“Well, well, Your Highness Nagi. Please welcome.”

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Standing there was Marquis Lambert, who looked exactly like an older Machina. Next to him were a soft-spoken lady, and a sturdy man who bore little resemblance to Machina— perhaps his older brother.

Seeing the family that has a kind atmosphere, I clenched my fists tightly to keep my spirits up.

Anyway, for now, it’s about getting out of minus evaluations. A slug prince like me has to start by avoiding further negative evaluations for the time being.


Because of my status as a prince, it is hard for me that I have to speak from a higher position, even when dealing with people who are seniors.

When I’m in the academy, it is acceptable to inadvertently use honorifics with, for example, Professor Fellman, because of my status as a student. But not so in public, even if it is informal.

It was a more difficult task than the one that made my stomach ache and my back teeth clench when I was invited to a tea ceremony, but first and foremost, I wanted to thank him, so I said it.


“Pleased to meet you, Marquis Lambert. Thank you so much for taking time out of your busy schedule. I’m very much looking forward to our dinner.”

“Yes. I was surprised when I heard that Your Highness was coming for a visit. How was Parthenios?”


I greeted the other family members as well, introduced Mika, and took a seat together with everyone.

On a finely patterned blue and white tablecloth, silver candle holders are placed with tableware in deep shades that look as if they were a color from a dripping sea.

The smell of the spices in the food that had already been brought in aroused my appetite.

The waiter places three different kinds of thick sauces on each plate. Next to them is a piece of bread that looks like it has been stretched out, which leads me to guess that the thick sauces I saw earlier must be a dip.


As my eyes lit up at the sight of food I was seeing for the first time, Marquess Lambert chuckled at me. Then I came to my senses. This was no time to be admiring the food.

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This time, I come here on official business.

My failure would also be a failure of my brother, who had entrusted me with the task of inspection. I tightened my grip on my feelings.

Now, let me tell you about today’s experiment. At this dinner, I have one goal.


Be a slug!


It comes down to this. Yes, it comes down to this.

I decided to be a slug instead, based on my calm decision that I should let the Marquis and his family talk more, rather than me trying to talk things out when I didn’t know much about things here.


“The decoration of this building is amazing. I was impressed by the beauty of cultural fusion. Was that Marquis’ idea?”

“Is that so?! I’m very glad! I was afraid that you would get angry with me for admiring the Rubrum architecture. I admire the detail in the design of each plate, each piece of cloth, and the decoration of the buildings.”

“Yes, art and culture are blameless. I was fascinated by the detailed tile patterns on the exterior and even the interior of this building. Are they made by professional craftsmen?”

“That is correct! I think they are no longer craftsmen, but artists. There is a workshop that specializes in tiles. That pattern is created entirely by the imagination of the craftsmen, from the baking of the tiles. The gentle curve from the wall to the ceiling also makes you feel peaceful, doesn’t it? That is a…”


While smiling and listening to Marquis Lambert speak pleasantly, I quickly imagine a slug holding a certain musical instrument in my head. (Slugs don’t have hands, so it’s just the concept.)


It’s a drum.


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People like to talk about the things they like. And people like someone who listens to them talk about the things they like. That’s what I interpreted from the book I borrowed from Marie.

Thank you, Antoine.

In my heart, I will remain a slug beating a drum while thanking the demonic beauty.


But it was not hard at all because the soft-spoken Marquis Lambert’s stories were interesting and made me imagine the sounds of drums. There were so many wonderful things around Marquis Lambert, whether it was this city, the culture, or Machina.

After several appetizers, a soup was served in a jar. When the main course of meat arrived, Mika, perhaps relieved by my high spirits, was also eating with a calm face.

However, I also have to ask questions about the things I’m curious about.


“How’s the condition of the Rubrum Empire recently?”


I asked this while looking not only at Marquis Lambert, but also at his family.

I’m not trying to have a deep talk. In my first life, five years ago, nothing happened at this point. But because Lambert territory is adjacent to that country, they might be able to sense something.


“About that matter, there is not anything remarkable. Trade is becoming more and more prosperous, and there are a lot of merchants who travel back and forth to the imperial capital. But that is also…”

“…The calm before the storm, I suppose.”

“Yes. The emperor who recently ascended to the throne frightens me. Even though I have heard nothing but good rumors, there is a certain tension in the faces of the Rubrum people whom I am associated with.”


Hearing Machina’s serious-looking brother replying like that, Marquis Lambert also smiled bitterly.

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The royal capital wouldn’t understand such an atmosphere of tension. If there were only good rumors on the surface, I could expect that it would be a difficult matter to convey to His Majesty when I reported the matter to him.


(Nothing but good rumors…huh. Indeed, even in the incident that happens in the future, Rubrum was clearly involved, but I couldn’t catch the tail of it…)


I thought that he must be a very cunning emperor, and the crease in my eyebrows naturally became even deeper. I had a lot of things to think about.

Anyway, I sipped my dessert of pie with nut cream sandwiched in between, thinking that I would ask Machina for some more details tomorrow when I check on the situation of the refugees in Edessa.

As I bit into the pie, the taste of the nuts and honey intertwined with each other spread in my mouth, and I felt ecstatic.

I brought the pie to my mouth and the oozing juiciness was so delicious… As I was impressed, Marquis Lambert said with a smile.


“Did something happen to you, Your Highness Nagi?


“I have noticed a slight change in the atmosphere around you since the last time I saw you. Did something good happen?”

“Huh, ah, i-is that so?”


If anything, the worst, most unimaginable thing that could ever happen to me happened… But I couldn’t tell them that, so I decided to get away from the topic by mentioning Mika, who suddenly caught my eye.


“Perhaps I felt relieved after my personal knight was decided…”

“Ah! Your Highness! You should not talk about that! I understand. He is the son of that Count Chardin, after all. I know he must be a very talented man! But, even our Machina was highly recommended, you see.”

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“Dear… You’ve had a little too much to drink. Please forgive us, Your Highness.”


Upon closer inspection, I think Marquis Lambert’s face was certainly red.

I think it was because the Marquis had finished a bottle of wine while I was imagining the sound of drums. I felt that I had misjudged the topic at the end, but I was feeling a little elated, thinking that I had done a pretty good job for my first fight. I felt a little more courageous.

I think there were experiments and struggles that I had. But all the people in the Lambert family were simply kind, so I naturally had a good time.

No, I might have been a little drunk myself that I could think that way in such a relaxed mood.


I was smiling at Marquis Lambert, who was making a ruckus. Machina then suddenly got up before I realized it, and pulled my chair. And then he said,


“Father will talk for a long time once he becomes like that. Let’s finish our meal and go to the Hammam.”

“Huh? Hammam?”

“It’s the bath. Socializing in the bath is popular in the royal capital, isn’t it? Ours is the Rubrum style. Mika, come with us as well.”


—The bath???


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