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On the first day of the new school term, I was on my way to the “Magical Botany” classroom with Mika.

Perhaps because I arrived early, there seemed to be only a few students in the classroom. But then I spotted the back of a light purple-haired female student at the front of a row of horizontal desks.


(Oh, that’s Gislette. I have to greet her…)


However, when I saw a hunchbacked man with a tuft of tentacle-looking hair sitting next to her, I tilted my head in wonder.

The man was sitting next to Gislette, someone whom I had never seen talking until that time before the summer break.

I wondered who it was, and looked at the man with soft, pale, yellow hair that was different from Mika. As I was thinking that he looked like a small bird, I noticed at that moment.


(Huh, ah! Wait, huh, he’s Renalge Pomfrey!)


Certainly, this magical botany is a class not only for fifth-year students, sixth-year students can also take the course. But who would think that Renalge would go out of his way to attend magical botany class? As I wondered about that, I looked back at Mika behind me.

Mika said “Ah,” and then continued.


“Speaking of which, Renalge Pomfrey might have come from Count Dupont’s territory.”

“Eh, don’t tell me he’s some kind of childhood friend with Gislette?”


Although Renalge had received the title of viscount for his exceptional achievements, Baron Pomfrey was originally a court nobleman without a territory. It is not so strange if he was born and raised in Count Dupont’s territory, which is close to the royal capital.

I just heard that I am the ‘villain’ in Renalge’s route, which makes me feel a little awkward.

But, Gislette is a classmate who went out of her way to talk to me. I couldn’t afford not to greet her, so I walked to her side and called out to her.


“Good day, Gislette.”

“Greetings, Your Highness Nagi. Did you have a relaxing summer break?”


As usual, Gislette is a quiet student whose expression does not change much, but when I greeted her, I felt as if her eyes lit up.

Mika also smiled and greeted her, then he sat down with me across the aisle at the horizontal desk on the left.

Also, I didn’t bring any unusual magical plants with me today! Although I just noticed it at this moment, I was a little relieved that Gislette was not looking for something like that from me.


“Yes, I went to Mika’s place…I even visited Cote de Marais.”

“Is that so? I also spent a leisurely time in the territory. How is your skullcap plant doing?”

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“It’s going well. In addition, my research on magical plants has progressed considerably this summer, and I worked hard to breed Antoine’s thorn rose to thrive in a hot environment…that’s what I did.”

“I-i-i-i-is that true? The royal castle’s greenhouse… Umm, it must be there, at the part of the garden that’s not open to the public, isn’t it?”


Gislette is usually a quiet person, but she seems to really like magical plants.

However, that’s right. As was the case for Brother Vincent’s birthday, the gardens of the royal castle are basically open for that kind of evening parties and tea parties. But of course, there are many areas that are off limits, and part of it is my greenhouse.

There is both a greenhouse section that grows plants that prefer warmer climates and a garden section that grows plants that do fine in the year-round climate of Pluvia, both of which I actually own and create in part of the gardens at the royal castle.

It was clear that Gislette wanted to see the magic plants, but…


(I can’t invite a young lady to a party because of my position… But if it’s more than one person, maybe it’s possible?)


Even though I thought so, and I’m sure Gislette would have understood, it was at the moment I tried to open my mouth to refuse.

Renalge, who had been sitting to the right of Gislette, got up from the other side of the desk, walked around and passed in front of the podium, and deliberately sat back down next to Gislette’s left side, which has one empty space.

“What?” Gislette’s voice, filled with anger, can be heard from behind Renalge.

And then he glanced over at me. Yellow-green eyes that seemed half-closed looked at me.


“Eh? Ah, um… Nice to meet you, Renalge.”

“Pleased to meet you, Your Highness Nagi. May I sit next to you?”

“…Huh, yes, go ahead.”


You’re already sitting down. though… While thinking about that, I looked at the sleepy Renalge.

Is there something he wanted to talk about to me? I thought of that, but there is no sign of him ever talking. I heard Gislette’s angry voice from behind him as he sat while slumping forward and did not move.


“Excuse me, I’m talking to His Highness right now. You’re just sleeping anyway, so don’t interrupt me.”

“I’m awake.”

“…It’s hard to talk, so come back over here.”



I blinked my eyes at their interaction.

Apparently, Renalge wanted to prevent Gislette from talking to me. But now that he closed his eyes, I don’t know what his intentions are. As I was wondering if I shouldn’t have minded him too much, Gislette’s white fingers, the only things visible from my position, started shaking, and then, Bang! She hit Renalge’s head with the instructional book she was holding.

“Huh?!” I couldn’t help but feel panicked.


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“Wake up, move aside. You’re being rude to His Highness.”


I looked back at Mika, wondering what to do. But seeing Mika shaking his head, I think we’re not reaching an agreement. Then, since it was a great opportunity, I decided to take the plunge and talked to Renalge.


“You both seem to get along well, Renalge and Gislette.”

“We’re a fellow Pon and Pom.”


“Oh, you mean from the words Dupont and Pomfrey?”


Mika quickly offered me a helping hand from behind.

“Don’t say such a confusing thing,” Gislette’s low voice echoed, and then she sighed before continuing.


“We have known each other since childhood. When I told him that His Highness Nagi showed me the skullcap plant in Magical Botany class, for some reason I didn’t hear that he said was going to take the class as well. Even though it’s not really a class that a sixth grader would take.”

