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A drunk person had no common sense, and alcohol mixed with an aphrodisiac was enough to turn Shen Liang's not-so-sober brain upside down. He wrapped his fingers around Shao Qinhan's soft waist, his fingertips lingered repeatedly on the delicate area, and with a slight tilt of his head, he kissed the other's soft lips.Shao Qinhan was stunned, and when he reacted, he stopped Shen Liang's movements with red face and red ears, "You are crazy...""You are the one who is crazy, your whole family is crazy..."Muttered Shen Liang, even if he was unconscious, he would never admit defeat on cursing someone.Shao Qinhan was wearing his clothes, a casual white shirt that looked better than the cold and stiff suit. With his black hair and dazed look, he was like a lamb to be slaughtered.Shen Liang looked at him in a daze, finding the scene familiar, and after a moment, he suddenly said, "You are so beautiful..."His voice was slightly husky and sexy, his Adam's apple rising and falling, sounding like a lover's whisper in the misty night. His fingertips slowly ran over Shao Qinhan's beautiful face, with indescribable trance-like tenderness.Shao Qinhan only felt that half of his face was numb. Shen Liang's hand seemed to be magic, and wherever he touched, his strength would leave him. In the end, his body collapsed, slowly sliding down the icy wall, falling helplessly to the ground.No...Shao Qinhan was pressed against the wall by Shen Liang and kissed to his heart's content. He clung to the other's shoulders, not knowing whether to push him away or pull him closer. The ends of his eyes reddening and leaking physiological tears from vexation."Shen Liang..." Shao Qinhan's voice cracked as he was forced to raise his head.He said he wanted Shen Liang to be Shen Yan's stand-in, but in fact, the two were very different. Except for that night with stomach ache, Shao Qinhan had never been confused.Shen Liang no longer knew his surname, so how could he care who he called Shao Qinhan? They rolled on the ground in each other’s arms, shedding the restraints layer by layer, looking impatient.Sober and dizzy, contradictory and self-conscious.System was desperate, whirling nervously at his side: [Xiao Shen, you have to hold on, hold on!]Shen Liang did not listen, he saw the man below him with red eyes and red nose, a cold face stained with lust, like a deadly poison, and immediately opened his mouth and bit down."Hmm..."Shao Qinhan stifled a grunt, it was the first time he knew that Shen Liang's breath was so aggressive and his lazy appearance during the day seemed to just be a disguise. It was obvious that he could push Shen Liang away, but he failed, and a myriad of regrets welled up in his heart.As for what he regretted, he could not say, but he only knew that the feeling had vaguely broken the fate and the ending that the world had planned for him.

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System went round and round, encouraging Shen Liang: [Xiao Shen, Xiao Shen! You must hold on! You must hold on!]The words uttered by System filtered through Shen Liang's confused brain and became a string of vague and meaningless words. Feeling it noisy, he frowned slightly and threw Shao Qinhan on the bed, then bullied him.#Xiao Shen can't take it anymore #Shao Qinhan's heart was beating rapidly, the air conditioner was on in the room and the cold air flowed freely, covering his exposed skin, in sharp contrast to the scorching heat on Shen Liang's body."Shen... Shen Liang..." Shao Qinhan spoke again, but he didn't even know what he wanted to express.While kissing, Shen Liang finally replied, "Mm?"The tone raised slightly, like a hook, and gradually dissipated in the air.Shao Qinhan unconsciously stepped back and suddenly felt that he was completely defeated. He could not tell where he lost, he only lost, "Shen Liang, don't do this..."The words he uttered were very light and weak.Shen Liang did not respond, grabbing Shao Qinhan's gauze-wrapped right hand, then slowly placing it on his shoulder. When he lowered his head, the tip of his nose touched the other party's, lips touching, in an indescribable intimacy."Be a good boy..."The tone was like silk, entangling, unable to break free.Shao Qinhan was stupefied, his soul seemed to have left his body, only knowing how to be manipulated by others.The upstairs was ambiguous, but the downstairs was silent.Shen Yan was drunk, lying on the couch in a daze, then rolled over and fell to the floor, waking up startled by the pain.He staggered up from the floor and felt that his brain was about to explode, and only after a while did he realize that he was in Shao Qinhan's house.Shen Yan didn't think much about it, he only thought that Shen Liang had brought him back. He grabbed the railing and climbed up in the dark to go back to his room to sleep, but as he passed Shen Liang's room, he suddenly heard movement inside and his footsteps stopped.Shen Yan hesitantly reached out his hand and timidly knocked on the door, "Ah-Liang?"Bang!

