Xinli looked at the feather of the flying eagle and said in surprise, "did you eat the flying eagle?"

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It's not good to hunt in winter. Most of the people in the flying tiger tribe eat dry meat in autumn. The taste is not as good as fresh meat.

The patriarch of Dashi nodded and said, "yes, Fred and Hindley have caught them. Thank you so much. If they didn't help us, I don't know how to spend this winter!"

The soldiers who followed Xinli couldn't help looking strange.

Xinli thought to herself: Fred and cindolei brothers really eat inside and outside. They are cold and indifferent to the tribe, but they are so good to the people of unrelated tribes. They even help to deliver meat. You should know that the females in the tribe can't eat fresh meat.

"I don't know what I can do to help?" Sinley asked enthusiastically.

Big stone clan chief smiled and said: "no, with the help of Fred brothers, it's OK."

Xinli smiled dryly and said, "really don't you need our help?"

"Yes! The Fred brothers are really helpful. The problem has been solved. " The head of Dashi clan.

Xinli came once, his face was as usual, his heart was full of resentment and left.

At first, Xinli thought that the people of Dashi tribe had a very bad life. Only when he went did he find that the people of Dashi tribe had a very moist life. The huge gap made Xinli feel very bad.

"Fred is really nice to the big stone people!"

"I heard some females of Dashi tribe talking about Fred. The patriarch of Dashi wanted to marry some females to Fred."

"The patriarch of Dashi is really willing to sacrifice his blood! I want to marry some females to Fred. "

"Yes! However, the females of Dashi tribe seem to want to marry


Jesse listened to the conversation of several soldiers and felt a sense of diaphragms. It was not only the people of Dashi tribe, but also the females of Feihu tribe who were sorry to miss Fred.


"Chief, what do you think the chief of the flying tiger tribe is here for?" Bill said.

"To help, who knows what he's here for." Big stone clan head squints, the tone is not good way.

After all, it's an old dogma who has lived for 70-80 years. Clan leader Dashi is almost clear about the purpose of Xinli. Before, clan leader Dashi bowed his head and asked for the head of the flying tiger tribe, but Xinli put forward a lot of excessive requirements. The clan leader Dashi felt a bit angry. Now, the situation of the tribe is changing, and clan leader Dashi is more or less proud.

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"You gave the map to the Fred brothers, patriarch?" Asked Bill.

Patriarch Dashi nodded and said, "yes! We can't repay each other for all the help they have given us. "

The blood spirit beads of Dashi tribe are taken from a bat cave. People of Dashi tribe sneak into the bat cave and take out the blood spirit beads while the bat king in the bat cave is sleeping.

"That's right, but if the Fred brothers take all the blood beads, it will be difficult for our tribe to get them later." Bill sighed and thought of the treasure in the bat cave, which made him very excited.

"Do you think that in the current situation of the tribe, you can still obtain blood spirit beads? It's useless to keep the map among the ethnic groups. It's better to take it as a way to get along with the water. " The chief of Dashi shook his head.

Last time, Dashi tribe entered six warriors, only one came out.

Before, the reason why the warriors of their tribe succeeded was that the bat king was asleep. Even so, there were five warriors who slept in the cave.

The waking bat King found that he had lost the blood spirit bead, but he was very angry. The guard of bat cave is much stricter now than before.


Qi Shaorong looked at the map given by Xin duolei and thought: "this bat cave is a long distance from us!"

Hindley nodded and said, "it's a little far."

Qi Shaorong thought deeply and said, "don't think about it now. Let's wait until spring comes."

Cindolei nodded and said, "if we wait for a while, it should be warm. We will start at that time."

Looking at the vast snow, Qi Shaorong said to himself: in a flash, he has been here for several months! Qi Shaorong can't help but miss the magic world.

Qi Shaorong turned his head around for a while. He was puzzled and said, "what about ah hao?"

"I think I saw him go to the patriarch Dashi." "She said, holding her chin.

"Patriarch, do you know Heguo?" Zhuang Hao asked the patriarch of Dashi.

The patriarch of Dashi looked at Zhuang Hao, smiled and said: "are you interested? Want a baby! "

Zhuang Hao nodded and said shyly, "yes!"

The chief of Dashi smiled and said, "if you are interested, you can go to the meeting of the big tribe to have a look. The probability of the meeting of the big tribe is not high, and the cost of the exchange is very high. If you want to get the result, you only need to prepare the materials in advance.""Is the blood pearl OK?" Zhuang Hao asked.

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The patriarch of Dashi nodded and said, "of course, the blood pearl is OK, but it's very dangerous at bat cave."

Zhuang Hao smiled and said, "it's up to people."

Looking at Zhuang Hao's confident appearance, clan leader Dashi felt a strange feeling in his heart.

It can be seen from patriarch Dashi that Fred respected Zhuang Hao very much. Patriarch Dashi said to himself, "it's not easy to abduct people who can offer sacrifices to apprentices and who can convince Fred. Although this guy is thin, small, dry and shriveled.".

