"Someone's coming." Yi Fan's light way.

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Looking at Yi Fan's bloodthirsty eyes, Mu Xuelan felt uneasy.

Yi Fan walked out of the hall and saw Yi Chu snow in the courtyard.

Yi chuxue is a little scared to avoid the snakes in the yard. "Yi fan, you bastard who kills thousands of knives, come out quickly."

"Yi fan, you finally come out. Did you do the things of my eldest brother and second brother? You are a son of a bitch. You can't die easily."

Yi Fan looks at Yi chuxue and smiles excitedly.

"First snow sister! If you don't go to heaven, if you don't have a gate to hell, you're going to die. " With a move of Yi Fan's hand, a giant snake with a length of more than ten meters immediately tied Yi's first snow.

"Yi fan, what do you do?"

The giant snake binds Yi chuxue, and the tighter it gets, the incoherent scream of Yi chuxue. It sounds creepy. The pain of suffocation makes Yi chuxue unable to scream.

"Yi fan, are you going to kill her? She is your sister after all! " Xianglan road.

"Yes! She's my sister. It's not good for my reputation to let people know that I killed her. I should kill you. " Yi Fan suddenly put his hand on Xianglan's neck and threw it into the snake pile. In a blink of an eye, Xianglan was submerged by a pile of snakes.

"Yi fan, what do you do?" Moxuelan asked excitedly.

"Make a joke and tell her not to talk about anything. She's just a stinky girl. How dare you tell me what she is?" Mu Xuelan looks at the colorful snake crawling on Xianglan, and suddenly feels creepy. However, the snake just crawls on Xianglan, and does not die.

The greasy snake crawled over Xianglan. Xianglan was scared to be nervous.


Yi Fan turned his head and said, "Mu Xuelan, are you and your girl so close that you can live and die with her?"

Mu Xuelan's fingernails are clasped into the palm of her hand. Mu Xuelan seems to be splashed with ice water. She calms down in an instant. In the eyes of Yi fan, she is no less than Xianglan.

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"Yi chuxue is dying." Said Mu Xuelan. At the beginning of Yi Chu's snow, she could still scold. Now her face is blue and white, and she wants to suffocate.

"She's dead."

Mu Xuelan: "..."

"Dead old man, before you come out, Yi chuxue is really dead." Yi Fan raises his voice.

The door was kicked open and dozens of guards poured into the yard.

Yi fan, with his hands on his back, looked at Yi Xun, whose face was dark. He chuckled at the corner of his mouth and said, "my father's coming, I'm going to meet you from afar!"

Yi Xun stared at Yi fan, his eyes full of resentment, and said, "Yi fan, don't you think you've done too much?"

"Yes? I don't think so. " Yifan road.

Yi Xun looked at Yi Fan and said, "even if your eldest brother and second brother are not good to you, have you abandoned their talent?"

"Father, you are wrong about this. I did the second brother's work. However, I didn't do the work of Yi chuxue, the dead girl, because he was poisoned? I'll clean the door for you now. Would you like to thank me? " Yi fan asked with a smile.

"You also said, where did the poison in your elder brother come from?" Asked easily.

"My father is very observant! That's right. I sent elder brother's poison to the second brother indirectly. " Yifan road.

"Antidote, where is it?"

"Father, you don't have to waste your time. It's too late to have an antidote. However, even if the time doesn't come, I won't give you the antidote." Yi Fan's plain way.

Yi Xun looked at Yi Fan and said, "Why are you so crazy?"

"I'm crazy. I'm just a tit for tat!" Yifan road.

"Your magic talent can't be detected. Your fighting ability is poor. Your family can't detect your talent. That's your life! How can you blame your big brother and second brother? " Easy to find calm face.

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"Enough! Up to now, you still want to cheat me. My fighting ability was excellent. However, when I was born, yang man's two sons had been born. So yang man bought the servants of the Yi family and destroyed my fighting talent. "

"You'll be happy if my qualifications are not so good. You liked that mean woman yang man. You didn't have a proper excuse. Take those two bastards back and talk about things with my qualifications."

"Yang man has ruined my fighting talent, and I will turn his two sons into real trash. Do you think it's fair?"

"You rebellious son, he killed his mother and murdered his hands and feet." Easy to find the road with angry eyes.

"Shut up, you old bastard. From childhood, you've only planted your mother's death on me. Since you were a child, you've repeatedly told me that it was me who killed her, and I killed her. To be honest, you're afraid of not taking on the responsibility. You'll find me as a scapegoat if you're afraid of being investigated by the foreign authorities."

"How on earth did mother die? She was killed by Yang man after she ran into yang man wearing a green hat for you. I hate that I'm so humble. Even if I know the truth by chance, I can't tell it. In fact, I've always wondered if my new sister is your kind! " Yi Fan's head is crooked and his eyes are shining."What are you talking about?" Yi Xun asked.

