Ch3 - Watching the dog blood scene

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In the end, Shen Liang relied on his pen and managed to save his life with his unwavering tongue. When Shao Qinhan heard those words, although he did not immediately agree, at least he did not kill him. For the next two days, Shen Liang remained in the room and was not allowed to leave.

Shen Liang was satisfied with this, having a village to live in and food to eat was much better than being beaten and paralyzed. 

As for the prohibitions?

Sorry, but he was just a dead otaku, and his most significant record was that he hadn’t left the house in half a year when he was writing a manuscript, so being locked up for two days was nothing.



Shen Liang nibbled on melon seeds as he calculated how far the plot had gone. If there was no mistake in the timeline, Su Qingyan would bring Shen Yan today.

Dear God forbid, don’t change this plot. 

The room’s window was partly open, and from here, looking down, a large flower garden could be seen, right next to the courtyard. Shen Liang’s ears were sharp, and he suddenly heard a car roar from outside, so he got up, and walked over to the window.


He pulled aside the curtains and saw a silver-gray car parked by the fountain, from which two men got out.

One was young and weak, the protagonist Shen Yan, while the other was dressed in a suit and looked kind and warm, probably the official CP, Su Qingyan.

Su Qingyan didn’t know much about Shen Yan at the moment, only that he was a poor student sponsored by the Shao Group, but nothing more. He closed the door without bringing in Shen Yan, the distance was perfect.


“I’ll leave you here. If anything is missing from your research material, you can come to me at any time.”

Su Qingyan was like a big brother to Shen Yan, his tolerant and humorous attitude made Shen Yan, who had suffered from cold dwellings since childhood, feel a burst of warmth, and at this moment there were already some sprouting seeds of love.

Shen Yan nodded and whispered, “Thank you.”


Su Qingyan smiled and waved his hand as he walked away. Shen Yan stayed in the same place and watched him drive away until the car left the gate, then turned around and entered the house. 

Shen Liang watched the drama from above, witnessing it all, and had only one thought in his heart…

How exciting.

When Shen Yan entered the house, he casually bumped into Shao Qinhan. He was startled and instinctively took a step back, “Mr. Shao?”

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There was a hidden tension in his voice, and his body stiffened unconsciously. 

Shao Qinhan stood silently in the corner of the staircase, his tall figure slightly distorted by the overhead lights. He had a hand in his pocket and his gaze rested on Shen Yan. He saw the previous scene.

This man carried with him an aura of danger that made people dare not approach him.

Shen Yan had already vaguely sensed Shao Qinhan’s special feelings towards him and began to consciously keep his distance, softly explaining, “Mr. Shao, I have returned to pick up clothes. I’ll be back to the campus later.”

Shao Qinhan kept silent at his words, walked down the stairs, and asked aloud, “Who was the person who brought you just now?” 

Shen Yan felt an inexplicable suffocation from his proximity, he couldn’t bear Shao Qinhan’s invisible pressure and couldn’t help but take another step back, “It’s a classmate.”

Facing Shen Yan, Shao Qinhan’s attitude was very different from Shen Liang’s. He said nothing, only advised, “It’s almost dark, come back tomorrow.”


Shen Yan shook his head.

We’re sorry for MTLers or people who like using reading mode, but our translations keep getting stolen by aggregators so we’re going to bring back the copy protection. If you need to MTL please retype the gibberish parts.

Shao Qinhan hesitated for a moment, “I’ll drive you.” 

Vtfc Tjc kjr ralii rtjxlcu tlr tfjv.

“Rjccs Itjcu tjr qgfqjgfv vlccfg, sbe…”

Vtjb Hlctjc kjr bcis tjiokjs atgbeut tlr kbgvr, yea tf rjk atja Vtfc Tjc tjv jigfjvs aegcfv jkjs jcv tegglfv eqrajlgr. Vfflcu atlr, tf alutafcfv tlr ilqr rilutais, jcv mbeiv bcis rkjiibk atf gfwjlclcu tjio bo tlr kbgvr, yflcu ifoa jibcf lc j tfiqifrr kjs.

Shao Qinhan was so used to being alone that he didn’t know how to approach others. Like Shen Yan, who only feared him and avoided him like a pest. 

With his arms crossed, Shen Liang leaned against the door and watched the commotion. Shaking his head and thinking, a dog that licks himself dry. Although this dog was written by himself.

System was unable to not complain: [Isn’t it because the plot you wrote is bloody and vulgar?] 

Shen Liang raised an eyebrow, “You can insult me, but you can’t insult my work.”

