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(I can't sleep...)

It seemed like I've been rolling around and changing positions for a few hours now, but I just wasn't tired at all. No matter how much I closed my eyes, my mind wouldn't drift off to the lands of dreams.

I ended up getting up from all the boredom and gave in.

If I couldn't sleep, then I'd just face the music and go do something.

But if I went outside, if it wasn't day already, then it would be day soon, so the only direction I could go was deeper into the dungeon.

With my mind set, I picked up my looted weapons and my feet brought me back to those plains, despite how harsh the bright sun was on my eyes.

Looking at at the plains, it was obvious that it would be a pain to hunt there. The tall grass did an excellent job at hiding any monsters, and the vast featurelessness of it all made it easy to get lost. At least the entrance itself became a landmark, but that depended on how far everything went.

But standing around wouldn't do me any good, and with an unsteady step, I started my exploration of the dungeon.

It didn't take long for me to notice that the plains weren't entirely featureless. While most of it was composed of chest-high grass, even from the entrance, there was plenty of short, ankle-high grass as well, and that short grass made a path. It felt like things were designed so I was supposed to stay on the path while exploring.

Well, being ambushed in the taller grass and being forced to fight something that could easily hide in it was scary, so I naturally avoided trying that route.

But as expected of a dungeon, there were even corridors and everything set up. The paths were generally pretty straight and ended with junctions or sharp turns. I did my best to remember the route I was taking, even occasionally looking back to confirm my orientation relative to the large stone that marked the entrance.

I was glad I had honed my internal map-making skills as a kid, as this all reminded me of all those maze-like dungeons that often showed up in the older retro games.

After a handful of turns, something appeared on the path. It was a white rabbit.

Except it wasn't like one from Earth. This one was big, and when it noticed me, it bared it's teeth, some of which were easily as long as my hand. It was the same animal that I found the day before that the first goblin had, but this one was a live.

Without warning, the big rabbit charged straight at me!

I figured that it would run away instead like a normal rabbit, so it's actions took me by surprise, delaying my reaction.

As it tried to snap at me, I leaped to the side, letting it glide past me mid-leap. The rabbit landed just past where I was, wherein I turned and swung down my axe, cleanly bisecting the small monster...or rather, more like crushed it. The axe wasn't as sharp as I thought, so the big rabbit's guts were splattered on the ground, giving me a huge whiff of it's blood.

The next thing I knew, I was holding the rabbit corpse in my hands and was licking off the traces of blood from my lips.

I wasn't that satisfied though. There wasn't much blood in a creature this small. It was even less than that of a goblin, which was further reduced by the amount lost when I crushed it's guts with the blunt axe.

Rather, I ended up sucking it's blood without thinking at all. The more I drink, the more it was like my body was going on autopilot to get any blood I smelt into my body. This was extremely dangerous. Not only could I end up trying to drink in the middle of a fight at this rate, but someday, I might try to drink the blood of something I shouldn't, like a person who only cut their finger.

I would never be able to live around other people if I didn't get control over my urges.

That said, I dropped the rabbit corpse and checked my weapons. It seemed like I dropped them all while I was engrossed in feeding. The spears looked fine at a glance, but the axe head had cracked. It might still be usable, but only barely. I still had two good weapons, and even my claws if those broke, so it wasn't much of a loss.


There was a sudden flicker of light and puff of smoke behind me, causing me to stagger back and lose my balance as I fell onto my butt, acutely aware and annoyed by how my chest continued to bounce up and down for several seconds after I had stopped moving. The rabbit corpse has disappeared, and in it's place was a soft looking pelt.

I got up and inspected the white fur. The size and shape looked like it was the hide of the rabbit I had just felled, but it was entirely undamaged, without a single trace of the crushing I had given the monster. The underside was soft and dry, a nice light brown coloration of treated leather. Even when I sniffed it, there wasn't a trace of fat or blood on it. Somehow the monster had turned into a perfectly processed pelt.

