I splashed hot water on my face before getting out of the bath and dried myself with my evaporation spell.

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Moving over to my clothes, I dunked the entire set into the fountain before scrubbing them with some soap, one piece at a time. In the need to distract myself from the previous conversation, I concentrated on cleaning my things up.

Thinking about it at this point wasn't productive. I simply didn't have the means to figure out how to move towards any of the possible goals for us at this point, and likely wouldn't get a chance until we moved on from this dungeon. It wasn't worth the time and stress to fret over it when nothing could be done about it.

Only when we've made some solid progress on it would thinking further on the topic would be fruitful. Until then, it would be no better than spinning our wheels in place.


At the very least, I want to avoid making progress on the pregnancy front.

Once everything was washed, I dried them using magic before putting it all on again.


(Was this maybe a way out for me? It did seem incredibly flimsy though.)

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With the two's help secured, I hurried to dry my clothes so I could get dressed, then started to take out items from my bag. Alicia used [Scan] to tell me what each item was and what it did, while Claret took the things I handed her and placed them on the ground, grouped them up.

It was called a potion, but it could equally do harm as heal? It was something I got from the goblins, I think. There were a ton of random things I got without really thinking much of it. If I didn't have this magic bag of mine, I would've never even bothered picking up things like this dubious looking vial of dirty green water.

Looking at it closer, it looked more like a bacterial colony put into a blender than any sort of healing potion.

Together with other things that had no apparent use on top of being common items, the vials of herbal potions were taken out one after another and put into a pile. While I called it a pile, it wasn't really that much of a mound, as it was mostly made up of things from the early floors, at which most of the monsters didn't really offer much to make it worth hunting once I've explored the deeper floors.

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In addition, while I did make it a habit to start picking everything up once I got my magic bag, I didn't get it until I've already made it quite far in the dungeon, and on top of having little reason to specifically go back to lower levels to farm weak monsters unless if some of them had drops that would've been useful for making Alicia's life better.

(Now that I think about it, my life really revolved around Alicia since I took her in huh?)

Ever since we met, I had abandoned making progress in the dungeon. It, along with getting stronger, was basically everything I did ever since my reincarnation, yet I threw it all away for the sake of Alicia.

Now that I had come to realize such a point, I wasn't sure what to think about it. On one hand, my entire life had completely changed from selfishly living for myself to devoting everything to caring for a single child. Most likely such a change would've been considered a good thing by popular opinion, I presumed. On the other hand, I had been forced to abandon my way of life for someone I didn't even know at the time.

Well, it wasn't like I regretted it, and I had no qualms about continuing to devote myself for Alicia's sake.

(Is this what it's like to become a parent?)

Such a strange, stray thought entered my head, but I couldn't discount it entirely. It was said that people changed when they become parents. It was possible that I had made a similar change, even though Alicia wasn't my child.

(She's definitely not my child, but my little sister.)

For some reason I felt like I needed to emphasize that point.

In the end, quite a lot of items ended up being assembled and organized. I was even forced to make containers from the dirt outside of the fountain room so that the items could be safely stacked. About three quarters of the room's space was taken up by such containers full of various items. From claws to hides to vials and jars containing liquids of all colours and even weapons and armour I chose not to use, there were all sorts of things taking up space in the fountain room, leaving very little left to move around in.

Shaking my magic bag upside down then pushing my arm inside it to the elbow, I confirmed that I had taken everything out.

Looking at it now, it was amazing just how much stuff fit into my bag. It was already like a small warehouse, and it wasn't even full yet. Some of the items were even still warm or cold, depending on which it was before I put it in.

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Every time I experience the fact that anything I put inside stays completely unchanged when I take it out was quite something. I still hadn't gotten used to it, though I have depended on it a fair number of times. For example, there were still a sizable amount of foodstuff piled up that I had forgotten about. Some of it was even quite old, yet there was no indication of even the beginning of any of it deteriorating.

It did make me wonder...

I didn't even need to think about it to consider that its a must to learn if you had the time to, and since Claret and her old master spent centuries together, it was a given that they'd both have it.

There was no doubt I needed to work harder to learn the skill for myself.

While practising trying to grab and move around space using my aura, I went around to put everything back into my bag. Putting it in was much easier, as most of it was in properly made containers this time.

Once the filled containers were put away, I continued to the scattered items of too small quantities to bother making a container for. There were quite a lot of items like this, as most things that came from bosses and treasure chests ended up like this. In particular, there was a lot of armour and weapons that I chose not to use.

So much of the armour were heavy and restrictive, or seemed difficult to wear while I had my robes on, so they went without being used even once. The weapons looked more decent at first glance, but it didn't take long before I realized that it was extraordinarily rare to find one that I could use easily that was stronger than my claws. Even then, my claws tended to become stronger once I gained a few more levels or another rank in [Natural Weapons].

Most likely, if I wanted to use proper weapons or armour, I'd have to have them specifically made.

(No, maybe I won't ever find weapons worth using aside from when I want to hide the fact that my main form of physical attacking was my claws.)

As I was putting away the last few of the miscellaneous items, a white glow came from the fountain. Or rather, when I looked, it didn't come directly from the fountain, but from a pillar of light that was right beside the fountain.

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After a moment, the pillar faded and revealed a figure in pearl white armour. From head to toe the figure was encased in the white metal that practically glowed. Most likely it was all mithril, but if it was, it seemed like complete overkill for this part of the dungeon.

(Perhaps the person was in the middle of clearing the dungeon and had only gotten as far as this floor so far?)

The armoured figure glanced over my way. I continued to put my items away, but the person continued to stare. As I tried to avoid looking back, my eyes ran across the still full bathtub.

(Ah, I'm glad I put my clothes on before anyone showed up.)

I got complacent, as I didn't see anyone for the last few floors.

The first six or so floors were very popular, but by the time I got to the tenth floor there weren't that many people around. By the fifteenth, it was extremely rare to see anyone, and we were on the twenty second, where I haven't seen anyone for the last four floors.

(But the fact that this person was here meant that they were probably pretty strong.)

I glanced at the person once more.

"No! She has to die! She absolutely has to die! I can't let her live!"

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