Zhuang Qian rushes into Zhuang Hao's training room. Seeing Zhuang Qian's recklessness, Zhuang Hao says, "what's the matter with you! Always so impetuous. "

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"Big brother, big brother The evil doctor is back. " Zhuang Qian said.

Zhuang Hao stared and stood up at once. "I haven't heard from you for a long time. Has it appeared?"

Zhuang Qian nodded and said excitedly, "Shen Yuan invited the evil doctor back. Elder brother, you know that the double Jiao horse in the Royal Horse Farm fell ill. The Shen family found a lot of light sacrifices. I'm not sure! We have to bring the evil doctor here. "

Zhuang Hao narrowed his eyes and said, "Shen Yuan's face, when is it so big?"

Zhuang Qian smiled awkwardly and said cautiously, "it's not Shen Yuan's big face, but Shen Yuan went to ask Qi Shaorong to contact the evil doctor."

Zhuang Hao's face was overcast, and he said, "that's it!"

"Big brother, don't be angry." Zhuang Qian said.

Zhuang Hao horizontal Zhuang Qian one eye, way: "you rest assured, I am OK."

Zhuang Qian looked at Zhuang Hao's ugly face, rubbed his nose, and said to himself, "brother, are you really OK?"

Zhuang Hao squints at Zhuang Qian and doesn't speak.

"I'll go to the Royal racecourse." Zhuang Hao said.

Zhuangqian turned his eyes and followed him, "I will go too."


Tianlan college.

"Master Zhuang Ling, do you know about the return of evil doctors to the imperial capital?" Sun Lin looked at Zhuang Lingdao.

Zhuang Ling was shocked for a moment and said: "what? When! "

"Today! He was invited by the Shen family to go to the Royal horse farm to see a doctor for the war horse. Tutor Zhuang Ling, my daughter's illness can be improved thanks to the evil doctor. Do you think I should thank him? " Sun Lin thought.

"The evil doctor went to the Royal horse farm. What about Qi Shaorong?" Zhuang Ling asked.

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"Qi Shaorong seems to be in the library in recent days. He should go to the library." Sun Lin said.

"To the library?"

Sun Lin nodded and said, "yes! He should go to the special area of the library. How envious! The special area of the library of Tianlan university is also very open to the public. However, Qi Shao has made great contributions and should be granted this right. "

Zhuang Ling lowers his head, "evil doctor goes to see a doctor for war horse. Is Qi Shaorong still in the library of the college?"

Sun Lin nodded and said, "it should be."

"I'll go to the library." Zhuang Ling stood up and said.

Sun Lin: "this time?"

Zhuang Ling nodded and stood up. He left in a hurry.

When Sun Lin saw Zhuang Ling leave, she had some doubts in her mind.

There is a tutor in the special area of the library of Tianlan college, "is this tutor Qi in it?"

The tutor in charge of guarding the special area nodded and said: "in it, this boy is very hard and reports every day."

"Tutor, is not Qi Shaorong in it?"

"Who can Qi Shaorong make? There are only a few people in the special zone. " The watchman went to the book city and didn't like the tunnel.

The examination of the special area of Tianlan college is very strict. Everyone who is allowed to enter will leave a ray of spiritual light wave in the magic bead at the entrance of the third floor. When entering, in addition to the pass card provided by the president, the spiritual light wave also needs to be matched.

Therefore, if Qi Shaorong gives the card to others, others cannot use it.

Zhuang Ling frowned and left the special area.

Yi fan, with Qi Shaorong's face on his head, stood in the special area on the top floor of the library and watched Zhuang Ling leave from the bottom of the building, which made him smile a little. As expected, tutor Zhuang Ling came. There were not many people who could enter the special area of the college. Yi Fan happened to be one of them.


Qi Shaorong wears a mask and follows Shen Yuan. Looking at the fallen horse, Qi Shaorong feels numb.

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The Blue Grassland is boundless. Qi Shaorong walked with Shen Yuan for a long time and only saw the tip of the iceberg of the Royal horse farm. Qi Shaorong could not help but sigh the strength of the royal family.

The scale of the Royal horse farm is quite spectacular!

Those Jiaoma horses are also very big! It's always about the size of five or six horses on earth.

Shen Yuan looked at Qi Shaorong and said gratefully, "thank you very much for your hard work."

Qi Shaorong waved his hand and said, "you're welcome. I'm not looking at your face. I'm looking at Shaorong's face."

Shen Yuan: " That is, that is, after all, Qi Shao's face is big. "

"Evil doctor, is there any way?"

Qi Shaorong shook his head and said, "I don't know. If so many horses die, they will lose a lot."

Shen Yuan said in a flurried way, "if you have any way to cure these horses, you will be rewarded with a million gold coins."

"A million, that sounds like a lot, but I recently made a payment, but I don't care much about the money..."Shen Yuan chuckled dryly and said, "there are still Knights..."

"Master of evil medicine."

Shen Yuan looked back at Zhuang Hao, who had been rushed by all sorts of people, and said to himself, "Zhuang Hao is here indeed. It's said that this guy has been keeping himself at home since the competition. When he hears the evil doctor coming, he rashly starts.