While they were bickering, Shao Qinhan had already turned around and walked up the stairs, and was not surprised to find Shen Liang watching the fun. His footsteps stopped as his voice became slightly serious, “Do you remember what I said?”

“Yes, it is not illegal to step out of the room with one leg.” Shen Liang grinned grimly and seductively, lifting his foot to show that he hadn’t stepped out, “It’s not illegal to look at the view, is it?”

“The view?” Shao Qinhan looked straight at him and frowned, “Are you sure you’re not looking at my misfortune?” 

Shen Liang thought you guessed right, I’m looking at your misfortunes, what I like the most is to see misfortunes in my life.

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He was about to say something sarcastic when he heard System: [Attention! The villain’s blackening level has reached 25%, if it reaches 100%, the mission will automatically be considered a failure. Please pay attention, Host!”]

Shen Liang unconsciously straightened up. Blackening level? What the hell? He swallowed the words on his lips, shook his head like a rattle, and hurriedly said to Shao Qinhan, “No, not me, not me!”

It seems suspicious that there are no hidden traps here. 

[Ding! The villain’s blackening level has reached 30%!]

Shen Liang was dumbfounded and hurried to fix the situation, “Didn’t you want Shen Yan to stay here for the night?”


It was fine if he didn’t mention Shen Yan, mentioning him instead made people think he was hinting at something. When he heard this, Shao Qinhan pushed Shen Liang straight into the room, slamming the door behind him.

Shen Liang didn’t know what he was going to do, and froze for a moment, then looked meaningfully at Shao Qinhan after reacting, “Mr. Shao, what do you want?” 

That night, they had tossed and turned here, and when he remembered it now, the sound of gasping breaths still seemed to be in his ears.

Shao Qinhan thought the same as him, face inexplicably hot, but his voice was still terribly cold, “Keep your mouth shut, don’t say anything you shouldn’t, if Shen Yan knows what happened between us…”

He had not finished his words, but the threatening meaning was conveyed.

Shen Liang raised his hand, signaling, “I understand.” He lowered his eyes to look at the hand grasped by Shao Qinhan, and let out a “tsk” with a hidden smile, “They say one day is a hundred days of mercy, but Mr. Shao is too quick to change his face.” 

Shao Qinhan blurted out, “You put the drug yourself, so don’t blame me for turning my face.”

As the original author, Shen Liang was a little curious. He rubbed his chin with his brain circuit turning unconsciously bloody. And he smiled at Shao Qinhan, “Hey, anyway, Shen Yan and I look alike, why don’t you like me? I’m more interesting than him.”

Shen Liang was joking.

However, Shao Qinhan took it seriously, “Shen Yan is different from you.” 

There was no trace of his dislike for Shen Liang in his words.

Shen Liang’s eyelids jumped at his words, thinking what’s the difference, isn’t it two eggs in one? He raised his eyebrows and suddenly became interested, “What’s the difference?”

The original Shen Liang’s character was greedy, while Shen Yan was self-sufficient, the difference was really big.

Although this Shen Liang was no longer the same as the other Shen Liang now, Shao Qinhan’s opinion remained the same. 

“You are too greedy.” He said quietly, “You covet too many things.”

Shen Liang was narrow-minded and had always liked to compete with Shen Yan since they were children. After coming to the city, he continued, saying bad things about him in front of Shao Qinhan, and even tearing up Shen Yan’s college acceptance letter secretly because he was worried that his brother was better than him. The origin of all this is just plain jealousy.

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Money, mansions, privileged living, and elevated status, all were what the original Shen Liang coveted. However, a heart tainted by greed will only make people dislike him. Shao Qinhan saw all this in his eyes, and after speaking, he pushed open the door and walked out, returning to the study.

Shen Liang stayed in the same place and shrugged his shoulders, what the fuck? 

When cooking in the evening, Nanny Zhang deliberately added some more dishes, which should have been instructed by Shao Qinhan. But unfortunately, Shen Yan didn’t appreciate it and didn’t come down to eat anything, and in the end, there were only two people left at the big table.

Shen Liang was hungry and ate with gusto, while Shao Qinhan did not even move his chopsticks.


This luxurious villa was large and empty, not very lively. As night fell, the silence was even more noticeable. The bright ceiling lights fell on the dining table, reflecting the complexity of light and shadow, but they became increasingly cold.

When Shen Liang was finally full, he straightened up and found that the food in front of Shao Qinhan had remained unmoved, so he kindly persuaded him, “Aren’t you going to eat?” 

Shao Qinhan glanced at him, pushed the chair away, and stood up, he said in a lowered voice: “It is not easy to walk in the dark, go and tell Shen Yan to stay.”