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All I could think of was that it was how dungeon monsters worked. When one was defeated, it would turn into an item drop after a few seconds. But the fact that I managed to drink it's blood earlier, and didn't feel any hungrier after the monster disappeared, it looked like if you can extract stuff off of the bodies before the despawn you can keep them.

It seemed like dungeon monsters were strangely realistic in weird places, while not in others. Especially the way they disappear and drop items made me hesitate to consider them living creatures. They really felt more like a group of bits that jumped out of the computer that generated it.

As I was about to move on, I saw a small grey gem on the ground. It looked it it was buried under the pelt. It was small enough that I could fit a dozen in my closed fist without any problems. I wasn't sure what it was, but it was soft like a gummie candy.

Some fantasy books had the staple of monsters having some sort of magic stone in their bodies that could be used to make all sorts of things. At the worst, I could use it as a decoration, so I placed it into the middle of the rabbit pelt to carry. I still had that sheet of paper from the beginning tightly held in my hand as well. Carrying it like that was a bit of a pain, so I added it to the gem before wrapping the pelt around the two securely then tied it around my neck like a short scarf before I continued on my way.

It didn't take long before I had my next encounter.

This time I was faced with a transparent blue hemisphere the size of a large beach ball that jiggled as it moved towards me. The outside looked like was protected with a thing but sturdy membrane and the inside was entirely filled with some sort of jelly-like fluid aside from a single core the size of a baseball that looked a lot like a cell's nucleus. The nucleus lazily swam around as the main body slowly shuffled my way.

The monster in front of me was a slime. There was no way to call it anything else. The staple monster of most fantasy genres, especially eastern ones.

Once the slime was a bit outside of arm's reach, a part of it extended and formed into a tentacle. Some R-18 thoughts flashed through my mind and made me freeze, but I shook those thoughts away. Such a thing didn't make any sense if you thought about it for even a second.

A soft, squishy sensation wrapped around my arm, bringing my thoughts back to my current situation. The slime pulled on my arm, but I moved a foot and braced myself, resisting it. But against, my expectation, when it pulled again, the blue blob flung itself towards me.

Wary of it trying to eat my face or something, I quickly move to the side, causing the gelatin snack to bounce twice on the ground before stopping. It tugged on my arm again and jumped, but once again I avoided it.

This wasn't going anywhere, but I wasn't stupid enough to allow it a third try. There was a chance it was smarter than it appeared. Before it could jump again, I spun one of my spears and cut through the tentacle. The transparent jelly spewed out from the severed ends before the slime sealed the end and withdrew it's appendage. The remaining bit partially deflated as the fluids spilled out, leaving me with a weird hollow tube wrapped around my arm, but otherwise unmoving.

Not wanting the slime to have time to try something else, I quickly thrust my spear into it, aiming for the nucleus. It may have been moving around, but it was slow and predictable. On my own, the strike might not have been perfect, but my [Spear Technique] skill probably corrected my aim a little and the little orb was perfectly split in half.

The main body slumped down and deflated down to the size of a soccer ball, darkening in colour before it stopped moving.

Cautiously, I stepped up to it and poked the mass. The body jiggled like a gelatin dessert, but didn't show any signs of life.

(Is it possible for me to eat?)

Now that it was dealt with, this was my first question. The best part of killing a monster here was drinking it's blood to both sate my hunger and gain new skills. This slime probably had skills as well, and while one probably wouldn't be enough for me to learn anything, it was filled with some sort of life giving fluid. And as an added bonus, the scent alone was nice, like the faint sweetness of a flower or a freshly baked dessert from a small distance.

With a little bit of trepidation, I picked the slime up, dug my fangs through it's membrane, and sucked on the fluids.

The consistency really was like a jelly, though it flowed much better than any gelatin snack I've ever had. And rather than a fruit flavour, it tasted like a weakened version of a vanilla flavoured short cake. It was just good enough that it was better than nothing, but hardly satisfying at all.

