Tianlan college.

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"Master Zhuang Ling." Sun Lin calls Zhuang Ling.

Since Zhuang Ling helped Sun Lin get the help of evil medicine, and Sun Lin's daughter's health has improved a lot, the relationship between Sun Lin and Zhuang Ling has improved a lot.

"Master Zhuang Ling, have you heard? Qi Shaorong will definitely be one of the competitors of our college. " Sun Lin's mysterious way.

"I heard that." Zhuang Ling bowed his head. Qi Shaorong, as a contestant of Tianlan college, was just passing it down in private, but he didn't know what happened, so it was passed to everyone.

"What does the principal think! Even though the quality of the students in our college is not so good, we don't need to make up for it. " Sun Liman is puzzled.

Zhuang Ling smiled and said, "Your Excellency, the president, you should have his consideration."

Sun Lin looked at Zhuang Ling and said, "it's said that the main reason why the headmaster put Qi Shaorong on the list is to disgust Zhuang Hao."

Zhuang Ling: "..."

"It's just that the headmaster uses a quota to disgust Zhuang Hao. It's too expensive!" Sun Lin shook her head.

Zhuang Ling: "..."



"Second brother, is it true that Qi Shaorong will take part in the competition as a contestant of Tianlan college?" Qi Shaoru asked.

After Qi Shaorong was expelled from the Qi family, Qi Shaoru didn't think that Qi Shaorong was a member of the Qi family, and he spoke by his first name.

"It's very popular in Tianlan college. I think it's probably true. I heard that Qi Shaorong spent more than 100000 gold coins to buy the place of Tianlan college." Qi Shaokang said.

Qi Shaoru frowned and said, "Qi Shaorong, where are so many gold coins from?"

"Before evil healed the little tiger of the royal family, the royal family gave the evil doctor 300000 gold coins. Later, the card came to Qi Shaorong's hand. Zhuang Hao added 10000 gold coins and changed the card from Qi Shaorong's hand. Qi Shaorong had at least 300000 gold coins on his hand." Qi Shaokang said.

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Qi Shaoru widened her eyes and said, "what do evil doctors think?"

Qi Shaorong is nothing. Evil doctor can raise ten better than Qi Shaorong by taking out the money to raise Qi Shaorong. The evil doctor doesn't know whether he has eye problems or not, and Zhuang Hao. The evil doctor is a man who hides his head and tail and dare not show his face. Most of them are ugly. However, Zhuang Hao is moved by such a guy.

Qi Shaokang shook his head and said, "I don't know, but it seems that Qi Shaorong really has a lot to do with evil medicine."

Qi Shaoru lowered her head, grinded her teeth, and said, "second brother, if you meet Qi Shaorong in the battle field, kick him out to save him from humiliating our Qi family. Although he is not a member of our Qi family now, he is disgraced. Our Qi family is also disgraced."

Qi Shaokang nodded, "I will."

When Qi Shaoru heard Qi Shaokang's words, her mood finally improved. Qi Shaoru is a student of Mingya college, one of the three colleges of the imperial capital. Qi Shaoru also participated in the selection of the college. Unfortunately, there are too many masters in Mingya college, so Qi Shaoru was screened.

Qi Shaoru had expected that she would be screened. But Qi Shaoru didn't expect that she would be screened, but Qi Shaorong would be chosen. Qi Shaorong, a waste, could be chosen, but she couldn't. Qi Shaoru felt extremely depressed.



"Elder brother, you are almost recovered." Yi chuxue asked carefully.

Easy fire overcast sweep easy beginning snow one eye, way: "I am very good."

Yi Huo lies in bed for a long time after being secretly calculated by the evil doctor. During this period, Yi Huo is not so good, and Yi Chu Xue is not so good either. Yi Chu Xue finds out that Yi Huo's attitude towards her is much worse after she recovers.

Although Yihuo's injury has recovered, but there are some small pockmarks left on his face, which are very small. If you don't look carefully, you can't see them at all. However, Yihuo is very concerned about his appearance and mind.

"Elder brother, I heard that Qi Shaorong will also participate in the competition. Evil medicine and Qi Shaorong are together. Elder brother, if you meet Qi Shaorong during the competition, you must not be polite." Yi chuxue's way of some resentment.

Yi Huo said impatiently, "you don't have to worry about it. I have my own discretion."

Yi chuxue frowns and feels a little aggrieved. Yi chuxue wants to complain a lot, but he doesn't dare to complain when he looks at Yi Huo's cold face.

Yi Huo looks at his hand. Although his body recovers, the magic operation seems to be much more sluggish than before. His magic level has been pressing Yi Bing all the time before, but after several months, Yi Bing is ahead of him.

The relationship between Yihuo and Yibing is good, but there was some competition between them before.

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Yi Bing came in and said, "how are you, brother? If you haven't recovered completely, I can tell the president that this time we can say that Shenghuang college is a safe bet. There are no experts in other colleges. Even if you don't come off, there is no problem. "Yi Huo looks at Yi Bing, smiles and says, "I'm going to panic at leisure. This competition happens to be an interactive activity." Yi Bing's words of kindness are more ironic to Yi Huo. Whether he participates in the competition or not, they will not affect the result.

Yangman came in and said, "you are all here!"

Yangman looked at Yihuo and said, "boss, you are back!"

"Yes, mother, I am quite well." Easy fire way.

Yang man's eyes flashed a few happy colors, "well, I know that such a little setback, is not to beat you."

