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“What exactly did you do to Kana!”

Hero-kun, who starts saying incomprehensible things as soon as he enters the dining hall. As one would expect, even the Regalia soldiers around are rolling their eyes back in regard to this matter.

Of course they’d be. Because the Regalia soldiers around, they know that I didn’t do anything. Just as I thought of voicing my dissatisfaction, in between Hero-kun and me

“Ijuuin-kun. What nonsense are you saying?”

Kana entered. She then stands like she’s shielding me and glares at Hero-kun. Hero-kun slightly flinches at the slightly menacing Kana, but without backing off

“Kana. Come over here. That fellow is part of the bunch who were our enemies until recently. You can’t be beside people like that. You’re going to get yourself into danger, you know?”

Hero-kun says, ‘come now’, and extends his hand towards Kana. Looking at Hero-kun’s face, it seems he has no doubt that Kana will take his hand. However

“Don’t mess around! Why are you saying such things!”

, Kana loses her temper. Hero-kun, who was yelled at angrily out of nowhere, was surprised and took several steps back. Perhaps it’s also the first time that the soldiers around see Kana get angry, everybody makes a surprised expression. Mari-chan is the only one stopping Kana, trying to get her under control.

“Hey, Kana-min. Calm down. Why are you getting so angry?”

“I mean, Ijuuin-kun, he! ……haa, nothing. Let’s go, Mari. Leivelt-sama, how about we go together as well? I want to hear a little more about your story after all”

Kana says and extends her arm, trying to pull my arm. Mari-chan is beside her with tons of ‘?’ floating above her head. And when Kana was about to grab my arm, another hand grabs Kana’s hand. That person was

“Wait up, Kana”

Hero-kun. As one would expect, you’re getting annoying, you know. The fierce-eyed man at the back is also sighing, ‘Haa〜’. This man sure looks like he gets it.

“Ijuuin-kun. Even I won’t be able to endure any more than this, you know?”

Uwaa〜, what’s this powder keg condition. Hero-kun, who won’t take even a step back for some reason, and Kana, who’s feeling irritated at that Hero-kun, who won’t step back. Mari-chan is giving her all to try and stop it, but they won’t stop. It can’t be helped.

“Hero-kun. How about you leave it at that? Kana-san hates it, right?”

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I hug Kana’s shoulders and bring her to my side. It’s in a way where Kana nestles inside my arms. Hero-kun, who saw this, glares at me furiously. Kana is laughing ‘ehehe〜’ inside my arms.

From behind is Alexia’s sigh. It can’t be helped, right. If I don’t do this, it didn’t look like it would end after all.

“Y, you! Get your hands away from Kana!”

“I don’t mind, but who are you to her? If you say you’re her boyfriend or fiance, then I shall even get on my knees and apologise. If you’re merely her classmate, then there’s no reason for me to take that from you, is there?”

When I ask, Hero-kun goes, ‘guu’ and makes a face like he’s finding it hard to say anything. Now then, I wonder which is it. And before Hero-kun said anything

“Ijuuin-kun and I are merely classmates! Nothing more, nothing less!”

, Kana ended up answering immediately. I do feel slightly bad for him as well, but he’s probably the type that won’t understand unless she says it so clearly.

“Guuuh, it’s a duel! Duel with me!”

……why. Why do I have to do something so meaningless. Hence


I refuse. Perhaps he didn’t think that he’d get rejected, after Hero-kun makes a surprised look, his face turns crimson red. Ah〜, how annoyin’.

“That’s why, this ends here. My bad, but I’ll have you let me bring Kana-san and Mari-san away. If you’re saying that you’re going to duel with me nevertheless……you better resolve yourself, alright?”

When I put in my killing intent and declare, Hero-kun takes several steps back. Good grief, somebody troublesome got his eyes on me. We accompany Kana, who follows us happily, and Mari-chan, who’s making a terribly puzzled look, and leave the dining hall.

I’ll leave Dargris and the others to General Melia. Alexia and Chrona are also tagging along. I’ve got to talk to Chrona about it as well.

When we return to my room, I seat Kana and Mari-chan down like yesterday. Both Alexia and I sit side by side as well. Let’s have Chrona sit down after having her pour the drinks.

“I’m sorry, both of you. Bringing you here suddenly”

“No! I don’t mind!”

Well, I thought so for Kana. I can tell from looking at your face. Mari, who’s beside her, is making a terribly uneasy look though.

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“Sorry, Mari-chan. I think you’re probably worried, but I’d like you to stick around for a bit more”

“Eh? Ah, er, ah, yes, it is fine!”

When I lower my head, Mari-chan flusteredly responds. Furthermore, she’s also surprised that I’m suddenly speaking to her friendlily.

“Kana didn’t talk to Mari-chan about it, right?”

“Yes, I did not talk about it”

“Eh? Eh? Eeh?”

“Calm down, Mari-chan. I’ll talk about it in turn. I want Chrona to take a seat after settling down as well”

“Yes desu!”