Since I probably wouldn't ever be able to enjoy any kind of cake for the rest of this life, it did make me hope that there would be a monster that tasted similar, but was much more strongly flavoured.

If I could get find a monster who's blood was especially rich, and have it with the life fluids of a monster that tasted similar but much stronger than a slime's, it would make for a full-course vampire meal.

When I started to imagine such a thing, and a grin crept up onto my face as I vacantly looked at the sky. I didn't know where to find such a thing, but it became a dream of mine. Maybe in the future I'd find a wider variety of blood and blood-like fluids I could drink and enjoy.

There were a lot of things for me to look forward to.

For now, I wiped the drool off of my chin and moved to find more prey, and hopefully the way deeper into the dungeon.

But after a couple of steps, I became aware of the feeling of wetness on my neck and chest.

I used the rabbit pelt to wipe myself, but even my bikini top was wet. I could only ignore it and hope it got dry quickly.

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The slime corpse had disappeared in light and smoke as well, leaving a small clay jar the size of my fist and a tiny blue gem. The jar was filled with a jelly of some sort, but when I tried eating some of it, there wasn't any flavour to be had at all. It was probably something a bit different from the jelly body of the slime, maybe an extract.

The slime tentacle that had wrapped around my left wrist was still around, so I peeled it off and tossed it aside. There was a bit of discoloration on my skin where it was in contact. It might've been trying to dissolve my arm while it held on, but it was probably too weak to do so without pulling me inside of it's body.

Everything was wrapped up in my rabbit pelt and tied to my neck. The weight was starting to pull at my throat and was a bit uncomfortable, but I had to bear with it if I didn't want to just throw away all my loot.

It didn't take long before my third encounter.

This time I was face-to-face with a wolf in the colours of wet dirt.

The sharp increase in difficulty rooted me until it growled and charged at me.

My instincts kicked in and I dove to the side, avoiding those intimidating teeth. As I clamoured back onto my feet and turned around, the beast had already started it's next charge. My mind blanked out as my chest filled with fear and trepidation. I couldn't decide on how to fight this wolf, and hence my hand froze as I pointed one of my spears at it, without even bracing it properly.

But luck was on my side. The wolf was in mid-jump, and while poorly aimed, the head of my spear struck into the beast's shoulder, the force of it's momentum sliding the spear out of my hand, but rather than be thrown out of the way uselessly, the butt end impacted on the ground and braced the shaft against the wolf's movement, driving the head through it's hide, gouging out a sizable tear in it's flesh.

The wolf tumbled as the excessive force broke the spear in half.

For me, though, the smell of it's blood drifted over and filled my senses. Hunger and desire blew away the fear I was just now harbouring. Only a single thought occupied my mind.

(I wonder what it tastes like?)

The wolf got back up, but the damage to it's shoulder prevented it from using one of it's forelegs. Now that it was hurt, it wasn't able to do the big leaping attacks like before, and could only try to snap at me with it's jaws as it awkwardly tried to move into range.

For me, the fight had already become a simple matter.

I simply stepped into it's side, then drove my claws into it's flank as it tried to turn to face me. The light started to fade from it's eyes as it twitched.

Impatient, I pulled it closer and drove my fangs into the fur of it's neck and bit down. I was rewarded with it's warm life as it filled me. It's earthy taste reminded me of a barbecued cut of cheap meat lathered with a no-name brand sauce. Pretty low class, but tasty despite the price.

It wasn't the most delicious thing in the world, but to me, the dopamine spike I got was like happiness itself.

But like all good things, it didn't last forever, and eventually the wolf ran dry.

Or rather, I did it again. It didn't happen with the slime since it's fluid was much different from blood, but the second I smelt blood again, everything else stopped mattering. Or maybe it would happens with the slimes as well, now that I recognized it as not only edible but tasty, even if it was thin.

Once I finished my small meal and waited for a short while, the wolf corpse disappeared like my other kills, and was replaced with some loot. This time it was two pairs of fangs as well as a small brown gem. The fangs were clearly from the wolve's upper and lower jaws, as they were of different size and shape.

