"Ah Ho, you are back at last. Welcome back!" Shen Yuanman is passionate.

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"I heard that you have become the agent of the Shen family and taken over many businesses of the Shen family. It's very good!" Zhuang Hao said.

Shen Yuan smiled and said, "my business is much smaller than that of Qingcheng cosmetics store."

Shen Yuan looks at Zhuang Yun, who can't reach Zhuang Hao's knee, and asks, "this is your son and Qi Shao. They are very talented! In time, it must be an existence that charms countless people. "

Zhuang Yun raised his head, looked at Shen Yuan for a few eyes, and said, "Daddy, this is the idiot who ran to get you back from marriage?"

Shen Yuan: "..." Five years! When the world changed, he thought that for such a long time, could that stubble pass? As a result It seems that the disgrace of quitting marriage is destined to follow you for a lifetime.

Zhuang Hao nodded and said, "yes, he is..."

Zhuang Yun looked up at Shen Yuan and said, "this guy looks really stupid! It's no wonder they do such stupid things. "

Shen Yuan: "..."

Shen Yuan frowned and said to himself, "Zhuang Yun looks like Zhuang Hao, but this tongue is the same as Qi Shaorong!

"This is your uncle Shen. It's called Uncle!" Zhuang Hao said.

Zhuang Yun shrugged and called out, "uncle." Zhuang Yun paused and asked, "uncle, do you have a wife?"

Shen Yuan smiled awkwardly and said, "not yet." Over the years, there have been many people who want to matchmaker Shen Yuan. However, Shen Yuan has been obsessed with business and hasn't decided yet.

"Because everyone knows you are stupid, so no one wants to marry you?" Zhuang Yun asked with his head askew.

Shen Yuan took a deep breath and said, "who told you that I was stupid?"

Zhuangyun turned his eyes and said: "many people! Uncle Ivan often says that you are the stupidest person he has ever met. "

Shen Yuan: "..." Yi fan is such a scum.


"Congratulations on your return." Qi Shaokang raises a glass of wine to Qi Shaorong.

"Thank you, elder brother. Congratulations on your becoming the leader of Qi family." Qi Shaorong smiled at Qi Shaokang.

Qi Shaokang smiled and said, "thank you very much. If you want to go back to Qi's house, you know I can abdicate at any time."

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"You and Zhuang Shao's son are lovely." Qi Shaokang said.

"Thank you."

Yi Ming nibbles at the drumsticks and goes to Zhuang Yun's face. His toes are high and his Qi is high. "Little devil, did you go to school?"

"Not yet." Zhuangyun road.

"It's not good that you are so old and don't go to school! I have been to school. " Yi Ming is proud of himself.

Zhuang Yun glanced at Yi Ming and said, "you're stupid, so you need to start school earlier and learn more. I'm born to be precocious. I don't need to be so early to make you better."

Yi mingman clenched his fist discontentedly and said, "what do you say, kid? You know that the first day I went to college, I beat all the invincible hands in my class and became the boss."

Zhuang Hao stared at Yi Ming and said, "well, take advantage of these days, have a good time. When I go in, you will only be the second child."

Yi Ming: "..."

Yi Ming's hands were in the shape of chicken claws. He growled fiercely at Zhuang Yun.

Zhuangyun turned around calmly with his hands on his back.

Yi Ming wants to fight with Zhuang Yun, but is caught by mu Tingxuan.

"Stop it." Moutingxuan road.

Yi mingman is dissatisfied with the tunnel: "Zhuang Yun said I am stupid, I am not stupid."

"It's good. Ming is not stupid." Mu Tingxuan looks at Yi Ming, who is jumping up and down. Some of them are speechless. He and Yi fan are introverted people, but Yi Ming is a restless guy, and he doesn't know who he looks like.

Zhuang Yun came to Zhuang Hao and pulled at his trouser legs and said, "Daddy, I want to go to heaven."

Zhuang Haoman said, "why?"

"Because there seems to be no talent in Tian Lan's side, it makes Yi Ming's idiot become the boss. I have to let him know that I can be the boss like this, and he is reluctant to be the second in that way." Zhuang Yun said with a straight face.

Zhuang Hao: "..."


Looking at Yi Ming, who was full of anger, mu Tingxuan appeased: "don't be angry, eat more."

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Yi Ming picked up a prawn, stuffed it into his mouth and bit it hard. "Zhuang Yun is a bastard."

Mu Tingxuan smiled and said, "yes, he is. He is an asshole."

Mu Tingxuan looks towards loga's direction. Loga is surrounded by several beauties. Yi Fan tells loga to come back.

After weighing it out, Logan felt uncomfortable in the place where God had abandoned him, so he followed Yi fan.

Yi Ming blinked and muttered, "Uncle loga is very popular!"

Shen Yuan looks for many beautiful women to come here, because Zhuang Hao and others are already famous for their masters, and Luojia is such a handsome guy, which is very conspicuous.Many beautiful women are very interested in this handsome red eyed man, and loga is embarrassed to drink wine, which makes her very embarrassed.

It was not easy for loga to break away from the circle of beauties.

