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"Go in on your own." Qi Shaofu leads Qi Shaorong to the doorway.

Qi Shaorong shouldered his hands and glanced at Qi Shaofu. "Three elder brothers, don't you accompany me in!"

"Father is angry. You'd better ask for more." Qi Shaofu showed a helpless expression.

Qi Shaorong: "..." Qi Shaorong looks at Qi Shaofu's back, picks a eyebrow, and says to himself: a loser.

Qi Shaorong walked into the room and looked at the dignified middle-aged man. He called out "father" lightly

Qi Yao twisted his eyebrows. He looked Qi Shaorong up and down critically. "Is your marriage with Zhuang Hao yellow?"

Qi Shaorong nodded and said, "yes."

"Don't blame others for Zhuang Hao. If you don't try your best, don't blame others for not seeing you." Qi Yao's heart and soul.

Qi Shaorong nodded and said, "naturally, I'm a demon warrior. Where can I match Zhuang Hao who is a demon warrior double cultivation man?"

"Zhuang Hao is really powerful. If there is no accident, he will be holy in the future." Qi yaoman is the way to appreciate.

Looking at Qi Yao, Qi Shaorong couldn't help saying: Zhuang Hao is so excellent. Qi Yao is afraid that Zhuang Hao is his son. Unfortunately, this guy can't be born.

"I have one thing to tell you." Qi Yao said.

Qi Shaorong nodded and said, "what?"

"Since you and Zhuang Hao have no fate, I pointed out your sister to Zhuang Hao. I hope you don't make trouble." Qi yaoman is a warning.

Qi Shaorong smiled and said, "if Zhuang Hao can marry five younger sisters, I will be happy to see it."

"If only you could make sense." Qi Yao said.

Looking at Qi Yao, Qi Shaorong said, "my father, if there is nothing else, I will go first."

"The admission certificate of Tianlan college has been given to you. Don't forget to report it when it's due. Although you are a devil warrior, you have to learn something else to marry a good family." Qi Yao said.

Qi Shaorong nodded and said, "I know."

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Qi Yao hesitated for a moment and said, "do you know the evil doctor?"

"There's been a couple of reasons."

"Zhuang Hao seems to have a good impression of evil medicine. If evil medicine can give your sister a few words, Zhuang Hao must have listened." Qi Yao said.

Qi Shaorong smiled and said, "I know, but I'm not very familiar with the evil doctor. I don't know what to say."

"Just try your best."

Qi Shaorong went out with a sneer on his lips. Qi Yaozhen is a talent. He asked him to lead Qi Shaoru and Zhuang Hao.

Qi Shaorong came out of the hall, and Qi Shaoru came to Qi Shaorong head-on. "Fourth brother, you are back. I heard that the fourth brother will run to the brothel when he comes. Fourth brother, you are disgraceful enough. You don't know how to be clean. You want us to be a laughingstock with you."

Looking at Qi Shaoru, Qi Shaorong said, "your fourth brother is a joke. There's no difference between more humiliation and less humiliation. It's five younger sisters. Your father wants to marry you to the genius of the banker. You'd better cultivate your body and character. Many people want to marry Zhuang Hao. If people know you're a shrew, you won't play."

"You..." Qi Shaoru stares at Qi Shaorong angrily and presses down the fire path: "fourth brother, don't blame Zhuang Hao for not wanting you. You are too far away from Zhuang Hao."

Qi Shaorong approached Qi Shaoru and said, "who said no, but five younger sisters, you and Zhuang Hao are not very close. The girl of the Yi family is more advanced than you."

"Because Yi chuxue has retired from your marriage, will you persuade me to deal with her?" Qi Shaoru is full of sarcasm.

"How can I encourage you? You really want to marry Zhuang Hao. Can Yi chuxue be noisy?" Qi Shaorong's casual way.

Qi Shaoru stared at Qi Shaorong and said, "it's none of your business."

"It's none of my business. I'm going to bed. Five younger sister, you are busy." Qi Shaorong said.

Qi Shaoru looks at Qi Shaorong's back, frowns and mutters, "what's the matter?"

"Little Ru, what are you doing?"

"Second brother, you are back!" Qi Shaoru's clever way is not arrogant in front of Qi Shaorong.

Qi Shaokang looked at Qi Shaoru and said, "you were just talking to the fourth brother?"

"Yes! This guy has poor skills. He has a good temper. He doesn't know what his father wanted him to do. In that year, when his qualification test ended, our Qi family lost as much face as possible! " Qi Shaoru frowned.

Looking at Qi Shaoru, Qi Shaokang said: "the fourth brother is not as simple as you think. He has friendship with evil doctor and Bi Liuyun. You'd better not be too stiff with him."

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"A quack, a singer and dancer, what is it?"

"That's not what it says." Qi Shaokang said.

Qi Shaoru frowned and said, "second brother, I will not talk to you. I will go to Zhuang Hao."

Qi Shaokang looked at Qi Shaoru, shook his head, and said, "it's the girl who is outgoing. Go!"Qi Shaoru left happily, Qi Shaoxuan left from the shadow, Qi Shaoxuan quietly raised her eyes, the eyes of the glass bead class were clear and black, "second brother, did my father intend to match five elder sisters and Zhuang hao?"

Qi Shaokang nodded and said, "yes!"

"I think Zhuang Hao's vision is very high. If five elder sisters want to impress Zhuang Hao, it's not easy!" Qi Shaoxuan said.

Qi Shaokang took a look at Qi Shaoxuan and said, "the women who the emperor can match Zhuang Hao have not been born. However, if Zhuang Hao doesn't want to grow old alone, he will always marry one."

Qi Shaoxuan nodded and said, "yes! If you don't, I'll find it cheap for sister Wu. "

Other hospitals of evil medicine.