I touched my own fangs and was left with a smile, confident that mine were much sharper than these.

With so many meals almost back to back, I was starting to get a bit full.

I didn't know how vast the floor was, but I didn't want to go back so quickly. My curiosity drove me to keep exploring, even if I'd start wasting my kills soon. Well, I doubted this dungeon was actually made for vampires like me, with having to deal with the harshness of the sun from the first floor, so I was really just taking even more advantage of the dungeon spawns than normal people would.

Speaking of which, I didn't know when it was, but I had stopped shaking. The artificial sun was still painfully bright, but I didn't feel some sort of innate fear to it anymore.

(But the real sun outside...)


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I squatted down and hugged my knees. That thing was still scary. Even just thinking about it.

I wanted to overcome my fear of it, but frankly speaking, there really wasn't much advantage of doing so unless if I found a way to walk outside under the sunlight. I was able to operate fine here, day or night, and everything I needed was here as well. There wasn't really much of a reason for me go outside and risk being vaporized by losing track of the time.

It was probably a good idea to eventually go and explore the outside as well, but for now, this dungeon was more than big enough for me.

With those thoughts firmly secured in my chest, I pumped my fist and jumped up to my feet, as I was reminded of something that was firmly attached, but not secured, to my chest.

It turned out that the first floor of this dungeon only had four types of monsters. The big rabbit, the slime, wolf, and, it turned out, goblins.

The goblins were pretty much the same as the ones outside, and ended up becoming an easy source of fresh weapons for me.

While early on, the monsters always came only one at a time, after a few hours of exploring, their numbers increased, from two, to three, and finally to four. It also turned out that each monster had more than one drop, though they always dropped the same gems in addition to whatever else that I got from them.

The rabbits gave me either their hides or a chunk of their meat. I took the hides but left the meat. I couldn't eat them anyways.

The slimes dropped a jar of gelatin or a bright green leaf that smelt like mint. When I tried to chew on the leaf, the mint taste was so repulsive that I almost choked and was left gasping for my breath for the next few minutes as the smell invaded my lungs. It was a shame too, since I liked mint in my previous life. I thought I could make toothpaste with it. Maybe it was just too strong? I kept a few but threw most of them away.

The wolves left their fangs and their hides behind. Their hides were fully processed with the fur removed. They were large and tough, and I was looking forward to making clothes using them, although I knew basically nothing about leatherworking and only had the more bare bones experience in how to sew. I kept both drops and even used two of the hides as makeshift bags, replacing my first rabbit pelt. One was strapped onto my back and the other I carried by hand.

The goblins either dropped a sealed glass bottle with a cloudy green liquid inside or a bag of nuts. I tried tasting the liquid in the bottle, but it was extremely bitter and smelt of moss. Both drops were failures to me, so all I got from them were their weapons. Also their gems. They had brown gems like the wolves. They were pretty and it was easy to carry even a large number of them as long as I wrapped them up in a hide properly. Also, there was a new type of goblin in the dungeon I hadn't met before.

They were virtually the same as the other two, but carried a sword, rather than a spear or axe. To be exact, it was one of those Aztec wooden swords with stones embedded in them along one edge like teeth. They cut amazingly well, but also were by far the most fragile of the three weapons. The teeth broke on almost anything hard, and because the stick had a slit for the stone teeth to be embedded in, they were bad at blocking and parrying as well, as they easily broke in the attempt. Unlike a real sword, it was a pure offensive weapon even beyond the axe, which I learned to block attacks reasonably well, though the spear was the best at it by far.

When it came to feeding, I did get some more skills. I wasn't sure what the rabbits gave me, but perhaps [Natural Weapons]? It leveled up while I was drinking from a wolf, so I was sure that they gave it at least. I also got [Fleet of Foot] off of the wolves as well, and even managed to get it to rank two. The latter was a generic passive that raised my [Agility], most likely as a percentage. Thanks to that, my movements had sped up quite a bit, and dodging and manoeuvring had gotten much easier. That alone had also made [Agility] my highest stat by far. I hoped to get similar skills for my other stats. Especially for [Intelligence]. I really wanted to learn magic so high [Intelligence] was important.

