Yi Fan goes back to the dormitory and squints his eyes involuntarily.

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Yi Er also lives in an independent dormitory. Moreover, the dormitory is somewhat remote. Yi Fan's ordinary impression is that he is a little lonely young master. Few people come to Yi Fan's residence.

Yi Fan shut the door and walked into the dormitory.

A dart flew straight towards Yi fan. With a wave of his hand, he was blocked by an ice wall and fell to the ground.

With a wave of Yi Fan's hand, a staff appeared on Yi Fan's hand. Almost at the same time, an Ice Dragon flew out of the staff and was attacked by the ice dragon. The man in black had to show up.

"Ice magic, how can you do it?" Du Feng couldn't help but widen his eyes.

Yi Fan took a look at the visitor and said, "Du Feng, I didn't expect that the bitch would send you out!"

Yang man and Yi Xun have cultivated their own influence for many years. Du Feng is one of Yang man's strong generals and helps yang man deal with many things.

"Why do I know ice magic? Go to hell and ask the king of hell!" Yi Fan's eyes, in an instant, are full of cold.

An ice Phoenix appeared in front of Du Feng, and his face flashed a little panic.

When he found the danger of Yi fan, Du Feng turned around and ran away. A bright red snake appeared in front of Du Feng. A black mist sprayed from the snake's head, and Du Feng suddenly fell to the ground.

Yi Fan stepped on Du Feng's chest and asked, "who sent you? Did yeoman send you to kill me? "

Du Feng looked at Yi Fan and said in a hoarse voice, "it's you who killed the second young master and framed the second young master for killing each other!"

Yi Fan looked at Du Feng and said, "it's a quick reaction. Unfortunately, you are so smart, but you are willing to be yang man's running dog!"

Du Feng looked at Yi Fan and said, "you will be punished. Madam will not let you go."

"Retribution is the first retribution of that bitch. When will it be my turn?" Yi Fan's indifferent way.

"You..." Du Fengman looks at Yi Fan angrily.

Yi Fan smiled at Du Feng and said, "you're here to kill me. Well, I'll take you on the road first. Don't worry. You'll follow yang man to help you. If you die, someone will accompany you soon. You won't be alone on huangquan road."

Yi Fan's mouth has a strange smile. His eyes are red and blue. He looks inexplicably appalling.

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The surface of Dufeng's body is frozen, but there is a fire in it. Under the test of extreme hot and cold temperatures, Dufeng turns into ashes.

To solve Du Feng, Yi Fan quickly put away the snake, before long, there was a knock outside the door.

Yi Fan opened the door, looked at the visitor and asked, "vice president, how did you come?"

Li Hong took a look at Yi Fan's dormitory and said, "just now, there are some strange magic elements. Is it OK for Yi?"

Yi Fan smiled and said, "it's OK."

"It seems that a curfew has come to the college. Take care of yourself, classmate Yi fan." Li Hongdao.

"Thank you for your concern. I will." Yi Fan's light way.

Yi fan turns around, and a small snake runs out of Yi Fan's wrist. Yi Fan smiles coldly. Du Feng dies, which is equal to breaking yang man's arm. Yang man may not care about it before. However, if Yang man is suffering from internal and external troubles, he should not care about it. However, Du Feng doesn't even have ash left. Even if Yang man wants to trace it, he can't trace it out.



"Mother, what's the matter with you?" Yi chuxue asked yang man, who was restless.

Yang man pursed his lips and said, "nothing."

"Mother, the guard Du Feng beside you, how can you not see others." Yi chuxue asked in some confusion.

Yang man lowered her head. She sent Du Feng to touch the bottom of Yi Fan yesterday. As a result, Du Feng didn't come back all night. I don't know if something happened.

"I sent him out on a mission." Yangman road.

Yi chuxue nodded and said, "that's it!"

Yang man can't help clenching her fist. She sent Du Feng out just in case that Du Feng hasn't come back yet. Yang man had a bad feeling.

"Madame." A shadow guard in black appeared beside yang man.

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Yangman nodded and said, "how is the situation?"

"Everything in Tianlan college is normal. Nothing happened." Guard road.

Yang man lowered his head. How could it be? Du Feng went to Tianlan college and didn't come back overnight! Don't you say that Du Feng sneaked into the college and was found by some tutor accidentally, so he was killed by the tutor of Tianlan college. If so, Du Feng died in a wrong way.

Yi chuxue looks at yang man's solemn face, and suddenly feels a little bit more bad.

Yi chuxue lowers her head and says in a dark way: it seems that since Yi Bing's accident, the bad things at home have happened one after another. It's hard not to see Du Feng's face. It's normal that Yi chuxue doesn't look at such servants as Du Feng, but this time is different from the past!Yang man narrowed his eyes and said to himself: Du Feng is missing. It seems that Yi Fan really has a problem.


Tianlan college.


Seeing Qi Shaorong, Hu Feng immediately showed a bright smile, "apprentice, what's the matter with you, my master and me?"