"Young master, you are back." Qiheng road.

Qi Shaorong changed into the clothes of a evil doctor, put on a mask and sat in another hospital.

"Qi's family. It's a mess. I've discussed it with the old man. I'll move out." Several of the Qi family's younger generation have different homes outside. Qi Yao hears his request, but lets him feel free and doesn't mention the matter of subsidizing the room fee.

Qiheng narrowed his eyes and said, "your father agreed?"

"Agreed, dead old man knows I can not shake in front of his eyes, estimate in the heart is very happy." Qi Shaorong fan, some fretful way.

"It's better than I thought! I was also surprised that you would be repaired by your father.

Qi Shaorong smiled coldly and said, "that's not true. The old man is still counting on me to give Qi Shaoru and Zhuang haola pimps."

"Your father is so creative!" Qi Heng Dao, Zhuang Hao was originally the object of Qi Shaorong's engagement! As a result, Qi Yao was really ambitious. He asked Qi Shaorong to bring Qi Shaoru and Zhuang Hao together.

Qi Shaorong narrowed his eyes and said, "no! Looking at him, Zhuang Hao looks like his own son. What a pity! Zhuang Hao is like that. He can't be born. "

Qi Heng smiled and comforted: "you are no worse than Zhuang Hao at all, young master. It's the old guy who doesn't know the goods."

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A gust of wind rings, Qi Shaorong squints his eyes and says, "someone is coming."

Zhuang Qianfeng came in with fire. Qi Shaorong looked at the visitor and flashed some helplessness on his face. "Ah Qian, how did you come?"

"Evil doctor, Qi Shaorong has come to the imperial capital." Zhuang Qian said.

Qi Shaorong nodded and said, "I know I've seen him. Shaorong is growing more and more handsome. Zhuang Shao, don't you think?"

"Where is my brother handsome?"

"What's so handsome about your brother, a little white face." Qi Shaorong said.

Zhuang Qian: "..."

Zhuang Qian scratched his head and said, "my brother is not so bad."

"It's too small, not mature at all." Qi Shaorong said.

Zhuang Qian had no choice but to say: "evil medicine, you are too kind to treat one another. Qi Shaorong is not bigger than my brother. He is one hour younger than my brother. I have to call him brother."

Qi Shaorong: "..." Brother, dream!

"How can he be the same as your brother? Qi Shaorong is more mature."

At that time, he was 34 years old when he was killed by the crazy woman who bought fake goods. In the past ten years, he was 50 years old. Zhuang Hao, such a careless young man, could be compared with him. If he was really with Zhuang Hao, it seems that he was a little suspicious of old cattle eating tender grass!

"Evil medicine, you are so kind and weak!" Zhuang Qian couldn't help saying.

The evil doctor nodded and said, "yes! That's what I am. "

Qi Shaorong and Zhuang Qian are talking here. Zhuang Hao comes in.

"Evil doctor, long time no see! I came to see you the other day and heard you were out. "

Qi Shaorong nodded and said, "yes, what can I do for you?"

"The royal family has a king of green winged tigers, you know?"

Qi Shaorong nodded and said, "I know." The king of the tiger is a nine level spirit beast, and also a symbol of the royal family. The fighting power of the king of the tiger is amazing. If the king of the tiger goes wrong, the royal family's influence will be greatly affected. "Is it ill?"

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Zhuang Hao shook his head and said, "no, but his son is ill. It's very difficult for the king of the green winged tiger to reproduce. It's more than 100 years since he got a tiger cub. But now the tiger cub is ill."

Qi Shaorong looked at Zhuang Hao and said, "you come to see me. You don't want me to see the tiger cub."

Zhuang Hao nodded and said, "yes, I want you to have a look. After the tiger cub got sick, the Tiger King became very angry. If the evil doctor can cure the tiger cub, the royal family will owe you a favor."

Qi Shaorong nodded, touched his chin, and said, "that sounds good." Compared with Qi family, he is too weak.

Zhuang Hao looked at Qi Shaorong and said, "what do you mean by evil medicine?"

Qi Shaorong smiled and said, "I'll go with you sometime."

Qi Shaorong took a deep breath and said: in those years, he changed his job to become a plastic surgeon. His grandfather was so excited that he went to the hospital to smash the scene. If the old man knew that the worse he was, the worse he would become a vet, he would not know what his idea was.Zhuang Hao smiled and said happily, "OK!"

"Evil doctor, Qi Shaorong has come to the imperial capital..." Zhuang Hao hesitated.

Qi Shaorong nodded and said, "your brother has said that Shaorong has come today."

"You have a good relationship!" Zhuang Hao said.

"Of course."

Zhuang Hao lowers his head and touches the glass on his hand. Qi Shaorong looks at Zhuang Hao and says, "are you ok?"

Zhuang Hao shook his head and said, "it's OK."

"Zhuang Hao, do you think you will regret quitting one day?" Asked Qi Shaorong.

Zhuang Hao frowned and said, "Qi Shaorong and I don't have a little emotional foundation. I don't agree with blind marriage and dumb marriage. No matter whether Qi Shaorong is a waste material or not, I will fall back."

Qi Shaorong stared at Zhuang Hao and looked at him for a long time. He said, "Young Master Zhuang, he has a personality."

Zhuang Hao: "..."

"In any case, please remember what you said, no regrets." Qi Shaorong said.

Zhuang Haoman looked at Qi Shaorong seriously and said, "my heart is as iron as a stone, and I will never regret it."

Qi Shaorong smiled, spit out two words, "very good!" Qi Shaorong smiled like a flower, paused and said: "Master Zhuang, anyway, please remember today's words, it will be good."

Zhuang Qian looked at the evil doctor and had some bad premonition in his heart.

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