The slimes gave me [Alter Form], but it was a racial so I couldn't use it. It seemed that was the skill that allowed them to create tentacles. If I could use that, I could have some great late night fun when I got a girlfriend. Wait, I was a woman too.

(What's the common stance on same-sex relationships in this world anyways?)

[Alter Form] reached rank two as well, even though I couldn't use it.

In addition, I got the [Create Acid] and [Acid Resistance] skills from them and got them to rank two. [Acid Resistance] did as the tin said, but [Create Acid] was quite interesting.

At rank one it was only able to produce a few drops of a weak acid per second, but at rank two it got upgraded to being able to make a baseball-sized blob of acid of moderate strength at a time. I could even manipulate the effects to a certain degree, so if I maxed out the strength and viscosity, I effectively got an acid strong enough to be extremely painful if I hit a weak point, while thick enough for me to throw before it dripped through my fingers. [Acid Resistance] also prevented me from taking damage from my own attack, and when I drank a monster's blood I recovered all my spent MP, making it a quite useful distraction.

I couldn't wait until my acids got strong enough to do serious damage on their own.

From the goblins, I got the new skills [Axe Technique] as well as [Sword Technique]. Those two, along with [Spear Technique] all went up to rank two as well. While rank one only had a small about of benefits, rank two's were pretty noticeable. Despite never having fought anything in my previous life, I could see a tangible amount of skill and ability that went into each of my strikes. It was as if I was an experienced veteran or something.

[Blood Sucking] was such a powerful skill. By the way, it also rose to rank two, though most likely because I used it so much. Nothing else could've given me even a single point towards it after all.

As a side note, [Breeder] had also risen in rank, though I didn't want it to. I wanted that skill to go away, even if it had no effect on my body.

In addition to all the monsters I had killed, eaten, and looted, there were two more things of note. The first was that there were traps.

Most likely because it was the first floor, the traps were generally weak, though they did have the potential to be deadly, as they were often near where I found monsters.

The most common trap I found was a simple foot trap. It was similar to a bear trap, but made with flexible branches and ivy. They simply immobilized me when I accidentally stepped on one, but the sound of them snapping shut often drew attention to nearby monsters, and I had to deal with both at the same time.

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It is against my beliefs to mention how my of them I found by stepping on one.

The next common were just a wide pool of thick mud on the ground. Sometimes they were hidden with fallen grass, but they were always pretty obvious. I examined the first one I found a bit closely, but it looked like if you stepped in it, the heavy mud would impede your ability to pull your feet out, making it extremely difficult to move around. It was pretty nasty when it came to traps to deal with while fighting. But maybe because of that, they were the single easiest to avoid, even if they were big.

Lastly, the hardest to find was also the most troublesome. They were basically a miniature pit. They weren't very deep, and only big enough for a single foot to step through. Even if they were deeper, you would only get a single leg stuck due to their small size. But even then, they were only about as deep as a single step on a staircase. What made them nasty was that because the grass still grew from inside, all you could see was a slightly darker spot where the artificial sunlight didn't reach as far down. And hidden inside was a single thin spike that would stab into your foot.

The few times I got caught in one were extremely painful, and fighting with an injured foot was tough. It really made me wish I had construction boots or something. I doubted that those spikes could go through those thick soles.

Fortunately, since I was a vampire, once I got past any ensuing fight, all I had to do was have a meal and my foot was healed. I pitied any normal person who would've had to walk around with a hole in their foot until it healed normally.

Onto the next bit, I also found treasure chests here and there.

The first one I found was suspicious as all hell, and gave me flashbacks to the mimics that would kill me in a certain dark fantasy action game. But no matter how much I examined it, there didn't seem to be any problems, so I warily opened it using the end of a spear.

