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Another day.

‘Driving you to take wedding photos,’ Gu Jiao Wen said.

Gu Jiao Wen thought taking photos were unnecessary. He wouldn’t bother if Chen Ting Yu didn’t book the photography studio, and if he didn’t need to pick up her phone calls. Chen Ting Yu called him several times on the phone last night and early in the morning to remind him about the scheduled wedding photo session.

‘Wedding photos are unnecessary,’ Tan Pan Ting said.

Tan Pan Ting didn’t want to poke the tiger Gu Jiao Wen anymore. He gave her a scary vibe that he was capable of killing her anytime and anywhere.

‘My mum booked the photography studio weeks ago,’ Gu Jiao Wen said and waved his phone in the air. ‘If you think taking wedding photos are unnecessary, you can use my phone to call my mum yourself.’

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‘Gu Jiao Wen, you…’ Tan Pan Ting said.

‘Jiao Wen, did you come here to see Pan Ting?’ Tan Zui Shi interrupted.

Tan Zui Shi and Wen Xue Fang returned home and they were surprised to see Gu Jiao Wen visiting Tan Pan Ting.

‘Uncle, aunty, I came to drive Pan Ting to take wedding photos,’ Gu Jiao Wen said. ‘My mum booked the photography studio weeks ago. But Pan Ting doesn’t want to go.’

‘Pan Ting, what’s wrong with you?’ Wen Xue Fang asked. ‘Why are you still upset with Jiao Wen?’

‘Who said I’m upset with him?’ Tan Pan Ting asked.

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‘If you’re not upset with Jiao Wen then go take the wedding photos,’ Tan Zui Shi said. ‘Do you need me and your mum to come to the studio too?’

‘Dad, no,’ Tan Pan Ting said. ‘Forget it. Gu Jiao Wen, let’s go to the studio.’

Ten minutes later, Tan Pan Ting sat silently in Gu Jiao Wen’s Hummer while he drove them to the photography studio called Spring Paris.

At Spring Paris, the studio assistants showed Tan Pan Ting and Gu Jiao Wen samples of wedding photos.

‘Mr Jiao, Miss Tan, the wedding dresses in these wedding photos are trending right now,’ an assistant said. ‘Please choose the wedding dresses you both like.’

Tan Pan Ting felt torn while she browsed through the sample wedding photos. When she was younger, she was like most girls who dreamt of wearing a beautiful wedding dress and marrying the man of her dreams. She didn’t think when she grew up, she and her groom were reluctant to marry each other.

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‘Do you have sample wedding photos of the grooms’ outfits?’ Tan Pan Ting asked.

‘Of course,’ the assistant said and passed more wedding albums to Tan Pan Ting and Gu Jiao Wen. ‘Here are sample photos of popular grooms’ outfits. Miss Tan, you don’t need to worry about being overshadowed by your fiance on the wedding day, you’ll be a beautiful bride.’

Tan Pan Ting wasn’t worried about being beautiful on the wedding day. She was worried about attending the wedding day.

Tan Pan Ting was captivated by a white strapless wedding dress with a butterfly bow on the bodice.

‘I want to wear this wedding dress,’ Tan Pan Ting said.

Tan Pan Ting thought if she was forced to go through the motion of wearing a wedding dress then she might as well wear a wedding dress that she liked.

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‘Miss Tan, you have excellent eyes,’ the assistant praised. ‘The wedding dress you chose is the newest wedding dress design. The beads embroidered on the bodice are real diamonds. It’s a simple wedding dress design but it’s elegant and suits your figure. We’ll customise the wedding dress to your preference.’

‘OK,’ Tan Pan Ting said. ‘I’m leaving now.’

Tan Pan Ting stood up and acted like she couldn’t see Gu Jiao Wen in the same room as her.


End of Chapter Seventy-Two

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