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Shen Liang can not write romance novels in his life, ever, that would be a betrayal to dog blood.He moved the shoulder that had been bitten by Shao Qinhan, and looked down at his fist, inwardly pondering whether to punch this damned System, when the alarm clock suddenly rang.Ah, it's midnight.Shen Liang immediately turned off the light and lay down, nothing in the world could prevent him from taking care of himself.The hallway was long and dark, and one could only guess if the person inside was asleep by the light coming through the cracks in the door.Shao Qinhan, with a first-aid kit in his hand, stood silently at the door of Shen Liang's room, who knew how long he had been there. The pale, cold moonlight fell on his shoulders, outlining his vague figure.He lowered his head, not knowing what he was thinking about, and didn't knock for a while. A hand rose, fell, and rose and fell again. When he finally made up his mind to knock on the door, the light inside went out."..."Seeing this, Shao Qinhan stopped, finally setting the first-aid kit gently on the floor and turning around to go back to his room.Shen Liang could not sleep.If one had to look for the reason, it was probably because his shoulder and head hurt. After half an hour of tossing and turning in bed under the covers, he finally couldn't help himself and sit up with a whoosh."System!"The tone was so serious that it sounded like he was summoning Pikachu.A large flashy diamond popped up in response: [En, what can I do for you~?]There was a mystery in Shen Liang's mind, "Why did Shao Qinhan hit me?"System corrected: [He didn't hit you, he pushed you]Shen Liang, "Well, why did he push me?"System hesitated for a moment: [This is a complicated matter, it's a long story]Shen Liang, "Make it short."System could not describe last night's restricted-level plot with Shen Liang in words. It pondered for a moment and finally decided to use the video function and drop it on the light screen to show it to him.[You'd better watch it yourself]Then, Shen Liang sat on his bed and retrieved yesterday's memory as if it were a movie. When he discovered that he had pinned Shao Qinhan against the wall and played like a hooligan, he fell into a daze and covered his face silently with a pillow.System turned off the light screen: [See, I told you the situation was complicated]

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Shen Liang played dead.System was grief-stricken: [I told you to resist, but you didn't listen to me]Shen Liang admits that he had always had some problems with his personality, and that's why he may have been single for too long.System finally concluded: [You cut your love line]Shen Liang said nothing, only four words; such as dog blood.Tonight, Shen Liang didn't sleep much. He slept so little that when he woke up the next morning, his whole body was tense. He had just pushed the door of his room when he kicked something under his feet and almost fell.Bam...The first-aid kit was accidentally kicked, making the sound of pill bottles rolling. Shen Liang pulled his feet up and unconsciously looked up, wondering who had left it there.Nanny Zhang? Unlikely.So... Shao Qinhan?Shen Liang thought about this and bent down to pick up the first-aid kit, unconsciously reaching up to touch his shoulder; it was fine, already scabbed over, and not too painful.He took the first-aid kit to his room and prepared to go downstairs, but uncertain of what he was thinking, he returned to Shao Qinhan's room again, and knocked on the door, "Are you awake?"In three seconds, the door opened from the inside with a click.Shao Qinhan had not slept all night, his whole body was indescribably pale and tired. When he saw that the person knocking on the door was Shen Liang, his eyes unintentionally rested on his shoulder for a few seconds.Shen Liang pretended not to see, "Good morning."That knock seemed to have drawn all the dog blood out of Shen Liang's head, he finally looked a little more serious. He noticed the darkness under Shao Qinhan's eyes and paused, "Didn't you sleep yesterday?"Shao Qinhan was about to say that he was sleeping, but Shen Liang seemed to see his inner thoughts, "When you like someone, it's better not to Iie to that person.""..."Shao Qinhan seemed to be trying to suppress his irritability, he frowned slightly and replied, "I didn't sleep."Shen Liang, "Why?"Insecure or afraid of the dark? Or both?Shao Qinhan obviously wouldn't say anything that touched the secret in his heart, his mouth was tightly shut. But fortunately, Shen Liang didn't force it, "Come on, let's go down."He took the initiative to grab Shao Qinhan's hand and pulled him down, lecturing him again, "When you like someone, you have to embrace him all the time so that you don't lose him.”

