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When Shao Qinhan's fingertips shook, those round candies slipped through his fingers like glass beads, bouncing and rolling all over the floor.His Adam's apple rolled as if something was blocked inside, and he couldn't let out a single word. Shao Qinhan closed his eyes tightly, trying to suppress the pain in his eyes, but still dripped warm liquid.Shao Qinhan lay on the ground and curled up uncontrollably, trembling as if desperately trying to hold something back, every tense muscle leaking pain.Memories poured into the darkness, dragging him back to that night years ago....."Qin Han! Qin Han! You're a good boy, you're the best boy, let Mommy out, let Mommy out!"The beautiful haggard-looking woman banged on the door like mad and tried to look at her little son through the crack in the door with her wrists dripping blood and covered with scars from self-injury.She burst into breathless tears."Qin Han let Mommy out, open the door!"Gradually she went mad, her beautiful face distorted slightly and her voice became like a knife scratching at the blackboard."Hurry up! Hurry up! Let Mommy out! Can’t you hear me!!!? Qin Han, aren't you a good boy!"She banged on the door desperately, her eyes full of anger.The boy stood frozen in front of the door, frightened by his mother's appearance. He blinked hard, held back tears, and struggled to stand on his tiptoes to reach the deliberately tampered lock."Qin Han, be good, let Mommy come out... !"Before he could open the door lock, a shadow appeared over his head, exerting a suffocating pressure. Seeing this, the woman seemed to choke, her frantic voice stopped abruptly, and after a second of silence, she became more strident again."Shao Zeyang, I hate you to death! I'd rather die than stay with you, I'd rather die!""Crazy! Psychopath! You deserve to die!"The man ignored her and crouched silently behind the boy, his voice was cold and creepy, "Mom wants to leave us, Dad is only doing this to make her stay, do you understand?"The boy was confused.The man's palm fell on his head, but it didn't give the slightest warmth. It was cold, "In the future, if you meet someone you love, lock her up, so she can stay with you forever."

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"If you can't..."The man's voice gradually faded into the air, and his face began to fade. Instead, two bodies appeared, lying silently in the room, dark red blood flowing slowly across the floor, fishy and acrid smelling.If you can't lock her up, hold her back with death.The woman who had just screamed and cried was completely silent, wide-eyed, and staring directly at where the child lay, looking inexplicably horrified as if she hated him for not opening the door for her.The child stood in the room, not understanding what was happening, slowly crawled over to the woman in the pool of blood, and whispered with red eyes, "Qin Han is good..."Tears wet his eyelashes as he tried to hold back his crying."Qin Han is good, don't leave me..."The woman's eyes were wide in silence, unable to answer him. A light breeze blew, and the curtains swayed, revealing a room in deathly silence.Shao Qinhan bit his lower lip until it bled. This nightmare haunted him night after night like gangrene clinging to his bones as if it would never dissipate. He did not know who was right and who was wrong, he was trapped in an abyss from which he could not free himself, as if death was the only way to end it all.Before he knew it, his face was covered with cold tears.Shao Qinhan was breathing hard, his eyes red-rimmed and wretched like an abandoned dog. He gripped the carpet tightly, and in a trance, he grabbed something small and hard, and slowly opened his palm to see that it was a translucent candy... At the same time, Shen Liang was lying on the bed. He was curled up in a notebook, slowly writing something with a pen.His novels have always been bloody, so bloody that readers ask him to change the plot. But Shen Liang has never changed a single word. Before this, the readers' request to rewrite the ending of Shao Qinhan, naturally, was not in his mind either.Shen Liang doesn't like to change, there is no reason, he just doesn't want to change.At this time, he was carefully writing the plot of "The Wrong Way of Love", deleting and removing words and sentences about Shao Qinhan.Shao Qinhan's childhood was tragic, so when he returns to the original world, he will be able to write a normal childhood for himself when he revises the novel.Oh, and the love line, he will remove the setting that he loves Shen Yan. In this way, Shao Qinhan can like whoever he wants in the future, and not follow the setting of the novel.

