Chapter 3

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Translated by Rafligo012


As the final person to receive the blessing, my turn has come. I approach the statues of the three goddesses, kneel down, and offer my prayer.


“Oh goddesses of Hillford, Eiris, Phunos, Hyusmine, I have reached the age of seven safely. I wish to repay Sister Marguerite, who raised and always watched over me when I was abandoned in the Forbidden Forest. Please grant me abilities that would be useful as an adventurer, preferably combat-oriented ones.”


In this world of Hillford, Eiris is the Rainbow Goddess, Phunos presides over treasures and jewels, and Hyusmine is the Goddess of War. It’s said that they created this world.

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In the Verheim Kingdom where I live, all three goddesses are objects of faith. However, some nations that favor war might only worship Hyusmine, while others that dislike war may only revere Eiris and Phunos. Nevertheless, in most nations, all three goddesses are worshipped.


However, among the three goddesses, Eiris is especially popular in the Verheim Kingdom, and major roads are even named after her.


As I offer my prayers for a while, my body is enveloped in light, and I feel a warm sensation flowing within me. This must be the light that appears when abilities are bestowed. I hope I receive abilities suitable for an adventurer…


However, the light doesn’t seem to be fading as quickly as usual. Normally, Sister Marguerite would read the bestowed abilities aloud right away, but she’s not doing it this time. Has something gone wrong? Anxiety begins to build up slowly.


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The silence persists for an unusually long time, and as the surrounding people start to murmur in concern, Sister Marguerite finally speaks.




Phew! For a moment, I feared that I might not have received any abilities. But it seems like she’s going to announce it after all, which brings relief. 


“Eddie’s bestowed ability is ‘Thread.’ Eddie, please check your status board.”


The name of the ability I’m hearing for the first time causes a murmur to ripple through the crowd.

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What kind of ability is “Thread”? I’ve never heard of it… Oh, wait, it must be referring to threads! With this realization, I open my eyes and stand up.


However, the moment I take a step forward to check the stone slab…




Suddenly, an intense headache strikes, and I collapse on the spot.


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“Eddie! Are you okay?”


Sister Marguerite rushes to my side with concern.


All of a sudden, an immense amount of something floods into my mind, and the intensity of the headache keeps growing.


It feels like my head is about to split open! It hurts! It hurts! It hurts!


I clutch my head and crouch down, enduring the pain. But the excruciating pain is so overwhelming that I can’t think anymore. In the midst of this agony, I lose consciousness.


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