Yi Huo smiled and said, "of course, I'm no better than Yi fan

"I don't know where that guy of Yi fan is anymore." Yangman road.

"He didn't leave with Mu Xuelan. I think he was ashamed, so hide." Yi chuxue road.


Shen family.

Shen man waited by Shen Yuan's side and said, "Shen Yuan, is Shenghuang college a safe winner in this competition?"

Shen Yuan put on a magic equipment and said: "of course, you don't see what the participants of our college are. Zhuang Hao is at level 7. Many college participants are at level 5, which is not a level at all."

Shen man frowned and said, "that's right, but I always think it may be a little variable."

Shen Yuan looks at Shen man's dance and says, "sister dance, do you find anything wrong?"

Shen man frowned and said, "as far as I know, every big casino has a huge amount of money to settle in. Tianlan college won the first place."

Shen Yuan turned to look at Shen man and said, "sister, how do you know this?"

Shen man smiled and said, "the hundred schools alliance is a big event. Your sister and I will join in the fun naturally." In fact, the second prince married by Shenman dance took part in several gambling houses in the capital. Qi Shaorong's gambling money, although it was put separately, was discovered by Tang Tianfeng.

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"Tianlan college is the first to buy. It seems that there are few people who can take part in the competition! Which fool is the first to buy Tianlan college? " Shen Yuanman is confused.

Shen man narrowed his eyes and said, "if Tianlan college really wins the first place, this guy can make a lot of money."

"But Tianlan college can't win! Most of the money is going to float. " Shen Yuan shook his head.

Shen man nodded and said, "I think so."

"I don't know which idiot made the bet. Is it Hu Feng?" Shen Yuandao.

Shen man shook his head and said, "no way, who doesn't know Hu Feng is stingy? He doesn't have such a big pen."

Shen Yuan: "..."


Tianlan college.

Qi Shaorong and Hu Feng sat indoors.

Hu Feng took out a map and explained to Qi Shaorong, "your test site this time is arranged in Phoenix Valley, which is divided into seven areas. There are different colors of colorful stones in each area. The darker the color is, the more dangerous the area is, and the higher the score of the same existing colorful stones is.

"If you kill monsters inside, you can get the monster core of monsters for points."

"The organizer of the competition will give each college a transmission symbol. In case of life danger, you can use the transmission symbol to escape. However, once the transmission symbol is started, all the points gained by this person will be invalid. Therefore, the transmission symbol must be used with caution before it is a last resort.


Qi Shaorong rubbed his chin and said, "can the headmaster kill people in a secret place?"

Hu Feng's eyebrows jumped, and he trained with Qi Shaorong for nearly half a month. Hu Feng also had a deeper understanding of Qi Shaorong. The Qi family's four young people are deep-seated and decisive. I don't understand why the Qi family put such a peerless genius out of the door.

"It's allowed to fight in the secret place. Every time the competition is over, there will be casualties. However, it's better not to do too much, because the whole arena is monitored." The alley.

Qi Shaorong some confused way: "all areas have monitoring?"

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Hu Feng shook his head and said, "no, there are always some dead corners. What's more, there are many monsters in the secret place. Some monitoring devices are damaged, which is very possible."

Qi Shaorong nodded and said, "is that right?"

Hu Feng looks at Qi Shaorong and says, "are you trying to make a bad idea?"

Qi Shaorong shook his head and said, "no, principal, how can you think of me like this? I'm innocent, kind and pure."

Hu Feng: "..."

Hu Feng coughed twice and said, "with your ability, the contestants in this competition, except Zhuang Hao, the rest of the people, should not be too scrupulous. But if you meet Zhuang Hao, you'd better avoid it."

Qi Shaorong looked at Hu Feng and said, "headmaster, you seem to have no confidence in me!"Hu Feng smiled awkwardly and said, "you are very strong, classmate Qi, but Zhuang Hao is not vegetarian. Besides, the overall strength of Shenghuang college is higher than that of our college."

Qi Shaorong looked at Hu Feng and said, "president, as far as I know, all the students who enter the secret place are scattered. People from other colleges may try their best to find their own college people and take joint action. However, the players of Shenghuang college are all higher than the top, so it's impossible to unite. Therefore, Zhuang Hao should have no help."

Hu Feng looks at Qi Shaorong and says, "are you thinking about Zhuang hao?"

"Did I say that?" Qi Shaorong asked, looking at Hu Feng with his head askew.

Hu Feng: "..."

"This is the competition, the list of contestants of emperor college." Hu Feng handed a list to Qi Shaorong.

Looking at the list, Qi Shaorong unconsciously narrowed his eyes and said: "how come Tang Tianfeng and Tang Tianying, the second and third of the seven shows in the imperial capital, are not in it.

"The royal family's children have a special identity. Many ordinary players encounter the royal family's children and are afraid of their background. They are afraid before they fight. In this hundred school war, the royal family is not allowed to participate in order to avoid suspicion." The alley.

Qi Shaorong some doubt way: "the second prince, the fourth prince can not participate in the competition, the impact on the Shenghuang college is not small, Lu Ming president did not protest?"

Hu Feng sneered and said, "he? He doesn't look at other colleges at all. In the eyes of Lu Ming, the strength of students from other colleges is far from that of Shenghuang college. Shenghuang college will win. "

Qi Shaorong smiled coldly and said: "it's so good, two powerful enemies are missing."

Hu Feng: "..."

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