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Shao Qinhan doesn't like to smile, should I write a more cheerful personality for him? But with a cheerful personality, he would no longer be Shao Qinhan.Before he knew it, Shen Liang had written half the notebook full of things he wanted to change. Every time he wrote a sentence, he would write it down in his mind and then cross it out with a pen, so that no one would see what was in it and cause trouble."Knock knock knock..."The door of his room was suddenly knocked on in the silence of the night. The tip of Shen Liang's pen stopped abruptly and he unconsciously closed the notebook, then sat upright from the bed, "Come in."With a click, the door opened. Shao Qinhan was standing in the corridor, his figure hidden in the shadows, looking increasingly gloomy and withdrawn. He said nothing, just looked at Shen Liang, his face pale and lost in thought, like a lonely ghost.Shen Liang sensed something was wrong and immediately pushed the sheets away and walked to the door, the warm yellow light put a layer of warmth on his face, and his voice was low and worried, "What's wrong... ?"Before he finished his words, his shoulders suddenly slumped and a cold body snuggled into his arms. Shao Qinhan suddenly hugged him, too tightly, even hurting him.Shen Liang was stunned and unconsciously looked down, but he could only see the top of Shao Qinhan's dark hair. He didn't know if it was an illusion, but warm liquid poured down his neck, scalding his heart.Shao Qinhan squeezed Shen Liang's shoulders tightly, trying to suppress something, as if this was the only way to feel less lonely and scared."..."Shen Liang remembered today's movie, vaguely guessed something, and asked nothing. He slowly raised his hand, with some hesitation, and finally rested on Shao Qinhan's slender back, patting him lightly, silently comforting him.The person in his arms was tense and trembling, like a helpless child."It's okay." Said Shen Liang, " Everything is all right....."There is a type of person in the world who will only cry a couple of times in their life, and even if their eyes are red, they won't shed tears. They will endure it, bear it crudely, swallow half a lifetime of pain in their stomachs, and then, the other half a lifetime will just pass.Shen Liang knew that Shao Qinhan did not want people to see him cry, so he raised his hand to turn off the light, lifted him into the semidarkness, and slowly walked to the bed. Then he bent down and laid him on the bed."Sleep."His voice was low and soft.Shao Qinhan still refused to let go, digging his fingertips into the flesh. Shen Liang had to lift the sheet and lie down with him, squeezing him in his arms and sleeping with him.Shen Liang said, "It's been a month, after today, tomorrow is a new beginning."

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"Try it the way I have taught you, and when you find someone who wants to be by your side, it won't be as painful as it is now."Love is a beautiful thing, isn't it? It makes people feel warm and happy, instead of being frightened by the day and terrified at night, plunged into a darkness from which they can't escape.It's honey, not the tip of a knife. But some people are on the tip of a knife, covered with wounds and bruised and abused, and they call it love.Shao Qinhan snuggled into Shen Liang's arms, silently squeezing his fingers, but saying nothing. Biting his lips and filling his mouth with a rusty sweetness.Shen Liang groped in the darkness, wiped the cold tears on Shao Qinhan's face, and said, "Sleep, everything is fine..."In Shen Liang's body, there was always a silent calm, and Shao Qinhan hugged him tightly, finding a sense of security that he hadn't had for a long time. Just like the night when his stomach ache had increased, he was also by his side.It was as if, at last, he was no longer alone...Shen Liang kept his eyes open until midnight when he finally fell asleep at 3 am. Of course, he also missed the continuous beeping of System.[Ding! The villain's blackening level has dropped to 47%][Ding! The villain's blackening level has dropped to 43%][Ding! The villain's blackening level has dropped to 40%][Ding! The villain's blackening level has dropped to 30%]The data fluctuated until finally stabilizing at one value.Shen Liang slept late and naturally woke up late the next day. It's just that when he woke up, there was nothing around him and no sign of Shao Qinhan, only a tear mark on his shoulder reminded him of what happened last night.Shen Liang touched the back of his neck and then unconsciously touched his shoulder before finally lifting the sheet and getting out of bed, going into the bathroom to wash. He was in no hurry to check on Shao Qinhan's condition, but he felt he needed time to calm down, and decided not to mention what had happened last night.After all, it was not a glorious thing to be seen crying, especially for someone like Shao Qinhan, who was full of pride.Shen Liang changed his clothes and went downstairs, expecting Nanny Zhang to be the only one home. But he found Shao Qinhan sitting at the dining table, silently waiting for something. The white porridge on the table was no longer steaming and no food was missing.Shen Liang paused in his steps, then walked over to the table, pulled out a chair, and sat down, saying to Shao Qinhan as if nothing had happened, "Good morning.Not a word about what happened last night.

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Shao Qinhan's eyes were a little red, probably because he cried yesterday, and his lips were a little pale. When he heard Shen Liang's voice, he looked up slowly, and three seconds later..."Good morning."Shao Qinhan pursed his lips and said that sentence awkwardly."?"Shen Liang stared at him, confused for a moment, and then looked up at the window, wondering if the sun had risen in the west. He had heard Shao Qinhan answer him good morning, did he take the wrong pills today?But that was not all. When Nanny Zhang saw Shen Liang come downstairs, she warmed the dishes again, and when she put them down on the table, she scolded him, "Xiao Shen, hurry up and eat, Mr. Shao has been waiting for you."Shen Liang was even more confused, "Huh?"Shao Qinhan frowned slightly and said, "Hurry up and eat."Today's treatment was so good that Shen Liang inexplicably felt as if he was hallucinating. He hesitantly looked at Shao Qinhan before he started to move his chopsticks, but the doubts at the bottom of his heart did not disappear.At that moment, Shen Liang's phone suddenly vibrated and a message appeared. He skimmed it and then said to Shao Qinhan, "My brother is coming back tomorrow to pick up clothes, why don't you go pick him up?"When he said this, he didn't think there was any problem at all, but Shao Qinhan put down his chopsticks and said, "I see, I'll let the driver go."Shen Liang thought, you can't be so stupid as to let this great opportunity go, and bluntly hinted, "He's not in a good mood lately."He had been abandoned by Su Qingyan and needed comfort.Shao Qinhan frowned, "I'm not in a good mood either."Shen Liang seemed to understand, "It's okay, you'll be in a better mood when you pick him up."The author has something to say:Shen Liang: Come on! Don't worry, chase bravely! Go to love with confidence!Shao Qinhan: …

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