At the end of the auction of 100 commodities, the door of the auction was opened at once, and the guests participating in the auction left one after another.

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Qi Heng holds Xueyan flower and follows Qi Shaorong and Zhuang Hao.

Many passers-by stare at xueyanhua in Qiheng's hand. Qiheng is helpless. Xueyanhua is still alive. If it is put into a space ring, it will lose its life and its efficacy will be greatly reduced. It can only be held in his hand. However, holding such a large potted flower in his hand is quite eye-catching.

People passing by, many people are to Qiheng hand flower Piao, Qiheng can not help but some helpless.

Qi Shaorong reached Qi Heng's ear and said, "ah Heng, you are very charming. Many people are looking at you."

"Don't laugh, young master, where is my charm? It's the flower in my hand." Qi Heng sighed.

Yi chuxue walks out of the auction house and looks at the flowers in Qiheng's hand and the teeth.

As soon as Qi Shaoru came out, she saw Yi Chu Xue with an ugly face. "Miss Yi, it seems that I saw you bidding for Xueyan flower just now. Unfortunately, I didn't compete with Zhuang Hao. Unexpectedly, Zhuang Hao gave the flower to my fourth brother. I almost thought that Zhuang Hao was bidding for the flower to give it to you."

Yi Chu glanced at Qi Shaoru coldly and said, "Miss Qi, don't just talk about me! I can't get it. You think you have a chance. "

Qi Shaoru glared at Yi chuxue fiercely and said, "even if I can't keep up with Zhuang Hao, there are many young talents in the imperial capital for me to choose. Miss Yi, you are miserable. You used to have such a high vision, but now you are afraid that you are the broken aristocrats, and you may not be willing to deal with them?"

Yi chuxue bit her teeth and said, "don't worry about it."

"How can I not care about Miss Yi's marriage? Speaking of it, a small steward of Qi's family is looking for a daughter-in-law recently. Miss Yi, would you like me to introduce it to you! The steward is plain in appearance, but he doesn't worry about food or drink. Some girls in my family are eager to follow him. " Qi Shaoru said.

Yi Chu's face turned red with snow, and she said with shame and anger, "Miss Qi, if you like your family's business so much, you'd better marry him."


Yi Fan came out after finishing the handover in the background of the auction.

At the auction, Yi Fan immediately released the ban on mu Tingxuan and restored her strength.

"Thank you." Mu Tingxuan says to Yi fan.

Yi Fan chuckled and said, "it's too much for you to say this to me."

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"Did you spend a lot of gold coins to save me?" Moutingxuan road.

"Not much, most of the auction houses have returned to me," said Yi fan

"What did you do to the mercenaries?" Hearing Yi Fan's words, mu Tingxuan jumps and asks subconsciously.

Yi Fan shrugged and said, "I sent them to paradise to have fun."

Mutingxuan: "..."

Yi Fan walked out of the auction house with mu Tingxuan. As soon as they walked out of the auction house, they were stopped by Yan Xin and several people.

"Thousands of students, you are arrogant enough!" Yan Xin, the old man, looked at Yi Fan with compassion.

Yi Fan said lightly, "it's OK."

Yi fan is a little nervous in front of Mu Tingxuan, but he is not afraid to face Yan Xin.

"Qian Mian, you know what you're doing. Give me this guy. If you don't know what you're doing, please go to the showdown arena with me." The old man said.

The emperor forbids private fighting. However, there are many capable people in the capital. The royal family is worried that these people have been depressed for a long time. They burst out and are too destructive. They specially set up a duel table.

Duel platform is the repairer of the general imperial capital. It is the place to solve personal grievances. There must be life and death on the duel platform. Therefore, duel platform is also known as the platform of life and death.

"Since you are so elegant, I will be your company." Yi Fan's cold way.

Mu Tingxuan frowned and held Yi Fan's hand. "You..."

Yi Fan smiled at mu Tingxuan and said, "it's OK."

The old man Yan Xin looked at Yi fan, smiled coldly and said, "OK! Good! It's daunting. I wanted to let you go. Since you don't know how to live or die, I won't advise you much. "

The conflict between Yan Xin and Qianmian has attracted many people's attention.

Zhuang Hao looked at Qi Shaorong and said, "don't you stop?"

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"What a performance opportunity! Do you think so? " Qi Shaorong said.

Zhuang Hao: "..."

Shen Yuan frowned and said: "Qi classmate, Yan Xin old man's skill of controlling poison is very powerful."

Qi Shaorong smiled and said, "really? That's a good time to see. Let's go. Let's go and watch. "


"What are you looking at, miss?" Xianglan asked Mu Xuelan.

Mu Xuelan frowned and said, "Xianglan, do you think it's familiar to you?"

Xianglan man was puzzled and said: "Miss, what's wrong with you? How can a thousand faces be familiar? ""His voice, as well as his back, is very much like..."

Xianglan looked at Mu Xuelan and said, "Miss, who does Qianmian look like?"

Mu Xuelan shook her head and said, "no, nothing..." How can it be a person? Yifan and Qianmian are so far away.

"Miss, those guys are going to watch the party. Shall we go?" Xianglan asked with interest.

