Zhuang Hao's speed is extremely fast, so is the speed of wild animals.

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Qi Shaorong and others constantly cover Zhuang Hao's escape.

Zhuang Hao runs around, Qi Shaorong follows him for a long time, and finally loses Zhuang Hao's figure.

Zhuang Hao took the beast around for three times before he got rid of all the beasts and the people of the flying tiger tribe and went back to the cave.

Xinduolei looked at Zhuang Hao who came back from a long time. His eyes were full of adoration. "Zhuang Hao, I'm sorry, you're running too fast. We can't catch up with you."

Zhuang Hao smiled nonchalantly and said, "it doesn't matter."

Zhuang Hao took out the half moon lotus and asked, "how can I take it?"

"It's OK to eat raw. A person can't bear to take two lotus seeds at most. If he takes cindolei, his head will be bowed down. His heart is slightly sour. His qualification is very good. However, the materials given to him by the tribe are not much. The amount of blood he receives each time is always small and the quality is always low. Even so, his strength is much better than that of his peers in the tribe 。

In this period of time, he had a more complete skill than the one given by the tribe. He had a good quality of animal blood. Even if there was no lotus seed of half moon lotus, his strength could be said to have advanced rapidly.

Xinduolei secretly said: if you are in the tribe, your strength will not improve so fast. If you are in the tribe, even if your brother gets half moon lotus, maybe at the end of the day, you will not get a lotus seed, let alone yourself.

Raymond did not become a totem strong, but the strength has also made considerable progress.

"How do you feel, doctor?" Asked Hindley.

"I feel very good. I don't seem to feel very cold. It's really useful! Without it, I might have frozen to death. " Qi Shaorong's face is intoxicated.

Xinduolei smiled dryly. Somehow, xinduolei felt that, as Qi Shaorong said, half moon lotus seed seemed to be very cheap.

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Zhuang Hao comes out, Qi Shaorong looks at Zhuang Hao, picks his eyebrows and says, "ah Hao, you are much stronger!"

Zhuang Hao nodded and said, "yes!"

"Ah Ho, when you deal with the beasts, I see your eyes seem to glow. Then, the beasts retreat. How did you do it?" Asked cindoreman curiously.

Zhuang Hao smiled and said, "you are wrong."

"Is it my mistake?" said Hindley, puzzled

Zhuang Hao nodded and said, "yes, you must have read it wrong."

Xindorei: "..."

Qi Shaorong laughs. Zhuang Hao is a master of animal control. He has the ability to subdue the beast. This ability has limited deterrent power to the beast in this place. However, it is more or less useful. With the improvement of Zhuang Hao's strength, Zhuang Hao's deterrent power to the beast in the world is becoming stronger and stronger.

Qi Shaorong looked out at the sky and said, "it's snowing again!"

"If you are afraid of cold, doctor, I'll go out and find some firewood." Cindore said.

Qi Shaorong is puzzled to look at xinduolei, said: "the snow outside is not small, oh, you go out to find firewood?"

"The wind and snow can't stop the totem fighters." Cindolei clapped his chest and said with flying eyebrows.

Qi Shaorong looked at Xin duolei and said, "you can go if you want. Be careful!"

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Hindley nodded and ran out like a rabbit.

Qi Shaorong took a deep breath and said, "this kid is so positive!"

Fred smiled and said, "Hindley is probably oppressive and cruel, so if you want to vent, with his current strength, be careful, there is no problem."


Cindolei is nimble among the trees, running aimlessly.


When he heard someone calling himself, Hindley looked at the speaker. "Jessie, why are you here? It's so cold, you should be around the tribe! "

Xinya looked at xindorei, opened his eyes suddenly, and said, "xindorei, are you a tut fighter?"

Cindolei nodded and said, "yes! It's very powerful. "

"Where are the lotus seeds of the half moon lotus?" Jesse asked in some excitement.

"Eat up!" The way of cindorelli.

"All eaten up?" Jesse asked unwillingly.

Looking at Jesse's expression, Hindley felt a strange pleasure. Hindley turned his head and said, "of course, there are seven of us. There are only eight lotus seeds in all, which is not enough. I only have one. The effect of half moon lotus seeds is so good. Look at me. I am a totem warrior."

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Jesse looked at cindolei's high spirited appearance, and his jealous eyes were red. Jesse dreamed of becoming a totem warrior, but he couldn't succeed. Jesse didn't expect that cindolei, a little devil, would first become a totem warrior.

Looking at xinduolei, Xinya took a deep breath and said: "xinduolei, the situation of the tribe is not good now. If you and your brother are willing to go back to the tribe..."Hindley smiled and said, "no, we're doing well now. We've never been better."

Xin Ya wanted to persuade him, but when he saw xinduolei's high spirits, he couldn't say what he wanted to persuade him.

"Sindore, you've joined other tribes?" Asked Jesse.

Hindley glanced at Jesse displeased and said, "that's right."

Jesse looked at Hindley and said, "your brother betrayed the tribe?"

Hindley smiled nonchalantly and said, "not really, we have been expelled by the tribe for a long time."

Jessie: "..."


Xinduolei returns to the cave with a pile of firewood. Qi Shaorong looks at xinduolei's expression and says, "you seem very happy."

"I met Jessie and them." Cindore said.

When Raymond heard this, he looked at Hindley and said, "have you met them?"

Hindley nodded and said, "yes! Jesse's face looks good when he sees me. This idiot is not my match now. "

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Qi Shaorong smiled and said, "Oh, that's good!"

Hindley nodded and said, "yes! This time I'm puffing up my eyebrows. Xinya wants to invite me and my brother back to the tribe, so I don't want to go back! " My brother has done so much for the tribe. It's not the time to give up.

Fred looked at Hindley and asked, "did they ask about half moon lotus?"

Hindley nodded. "Naturally, I told them they had eaten up. Those guys were disappointed." Cindolei said in secret: Jesse, that idiot, probably wants to get the lotus seed of half moon lotus from them. It's really beautiful.

"By the way, Xinya asked the doctor about your origin." Cindore said.

Qi Shaorong nodded and said, "is that right? Did you say that? "

"According to what you said, I told them that you had an affair with Zhuang Hao and ran away." Xinduolei had a strange look at Qi Shaorong.

Qi Shaorong nodded contentedly and said, "that's good."

"Doctor, do you think it's good to say that?" said Hindley

Qi Shaorong did not understand looking at xinduolei, said: "what is not good?"

"Sacrificial rites are the people closest to God, and they need to keep their body pure. If they have private affairs with people, they will think that person is very lecherous and rebellious." Cindore said.

Qi Shaorong rolled his eyes and said, "you mean, when this word is spread, people in your tribe will think that I am lewd?"

Xinduolei nodded and said: "what do you mean?"

Qi Shaorong: "..." I don't know what to say, this damned bastard. He didn't come here until his words were thrown out.

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