The wooden chest opened without any fanfare, and when I looked inside, there was a pair of leather pants inside!

I was so happy I actually cried. My first real piece of clothes!

I removed the bikini bottom and put the pants on. They were a bit tight, but fit as if they were made for me. It was especially strange feeling it so snug against my crotch, but the pants wouldn't fit any other way.

It didn't come with a belt, but I figured if I didn't find one soon, I could always just make one from all the leather I had acquired.

There were other chests I found along the way, but they either had metal coins in them or small glass bottles with various liquids inside. Most were a clear blue, but some were different. My experience with the goblin drop was fresh in my mind, so while I took them all, I didn't check their contents.

I didn't know how long it had been, but I found myself in a large, cleared area. It was circular and the place didn't open up into anywhere, but had plenty of space. The middle was barren without any grass, like it was made with a specific purpose in mind. A campfire came to mind, but it felt a bit weird to think that such a consideration would've been made on purpose.

There were many other side clearings along the way as well, but none were as big as this one. A glance made me think that it was about as big as the fountain room I started off in, but it wasn't like I had a measuring tape to confirm it.

The main reason why I even considered spending any time here though, was that just past this 'room' was a chest-high wooden door, and behind it was a staircase cut into the dirt. I couldn't see where the staircase led to since it slowly curved to the left, but a few dozen meters away, I could see a space that was cut away from the plains. It looked like a large, circular area of the plains were simply cut out and stopped existing. It was deep enough that I couldn't see the bottom from where I was standing, but it was most likely the goal of this dungeon floor.

If that was the case, then it was obvious that there was a boss in wait over there.

Once that realization came to mind, I started to debate the merits of facing off against the boss on the spot.

The first consideration was my stuff. I had basically everything I owned on me, though it was also all stuff I had gotten since I first found this dungeon. I obviously couldn't fight while carrying it, not something as strong as a boss. My choices were leave it here so it didn't hinder my boss fight, or take it with me and drop it at the beginning of the fight, and hope it didn't get in the way.

I was pretty worried that anything I left without supervision might disappear, and it would suck if I beat the boss only to find out that my stuff was gone. Dungeons in fantasy stories often had cleanup systems in place, and I didn't know what sort this one had, presuming it had one.

That meant that I pretty much had to take my stuff with me to the fight, in case it's taken away or eaten by something behind my back.

The second consideration was my equipment. In terms of weapons, I had plenty, though most of it was of low quality. Thanks to all the animal hides I had gotten, it became easy to carry spare weapons. I had started to carry several spares tied together by a pelt. Pulling one out in the middle of a fight was dangerous, but it worked great for when I was forced to fight without replenishing my weapons several encounters in a row.

But aside from my claws and fangs, my weapons were the worst. They were good enough for the random mobs that wandered the floor, but I was hesitant to imagine that they were enough against a boss. Since they were simply goblin loot, they rarely lasted more than two or three attacks, so it was easy to imagine even if I was able to continue to retrieve all my weapons as they broke, I might still be forced to fight with nothing but my [Natural Weapons] in the end. It wasn't a pleasant thought against something that could possibly be faster and bigger than me.

When it came to defence, I was stuck with nothing but my leather pants, and I wasn't sure if it would count as actual armour. Since I didn't have any real clothes aside from it, I was also hesitant to actually test it's capabilities. Generally speaking, it was probably better to presume that I had no defensive equipment.

Finally was my own strength. Unfortunately I had no way to really know on this front. What was the typical strength increase for bosses in this world? What was the typical amount of leeway needed for the fight to be considered 'safe'? My level had risen to 5 during my fighting on this floor, and was getting close to 6. Was that good, or was it bad? I had no idea. I was basically curb stomping all the monsters at this point, but if I was supposed to be doing that at the beginning, and then get strong enough to basically walk through everything before facing the boss as a real challenge, then I was still far from strong enough.

I really wished I had access to a wiki or a forum.

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