Shen Yan avoided Shao Qinhan like a snake, but sometimes he still listened to Shen Liang, his younger brother. Shen Liang wiped his mouth with a tissue and thought that Shao Qinhan was the world’s number one saddest licking dog… but it doesn’t matter, he will try to save Shao Qinhan~.

After Shen Liang finished eating, he stayed downstairs to digest his meal, thinking of the reason why Shen Yan should stay and pair him with Shao Qinhan. Before he could come up with an idea, he saw Shen Yan coming downstairs with his suitcase.

Shen Liang immediately stood up and approached him, “Brother.” 

He was probably a born actor, he didn’t even think twice when he said “brother.”

Shen Yan was a classic Madonna character in a dog blood novel. Even if Shen Liang, his younger brother, was against him, he didn’t hold any grudge.

“Ah-Liang, I still have something to do, so I’ll go back first. Don’t anger Mr. Shao.”

After all, people were under the roof of others, and Shao Qinhan has such character. Shen Yan felt it was always right to keep one’s head down and behave. 

Shen Liang nodded without listening, “It’s getting dark, we’re outside the city, where do you take the bus?”

Shen Yan stammered for a moment, “I-I… my classmate is around here, so he picks me up on the way.”

After saying this, his face reddened.

Shen Liang’s eyes became suspicious, thinking that if he is blushing, it must be Su Qinyan: “Is he the one who brought you today?” 

Shen Yan was surprised, “Did you see him?”

Shen Liang nodded, he was not blind and had written the plot, so how could he not see it?

Shen Yan didn’t hide anything either, “It’s him. Su-ge is very nice… although his family is wealthy, he is friendly and has helped me a lot with my studies…”

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Shen Liang, “Shao Qinhan also has money, he’s not unpleasant either. You can let him take you.” 

He told the truth, but Shen Yan was a little worried, thinking his brother was too innocent and easily fooled, “You shouldn’t get too close to Mr. Shao.”

Shen Liang, “Why?”


Shen Yan always felt that Shao Qinhan was up to no good, but he shouldn’t be too obvious, “Anyway, you should be careful and not get too close to him.”

At this point, Shen Liang failed to say anything else, so he could only move to the side and make up an excuse, “Then why don’t you come back the next weekend and stay for two days? I’m bored alone.” 

Shen Yan hesitated for a moment, but agreed, “Fine.”

Shen Liang watched Shen Yan leave, then turned around and went upstairs to sleep. For some reason, Shao Qinhan did not come out of the study, the door was closed, and in silence.

At midnight, Shen Liang was hungry and prepared to go downstairs to get some food, but as soon as he came out, he discovered that the light was on in the living room, and Shao Qinhan was sitting down.

There was a glass of water on the table and a few white medicine bottles beside it. Shao Qinhan was taking his medicine. He was moving very slowly, with his eyes down, taking a pill and a sip of water, as if he was not afraid of suffering, and had no emotions from the beginning to the end. 

Shen Liang stayed upstairs, looking down from above, and found that the other party always liked to sit in the shadows, with his whole body almost swallowed up by the boundless darkness.

At first, he wanted to go back to his room, but just as he thought about it, he saw the man sitting on the couch slowly curling up at some point, holding that position for a while without moving, and with a thud in his heart, he hurried downstairs.

“What’s wrong with you?”

Shen Liang bent down and crouched in front of Shao Qinhan, but saw that while clenching his jaw, his face was pale and his forehead was covered with a dense layer of cold sweat. 

Shen Liang looked at the medicine bottles on the table and discovered that several of them were used to suppress emotions, while another bottle was stomach medicine.

Shao Qinhan had a shadow since childhood that led to emotional instability and had been taking psychotropic drugs. And since in almost every novel the president has stomach problems, Shen Liang inherited this excellent tradition when he wrote the story, causing Shao Qinhan to also have a serious stomach problem.

Now the situation was clear; Shao Qinhan had not eaten dinner today and became sick.

Shen Liang touched the glass, it was cold, he shook his head, got up, and went to the kitchen to get a glass of hot water, then poured two pieces of fruit candy into it. He went back to the sofa, helped Shao Qinhan stand up, and passed the glass of water to his lips, “Drink some.” 

Shao Qinhan struggled to open his eyes at these words, his eyelashes were wet with sweat and stuck together, making his vision a little blurry. For a moment, he mistook the person in front of him as Shen Yan, and asked in a hoarse and unsure voice, “Shen… Yan?”

Your mother.

Shen Liang expressionlessly raised his middle finger, thinking, you’re blind, can that little bastard Shen Yan be as handsome as me? He narrowed his eyes and tried to calm himself down…..

“Well, yes, it’s me.” 


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