The Request From His Majesty

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After being shaken in the carriage for several minutes, we who arrived at the Royal Castle were heading to where the King is. Still, I wonder what’s the matter exactly. I remain slightly anxious since I don’t know about that though. And then, we finally arrived at the Government Affairs Office. We were told to come here today. Alexia knocks and Royal Guards Order Captain Gayn-san comes out from within.

“Oh, Your Highness Alexia. We have been waiting. His Majesty awaits inside”

“I see, then I’m going in”

Alexia says and heads inside so Ferris and I also follow behind her. At that moment, Gayn-san pats my shoulder. I look at him wondering what’s the matter and

“Good luck!”

……huh? Gayn-san gives me thumbs up. I don’t get it. Does he know something?

“Wh, what is it?”

“Well~, as expected of Sieg’s son. You take after him a lot!”

he says and laughs. Wh, what was that?

“Hey, Gayn. Do not tease him too much. Lei is probably also feeling confused”

I’m thinking that and the King helps me from within. Gayn-san apologizes, ‘My bad, my bad’, and goes back behind the King. I don’t get it at all.

Anyway, I enter the room as well and inside, the King along with Alexia, Princess Marina’s mother; Second Queen Mary-sama, and the Prime Minister were sitting there. I sit between Alexia and Ferris who are already sitting. On my left side is Alexia and on my right side is Ferris. ……Why did the two of you sit on both ends of a three seater sofa.

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“It has been a while, Lei. First of all, I have to give my thanks regarding last week’s incident. It ended without the people being exposed to any danger thanks to you. I appreciate it”

“No, I was only trying to protect my classmates”

“Kukuku, well, I thought you would say that. I am making the soldiers investigate why the Demon Race came to this country. I shall tell you about it as well if I know”

“Thank you for that”

When the conversation of His Majesty and me pauses, over there

“Lei-kun, it’s been a while huh. You haven’t been coming to see me recently so I’m sad”

, the one who talks to me with a gentle aura is, Carey-sama. Her age is in the early 40s and yet she looks so young that she can probably pass off as being in her late 20s. This aura makes her unnecessarily young. I suppose if the spruce Alexia and Princess Marina are brought up to be more gentle then they’ll become like this.

“My apologies, Carey-sama. I will make sure to come here more”

When I say that to Carey-sama, she inflates her cheeks and becomes slightly displeased. Wh, why? Did I say something that’d anger her?

“Geez! I said to call me ‘Okaa-sama’, didn’t I!”

……Now that I think about it, that’s right.

“Ex, excuse me, Okaa-sama. I will be careful from now on”

When I say that, Carey-sama nods and smiles looking satisfied. I can’t win against this aura.

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“Geez, Okaa-sama. You like Lei too much. Lei is mine, alright!”

says Alexia who hugs my arm tightly. My arm buries in the breasts-sama. ……Nn? Something fluffy brushes gently on my arm from the right side. I look to the right side, and Ferris is rubbing her tail against my arm. Was she lonely? When I gently stroke her tail, Ferris also laughs, “Ehehe~”. Un, cute.

“And now comes the main topic”

Oops, the King starts to talk.

“Main topic, is it?”

“Aa, there was recently a 3 Country Conference where the rulers of 3 countries gathered. In secrecy though”

Heh~, they were doing something like that huh. 3 countries, that means it’s the Beastfolk Country Worvest and Arcadia State huh.

“In that discussion, it was confirmed that the Regalia Empire is preparing to invade the Nanor Kingdom. We had our suspicions from the start since they summoned the Heroes, but by conspiring with the other countries, we concluded that it will definitely take place next year. Although the Regalia Empire side is desperately trying to hide it, there is no way that they can completely hide it from us if they are trying to gather that many materials”

……As I thought huh. Furthermore, it’s next year. Although we don’t know what their numbers are, as one would expect, the first to be targeted will probably be the Runwalker Border.

“What, no need to worry. Our troops have also made preparations in advance in order to be able to deploy immediately and Worvest has promised reinforcements. Arrangements have been made for Arcadia State to invade the Regalia Empire when they know that the Regalia Empire has deployed their troops”

Ooh, as expected of the King. If that’s the case, it’ll work out somehow if they somehow manage to hold out for a couple of days!

“Thank you for that, Your Majesty”

“What, do not worry about it. It is my country’s matter. I have to somehow do as much as possible about it. Besides, it is my future son-in-law’s hometown. No punishment will be given even if it is treated more favourably than other territories”

he says and smiles at me. I really appreciate it. However, as I thought, it’s embarrassing to be called the son-in-law. However, the King’s expression gradually clouds. Is something the matter?

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“And I have something I have to apologize to Lei for. This is something that also concerns Alexia and Ferris. It is also to talk about this that I summoned you guys today”

Gulp! The King who looks terribly apologetic. I, I wonder what I’m going to be told.

“I had a conversation with the Beast King about you at the recent 3 Countries Conference. It is a conversation about how Lei is already a student and it is about time to announce Alexia and Ferris’ engagements. Still, I think the marriage itself will be after Lei graduated. As I am having such a conversation with the Beast King, the Pope said,『I didn’t know about that though』. I had the impression that I had talked about it but it seems like it is the first time he has heard about it”

Uh-huh, and?

“And then when we told the Pope the fact that my daughter, Alexia, and the Beast King’s daughter, Ferris, have a partner, the fact that it is the same person, and talked about you, the Pope said『Isn’t it a little unfair for just you 2 countries to tie the knot with such a capable kid? Count me in as well, alright?』”

……I have a terribly bad feeling.

“And, we were told that he wants to marry off someone who goes well with the Nanor Kingdom’s First Princess and Beastfolk Country Worvest’s First Princess”

“Co, could it be, that someone is”

I try asking about it while thinking ‘Please let me be wrong!’, and the King nods

“Umu, that someone is the Pope’s daughter, the Holy Maiden. My apologies to Lei but can I have you accept it”

I could feel my soul leave me.


ーArcadia State Sun・Berk Palaceー

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“I see, it’s finally decided huh”

“Yes. Caroline-sama. It seems the Pope has conveyed it to King Nanor and the Beast King, and it seems that person will also be able to come before long”

Engagement huh. I didn’t think that such a day would come.

My name is Caroline・Arcadia. Daughter of Arcadia State’s Pope, Guildford・Arcadia, and I’m called the ‘Holy Maiden’ by everybody.

Arcadia State worships and reveres Goddess Astell, and although I was born as that country’s Pope’s daughter, I hate Goddess Astell.

It’s because of the Goddess’ Blessing and skill that are in my status. Because of this, I was elevated as the Holy Maiden and made to stand in battlefields. The reason for that is because those who possess Goddess Astell’s Blessing are all in possession of unique abilities. I’ve been made to stand in a battlefield numerous times ever since it is known by those around that I possess the blessing. I’ve had numerous moments in which I thought that I was going to die.

Furthermore, my appearance changed because of the skill and I became unable to go out in front of people. The only ones who know about this are, Otou-sama and Okaa-sama, along with Mery who serves as my personal maid. Hence, I normally shut myself in the palace without meeting anybody. Even if I go outside, it’s only during the times when I go to battlefields. I’m hiding it during that time after all.

Nevertheless, I wonder why Otou-sama made an engagement even though he already knows that I will be rejected. Even though it only hurts me…….

“Caroline-sama, the Pope has also said that it will be fine this time”

“I wonder. The moment the man he said that about and brought here previously saw my appearance, I was called a monster though?”

“Th, that is……”

“Well, I shall wait without expecting anything”

If it doesn’t work out this time as well then I’ll have to tell Otou-sama to not bring them anymore

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