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Translated by AmaLynne
Edited by AmaLynne


I woke up with a dull ache in my head and wondered how long I had been asleep.


Rubbing my heavy eyelids, a slight pain shot through my head.


I always had headaches, but I had never felt the pain of this magnitude before.


(―――It felt as if someone had hit me over the head.)


I reached out to my aching head, wishing I had some headache medicine.




Then I noticed that there was a cloth wrapped around my head.


(Is this bandage? Could it be that… I’m injured?)


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There was a bandage wrapped tightly around my head.


I wondered if I had been injured after all.


Thinking back, my memory of what happened before I woke up is vague.


(Err, what was I doing again?)


As I desperately tried to recall my memories, I began to remember little by little.


It was the middle of the night, so I didn’t eat, just drank whiskey, didn’t shower or change my clothes, and jumped into bed.


(Then… what happened to me between then and the time I woke up…?)


I don’t remember anything.


In the first place, I live alone in a comfortable apartment.


Even if I got hurt, there was no roommate to take care of me.


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For the first time, I felt a sense of discomfort.


I could see in the dim light, but I had no idea what I was seeing.


「…Where, am I? Whose room is this?」 


It was definitely not a room in my familiar apartment.


It was a somewhat classic room.


The room is more than twice the size of my own room.


The bed is incomparably more comfortable.


(…Kidnapping, I guess not. My parents are ordinary people and not rich, and I work for a black company and don’t have any money either.)


No matter how much I think about it, I had no idea how I could be kidnapped.

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Best of all, I was not restrained in any way, just laid out on a bed.


The kidnapping line was now gone.


If that was the case, then what was happening to me, I wondered, knowing that there was no answer.


「Um, is anyone there?」 


I gave up and decided to speak.


(Huh? Isn’t my voice too high? It’s like a child’s voice.)


My own voice, as I remembered it, was much lower.


I didn’t have this kind of voice that made it difficult to judge whether I was a girl or a boy.


After a while, I heard a small running sound from outside the room, as if the voice had reached them.


The footsteps came to the front of the room and opened the door vigorously.

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「Young Master Sam!」 


「Young Master Sam! You’re awake!」 


A beautiful maid with silver-rimmed glasses and an elderly butler wearing a neatly tailored tailcoat walked into the room.


I was stunned by the unexpected appearance of these people, but I managed to squeeze out my voice.


「Who are you?」 


In the next moment, for some reason, both of them looked desperate.


The maid even burst into tears.


While looking at such a scene as if it were someone else’s business,


(Who the hell is this Young Master?)


I thought about something unimportant.

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