“I see. Were you also interested in the skullcap plant, Renalge?”

“Not especially.”

“…” “…” “…”


I didn’t know how to continue the conversation any further when he said this to me sleepily and with a yawn.

Renalge Pomfrey is a genius who is called a “wizard” in this world where most people can use magic. Normally, there was no need for him to attend the magic academy, but for some reason, he seemed to be attending every day.

I had never seen him get along with anyone and wondered why he was at the academy, but then I saw his attitude toward Gislette. This is…


(…Could it be that he has feelings for Gislette?)


The moment I thought of this, I had a vision of a magic light bulb shining on my head.

If so, it seems to me that Gislette could be the villain of Renalge’s route in the book Vivienne was talking about. It also reminded me of the word “to save time” that Vivienne said. However, as far as the two of them were concerned, Gislette didn’t particularly seem like she had feelings for Renalge.

I don’t know if he really likes her, but it’s clear that he’s obsessed with her.


(This is… Perhaps if I invite Gislette, who loves magical plants, for research, then Renalge would also come along…?)


In addition to researching magical plants, I also have to do my “everyday magic research”. I don’t know if Renalge is familiar with magical plants. But as far as the ice mages in Mika’s territory, he was definitely someone who had the abilities necessary to do what I wanted to do with my everyday magic research.

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It’s a point of contact with Renalge, who doesn’t get along with anyone. Perhaps this could be a great opportunity.

And at the same time, a glimpse of what Vivienne had said earlier flashed through my mind.


(That’s right… Speaking of which, I thought I’d start there too, but I was too busy over the summer to do it…)


I clenched my fists tightly and closed my eyes. The sound of my throbbing heart became faster. My stomach aches slowly. Yes, this is the right amount of stress for me.

Somehow Vivienne’s voice saying, “He’s forcing you to go along with his magic experiments!” went through my mind, but here I go! I thought, and then I spoke out of momentum.


“Gislette, I’m going to host a tea party at the royal castle next time, may I invite you? I’m thinking of holding it by the greenhouse.”

“Huh?! A-are you sure?”

“Yes. It’s going to be a small thing with a few friends over, please come if you’d like.”

“Y-yes! I would be delighted to attend.”


That’s right, it’s a “tea party.” Tea parties, the basis of socializing. Tea parties that everyone loves.

However, I’ve never held a tea party in my life. I never thought I wanted to hold one. I know it came off as a big deal to say I invited some “friends” over, but honestly, the only person I could invite is Mika.

This was a kind of combination of “bluffing” and “baiting” that I had been experimenting with. I glanced to my right, hoping that this would please, please bait Renalge as well.

It’s also just in time before other students probably arrive.

As I was hoping it would work well, Renalge grabbed my arm. And soon after, Mika was swatting him down with a “Don’t touch him.”

Surprised by Mika’s words and actions, I noticed that Renalge’s yellow-green eyes were staring at him. He was surprised by Mika’s actions even though Mika had been using honorifics to him, who was, after all, his senior a moment ago.

Then he told me.


“I’m also… a friend of Your Highness, aren’t I?”


“I’m also a friend, right? We just talked, after all.”

“Ah, yes. Please come over as well, Renalge.”


The pressure of his words frightened me a little.

However, this is exactly what I was hoping for! While thinking inwardly, I registered this combination of “bluffing” and “baiting” as an experiment for the technique of “inducing”.

Just at the right time, other students started to enter the classroom, so I stopped talking about it.

Looking to my side, I saw that Renalge had already closed his eyes and was breathing softly in his sleep.


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(I wonder if the way I did it…was nasty.)


As I was thinking about this, I looked to the side and my eyes met with Mika’s.

Then when I saw Mika’s jade-green eyes narrowed with a sly grin, my heart skipped a beat.

Huh, maybe it really was nasty after all! As I thought about it, I started to sweat. “What?” I asked him with his eyes. He answered me just as is.


“I just thought you have a surprisingly nasty way of thinking.”

“Y-you don’t have to say it that way!”


It hit me like a punch.

It was even harder after I realized that I like him. I was biting my lip, wondering if I had a bad personality after all, then Mika laughed and told me.


“No, I think it’s fine. You don’t seem to be tainted, Nagi. But if you’re thinking properly to come up with that, then I think that’s also your strength.”

“I-I see…”

“A tea party, huh. I can’t wait to go to Nagi’s tea party. I’m also a friend, so I wonder if you’ll invite me.”

“You’re a knight, though.”


I put aside my earlier thought that the only person I could call a friend was Mika, and turned my head away to the side. I heard Mika’s voice teasingly saying, “Right, I forgot~” but I ignored it.



(He said I don’t seem tainted… With the way he said that-…)


I recall what the Duke of Marcotte, the Night King, told me.

I’m only beautiful, but clueless and incompetent. But after hearing Mika’s words…it made me reconsider a little bit.


(Maybe I should make people think I’m a foolish prince who only has a beautiful place, but if I’m different on the inside it can be a ‘strength’?)


Unlike Brother Seth, I do not have to look smart.

Rather, as ‘a piece that can move freely’ that Duke of Marcotte said about me, it would probably be better if I don’t look smart.


—That way, I’d be able to move more freely, wouldn’t I?


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