Yi Fan shrugged and said, "I'm talking nonsense. You can go to yang man to prove it! In a word, she and yang man have a small white face, but they look like father and son, don't you think? I don't know what my father came to see me for today. "

"You've done so many things and asked me what to do?"

"What did I do? Hundred school war, everyone is fighting for the glory of the college! Second brother, since the competition, any result should be accepted. As for eldest brother, eldest brother and second brother, what do you have to do with me? " Yi Fan's indifferent way.

"It doesn't matter. Let's wait until you get to the yijiaxing hall."

"I remember that I seem to have been expelled from my home. I don't have much interest in going to yijiaxing hall."

"It's none of your business?"

"I'm afraid it's not my opponent because of the bags you brought here."

Yi Xun looked at Yi Fan and said, "OK! Good! I didn't expect you to go crazy like this. "

"What do you think you are, old man? It's too late to mind me. " Yi Fan's cold way.

Looking at Yi fan, Mu Xuelan suddenly has a ridiculous feeling. She used to think that Yi Fan was short of blood, but now she thinks that Yi fan is too arrogant. Mu Xuelan has a feeling of knowing Yi Fan for the first day.

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Yi Xun stared at Yi Fan and said, "you......"

"Get him for me."

Yi Xun smiled coldly. His body suddenly drifted back. There was an explosion in the yard. Smoke filled out. A dizzy feeling came to his heart. The smoke was poisonous. Mu Xuelan was worried.

Yi Xun grabbed Mu Xuelan and threw him out of the courtyard like a sandbag.

Qi Shaorong goes to the other courtyard of Yi Fan and sees Mu Xuelan flying out.

"Miss mu, are you ok?" Qi Shaorong asked to Mu Xuelan.

Mu Xuelan shook her head and said, "I'm ok."

Mu Xuelan looked at Qi Shaorong and Zhuang Hao beside Qi Shaorong. He couldn't help saying: "Qi Shao and Zhuang Shao are very affectionate and inseparable."

Qi Shaorong smiled and said, "Miss Mu is joking. Zhuang Hao and I are just friends. What's the situation now?"

Mu Xuelan took a deep breath and said, "Yi Xun brought the family guard of Yi family."

Qi Shaorong curled his mouth and said, "easy to find this bastard, does the family guard he brought here have eight levels?"

Mu Xuelan shook his head and said, "No." Even in the four families of the imperial capital, the position of the eight level masters is very high and they can't be easily transferred.

Qi Shaorong curled his mouth and said, "that's OK." Yi Fan's poison skill is very powerful. It's hard to compete below level 8.

As soon as the door of the Yi family opened, two people were thrown out, "it's Yi Xun and Yi chuxue."

"Those guards won't be killed by Yi fan, will they?" Zhuang Hao couldn't help saying.

Qi Shaorong shook his head and said, "I don't know."

"Vanilla is still in there." Mu Xuelan hesitated.

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Qi Shaorong frowned and said, "I'll go in and have a look."

Qi Shaorong walked into the room and saw the guards who were all around the room. "What happened to them?" Qi Shaorong asked Yi fan.

"Poisoned." Yifan road.

Qi Shaorong nodded and said, "I see."

Qi Shaorong looked at Yi Fan and said, "ah fan, are you ok?"

"I'm fine! It's not me that's not good. " Yi Fan's cool way.

Mu Xuelan goes to one side and holds up Xianglan. Xianglan's sideburns are scattered and her face is full of fear. Seeing Mu Xuelan, she immediately hides behind her.

"Yi fan, what happened to Xianglan? Poisoned? " Asked Mu Xuelan.

Yi Fan shrugs his shoulders and says, "I don't know. I'm scared to be stupid. Tut Tut, little girl movie. It's so arrogant and domineering in ordinary days. I'm scared to be stupefied at the critical moment. It's really disappointing to have such courage."

Mu Xuelan looks at Xianglan. Xianglan cringes and looks at Yi Fan's eyes full of fear.

Mu Xuelan can't help regretting. Today, she rushed to find Yi fan. Yi fan is just a madman. She always thought that Yi Fan was a soft bag.

"Yi fan, can I..."

"Take your girl, get out of here. My yard is full of poisonous gas. I've been waiting for a long time. If I'm poisoned, I can't guarantee that you will be OK." Yi Fan's cold way.

Mu Xuelan bit her lips and left with Xianglan.

Qi Shaorong looked at Yi Fan and said, "ah fan! You really don't know how to be pitiful! "

"I don't like her, why should I pity her?" Yi Fan said

Qi Shaorong: "..." This guy, Yi fan, doesn't understand the customs. He can't catch up with Tingxuan in his whole life.

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