Yi Fan pressed loga's shoulder and said, "that's good. You're very popular. Do you have a favorite? If there's something I'm looking for, I can help you lead. "

Loga blushed and said, "no more."

Loga scratched her head. The females in the god forsaken land saw him walking around. Loga didn't expect that the females here were so bold. However, they were not afraid of him, which was even more terrible.

"Your face is so red!" Yifan road.

Logan said awkwardly, "yes?"

Loga lowered her head and just had a female. She asked if she would like to go out and relax a little. Loga was not sure if she had received the invitation of one night stand in the legend.

Yi Fan nodded and said, "yes! A woman seems to be very interested in you! Did you accept it? "

Loga quickly shook him and said, "No."

"You have refused such a good thing. You have a good determination." Yifan road.

Loga: "..."


Mu Tingxuan came to Yi Fan and asked, "what are you doing?"

"Loga looks nervous. I was just comforting him." Yifan road.

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Mu Tingxuan is full of doubts: "are you sure it's comfort, not a joke?"

Yi Fan smiled and said, "it's mainly for comfort. By the way, it's funny that loga is so big. He seems very shy!"

"You have a face, and you used to be shy!" Moutingxuan road.

Yi fan is stupefied for a moment, way: "be?"

Mu Tingxuan nodded and said, "yes! At that time, as soon as you saw me, your face was red, but I thought you were just born red. "

Yi Fan: "..."

Qi Shaorong came to Yi Fan and said, "what are you two talking about?"

Yi Fan smiled and said, "nothing."

"Zhuang Shao, very popular!"

Qi Shaorong nodded and said, "yes! It's said that many people in Huangdu pass on Zhuang Hao's death. Now Zhuang Hao suddenly comes alive. It's normal for many people to talk to Zhuang Hao. "

Yi Fan: "..."

There was a commotion in the hall. Qi Shaorong looked at the door and found that Hu Feng and Lu Ming had arrived.

"Here are the two principals." Yifan road. "These two people really have a tacit understanding. They came together. Do you want to let Zhuang Yun go to any college?"

Qi Shaorong shook his head and said, "no, I'll let Zhuang Hao make his own decision."

Whether it's shangtianlan or shangshenghuang, they all want to offend one party at last. It's better for Zhuang Hao to make a decision on this matter.

Yi Fan: "..."

As soon as Hu Feng and Lu Ming enter the door, many guests' eyes are focused on the two people. Many guests quietly move away, afraid that they will be hurt by the fight.

Hu Feng and Lu Ming talk and laugh like friends, but the fierce light in their eyes exposes their real relationship.


Hindley sat aside, took a large basin of meat and ate it with a big mouthful.

There was a big stack of empty plates beside cindorey's seat. He came to collect the plates and waited. Looking at cindorey's eyes, it was full of strange things.

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It was not easy for loga to get out and sit next to Hindley.

Maybe he was scared by cindolei's eating, and a vacuum zone was formed around him.

Hindley smiled and said, "you are very popular!"

Loga smiled awkwardly and said, "no! A lot of barbecue. "

Cindolei nodded and said excitedly, "I've asked you how much meat you want to eat, but you have to eat it. It's really good here! There is no such good thing in our place! "

Roga nodded and said, "yes!"

Luo Jia looks at Zhuang Hao's direction, and knows that Zhuang Hao and others are from a different world. Luo Jia thinks that Zhuang Hao's identity in the different world is not low. However, the dignity of Zhuang Hao's identity in this world is still beyond his imagination.


"Fourth brother." Qi Shaoru came to Qi Shaorong and called out.

Looking at Qi Shaoru, Qi Shaorong can't help but be surprised. He has a general relationship with Qi Shaoru. Qi Shaorong didn't expect that Qi Shaoru would come to greet him.

Qi Shaoru seems to have lost a lot compared with the previous Qing Dynasty.

"What's the matter?" Asked Qi Shaorong.

"Fourth brother, you have to decide for me!" Qi Shaoru said.

Qi Shaorong blinked and said, "if you are wronged, it's better to ask your father and second brother to make up your mind."

Qi Shaoru dissatisfied with the tunnel: "I have looked for them, they do not care."Qi Shaorong full is helpless tunnel: "if they can't manage, I'm afraid I can't help."

"Fourth brother, we are brothers and sisters after all. Do you see me wronged?" Qi Shaoru is dissatisfied with the tunnel.

Qi Shaorong took a deep breath and said, "it depends on whether you are really wronged."

"What do you mean, fourth brother?" Qi Shaoru is dissatisfied with the tunnel.

Qi Shaorong full is helpless tunnel: "I think, others let you be aggrieved possibility is not too big, you let others be aggrieved possibility is bigger."

Qi Shaoru is full of grievances: "fourth brother, how can you think of me like this? I have an engagement with a man, but he repents. You can understand this feeling."

Qi Shaorong blinked and said, "ah! I almost know that when Shen Yuanlai quit his marriage, I thought, I lost a tree, but I got a forest. Since then, the sky and the sea have been wide open. Less Ru, you need to open some

Zhuang Hao came over and said, "Miss Qi, your situation is no match for Shaorong's, since you have made a choice, you have to bear the consequences of your choice."

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