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“The, they started moving!!”

It looks like there were movements on Grutas’ side while I was hearing about the Seven Demon General, Benjarl, who’s behind Grutas, from Levine-san and the others.

Perhaps I should say as expected, the Zombie Hydra is leading at the front. I suppose they’re going to make it attack, and make the soldiers charge through the opened hole. It’s a brute force method, but it’s currently the most reliable hand. If they’re going up against ordinary soldiers, that is.

“Now then, let’s quickly get to it”

And then lightning starts surging and shining from Levine-san’s body. eh, wait a minuteeeee!

“Levine-san, stop, stop!”

When I tell Levine-san to stop, his tension drops and the light dulls. Levine-san then turns in my direction. Uwaa, he’s making a disgruntled look.

“……what, youngster. Even though I got pumped up and was about to go”

“No, no, Levine-san, what were you just about to do?”

“Aan? Dragonification, obviously. Dragonification is the only way if I’m thinking of releasing one massive blow”

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No no no no no. Won’t the vicinity of the Royal Capital turn into a burnt wasteland if you do something like that. Furthermore, it turned into a panic just as it is with a Hydra showing up; it’ll get out of hand if another Dragon showed up over there.

“Besides, half-baked attacks are ineffective against Benjarl’s undead. Since they’ll recover immediately”

Are you serious. It really is a troublesome opponent. U~n what should we do. However, I was wrong to be thinking about that.

“Br, Breath incoming!”

It seems the Zombie Hydra was preparing its Breath while we’re talking. Furthermore, eight in total. Shit, it’s because I hesitated!

And then the eight types of Breath were released. Fire, Water, Wind, Earth, Light, Dark, Lightning, Ice. Breaths of various elements were aimed and released at the Royal Capital.

“It’s a warzone, that moment of hesitation directly links to death. Remember it, youngster”

Levine-san jumps down from the top of the gate while saying. And then lightning surges from his body like just now


A Dragon that spans about 20 meters appeared. A single horn on its head, scales covering its entire body, and lines that shine bluish-white running throughout its body. This is Levine-san’s true form huh. And then


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Levine-san receives the eight types of Breath with his body. However, right after that, the lines throughout his body that shine bluish-white becomes brighter, and lightning can be seen covering Levine-san’s body. Levine-san starts spinning in the sky while receiving the Breaths with that body of his. And then he repels the Hydra’s Breath.

The Breaths that were repelled falls and gouges the ground. Levine-san defended against them even though they were quite powerful. There were no injuries anywhere even when I look at the body of Levine-san who stopped spinning.

“”Is this it?””

When Levine-san says to the Zombie Hydra, the Zombie Hydra flinches and takes a few steps back. It’s being daunted by Levine-san. Both friends and foes alike.

I mean, they’re going to be surprised if a Dragon suddenly appeared. I was surprised as well when I first encountered it.

“Hey, we’re going, Lei. Just don’t forget about the matter just now and it’ll be fine”

Shishou says and smacks my back. Shishou carries on to get on Levine-san’s back. It seems Hilde-san is getting on as well. They’re riding there on Levine-san huh.

“I’m going too”

“Naturally, me too”

Alexia and Aerith say to me when I was about to go. Both of their eyes are determinedly saying, ‘I’m definitely going!’. Nothing I say is going to change their mind huh. It seems Caro will stay behind to protect this place.

“Everybody, don’t overdo it, alright”

“Aah, let’s go then”

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We follow Shishou and ride on Levine-san’s back as well. Oou, what a sense of security. I’m floating in the sky, and yet there’s no shaking at all. This is amazing. Is it Magic or something?

“”Alright then, we’re going””

And then Levine-san takes off. He flies towards the Zombie Hydra, but I don’t feel any wind resistance, nor any coldness. It’s amazing.

As I’m thinking about such things, the Zombie Hydra, unlike the beam state Breath just now, spits out sphere-shaped Breath so that it can release them consecutively. However, they don’t even graze Levine-san.

Levine-san, on the other hand, releases a lightning ball to return the favour. It collides with the Hydra’s Breath, but Levine-san’s lightning ball decimates the Hydra’s Breath so easily that it’s unimaginable that they even made contact, and crashes into the Hydra.

When it crashes into one of the Hydra’s head, the Hydra’s head flies off. Isn’t the difference in power is too wide. This is an Attribute Ruler’s seriousness huh.

was what I was thinking, but the base of the Hydra where the head flew off starts wiggling. And then in the blink of an eye, the Hydra’s head returned to how it was previously.

And then the head, that was blown away and fell to the ground, changed its shape and became a human form undead. Are you serious.

“The undead that Bernjarl created, they will revive if you do not defeat the undead that is in command. It is the Zombie Hydra this time around. You have to destroy the core that is inside the fellow”

Perhaps because we approached, undead started appearing from the Zombie Hydra’s back as well. It really is a troublesome opponent.

“”I can blow it away in one blow, but you guys will be troubled, right? In that case, youngster. You take responsibility and destroy the core. Otherwise, I’ll spit a Breath that’ll go as far as to decimate this vicinity””

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That is troubling in various ways.

“I guess Lei and I shall look for the core. Hilde, Alexia, and Aerith, I’ll leave the undead that heads to the Royal Capital to you”


Levine-san, Shishou, and I will take on the Hydra; Hilde-san, Alexia, and Aerith will take on the undead huh.

“”We’re going, youngster, Sylphy””

“Yes! Lightning Heavenly Garment”

“I guess let’s do it”

“Let us go as well”

“Yes. Lei, be careful”

“Oodachi of Serpent Flame!”

I’ll defeat it quickly.

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