a constant sound of intimidation. The eagle's claws were very sharp at a glance.

Fred saw a flying eagle, holding a snake on his feet, and threw it into the cave.

Seeing this, Fred couldn't help but be stunned. Xin Ya frowned and said, "we're going to move quickly. I didn't expect that this flat haired animal was so cunning that he would catch a snake and throw it into the cave."

Fred drew his bow and took the arrow. The long arrow, like streamer, hit a big black hawk.

Although Jesse is not a totem warrior, he always has the idea of fighting with Fred. When he saw Fred's bow and arrow, Jesse also pulled the bow.

Two bows and arrows almost shot out at the same time. Fred's arrow hit the throat of the larger black hawk, but Jesse's arrow was dodged by the Black Hawk.

Two people a shot, high down the sentence, see the arrow lost, Jesse again bow, still lost.

Fred didn't want to shoot the second eagle. He was afraid that Jesse would rob him. However, seeing that Jesse could not attack for a long time, the surviving Black Eagle showed signs of madness. He drew his bow again, one arrow pierced half of the wings of the black eagle, and another arrow pierced the chest of the flying eagle.Jesse bit his teeth. His face was very hot. He lost the arrow. Fred didn't.

Looking at Fred, Xin Ya couldn't help but say, "Fred, your bow is very good!"

When Jesse heard Xin Ya's words, his mood was calmed down. He thought it was the difference between bows that caused his continuous failure.

Fred nodded and said, "yes."

"Where is your bow from?" Jesse couldn't help asking.

"It was sent by the senior doctor." Fredman is full of reverence.

Jessie was full of doubts: "you and the doctor are not close relatives. He cured you and gave you the bow. Why?"

Fred frowned. He couldn't help feeling dissatisfied with Jesse's questioning. "Hindley did him a favor."

Jesse asked eagerly, "what's busy?"

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Fred looked at Jesse displeased and said, "it's none of your business. Why do you ask so many questions?"

Jesse was told by Fred. He was embarrassed. "I'm just asking, what are you doing so mean?"

Fred snorted, ignoring Jesse. "The eagles are dead. Go and save people."

Fred went over and dug out the courage of the two eagles. He took the jar and took the heart blood of the two eagles.

Jesse frowned as Fred went to pick up the spoils and said, "this eagle? You took away the eagle's courage... "

Eagle gall and eagle's heart and blood are the most important things in an eagle. 80% of the value of an eagle is in these two things.

According to the rules of the tribe, hunting together is to be evenly distributed. Although it is unfair to warriors, it is a traditional practice that Fred always abided by when he was in the tribe.

"This is my prey. I will take whatever I want. If you want Eagle gall, you can hunt by yourself!" Fred said coldly.

"Fred, tribal rules..."

Fred sneered and said, "don't tell me about tribal rules. I'm no longer a tribal man."

Jesse was unwilling to say, "Fred, don't you want to go back to the tribe? Do you want to be a nomad in the future?"

Those who are expelled by the tribe are vagrants. The vagrants who live alone are usually hard to survive and hard to find a partner.

Fred smiled nonchalantly and said, "it's not bad to be a nomad. At least my own prey doesn't need to be distributed to a group of people who eat food."

Among the tribes, he always made more efforts and got less. However, he was hunting with Zhuang Hao and other people, but this was not the case. Although Zhuang Hao and other people were outsiders, they were very talkative and powerful. Moreover, they were very alert and would not hold him back.


"Back?" Qi Shaorong greeted Fred.

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Fred nodded and said, "yes, I've brought back Eagle gall and blood. It should be good for you, doctor."

Qi Shaorong nodded and said, "thank you, but if you don't say that, come here and have a look at my modified skill."

Fred frowned, puzzled and said, "the modified method?"

Qi Shaorong nodded and said, "yes!"

Fred looked at Qi Shaorong stupidly, his eyes flashed a little unbelievable.

Fred took Qi Shaorong's skill and couldn't help but stare at it. He said, "master doctor, this skill..."

In fact, people in the tribe use different skills. What they get is simplified skills, and the skills of the clan leader are more perfect.

Originally, he became a totem warrior. The clan leader should show him more perfect skills. However, the clan leader seems to have forgotten this matter. He didn't mention it all the time. If the clan leader didn't mention it, Fred didn't say anything.

Fred looked at Qi Shaorong and asked, "doctor, how can you do this?"

"Any questions?" Asked Qi Shaorong.

"No problem, it's just that you have seen my complete skill of flying tiger tribe..." Fred said that even the skill in the hands of the clan leader is not a complete skill, which has long been lost.

"I didn't! However, I found that the skill of your tribe is basically to absorb the power of blood in the blood of animals, to break the meridians and acupoints. However, your skill is not perfect, and the acupoints and channels are not complete... "

Fredman looked at Qi Shaorong incomprehensibly and said, "meridians, acupoints? What is that? "

Qi Shaorong smiled and said, "it's a little complicated. You don't need to understand it. Just tell me if there's any problem with this skill."

"It's all right." Fred said.

Qi Shaorong smiled and said, "that's good." Qi Shaorong stretched out and yawned, "I'm going to bed."

Fred looked at Qi Shaorong's back, his fingers trembled, and a pale smile came up from the corner of his mouth. He said to himself, "do you know what Qi Shaorong brought out?"! Even if it is a big tribe, the inheritance of the skill is mostly incomplete. If this skill is passed on, it will surely set off a huge wave.。

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