“Huh, who is that?!”

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After we both jolted our shoulders from surprise, Vivienne, who had been crouched down with me, stood up with a look of astonishment on her face. I stood up as well, and looked in the direction of the voice, wondering if it was okay, even though we had talked about some things that were not good to be heard by someone else.

On the opposite side of the wall from where we were, next to a beautiful column that Vivienne had constructed, if I look closely, I can see a young man in dirty clothes, sitting down.


“Or maybe you nobles aren’t afraid of dying because you’re satisfied with your lives?”

“You fool! That can’t be right! I’m very scared! I’m trying my best to avoid death!”


I thought that he probably still won’t understand even if Vivienne said so, but I kept my mouth shut.

I looked around and saw no one but the man, and I realized that he was the owner of the voice that had been chasing Vivienne and I. If what Vivienne says is true, then the fall was caused by this man stepping through an old trap, or something like that?

In the first place, what is the old trap?

However, since the magical tool is buried in the ground, it means that something of an ancient civilization is sleeping in the mines sleeping in this underground mine. Something from long, long ago before the Ackersons started mining here.

I put my hand in front of Vivienne, who is barking, and shield her behind my back. Anyway, even if I was a man who looked downcast with my shoulders dropped, I couldn’t put her in any more danger.


“You are a coal miner. What’s your name?”

“Leon. But why would my name matter this late? If you get caught up in a cave-in of this magnitude in this deep place, there’s no way to survive.”


From behind me, Vivienne said, “That’s-!” but I stopped her.

Leon, that means this man is the mastermind. His name was not even mentioned in the report, but from the way the miners spoke earlier, it was clear that this man was the leader.

I asked Vivienne who was behind me, “Is there any chance to survive from here?” And then, she said “Of course.” and hold up her thumb. Then again, we were probably lucky to have met the miner’s leader here.


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“As I thought, the kidnapping was reckless. I wonder if the punishment has come down. It’s no use to say it now, but I just wanted to discuss it with you guys as negotiation materials…”


Hearing Leon muttering to himself, I thought if that’s the case, I would very much like him to stop with that theory, because it means that even us, who have not committed any crime yet, have been punished for now. Despite his seemingly strong-mindedness, Leon is completely crestfallen and dreary.


“What kind of demands did you want to make?”

“Err, right. Negotiation of working hours and salary.”


According to Leon, they worked nonstop from morning to night, and some died from fatigue.

And then, surprisingly, they were apparently provided with certificates that could be used as money, not salary. The piece of paper stamped with a seal on it can only be used in stores that have the mayor’s approval.

In other words, they were given that piece of paper and could live normally. But they weren’t paid, so they weren’t given the freedom to go to other towns or shop in other towns.

After knowing the current state, I looked at Vivienne.


(No way… I didn’t realize they even controlled the currency…)


This was probably due to the fact that it was a closed community called a mine.

As things are now, most of the miners were born and work in this town, so there is no problem for them to make a living. From what I heard, it seems that they were receiving certificates worth more than their normal salary sometimes.

But they are deprived of their freedom in return.


The mayor, entrusted by Duke Ackerson, had built his own empire within the town.


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This was not supposed to be what Duke Ackerson intended. Surely, the real Pluvia currency, which should have been paid to the miners, is being hoarded by the town mayor.

I thought of the strong mercenaries at the mayor’s side and realized that was what it was all about.

Even though I had no idea, I didn’t think something like that was taking place in the peaceful kingdom of Pluvia.

Surely the mayor did not tell the miners that this was something he was doing at his own discretion. That was probably the intention of Duke Ackerson.


(But would a mere town mayor even think of doing something like that…?)


Someone must be suggesting it to the mayor.

I shudder again at the thought of someone I just thought of earlier, someone who falsified information in my first life.

What and where did it all begin?


I’m not sure if the mayor should be allowed to roam freely, or if he should be purged. In my first life, I was the one who ran to purge them and failed. Hmm, I thought while putting my hand to my forehead.

But in any case, I understand Leon’s and the miners’ arguments. And that someone who could improve it was accompanying them on their journey together.


“I see. Then we should improve your working conditions.”


“Because the one who came here with us is the next Duke of Ackerson.”

“That’s right! This is not good.”


Since Vivienne doesn’t know about Leon, it means that Leon is not in the book.

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“…Just who are you, actually?”

“Ahh… I’m embarrassed to say it in this situation, but I am the third prince of this country, and my name is Nagi. I had no idea that you people worked under such difficult circumstances. I will do what I can.”

“Y-you’re royalty?!”


That’s right, being royalty, I can’t keep my head down. But I should have done what I could.

It was an obvious reaction, but even in the dark, I could see the color draining from Leon’s face. That is to be expected. Leon and his crew would not have thought that far ahead.


“Huh?! Wait! So that means we kidnapped the prince! Oh no…! What about the other guys…”

“Right. That’s right. It’s not me that’s in trouble, it’s you people. So we have to get out of here somehow and pretend that this wasn’t a kidnapping, but a fun mine expedition with Leon the miner.”


“Ahaha, that’s a good idea. If we say that it was the prince’s own decision, it’s not a crime. Your Highness Nagi is kind, as expected. You’re not evil at all.”


I glanced at Leon, who was sweating profusely, and thought that he probably wouldn’t be able to hold a conversation for a while. Then, I asked Vivienne, “So where is the magical tool?” Vivienne made a face like she just remembered about it, and started walking along the wall.


“In the game, there’s a cave-in after the mini-game in the tunnels, and Emilia gets trapped in there all alone.”

“That must have been scary.”

“Then, she walked around the area with her hand on the wall, and she hit a weird stone wall. Ah, this one.”


I wonder if the book is called the Game. I walked along with Vivienne, as she said that and touched the wall. I illuminated it with my pendant from the side.

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Then, just as she said, there was a part made of stone right between the dirt walls. When Vivienne pulled out what looked like a popped-up handle, there was a rumbling sound and the stone which was fitted there moved.

Thinking that this would be impossible with only a woman’s strength, we also supported it together. Then when we removed the stone part, something small was present behind it, as if hidden.


“Amazing… It’s real?”

“Thank goodness! Your Highness! It really existed! This, this is the Devil’s Silver Needle. It’s kind of beautiful, like a hairpin.”

“What, a needle…? Are you going to stab me with this?”

“I’ll stab you! If I’m not careful, even that would count as an assassination attempt, though. Ahaha… Ugh, what do I do?”


I extended my hand and found what looked like a thin stick, about the size of the palm of my hand.

Vivienne told me that this is a magical tool that a wise old man is said to have made for the king who is about to be deceived by an evil woman. I didn’t think it was just a weapon, but when I held it in my hand, I did feel that it was imbued with such a pure aura that my heart was cleansed.

It looks like a brooch or a hair ornament at first glance, as it is also decorated with gemstones.


(But… it existed. The magical tool…)


Does that mean I can trust Vivienne from here on?

Now, I guess about two hours have passed since I disappeared with Vivienne. I’m still not sure if I can really trust her. But, even Mika is desperately looking for me now.

He wouldn’t even think I’d be caught up in a cave-in, but he’d probably be worried.


I want to see him soon. I have to hurry and reassure him.

That feeling spread inside me.


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