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There was only the sound of something heavy hitting the floor, and then the world became silent.A moment ago, when Shen Liang was in a state of confusion, pressing Shao Qinhan below him about to break through the last line of defense, suddenly Shen Yan's voice rang out.As expected, Shao Qinhan was startled and instantly sobered up, pushing Shen Liang out of reflex. Shen Liang, drunk, could not react and fell to the ground with a thud.Hearing the movement inside, Shen Yan was a little confused and frowned as he knocked on the door again, "Ah-Liang, are you there?"Three seconds later, the door of the room opened from the inside with a click. After helping the drunk Shen Liang lie down, Shao Qinhan came out from inside with a cold expression, looking the same as usual as long as his slightly swollen lower lip and messy hair were ignored.Fortunately, the hallway was dimly lit and nothing could not be seen clearly.Seeing that it was him, Shen Yan unconsciously took a step back and sounded surprised, "Mr. Shao, why are you in Ah-Liang's room?"Shao Qinhan's ears were still burning, and all he could come up with was a random excuse as his eyebrows furrowed, "He was drunk, so I took him to his room."Probably because he was guilty as a thief, his tone was hurried and carried a hint of imperceptible impatience.It was the first time Shao Qinhan had spoken to Shen Yan in that tone. As soon as the words came out, not only Shen Yan but also himself was stunned.How did it feel when someone who used to be afraid to speak out loud to you suddenly did so? No matter who it was, they would feel uncomfortable, and Shen Yan was no exception.He looked at Shao Qinhan in astonishment and for a moment suspected that he had misheard.Shao Qinhan's body stiffened for a moment, thinking about what happened to him as if he was under an evil spell. He unconsciously looked at Shen Yan and awkwardly explained, "I mean...""It 's okay."Shen Yan felt a little relieved, sensing that he was overthinking.Shao Qinhan had always liked him, so how could he change? He glanced inside and saw Shen Liang sleeping peacefully on the bed. Suppressing the doubts in his heart, he forced a smile, "Mr. Shao, I'm going back to my room first."After he finished speaking, he passed by Shao Qinhan, inadvertently saw the wound on his hand, and seemed to want to ask something, but in the end, said nothing. He lowered his head and quickened his pace, leaving hurriedly."..."Shao Qinhan looked at his back, his fingertips unconsciously rubbing the gauze on his palm, and after a while, he slowly clenched his fingertips and closed them into a fist.Again this attitude of avoiding snakes and scorpions?

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At this moment, no one knew what kind of emotions were swirling in Shao Qinhan's heart.It was possible that he felt that this world was abominable to the extreme and that it had not made him feel the slightest joy since he was born.Or maybe... he wondered why the person who injured him and the one who cured him were not the same.Why couldn't they be the same...?The door to the room was ajar, and through it, he could vaguely see the figure of the person on the bed, whose chest was rising and falling. Shao Qinhan bowed his head, looked at Shen Liang, who slept peacefully for a moment, then reached out and gently closed the door.The night went on like this.Shen Liang did not fall asleep, yesterday Shao Qinhan pushed him to the floor, his head accidentally hit the nightstand and he was knocked unconscious. The light in the room was not on and Shao Qinhan didn't notice, so he quickly helped Shen Liang get on the bed and left."Hiss..."Shen Liang looked at himself in the mirror for a long time early in the morning, only to find that his forehead was swollen. He lowered his head and took a deep breath, trying to remember what happened last night, but his mind went blank.Shen Liang gritted his teeth and asked System angrily, "Why do I have a ball on my head?"System: [Because you bumped your head on the nightstand.]Shen Liang, "Why did my head hit the nightstand?"System: [Pushed by Shao Qinhan]OK, so it was him!Shen Liang, "Why did he push me?"Too poisonous!System was vague: [Because he couldn't restrain himself.]Shen Liang thought; what do you mean he didn't restrain himself? Whether murdering or setting fire, Shao Qinhan was trying to retaliate.Perfect, Shen Liang completely forgot about yesterday's events.

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Early in the morning, Shen Yan had already packed up and returned to campus. When Shao Qinhan came downstairs, he saw Shen Liang sitting on the sofa with a bag of potato chips watching TV, and his footsteps couldn't help but stop.Thinking about what happened yesterday, he felt a little uncomfortable.Shao Qinhan unconsciously adjusted his tie and walked down the stairs slowly, he made some noises on purpose, but Shen Liang didn't even raise his head.Seeing this, Shao Qinhan stopped as he sensed something unusual. He approached Shen Liang and was about to say something, but when he saw a gauze wrapped around his head, he was stunned for a moment."What happened?"Shen Liang moved with startlement and raised his eyes to look at him, thinking, how dare you ask?"I don't know. This morning, I woke up like this." Shen Liang's tone was not kind.Shao Qinhan did not know what came to his mind when he heard this, but his body stiffened and he did not even bother to think about Shen Liang's attitude for a moment. He sat on the sofa and made no sound after a long time, not knowing whether Shen Liang knew what he had done.Maybe Shen Liang knew, but didn't say anything about it; maybe Shen Liang didn't know, and that's the reason for his tough attitude.The TV was showing a well-known movie, Ultraman fighting little monsters. No one knew why Shen Liang was watching this kind of movie with great interest, and the only thing left in the room was the sound of the fight coming from the TV.Shen Liang did not speak and continued to eat chips.Shao Qinhan reluctantly sat patiently with Shen Liang for a few minutes and finally could not sit still. He adjusted his position uncomfortably, looking for something to say, "What are you... watching?"Shen Liang refused to pay attention to him.Shao Qinhan pursed his lips and asked again, "What are you watching?"Shen Liang, “The Name is Ultraman Tiga”.The author has something to say:Shen Liang: My head hurts.Su Qingyan sneered: Your damned retribution.

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