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No need to lock up, no need to imprison, hugging is okay.Inwardly, Shao Qinhan faintly felt that the ten fingers were as strong as chains, and that being exposed to the light of heaven like this was not as safe as a locked room. He looked at Shen Liang and said in a strange tone, "There are fewer people here. In a crowded place, you would get lost."Shen Liang thought; nonsense, my grandfather has held me like this since I was a child and I never got lost. He led Shao Qinhan to the dining table and sat on the opposite side, "From now on, you have to come down to eat every day."For the first time, Shao Qinhan had no desire to resist, "Is this also considered love?"Shen Liang thought; it counts as such, doesn't it? He said confidently, "Yes."When Nanny Zhang saw that the two were finally willing to sit together, she was overjoyed and prepared a few more dishes for the first time. Shen Liang's eyes roamed around the table, remembering that the Internet said that if you like someone, you have to know their preferences, so he asked Shao Lianghan, "What do you like to eat?"Shao Qinhan paused, "What?"Shen Liang became a teacher, "If you like someone, you have to know their preferences."Shao Qinhan, "But I don't have anything I like."He looked at Shen Liang, stating this fact mildly and calmly.Shen Liang, "Then do your research, eat different kinds of food, you will always find one you like."When he finished, he gave Shao Qinhan food, filling the bowl to the brim. Seeing this, Shao Qinhan unconsciously moved his chopsticks, as if he wanted to give Shen Liang some dishes, but he remembered that he had refused his dishes yesterday, so he put them back.Shen Liang was sinking his head into his food when he suddenly heard Shao Qinhan ask, "What about you, what do you like?"Shen Liang smiled, "Oh, I like spicy food."He didn't have any dishes he hated, but in the pile of dishes he liked, he always came across some he was particularly fond of.Shen Liang had done his homework yesterday, took out a small notebook, and flipped through a few pages, "By the way, when you're free, let's go on a date."His tone was light and casual as if he was not going on a date but on a walk.Shao Qinhan was speechless for a moment, "What's a date...?"Shen Liang thought; good question, I've never been on a date. He flipped another page of his little notebook, filled with dense notes, and read from it, "Spending time in a two-person world with the one you like."After saying this, he added, "This is a compulsory lesson."Shao Qinhan snorted and looked at his watch, remembering his agenda for the next few days, "I have a meeting these days, next month."Shen Liang nodded and closed the notebook, "Okay, then it will be at the beginning of next month, remember to be well dressed."