After that, Chrona places black tea in front of all of us. She then sits down beside me. Just as I thought there’s a slight rustle at my waist, Chrona was rubbing her tail on my waist. Adorable. Kana, who’s sitting in the seat in front, is puffing up her cheeks though.

“Firstly, I guess I shall introduce this girl. This girl is Chrona. She’s been working as my younger sister’s maid, and currently, she’s exclusive to me. And then she’s one of my fiancees”

“My name is Chrona. Nice to meet you”

Chrona stands up and lowers her head snappily. Kana and Mari-chan get swept along and lower their head as well. Mari-chan was softly mumbling「even such a young girl……」, but I shall treat it like I didn’t hear it.

“Alright then, let’s talk about the reason I called Mari-chan to this room. I want Chrona to hear it as well. The truth is I’m what they call a reincarnate. I have the memories of my previous life”


Mari-chan and Chrona, who don’t know about my situation, look over at me with a surprised expression. This moment is a little bit fun. I wonder if everybody else will react similarly as well?

“My previous life is in a place called Japan”


“Japan……is it?”

Chrona naturally doesn’t know, so it looks like it’s not registering, but Mari-chan naturally knows, so she raises a surprised voice.

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“And my name in my previous life is Katsuragi Hayato. The cousin of Katsuragi Kana over there”

“Eeh? Eeeeh!?”


As I thought, it seems Mari-chan is more surprised. Chrona is also looking and comparing Kana and me. Just as I was thinking that, Mari-chan suddenly starts crying. Wha, what’s wrong?

“I, I’m gladd. Kana-min had been sad the whole time ever since Hayato-san passed away, and I myself couldn’t do anything……”

“Mari……thanks. For consoling me until now”

Kana, who was beside her, also tears up and hugs Mari-chan tightly. Mari-chan really is a good girl. I’m glad Kana has such a friend by her side.

“Mari-chan. Thanks. I think Kana also managed to hang on thanks to you”

“No! I just did what I want to do for the sake of my beloved friend!”

Mari-chan who smiles at me with a lovely smile. This child too, although she has a slightly childish vibe, she sure is extremely adorable. She had fans as well back when she was in school.

“Alright. Well then, since I revealed my true identity, let’s move on to the next topic. Are Kana and others able to leave the Empire?”

“……I think we are not able to. There is no way they will let go of our war potential that easily after all”

“I thought so. By the way, what are the two of you good at?”

“I am good at Magic in general. Since I have『Genius Magician』in my title”

Which means Mari-chan is primarily Magic huh.

“I guess I’m good at Recovery type and Defense type. Since I have the Goddess’ Blessing in my title”

“What did you say!”

“Hyan!? Wha, what?”

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Oops, I got too surprised and ended up startling Kana and Mari-chan. Speaking of which, Goddess Astel was saying that she gave the Goddess’ Blessing to the Hero group.

It wasn’t in the Hero group that was captured, so I was thinking that they’re amongst those that have remained at this Empire, but who would’ve thought that Kana was one of them.

“No, my bad. You just said something I didn’t expect. What’s the title?”

“Ah, yes. The title I possess is『The One Who Heals』. I become incapable of using Offense Magic well, but the ability of my Recovery type and Defense type increase”

Heh〜, come to think of it, if I remember correctly, I heard that there’s an「Empire’s Holy Maiden」even during the war. It might’ve been referring to Kana. However, what should I do to separate them from the Regalia Empire.

Even if I say I’m going to bring them with me normally, the Regalia Empire, they probably won’t say, ‘sure’. Like Kana said just now, they don’t want to reduce their war potential known as the Heroes after all.

In that case, as Luciana’s escorts? ……it’s probably impossible. According to the information collection beforehand, it seems she and her younger brother are children born from His Majesty and a maid, so it seems they come after the Second Imperial Princess and Third Imperial Prince, and their status inside the castle isn’t that high.

For such her, they probably won’t allow the Heroes to follow as escorts. I guess one or two female soldiers at most.

U〜n, what should I do……what’s that?

“Kana and Mari-chan. What’s that you’re wearing on your arm?”

I didn’t notice since I didn’t really pay attention and look until now, but an uncouth bangle is barely visible inside Kana and Mari-chan’s sleeves.

“Eh? Aah, we were told that this is apparently a bangle that increases our Magic Power. We were given it when we were summoned here. We were told to always wear it”

, Kana tells me. A bangle that increases Magic Power huhh. I move closer to Kana, take her arm, and look at the bangle. Magic texts have been written on the inner side of the bangle.

……I’ve seen this before in the past several times. It’s been written on Tigris’ collar as well after all.

“This country really is a piece of shit”

“……what is going on, Lei?”

Alexia, who had been spending the whole time listening until now, asks me. I suppose she realised there’s something wrong from my atmosphere.

“This isn’t something that good like a bangle that raises Magic Power. It’s something close to a Restriction Collar”

In response to what I said, everybody was lost for words.

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