Yang man appeased Yi Huo for a long time before he came out.

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"Mother, can't elder brother be better?" Easy snow some panic tunnel.

Yang man sinks his face and shakes his head silently.

"Second brother, how can we do this?" Yi Chu's lips are full of fear.

After Yi Huo's accident, Yi chuxue keenly felt that people in the family were not right in her face.

At first, Yi Bing's temper began to improve. When she didn't have such a grudge against Yi Huo on the surface, Yi chuxue was still a little complacent. She felt that her father and mother didn't persuade Yi Bing, but Yi Bing was persuaded by her. She would still comfort people.

Yi chuxue didn't think of it. Yi Bing hated Yi Huo all the time. He didn't care about it in front of himself. He just confused himself and wanted to use himself.

"Your eldest brother and second brother have had an accident. It's a little strange." Yangman road.

Yang man's eyes flashed with cold light. Yi Huo said that Yi Bing's injury was not his hand. Yang man didn't believe it. However, after Yi Huo was poisoned, he still said that. Yang man couldn't help believing that Yi Huo didn't have to lie until this time. Moreover, Lu Ming, the principal, said that Yi Bing's injury was probably caused by the sixth level fire magician.

There are only two level six fire magicians in the secret world. Both of them have alibi, and the suspects can be ruled out.

"It must have something to do with Yi fan. The eldest brother and the second brother, who have been out of order and can get benefits, are mostly Yi fan. He has been envious of the eldest brother and the second brother. He must be secretly happy when the two brothers have been out of order." Easy early snow stuffy tunnel.

Yang man narrowed his eyes and raised some doubts about Yi fan. He whispered, "it's time for Yi fan to solve this problem."

Yeoman doesn't think that Yifan will be involved in Yihuo and Yibing, but Yihuo and Yibing have been abandoned. Yifan, which was originally insignificant, has threatened Yihuo and Yibing brothers, and yeoman can't tolerate this threat now.


Tianlan college library special area.

Yi Fan came to Qi Shaorong and asked, "what book are you looking for?"

Yi Fan looks at Qi Shaorong, and his heart is filled with some doubts. Qi Shaorong has been in the library these days, trying to find some books that are out of the way.

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"Nothing." Qi Shaorong felt the mark on his hand through his gloves.

Qi Shaorong has some problems with the imprint on his intuition, but he doesn't want to share it with others until he has to.

"It's not peaceful recently, Yi family." Qi Shaorong turned to the topic.

Good things do not go out, bad things spread thousands of miles, easy to fire things, quickly spread.

Qi Shaorong was in the college and got the news.

Yi Fan smiled and said, "make it, make it, watch it, don't think it's too big. The more chaotic it is, the better."

Yi fan says in secret: Yi Bing is smarter than he thinks. He knows how to use Yi Chu snow. Yi Chu snow is a fool. Yi Bing's doing this is a waste. Yi Huo didn't expect that he would be ruined for the rest of his life by his beloved sister.

"What are you two talking about?" Hu Feng came in with his hands on his back.

Qi Shaorong's heart sank with a thump, saying that he was lucky. Fortunately, he just didn't say anything taboo to Yi fan.

"Principal, we're nuts." Qi Shaorong said,

"don't worry. You're right. It's not too big to watch. The more chaos, the better. Lu Ming has been a bit complacent over the years. He thinks he has saved some talents. As a result, he looks at all the incompetent guys. If he doesn't like it, he will kill each other." Hu Feng had a stomach full of gloating.

Qi Shaorong and Yi Fan couldn't help but look at each other. Qi Shaorong secretly said: the principal is not a good guy either!

Hu Feng narrowed his eyes and said, "it's strange that Yihuo and Yibing of the Yi family have happened one after another."

"It's just that the brothers in the big house fight each other. It's no surprise." Qi Shaorong said.

"In fact, it's not necessarily easy fire for Yi Bing. That day, Yi Bing came out of the casino to commit a crime. I saw that the magic power of the person who hurt Yi Bing should have six levels. However, Yi fire is only a five level magician, and his strength is not enough." The alley.

Qi Shaorong doesn't understand and says, "isn't it said that Yi Bing was hurt by level 5 fire magic?"

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Hu Feng nodded and said, "that's right. However, the people who started the game are very good at magic control. Such magic power is not owned by level five magicians, so I think Yi Bing may have been attacked by level six magicians with level five magic."

Qi Shaorong: "..." Hu Feng's powerful observation! Fortunately, Yi Bing, an idiot, doesn't have Hu Feng's brain.

"Headmaster, you're terrible!" Qi Shaorong said.

Hu Feng smiled and said, "yes! What I'm talking about is that the Yi family invited all the light sacrifices of the imperial capital to pass. "

Qi Shaorong curled his mouth and said, "is it useful?"

Hu Feng shook his head and said, "no, it's said that the poison in Yi fire is very strange. It's the first time to see the past sacrifice."Qi Shaorong: "..." Of course, it's the first time to see that Yi Fan contracted a highly poisonous red viper and gave it a lot of poisons to eat. As a result, when he ate it, it changed and became extremely poisonous.