Qi Shaorong looks at Hu Feng and takes off his gloves.

Seeing the mark on Qi Shaorong's arm, Hu Feng suddenly opened his eyes and said: "this mark! How can you get it? When did you have it on your arm! "

"After playing Zhuang Hao in the secret place." Qi Shaorong said.

Hu Feng frowned and said, "how could it be like this? I knew you should have beaten Zhuang Hao straight away!"

Qi Shaorong looked at Hu Feng and said, "master, what is this mark?"

Hu Feng frowned, glanced at Qi Shaorong, and said: "you know that people and Warcraft can reach a contract, and people can also form a contract. There are two kinds of contracts between people. "

"Which two?"

"One is the master-slave contract. The pre named meaning of the master-slave contract is that one party submits to the other party, and the other is the equal and reciprocal contract. There is another kind of contract called marriage contract. If this contract is converted into marriage contract, then..."

"What kind of group? I want to marry Zhuang hao? " Asked Qi Shaorong.

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Hu Feng rubbed his nose and said, "if a marriage contract is formed, the tacit agreement between the two men will be multiplied when they are fighting against the enemy. Moreover, this contract is conducive to double cultivation. Apprentice, I heard that you and Zhuang Hao have a marriage contract."

Qi Shaorong smiled and said, "Shifu, you know, what you hear is the Yellow calendar eight hundred years ago. Zhuang Hao withdrew early."

Hu Feng looks at Qi Shaorong and says, "is that right? But I heard that Zhuang Hao is always pestering you. "

Qi Shaorong: "..."

"Zhuang Hao likes evil medicine, and I also like evil medicine. We are the relationship between love and enemy." Qi Shaorong said.

Hu Feng looks at Qi Shaorong and says, "are you and Zhuang Hao rivals?"

Qi Shaorong nodded and said, "yes."

"Apprentice, we students of Tianlan college should strive for the best in everything, and weak love can't show weakness. Although Zhuang Hao is such a rival, you can't show weakness either. You must catch up with the evil doctor, you know?" Hu Fengyi is a strict word.

Qi Shaorong: " got it.

"Apprentice, I heard that this evil doctor is black! He seems to have a lot of money. He's a good match! " The alley.

Qi Shao killed: "..."

"How is master going to settle my contract?" Asked Qi Shaorong.

Hu Feng thought for a moment and said, "I'll see if I can find a way to get rid of it. If I can't get rid of it, I'll get Zhuang Hao and force him to rescind the contract for you."

Qi Shaorong widened his eyes and said, "master, Zhuang Hao's grandfather is a ten level Dharma sage!"

Hu Feng nodded and said, "yes! However, it's not necessary to avoid it for the time being. "

Qi Shaorong: "..." My master is really lawless, but the old man's advice is very constructive.

"How does this mark affect you?" Asked Hu Feng.

Qi Shaorong pursed his lips and said, "it doesn't have much influence for the moment, but when Zhuang Hao talks, there will be a voice in his subconscious that makes me want to join him." However, the voice, now very weak, has not had a great impact on him.

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Hu Feng shook his head and said: "look at qunzi, Zhuang Hao's animal control potential is really strong! If not, he will not be able to contract. "

Looking at Hu Feng, Qi Shaorong said, "master, are you growing others' aspirations and destroying your own prestige?"

Hu Feng: "..."

Hu Feng rubbed his hands and said, "if we want to catch Zhuang Hao, we must do it as soon as possible. If this kid is promoted to level 8, it will be very difficult to catch him. At that time, I don't have to catch him."

Qi Shaorong: "..."

"Young master, you are back. What does the principal say?" Qi Heng asked.

Qi Shaorong shook his head and said, "dead old man, I can't help it for the moment. I have to go to Zhuang Hao at last."

Qi Heng shrugged and said, "in fact, it's nothing to ask Zhuang Hao!"

Qi Shaorong looks at Qi Heng and says, "it's nothing to ask for Zhuang hao? How can it be nothing to ask Zhuang hao? If I fall to the point where I beg such a little devil as Zhuang Hao to give me a high hand, it's disgraceful! "

"Young master, you are smaller than him!" Qiheng road.

Qi Shaorong sneered and said, "how can it be? Evil medicine is seventy years old."

"That's your bullshit." Qiheng road.

Qi Shao killed: "..."

"Young master, Yi Fan was assassinated yesterday!" Qi Heng's face was serious.

Qi Shaorong's fingers are tapping on the table, "Oh, it seems that Yang man can't help it. He's still out.""Yi Fan solved it cleanly." Qiheng road.

Qi Shaorong smiled and said, "I can believe it when ah fan moves. But if people don't go back, yang man will still be suspicious."

Qi Heng nodded and said, "yes!"

Qi Shaorong curled his mouth and said, "but it's no big deal. Yi Huo and Yi Bing are useless. Yang man is a woman with less power. Those who listen to yang man should be able to cope with Yi fan."

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