Zhuang Ling looks at Qi Shaorong and Zhuang Hao, who are at the edge of their swords, and finishes the match, saying: "OK, OK, you two stop fighting. Ah Hao, what are you going to buy?"

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Zhuang Hao looked at Zhuang Ling and said, "I want to buy some medicine."

Zhuang Ling nodded and said, "buy now."

Zhuang Hao: "..."

Zhuang Ling looks at Zhuang Hao and Qi Shaorong and says in secret: Zhuang Hao and Qi Shaorong are really enemies.

Zhuang Ling looked at Zhuang Qian and said, "ah Qian, can you accompany me to choose some jewelry?" Zhuang Ling thinks that she'd better leave some private space for Zhuang Hao and Qi Shaorong to talk alone, which may improve their relationship, although Zhuang Ling thinks it's unlikely.

Zhuang Qian nodded and said busily, "OK! Good! " Zhuang Qian scratched his head and said in secret: the atmosphere between big brother and Qi Shao is really strange. He'd better retreat first.

Zhuang Hao looked at Qi Shaorong and said, "you really want to participate in the hundred school competition."

"Of course, maybe we will be rivals."

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"I don't think President Hu Feng will be so confused, but if we really meet in a secret place and look at the evil doctor's face, I will throw you out of the secret place. In my opinion, you'd better settle down. Such a bustle is not what you should do." Zhuang Hao said coldly.

Qi Shaorong: "..." Zhuang Hao is a dead boy. He really needs beating when he speaks!

Shen Yuan walked into the shop and saw Qi Shaorong and Zhuang Hao standing in the shop, "Zhuang Shao and Qi Shao, you are all there!"

Qi Shaorong nodded to Shen Yuan and said with a smile: "Shen Shao, long time no see!"

"What are you doing?" Zhuang Hao asked.

Shen Yuan shrugged and said, "I'll buy some magic scrolls."

"You seem to be a little late." Qi Shaorong has some regrets.

Shen Yuan said in some confusion, "how to say it."

"The scroll in the shop is suitable for you. It seems to be wrapped for me." Qi Shaorong said.

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Shen Yuan: " Qi Shao, what a big pen! "

Qi Shaorong waved his hand and said, "it's average."

Shen Yuan: "..."

"Qi Shao, this is the scroll you want. You can count it." The steward in the shop is full of enthusiasm to Qi Shaorong.

Qi Shaorong nodded and said, "OK, come."

Shen Yuan leaned over to Zhuang Hao and said, "where did Qi Shaorong get so many gold coins? It's hard not to be the gold coins earned by evil doctors. All of them were given to Qi Shaorong. Evil doctors are very good to Qi Shaorong."

Zhuang Hao glanced at Shen Yuan coldly and said, "you don't speak, no one treats you as a mute..."

Shen Yuan: "..." He just said it casually. Well, he may have stepped on Zhuang Hao's foot.

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When Zhuang Ling came out, he found that there was another Shen Yuan around Zhuang Hao and Qi Shaorong, and his face flashed some disappointment.

Shen Yuan wanted to say hello to Zhuang Ling, but found that Zhuang Ling was disgusted at his face, as if he shouldn't be here. Shen Yuan rubbed his nose and said in secret: since he couldn't resist his curiosity for a while and ran to get rid of Zhuang Hao's marriage, everything went wrong. He knew what he was doing!

Shen Yuan looks at Zhuang Hao and Qi Shaorong and says, "Zhuang Shao and Qi Shao, they look like they are quite matched."

When Shen Yuan finished speaking, he wished he could slap himself. He was really out of his mind and said this.

Qi Shaorong looks at Shen Yuan and chuckles.

"Shen Shao, you are really joking!" Qi Shaorong said.

Zhuang Hao glared at Shen Yuan and said, "are you lame?"

Shen Yuan: "..."

Zhuang Ling lowered his head and said in secret: is Shen Yuan good at eyesight? However, it's hard for this guy to see the right eye. Unfortunately, Shen Yuan saw the right eye, but Zhuang Hao was lame.

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When Qi Shaorong finished shopping, he went back to the college. Zhuang Ling went back with Qi Shaorong.

Shen Yuan looks at the back of Qi Shaorong and Zhuang Ling and touches Zhuang Hao with his elbow. He is confused and says, "when is Zhuang Ling so close to Qi Shaorong?"

Zhuang Hao shook his head and said, "I don't know."

Shen Yuan: "..."

Zhuang Hao looked at the back of Zhuang Ling and Qi Shaorong and said, "I think sister Zhuang Ling is kind-hearted. Qi Shaorong is a real guy. He has been expelled from Qi's family. He does things like this. Does he want to be stared at?"

"It's the same! With Zhuang Ling following, Qi Shaorong's safety is more or less guaranteed. However, Qi Shaorong's head is not clear. Why does sister Zhuang Ling take care of this person so much? " Shen Yuan shook his head.

Zhuang Ling walks in Qi Shaorong, some perplexed way: "does the plastic surgeon make money very much?"

Qi Shaorong glanced at Zhuang Ling and said, "make do with it."

Zhuang Ling looked at Qi Shaorong and said, "Qi Si Shao seems to have more money than evil medicine!" Zhuang Ling frowns. Qi Shaorong has made a lot of money by using his identity as a evil doctor. However, even if Qi Shaorong has all the wealth of evil doctors, he may not be able to spend so much.Qi Shaorong looks at Zhuang Ling and says to himself: the identity of a evil doctor can't support him to spend like this. However, he has another identity. The boss behind the Qingcheng cosmetics store seems to be saving himself. Zhuang Ling seems to be suspicious.

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