Qi Shaorong and Yi Fan came out of the library. Qi Shaorong frowned and whispered, "there are still many smart people in the world. You should be careful." Hu Feng can see the person who hurt Yi Bing. He may be a level six magician. There's no reason why Lu Ming can't see him.

"It's OK, young master. You know, all the people who entered the hundred school war signed a contract. Life and death in the secret world are safe. The grudges in the secret world are not allowed to be brought to the outside of the secret world." Yifan is a light tunnel.

Qi Shaorong smiled and said, "contract? That's nothing! " The contract, to put it bluntly, is to restrain the helpless weak.

"The Yi family is in a mess now." Yihuo and Yibing are both wasted. I don't know how much more Yijia will spend on them.

"That stepmother of yours, with a close mind, may doubt you." Qi Shaorong said.

"That woman is more or less suspicious of me."

Yi Fan lowers his head. After Yi Huo's accident, yang man quickly finds out that the source of the poison is Yi Bing's concubine. Although the concubine has escaped from the imperial capital, she still hasn't escaped yang man's pursuit. Unfortunately, the concubine doesn't know the source of the poison.

Qi Shaorong glanced at Yi Fan and said, "be careful."

Yi Fan smiled and said, "I will."

Qi Shaorong and Yi fan are walking on the mall of the campus. Yi Fan suddenly stops and looks at the people in the distance. He smiles at Qi Shaorong and says, "Master Zhuang is here. It seems that he is here to find you. I'll leave first."

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Zhuang Hao walked to Qi Shaorong step by step and said, "Qi Sishao and Qianmian have a good relationship!"

"I've made friends all over the world, and I'm very popular. It's impossible." Qi Shaorong is a light tunnel.

Zhuang Hao smiled and said, "the Qi four little people are very popular. They are really enviable!"

"Young Master Zhuang, do you want to know why my popularity is so good? I am handsome, kind-hearted, naive and lovely, with a good relationship, which is beyond the envy of others. " Qi Shaorong said.

Zhuang Hao: "..."

"The evil doctor is gone. Do you know where he has gone?" Zhuang Hao said.

Qi Shaorong looked at Zhuang Hao and said: "if the evil medicine is gone, you come to me. Master Zhuang, I heard that you like evil medicine. Then we are enemies of love. It's hard for you to ask me for help! If you have only this ability, I advise you to go back in case of difficulties. "

Zhuang Hao stared at Qi Shaorong and said, "do you like evil medicine, too?"

Qi Shaorong looked at Zhuang Hao and smiled brightly. He said: "you are so interesting, Master Zhuang. I told you that I was lying in the same bed with the evil doctor. How dull you are! I don't know. I have an affair with the evil doctor! "

"You lie!"

Qi Shaorong: "..."

"I can see you're not broken." Zhuang Hao said.

Qi Shaorong: "..."

"I can see that the evil doctor has not broken his body." Zhuang Hao is serious.

Qi Shaorong: "..." How long are Zhuang Hao's eyes!

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Qi Shaorong's face darkened. Zhuang Hao looked at Qi Shaorong, as if he was worried that Qi Shaorong would become angry and do something irreparable. He added: "Qi Sishao, you are still young and not in a hurry. You know that it is of great benefit to keep a boy's body, whether it is for practicing magic or fighting spirit."

Qi Shaorong: " Thank you so much for the reminder. "

"You're welcome." Zhuang haodun said again, "now can you tell me where the evil doctor is?"

Qi Shaorong shook his head and said, "no way!"

Zhuang Hao frowned, Qi Shaorong patted Zhuang Hao on the shoulder and said, "you are young, you are not in a hurry. You know how to keep a boy's body, whether it's for practicing magic or fighting spirit, it's good. Speaking of it, do you look like a playboy or a boy?"

Zhuang Hao: " You don't have to worry, I'm still. "

Qi Shaorong nodded and said, "Oh, it's really a surprise that Master Zhuang is still there!"

Zhuang Hao: "..."

Zhuang Hao grabbed Qi Shaorong and said, "little nonsense, tell me where the evil doctor is!"

Qi Shaorong's head ached a while, then he took off his mouth and said: "the evil doctor is..." Qi Shaorong wakes up and says, "the evil doctor has gone to Hualou."

Zhuang Hao: "..."

Zhuang Haosong opened his hand, looked at Qi Shaorong's face and said, "it seems that your face is not very good. Is there something wrong with your body?"

Qi Shaorong sinks his face and says, "it's none of your business."

Qi Shaorong carried his hand and touched the burning mark on the back of his hand. He felt a little panic in his heart. Damn it! It's not true that Zhuang Hao gave him the contract as a contractual beast.Zhuang Hao frowned and felt a little strange in his heart.

Qi Shaofu came over and said, "four younger brothers, Zhuang Hao, you are all here! How about finding a place to talk! "

Zhuang Hao looked at Qi Shaofu, nodded and said, "OK."

The arrival of Qi Shaofu solved Qi Shaorong's embarrassment. Qi Shaorong nodded and said, "whatever you want."

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