They say that the bigger they are, the harder they fall. And while I did get a chance to experience that a little first hand, it did feel like a pretty stupid quote. Even more so when my feet left the ground a little and parts of my body jiggled in response against my will.

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In front of me lay the body of a creature almost triple my height, humanoid, but with blue skin. Thankfully the most critical part was covered in a simple animal pelt with two of its limbs stretched behind the waist and tied together.

Unfortunately it only covered the front, as I regretfully discovered after it fell over face first.

At least it was tasty. Not my top five, but tasty enough and did its job to mostly distract me until its body disappeared.

"Scarlet, what's a biclops?"

"Well, bi means two, and clops means eye, so it means 'two-eyed'."

"So what does monocular mean?"


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"So it was a 'one-eyed, two eyes'?"


"But it only had one eye."


While quite a bit bigger than all the cyclops that littered the floor, the dungeon boss was for some reason called a 'monocular biclops' despite only being a big cyclops. It would have been easy to accept if it was some sort of cyclops chieftain or king, but it was called something completely different as if it was its own unrelated species.

It reminded me of that one boss back home. It was a bear in a ruins floor that was filled with strangely shaped monsters that looked like they were multiple types of animals stitched together. It was the only floor of its kind and there were more than one monster that I gave me goosebumps just by looking at them.

They were tasty though at least.

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But the boss caught me off guard. It was so ordinary looking that it felt like it was transplanted from a completely different floor. It simply looked like an ordinary grizzly bear, but almost twice as big.

Fighting it wasn't special in any way. It fought just as how one would expect a bear to fight, just bigger. It wasn't too hard to get behind then sink my teeth into its neck.

What was notable though, was that its blood reminded me of the taste of smoked salmon. It was an incredibly odd sensation. It didn't taste anything like what an animal was like, and more like some of the amphibious creatures I had consumed in previous floors.

I couldn't help but feel like maybe that boss had actually followed the same theme as the rest of the floor, but it just wasn't obvious until I had started to suck out its blood. It dropped a massive salmon steak as well when it disappeared.

Definitely one of the more memorable monsters back home. I mentally made a note to go back and check its name when we went home.

Perhaps this 'monocular biclops' was of a similar type of monster as that weird bear.

Either way, it was a pretty underwhelming end to this little adventure.

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We travelled from Linsington, met and formed a familiar contract with Claret, passed through a few minor villages, resurrected Alicia, partially, reached Knossos, entered its dungeon, fought, subdued, and turned familiar an assassin sent by supposed gods, and killed a cyclops that seemed to pretend to have two eyes or something.

When the boss disappeared, it left its weapon behind, a wide bladed sword longer than I was tall.

Quite simple in concept, but pretty powerful, depending on how strong the effect was. While there were plenty of potential detriments, overall it seemed like something that would be handy...if I was the sort to stand my ground and block hits rather than just avoiding getting hit in the first place.

Unexpectedly there was a surprising response to my idle complaint.

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Alicia showed me one final hidden skill. There was something distinctly different about this one, in that the name was weird. The skill was called [Active Report].

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