The Reluctant Bride Book I

Chapter 37 – 38 – 39

The Ring.

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Gu Jiao Wen walked with his parents to an old building. He was surprised Tan Pan Ting lived in such a poor neighbourhood.

A while later, Wen Xue Fang welcomed Gu Jiao Wen and his parents into her home.

Gu Jiao Wen thought the three bedroom apartment was old but tidy. It showed the mistress of the home took good care of the home.

‘I’m sorry, everyone has to sit cramped in this small home,’ Wen Xue Fang said.

Wen Xue Fang was aware Tan Pan Ting was marrying up by marrying Gu Jiao Wen.

‘It’s OK,’ Chen Ting Yu said. ‘Where’s Pan Ting?’

‘Pan Ting is putting on makeup in her room,’ Wen Xue Fang said.

‘I regret doting on Pan Ting,’ Tan Zui Shi said. ‘She has no manners.’

‘It’s OK,’ Chen Ting Yu said. ‘Pan Ting’s a woman. It’s natural she wants to dress up for Jiao Wen.’

‘I’ll go call Pan Ting to the living room,’ Wen Xue Fang said.

‘Aunty, let me go get Pan Ting,’ Gu Jiao Wen said.

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‘What… oh, Jiao Wu go ahead,’ Wen Xue Fang said. ‘You young love birds always want a private moment to yourselves.’

The parents saw Gu Jiao Wen’s embarrassed face, and they let him go without teasing him again.

Gu Jiao Wen was more weary than embarrassed. He walked to Tan Pan Ting’s bedroom. He carefully turned the doorknob. The door wasn’t locked, and he entered Tan Pan Ting’s bedroom.

Earlier Tan Pan Ting was sitting in front of the vanity table. She put on pale foundation to make herself look like Sadako from the Ring. Then she put on dark eyeshadow around her eyes, and brushed her long hair.

‘Gu Jiao Wen, I won’t believe you want Sadako to be your wife,’ Tan Pan Ting said to herself.

Tan Pan Ting took off her pjs to put on a white dress. Suddenly the door opened, and she covered the front of her body with the white dress.

Gu Jiao Wen froze at the door. He didn’t expect to walk into Tan Pan Ting’s bedroom while she was changing her clothes.

Five seconds later, Gu Jiao Wen ran to cover Tan Pan Ting’s mouth before she could scream.

‘Don’t scream,’ Gu Jiao Wen said.

‘Mmm… mmm…’ Tan Pan Ting mumbled.

Tan Pan Ting wanted to say Gu Jiao Wen was a peeping Tom. She didn’t care about her fallen dress. She only wanted Gu Jiao Wen to let go of her mouth.

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‘I’ll let go of your mouth if you promise not to scream,’ Gu Jiao Wen said.

Tan Pan Ting was thrashing her arms and legs wildly. Gu Jiao Wu had no choice but to hug her. Her soft body against his body made his heart race.

‘Promise you won’t scream,’ Gu Jiao Wen said.

Tan Pan Ting wanted to kill Gu Jiao Wen. She vowed after she escaped him, she was going to turn his pretty boy face into an unrecognisable face.

‘Promise?’ Gu Jiao Wen asked.

Gu Jiao Wen couldn’t see Tan Pan Ting’s face under her thick ghostly makeup. But he could see the anger in her eyes. He understood the woman in his arms was a bomb ready to explode if he provoked her.

‘I don’t mind if you don’t promise,’ Gu Jiao Wen said. ‘I can keep covering your mouth until our parents come in here to see us together like this.’

‘Mmm… mmm…’ Tan Pan Ting mumbled.

Tan Pan Ting wanted to say Gu Jiao Wen was a despicable pervert.

Half a minute later, Tan Pan Ting nodded her head and Gu Jiao Wen let go her mouth. She ran to grab the scissors on the vanity table, and she lunged at him.

‘Die you pervert!’ Tan Pan Ting said.

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Gu Jiao Wen leapt to the bed to avoid Tan Pan Ting’s stabbing him with the scissors in her hand.

‘Calm down,’ Gu Jiao Wen said. ‘I didn’t come her to see you naked.’

‘You still have to die!’ Tan Pan Ting said.

Gu Jiao Wen seized the split second, and he grabbed Tan Pan Ting’s wrist to disarm her. But his legs hit the bed, he lost his balance, fell on the bed and she fell on top of him.

The scissors jabbed Gu Jiao Wen’s palm, blood dripped onto his white shirt and some of the blood on his fingers was smeared on Tan Pan Ting’s left cheek.

‘Ah!’ Tan Pan Ting screamed.

Tan Pan Ting had a blood phobia.

Tan Pan Ting’s scream broke the morning tranquillity. The parents were worried an intruder was attacking Tan Pan Ting and Gu Jiao Wen. They rushed to Tan Pan Ting’s bedroom.

Gu Jiao Wen heard the door opened, and he quickly rolled over to shield Tan Pan Ting’s naked body.

The parents opened the door. They saw Tan Pan Ting’s clothes on the floor, she was naked under Gu Jiao Wen and their legs were tangled together. What was out of place was the blood stain on his white shirt and on her left cheek.

The parents were speechless for a while.

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Tan Pan Ting was shocked her parents caught her in a compromising position in bed with Gu Jiao Wen.

Gu Jiao Wen was the first to react. He pulled the bedsheet over Tan Pan Ting’s naked body, got out of bed and spoke calmly to their parents.

‘Uncle, do you have Iodine?’ Gu Jiao Wen asked.

‘What?’ Tan Zui Shi asked.

‘Yes, yes,’ Wen Xue Fang said. ‘Jiao Wen, your hand is bleeding. Do you want to go to the hospital?’

‘It’s OK aunty,’ Gu Jiao Wen said. ‘It’s a shallow cut.’

‘OK,’ Wen Xue Fang said. ‘Jiao Wu, follow me to the medicine cabinet.’

Wen Xue Fang thought young love birds these days were in a rush to bed each other.

‘I’ll go and help bandage Jiao Wen too,’ Chen Ting Yu said.

Chen Ting Yu was embarrassed Gu Jiao Wen wanted to bed Tan Pan Ting under Tan Pan Ting’s parents’ roof.


End of Chapters Thirty-Seven to Thirty-Nine

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