"You want children?" Asked Qi Shaorong.

Zhuang Hao smiled and said, "our children must be smart and beautiful."

Qi Shaorong squinted and said, "if the child is like me, it's smart and beautiful."

"What if it's like me?" Zhuang Hao asked.

Qi Shaorong curled his mouth and said, "what will happen? Don't you know? What a fool you are! "

Zhuang Hao: "..."


After a long wait, the winter finally shows signs of the past.

People from Dashi tribe are busy rebuilding their new houses. Fred and others are also preparing to go to bat cave.

Zhuang Hao looked at the map and said, "let's think about how to break through this bat cave. It's related to our family's succession."

"The bats in the bat cave are very fierce. According to the clan leader of Dashi tribe, most of the warriors who enter the cave will never return. The warriors who enter the cave will throw the blood pearl to the warriors at the cave. The warriors at the cave will come and escape." The worried way of Hindley.

"I have a way." Yi Fan smiles. In fact, Yi fan is also very interested in Heguo, but he doesn't say it.

Qi Shaorong asked curiously, "what?"

"Explode." Yifan road.

Qi Shaorong looked at Yi fan, nodded and said, "ah! It's a good way, but what do you want to blow it up? "

"Fire, cloud and thunder!" Yifan road.

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Qi Shaorong nodded and said, "it sounds good, but where is huoyunlei?"

"I have." Yifan road.

Qi shaorongman looked at Yi Fan admiringly and said, "you still have this thing with you."

Yi Fan nodded and said, "of course, be prepared!"

Qi Shaorong: "..."


The location of bat cave is very hidden. Without the guidance of the map, Qi Shaorong and others could not find it at all.

When several people arrived, they stationed near bat cave.

After several days of observation, several people finally selected a suitable blasting point to detonate the cloud of fire and thunder.

Xinduolei is the first time to see the power of huoyunlei. The huge explosive power of huoyunlei makes xinduolei shocked.

"How powerful!"

A whistling sound came out of the collapsed mountain. A huge bat, full of rage, flew out of the collapsed bat cave.

Xindorei looked at the bats flying out and stared, "the clan leader of Dashi tribe is right. That bat king is really powerful."

Just by looking at the body shape, we can know the strength of the bat king. However, because of the explosive power of the fire, cloud and thunder, there are many wounds on the bat King's body. There is a feeling that the Phoenix with hair falling is not as good as the chicken.

"Don't patronize the feeling. Let's shoot!" Qi Shaorong said.

It's not hard to deal with the bat king who is seriously injured. Once the bat king is solved, the cleaning work is left.

Hindley stood beside the fallen bat king and said in a daze, "brother, did we kill such a big bat?"

Fred nodded and said, "well, he's dead."

Xindorei stared at the bats on the ground. If such a big bat attacked, it would be a disaster to any tribe. Unfortunately, these guys died here silently.

Ivan looked at Fred and Hindley and said, "what are you two doing! Come and have a look. It seems that the whole cave has collapsed because of the excessive force. "

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Hindley blinked and said, "Oh, yes."


After the Spring Festival, people of Dashi tribe were looking for a new and suitable place to live. They found that all the bats on this side of bat cave were dead, so they moved to the neighborhood of bat cave.

The people of Dashi tribe saw Qi Shaorong and others were busy, so they transferred a group of people to help.

"How many bats died! How did you die! "

"I don't know! The cave shows signs of being broken by violence. I don't know what it is. "

"The bat king died, too. He was so big that he died."

"Is Fred the one who made this cave like this? Three star totem warrior, is it so powerful? "


"Doctor, I have found the blood pearl." Hindley opened the box carefully.Most of the cleaning work on the outer layer of bat cave was done by the people of Dashi tribe, and the work on the inner layer was done by Fred, Yifan and others.

Qi Shaorong looks at the box handed by Xin duolei, squints his eyes, and says: "many!"

"There should be a lot more in it." Cindore said.

Qi Shaorong smiled and said, "it looks like luck!"

Hindley nodded and said, "yes! There are so many blood spirit beads that can be replaced if there are mixed fruits or yin and Yang grass at the tribal meeting. "

Qi Shaorong touched his chin and said, "that's good! Will there be one? "

"I don't know either! I haven't been to a big tribal meeting. " Cindolei turned his eyes and said to himself: go to the big tribe to attend the meeting. All the people in the tribe are fighting for him. Where is he!

Qi Shaorong: "..."

"Will the people of Dashi tribe go to the meeting?" Asked Qi Shaorong.

Xindorei shook his head and said, "if I had been there in previous years, but this year, Dashi tribe has nothing to exchange for at the meeting, so I will not go. The leader of Dashi Tribe said, if I want to go, he can send two people who have been there to guide us."

Qi Shaorong: "Oh, the patriarch Dashi is so warm-hearted!"

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