Begin War

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30th December
Runwalker March Border Fortress 「Larsil Fortress」
“Ah~, it’s quite a view with that many of them lined up~”

“How are you talking about it so carefreely. You are the commander; please pull yourself together”

I express my thoughts at the sight that’s visible from the fortress, and Meria-dono, who came as the aide-de-camp, lectures me. Well, what Meria-dono is saying is correct though.

“Well, don’t say that. I have to do it even if I don’t want to if those guys approach us. Besides, it’ll just be tiresome to get tensed up now, you know?”

“……I suppose that is true as well. Is it alright to not evacuate the people?”

Meria-dono directs her gaze at the town that’s on the opposite side of the border and says. There are still people remaining in the town now. The men have taken up weapons and are on standby at the back as the reserve troops, and the women are providing combat service support, like providing the soldiers with meals and so forth.

“I tried to evacuate them. But, not a single person left the town. The day after I talked to the people about that matter, they gathered in front of my mansion, and it came to a close with them saying that they’ll help out as well. I wonder if they’ve lived too close to the Demon’s Land and ended up getting used to it”

I laughingly said. In comparison to the people of other territories, I guess the people here are used to wars. After all, we have a war against monsters about every 10 years.

“……I somewhat understood. But, what about your family?”

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“They say they’ll stay as well and won’t listen to what I say. It seems Marco also came back about two weeks ago, and Alene also came back just two days ago. What a silly family”

Marco comes back for the first time in two years and says he’ll help me out as well. However, he sure has become unrecognisable. He was that chubby four years ago, and yet, now, he became a brawny man.


“Gil huh. What’s the matter?”

As I was talking to Meria-dono in that manner, Gilbert showed up. Marco, whom I was just thinking about, is also following beside him.

“Yes, the soldiers’ allocation is complete. 60 thousand in the fortress and 20 thousand in the town”

Well, I guess that’s about it; since that’s roughly the maximum capacity of this fortress. However, as might be expected from having defended against the Reglatia Empire’s invasions over the years, it’s quite sturdy.

Its height is almost 20 meters, and its width is connected from the vicinity of a cliff where practically no Demon Land’s monsters reside, to a mountain that’s on Nanor’s side.

Rather, it’s perhaps more accurate to say that we cut off a section of the Demon’s Land with few monsters. As might be expected for being by the border, there are lots of mountains around this area. My ancestors cut off one of the mountains and made a fortress out of it.

It appears that they had had trades with the countries on the other side of the Demon’s Land in the past thanks to that, but all of those countries have ended up being absorbed by the Regalia Empire.

“How are the respective squads’ preparations?”

“Yes, the respective squads’ preparations have been completed. We will be able to deal with them no matter when they attack”

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“I see. It’ll probably be an exchange of magic attacks in the beginning though. Are the magic barrier’s preparations done”

“Yes, without a hitch”

It has been two hours since the other side showed up. It’s probably about time they form files and launch their attack on us. The soldiers around are looking nervous as well.

And then

“Sieg-sama. A horse is galloping over from the Regalia Army”

Gilbert reports to me. A horse riding, flag hoisting soldier gallops over from the other side. And then he stops at a distance where his voice can probably reach us

“Notice to the Nanor Army! Immediately open this gate and surrender to the Regalia Empire! If you do so, we shall promise to let you live without incurring any casualties!”

The other side finishes announcing and waits for our side to respond. The people around looks at me. Well, I have to be the one to say it. I move to a position where the man on Regalia’s side can see. And then

“I shall announce my answer to the offer just now! My answer is no! Our doors are closed to invaders who are trying to step into our country with their dirty feet! Tell them to go back! Tell them if they don’t want their heads and torsos to be apart, then run away with their tails between their legs!”

When I announce my answer, the soldiers around roar loudly. Their morale is quite high. They’re looking good. The messenger on Regalia’s side sees that and returns to his troops with a loathing look.

“Gilbert, Meria-dono, prepare for war. They’ll be coming at us right away”


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An hour after that. Before our eyes, so many Regalia Empire’s soldiers that the ground can’t be seen are advancing towards the fortress. ‘Do Do Do Do!’, the ground tremors with the soldiers’ footsteps, and it’s audible even from the fortress

“Magician Squad, ready to attack”

“Magician Squad, ready to attack!”

However, there’s no way we’ll stand by and watch as the enemy carries on walking over. Gilbert repeats my order, and the order diffuses like a wave. And then estimating that the enemy had come within the range of their Magic


they cast their Magic. There are about 10 thousand people in the Magician Squad on this side. It’d be a considerable number of people under normal circumstances, but Regalia probably has just as many people as well.

Regalia’s side also has their Magicians put up a barrier and defend. ……they have an exceptionally huge barrier. It doesn’t let the Magic on this side get close at all. ‘Could it be a Hero?’, the moment I thought of that, a considerable amount of Magic Power appears.

“Tsk! Put up a barrier!”

The moment I give out the order and the Magicians put up a barrier, a considerably powerful Magic was cast from the Regalia’s side. What a powerful attack right from the start!

We defended against it somehow, but the Magicians who put up the barrier were thoroughly drained of their Magic Power. There are nine more persons huh. And then continuing with that, the Magicians on the other side also begin casting Magic.

Do Do Do Don!

there are the sounds of numerous Magic colliding with the magic barrier. The first day will probably end with the exchange of magic attacks. The real deal starts tomorrow.

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“You guys! We’re not going to let those invaders step foot on our country’s soil even at the cost of our lives!”


We’ll never let you through!


“……it began huh”

Okaa-sama mutters whisperingly. The war began huh. Indeed, the sounds are reverberating all the way here, about 10 kilometres away from the fortress.

“Marin-sensei, is Otou-sama going to be fine?”

I became extremely uneasy, so I asked Marin-sensei, who’s with me, and Marin-sensei, while smiling,

“Fiーchan knows best that Sieg-sama will be fine, right? You have to believe in your Otou-sama”

said while patting my head. That’s right. I have to believe in him! Otou-sama is the strongest after all!

I look around, and Chrona and the others also nod at me. This place is the mansion in the March. Okaa-sama, Alene-okaasama, Chloe-obaasan, Chrona, Marin-sensei, Dorothea-san, Mirumi, Dry, Gumin-kun, and I are here.

Other than that, the people who have been living in this territory have also stayed behind without running away. Everybody believes that Otou-sama will win.

All I can do is pray here, but I’ll be waiting for Otou-sama to come back!

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