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Shao Qinnhan, "..."The date was forcibly put on the agenda.During this period, Shen Liang did not sit idly by, he secretly watched the development of the relationship between the main character and the official CP. This was revealed by running to the bar where Shen Yan worked part-time every day, letting the bartender know that Shen Yan had a twin brother."Ah-Liang, what are you doing here every day?"Shen Yan finally couldn't help but ask the question he had been holding back for days, and with a hint of a frown in his gaze that even he didn't notice, he glared at Shen Liang, who was sitting while playing with his phone."Oh, the drinks here are pretty good, and I have nothing to do anyway." Shen Liang didn't even raise his head, he was there to find out how far Shen Yan and Su Qingyan's relationship had progressed.It turned out that, as he had expected, the two were probably already together.Shen Yan's phone buzzed every few minutes, ringing with a special beeping sound. And he seemed a bit distracted as he cut ice at the bar, occasionally chuckled for no reason, and then frequently glanced at his watch, apparently anxiously waiting to get off work.Shen Liang leaned over the table and looked at the couple's watch on Shen Yan's wrist and asked, "Brother, are you in love?"Shen Yan smiled and fidgeted a little, then returned to normal, "Why do you ask that?"He did not seem very willing to tell Shen Liang who, since he was a child, had competed with him at all times and had uncontrollably put himself on guard. Shen Yan looked at Shen Liang, who was glaring under the light, and suddenly felt inexplicably inferior and envious in his heart.Right...Envious.Shen Yan was surprised by these thoughts. He grew up being one of the best in the family, why would he envy his brother with terrible grades? But he disguised it by lowering his head to hide his gaze.Shen Liang knew his characters more or less, between 70% and 80%. Seeing this, he slightly raised his eyebrows, pretending not to know, "Oh, nothing, just asking, I think the senior at the last party seems like a good person."But unfortunately, according to the original plot, Su Qingyan's family will soon pressure him with a fiancé, which would cause the two of them to break up. That was the lowest moment in Shen Yan's life.Shen Yan's heart tightened for a moment at his words and, for some reason, he suddenly remembered that night when Shao Qinhan rushed out of Shen Liang's room flustered.The ice-cutting hand stopped.Shen Yan asked, seemingly unintentionally, "What about Mr. Shao, didn't you say before that Mr. Shao was very good?"Shen Liang gave a small cry of surprise inwardly, somewhat incredulous, has this protagonist finally enlightened himself?Shen Liang spoke nonsense with his eyes wide open, and started brainwashing, "Mr. Shao is quite good, he's been much nicer lately. If you don't believe me, come and see him."He wanted to replace the word "nice" with "normal". Shao Qinhan hardly seemed like a normal person these days, at least he wouldn't lose his temper casually.

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Shen Yan didn't know why, but this time he didn't refuse, "I... I have to go in two weeks to organize my clothes, it's about to change seasons."Shen Liang nodded, thinking it was an opportunity, "There is a lot of luggage, Shao Qinhan will go to pick it up."Shen Yan said nothing more, as a kind of acquiescence.Shen Liang was not very surprised. People are such strange animals. You don't like it when they chase you, and when suddenly a day is cold, you feel uncomfortable.This is a common problem with the protagonists, they like the feeling of being surrounded by people who love them, even if they don't necessarily love them back.Shen Liang finished the last game and, seeing that it was time, got up to leave. As a result, when he passed by the card table set up in the hallway, he inadvertently found an acquaintance sitting at it and walked over and put his arm around the other person's shoulder."What are you doing here?"Shen Liang's ghostly voice sounded behind him, startling Han Shaobai who was watching. He almost jumped up, and only when he turned around did he realize that the person holding his shoulder was Shen Liang.Han Shaobai, "?"Sheng Liang didn't care that he was unfamiliar with Han Shaobai now, he pushed him towards the counter and sat down with him, "What are you doing peeking around, some cute guy?"He was like an old father catching his son doing something wrong.Han Shaobai was startled, but quickly shook his head, "No, I just came to sit here."Shen Liang recalled the original plot and wondered if he had created a butterfly effect, bringing forward the plot and the moment Han Shaobai and Shen Yan met.Seeing Han Shaobai denying so strongly, Shen Liang grabbed him by the shoulders and said with a smile, "What are you afraid of? I know all the waiters and managers here, tell me which one you like and I will help you."Han Shaobai, "Really?"Shen Liang deliberately pointed at Shen Yan, while secretly watching Han Shaobai's reaction, "Of course it's true, look, the one who cuts the ice is my brother."Han Shaobai followed the direction he pointed and noticed that there was a neat-looking man whose features resembled Shen Liang's, but not quite, "Is he your brother?"Shen Liang nodded, "My brother. What, doesn't he look like it?"Han Shaobai compared for a while, then shook his head earnestly, "No."Shen Liang became interested, "In what way?"Han Shaobai, "You are better looking than him."Shen Liang patted Han Shaobai's shoulder, "You have good eyes."But a question arose. Since Han Shaobai was not looking at Shen Yan, then at whom?

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