Mu Xuelan nodded and said, "it's better to go and have a look!"


Old Yan Xin and Yi Fan came to the duel table together. Old Yan Xin looked at Yi Fan and said: "boy, you regret now. It's too late to hand over this ugly monster. Boy, you are young and promising. Why do you have to do this for a ugly monster?" On the duel platform, neither side is allowed to leave unless one side dies.

Yi Fan glanced at Yan Xin and said, "you have so much nonsense."

Old man Yan Xin looks at Yi Fan angrily. Yi fan has jumped into the stage of life and death first.

Once Yan Xin jumped into the stage of life and death, he released a huge toad.

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"What is that!" Asked Qi Shaorong.

"It's the contract beast of the old man Yan Xin, the seven color poisonous toad. This kind of toad is extremely poisonous. Ordinary people encounter it, and there is only one way to die." Shen Yuandao.

The old man Yan Xin's toad is a bit like the earth's, but its body size is thousands of times larger than the Earth's.

The toad's surface is full of colorful protrusions. It has colorful flowers. It looks terrible. The toad has a scarlet tongue. Between the opening and closing of its mouth, there are green poisons.

"This toad looks very strong. I want to come to the old man Yan Xin and spend a lot of time raising it." Qi Shaorong said.

Shen Yuan nodded and said, "that's not true. The fighting level of Yan Xin is not high. Most of his kung fu is based on poison."

Qi Shaorong smiled and said, "really?"

A crimson snake flew out of Yi Fan's wrist. As soon as the snake flew out, it immediately rose to five or six meters in the face of the storm. As soon as the snake came out, the toad with his teeth open and claws open suddenly showed a strong color of fear.

The snake opened its mouth and swallowed the seven colored toad.

The blood snake summoned by Yi fan, however, has a thick mouth. However, the snake swallows the toad, which is one meter long, but it has more than enough appearance. It has eaten a full meal of blood snake, with a big bulge and indigestion.

From the blood snake being summoned to swallowing the poisonous toad, it was only a moment.

Originally, people were looking forward to a war. As a result, the battle ended in the blink of an eye.

Zhuang Hao looked at Qi Shaorong's shallow smile and frowned slightly. All the people of Mohe mercenary regiment died of poisoning. Old man Yan Xin suddenly met his opponent.

Qi Shaorong looked at the snake on the ground. "That's a good snake! The food is enough! "

"The seven colored toad is very poisonous. The snake doesn't know if it will have indigestion." Zhuang Hao said.

Qi Shaorong smiled and said, "don't worry." Yifan's snake, however, is cultivated by cultivating poisonous insects. The poisons it has eaten are inconsequential. A little toad is nothing.

The bulging belly of the blood snake gradually shriveled and returned to its normal shape.

It took a long time for the old man Yan Xin to return to the gods. The old man Yan Xin, who had returned to the gods, immediately became angry and looked at the blood snake behind Yi fan. He said angrily, "what did your contractual beast do..."

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"Dead old man, you are really confused. What did you do? When the meal was delivered to the mouth, it was naturally eaten...... "

The old man Yan Xin looked at Yi Fan with hatred and said, "you stinky boy, I want you to look good."

The old man Yan Xin summoned a white bone magic wand, recited magic spells and launched attacks.

"Idiot." Yi Fan's wand waved, and an ice dragon roared toward the old man Yan Xin. The old man Yan Xin's magic spell hasn't been finished yet, and Yi Fan's attack has arrived.

Zhuang Hao's eyes flashed a little surprised, "thousands of faces have already been seven levels, walking in front of you."

Qi Shaorong picked the eyebrows. When he was in the secret place, Yi Fan was indeed in level 6. He should have been promoted after the game. "He is more focused than me, and better than me."

The old man Yan Xin coagulated a black shield to block the attack of Yi fan.

Zhuang Hao looked at Qi Shaorong and said, "Qianmian seems to have entered level 7. Yanxin has been in level 7 for many years. Qianmian wants to win, but it's not easy."

"If he gets serious, it won't take long."

Qi Shaorong Yang said, "ah Qian, let's fight quickly. We can't catch up with dinner."

As soon as Qi Shaorong's words fell, Yi Fan's magic power began to boil.

Zhuang Hao's eyes widened a little. "This is."

Two elements of water and fire in the sky immediately boil, five ice dragons and five fire dragons fly out together, ice dragons and fire dragons are intertwined, two kinds of magic are mixed together and explode! Double attribute magic explosion, the power of which is comparable to that of the eighth level cultivator. The old man Yan Xin was hit by this magic power, and split in an instant.The two magic elements of extreme cold and extreme heat explode in an instant, making people feel at two levels.

Zhuang Hao looked at Qi Shaorong and said in surprise, "he can do fire magic?"

Qi Shaorong nodded, "yes! He and I are the same dual-attribute magic against physique

Zhuang Hao looked at Qi Shaorong and said, "I'm afraid it's not just similar." If Qian Mian can do fire magic, the person who hurt Yi Bing in the secret place is likely to be

Looking at Zhuang Hao, Qi Shaorong said, "Master Zhuang, do you think we are similar?"

Zhuang Hao frowned and said, "nothing."

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