Qi Shaorong looked at Zhuang Hao, smiled and said, "I haven't seen Zhuang Hao in a few days. Zhuang Shao is more and more handsome."

Zhuang Qian leaned out his head from behind Zhuang Hao and said, "evil doctor, my eldest brother is handsome. I'm more handsome than Qi Shaorong. What's good about Qi Shaorong's ferocious guy? My eldest brother is much better than him."

Qi Shaorong: "..." Zhuang Qian, this guy is really mouth shy.

"Evil medicine has been gone for a long time. I don't know where it has been for some time."

"Went out for a walk."

Zhuang Qian looked at the evil doctor and said, "it's a pity that you missed my brother's competition. My brother's single point is the first."

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Qi Shaorong said with a smile: "I know, because your brother lost millions of gold coins."

Zhuang Qian: " Why? My brother, why did you lose millions? "

"I borrowed gold coins to bet on Shao Rong. Shao Rong bet the money he won. At the beginning, I saw that he gave the college thousands of noodles, and gave me half of the money. Because in addition to making a million bets on Tian LAN college first, Shao Rong also made a 100000 bet on your big brother's zero out. Your big brother's zero out odds are very high, one hundred for one." Qi Shaorong is full of regret. ,

Zhuang Qian: "..."

Qi Shaorong put out his hand and pinched Zhuang Hao on the cheek. "Zhuang Shao, I didn't expect that you are so decent and can even lie. You can't look good."

Zhuang Qian: "..."

Shen Yuan looks at the evil doctor pinching Zhuang Hao's face, and secretly makes a cold sweat for the evil doctor. Zhuang Hao is a guy who pays great attention to his face. His face is easily untouched. Shen Yuan worries about the evil doctor here, but finds that his worry is really superfluous. Zhuang Hao is motionless, and lets the evil doctor pinch his face, and returns Blushed.

"I'm sorry." Zhuang Hao said.

Qi Shaorong shrugged and said, "forget it."

Shen Yuan watched Qi Shaorong and Zhuang Hao chatter and couldn't help but say, "how about seeing the horse first, master evil doctor?"

Qi Shaorong nodded and said, "OK!"

Qi Shaorong examined the sick horse and said, "is this horse all at once sick?"

"That's not true. There are dozens of horses who are ill first. Soon, they are all ill." Shen Yuandao.

"Who is the manager of this Racecourse! When a horse is ill, it should be isolated first! If the sick horses were isolated first, they would not have been so infected. " Qi Shaorong said.

Shen Yuan smiled awkwardly and said, "it's too late to investigate the manager of the horse farm. In fact, the manager of the horse farm has been cut off."

Shen Yuan spared his head. The manager of the horse farm was originally one of his family uncles, relying on his nepotism.

The old guy's ability to pick up girls is good, and his management level is not good. When the war horse happened, the old guy thought it was unimportant and didn't pay attention to it at all. As a result, things expanded to the point where it was difficult to clean up. The monarch killed people in a rage because of his dereliction of duty.

It's a pity that the old man died. The problem of the war horse still needs to be solved. If it can't be solved within the prescribed time, the Shen family is afraid that they won't be able to bear it.

Qi Shaorong: "..."

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Zhuang Hao looked at Qi Shaorong and said, "evil doctor, what do you think of the situation?"

Qi Shaorong narrowed his eyes and said, "I'm not sure yet. I'll take some medicine first and try it."

Zhuang Hao nodded and said, "don't worry too much about evil medicine. Even if it doesn't work well, it's the Shen family's worst. It has nothing to do with you."

Shen Yuan: "..." What did Zhuang Hao say about it!

Zhuang Qian came to Qi Shaorong and said, "evil doctor, do you have a way? I know that even if the light sacrifice cannot be done, you will still have a way."

"I can only try. I don't know if I can make it." There is still a difference between the monsters in this world and the last one. The difference between the herbs in this world and the last one is even greater. He can only try with several prescriptions first.

Shen Yuan looked at the lazy attitude of the evil doctor, and said, "I can't wait for the horses, elder evil doctor! Please do it as soon as possible. "

Qi Shaorong nodded and said, "don't worry, there will be no delay, but you will pay me soon."

Shen Yuan: "..."

Zhuang Qian gathered around Qi Shaorong and said curiously, "master evil doctor, why do you like Qi Shaorong so much?"

Shen Yuan looks at Zhuang Qian and talks. He wants to kick him out. Is it important to have a sick horse at this time?

"Birds of a feather flock together! Maybe it's because I'm fierce, too. "Qi Shaorong said.

Zhuang Qian blinked and said, "master evil doctor, you are really joking. You are a gentle person. ""Me? Gentle? "

Zhuang Qian nodded and said, "yes!"

Qi Shaorong: "it's the first time that someone has commented on me. I really want to soak you in the immortal potion and make a specimen, immortal You know, you are such a naive and lovely young man who wants to be humble in the world, but you can't ask for it. "

Zhuang Qian: "..."

Zhuang Hao frowned and said, "don't make fun of me, senior evil doctor. Your joke is too profound. Ah qian can't understand it."

Qi Shaorong: "..."

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