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Before Claret could start on her next story, Alicia started something else first.

When I thought back, all I had done since Alicia had died was visit a few settlements, do a few jobs as an adventurer, play with some orphans...then there was the stuff with Philia as well as the city's lord, but those were both things I didn't want to tell Alicia yet.

Aside from that...

As much as I enjoyed this life of mine, there really wasn't much that could be used as story material. At least nothing that I could share.

I couldn't really imagine any of that being very interesting to Alicia. There was the risk that Claret would find anything I say enthralling, so she was completely excluded from any baseline estimate.

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I thought back to and recounted what had happened. The white walls, all the people in the line, the guard, and all the doors at the end. Then the room I snuck into when the guard was busy with a trouble maker. There was the crystal ball on the office desk, then the stuff I played around with in the menus which lead me to being reborn in this world.

My eyes met Claret's as she hugged my waist from the side. For some reason they were sparkling. There was no way such a story would've been that compelling. It made me wonder how much of it she even understood.

(Well, considering how well she remembered events from hundreds of years ago, she probably at least remembers what I said.)

(Ah, I guess it was dumb of me to have not explained it.)

(How is that even remotely useful?)

The lack of response I was getting from Alicia felt like she wasn't following at all. Claret was rhythmically nodding as I tried to explain, but it was clear that she was even worse off in understanding what I was trying to convey.

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It was a bit embarrassing to show off my body's physical statistics like this so I tried to gloss over certain details. Instead, I moved on to the skills section.

For some reason Alicia sounded hesitant when she said that. It took me a moment to realize why.

While I was a bit melancholic since I was enjoying this conversation, it also meant that we would be able to enter the dungeon soon, if not already.

A few minutes later, we were back at the dungeon entrance. There were quite a few people with weapons and armour of varying quality lined up. Most of them looked like your typical adventurer, from large people in heavy looking armour with a sword or axe at their hips to frail-looking people in robes carrying staves longer than they are tall. There were also people in lighter armour with daggers on their belts or a bow on their back.

But beyond them, there were also people wearing large backpacks, some of which looked too big for their bodies. They looked like they were following specific groups, but most of them weren't wearing any armour and had little in the way of decent weapons.

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I turned to look at the dark spirit that was hanging off of my back again like usual.

Claret let go of me and sunk to the ground. She looked way too much like an abandoned puppy with the way she hung her head and shoulders.

While we were talking, while the line advanced and people entered the dungeon, even more people entered the line. To avoid having to wait longer than I had to, I quickly slipped into the back of the line, whereupon a group came to a stop right behind me.

Once we were safely lined up, I asked about the thing that I was most interested in.

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It made me think of black holes and warp drives.

(So like the inside of my magic bag and a portal?)

At that, the dark spirit opened a black portal-like space in front of me, and pulled some objects out. They looked like some sort of expensive jewellery, but aside from that I didn't really have any interest in them. For all I cared, they belonged to Claret.

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