
“Alright! Let’s begin the third session of ‘Take me to the future!’ the great debate of mixed factions~!”

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“What the heck is that? Mixed factions? It’s just the four of us like usual.”

“…Is this what you were talking about the other day? Were you always planning to gather together again?”

“No. I was summoned here.”


It was a beautiful rest day afternoon in November.

I didn’t even have the energy to comment about what seemed to be so fun about us having to put on such a disguise and gather with the now-familiar members at a seemingly unused mansion on the outskirts of the royal capital.

The other night, Mika and I got into a discussion about Vivienne. Perhaps because I had told him, “You’ll find out sooner or later,” Mika seemed to agree with me with a wry smile.

Mika and I dressed as commoners, each of us wearing a different wig, and we strolled all the way through the city to get here. Mika wore glasses and a brown hair wig, and I even wore a hat on my black hair wig to make sure I could hide my silver hair.

I’m not sure when in the world the first and second sessions took place, but I think it probably counts as the four of us ever getting together and talking.


I was facing Vivienne and her brother on the old sofa. Then she answered Mika, who was sitting next to me.


She called this meeting the great debate or whatever, but to put it simply…


“Yes. Today, I’ll report on my recent developments, sorting out the situation and countermeasures.”

“Thought so.”


It was only four months until March next year, when Vivienne was scheduled to be executed.

I never thought we would get along so well like this, and I was reminded of Vivienne when we first met, who was full of anxiety. I know now she’s cheerful at heart, optimistic, and tries her hardest.

But every time I look at her, I wonder if I will be able to behave so bravely when the time of my own execution is at hand.


Not everyone will be able to move forward optimistically like this, no matter how many years one has lived in a previous life, and no matter what memories one has. I also thought that I still had five more years. Then I thought, I might be able to do something about it.

But by the time she realized it, it had been less than a year.


(She’s really…amazing.)


Every time I saw her smiling brightly, I thought to myself that I must do my best as well. As I was staring at Vivienne who was still laughing like usual, she made a strange expression for a moment and spoke.


“Haa… The sad expression on Your Highness Nagi’s face looks somewhat alluring. Don’t look this way with that kind of face.”

“…What kind of expression do you want me to have?”

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“Haa~…So cool!  It’s supreme. Very supreme. A living work of art.”



For some time now, Vivienne had been telling me that she liked my face, but I didn’t sense any romantic perspective. I’m not sure as I’ve never been in a relationship, but for some reason, I get the same feeling from her eyes as I get from a Gislette when she’s in front of her favorite tuna. It’s also similar to Count Chardin, who was delighted to see my portrait painted.

They think that I’m standing on a completely different dimension— they don’t think I’m standing on the same “human” level as them.


(So, the chances of developing a romantic relationship are zero. But it seems she really likes my face.)


Perhaps, just like what she just said, she thinks of me as a work of art or something.

Anyway, the business she started on her own has grown to the point where there is now no one who doesn’t know about it, and it has a good reputation.

In addition to the quality of the products, the unique way of selling them is said to be appealing.

Because she doesn’t have specialized knowledge, she’s selling cosmetics based on the original cosmetics in this world, but she took the commercial method of having makeup artists in this world perform it in ladies’ salons. “Before and after!” That’s what she said.

Other newly developed products, such as techniques for decorating fingernails and the bizarre idea of attaching and increasing eyelashes, are now attracting attention from all over the social scene.


In addition, Vivienne is a beauty if she keeps quiet.

Most people don’t know her true nature.



That was also the case in the academy. The mere act of Vivienne wearing a product from her brand is enough to send the girls into a frenzy and fawn over her. The next moment, they were running to buy the new products with bloodshot eyes.

Vivienne said that it’s about “Brand image!” I don’t really understand, but it seems to have been the norm in the world she lived in in a previous life.

It’s not so much that she had developed something new, but rather that her new ideas and business sense have made her business enterprise a great success.

According to her—


——“Cheat without knowledge!” ——


I’m not sure if that’s a good or a bad name. Since Vivienne could do so much even without knowledge, her previous world must have been a very prosperous place after all. That’s what I thought.


Incidentally, the selections for the mid-term review such as swordsmanship tournament and magic battles, had to be ended with a research presentation to avoid unnecessary conflicts.

However, Vivienne who is receiving queen’s (even though she won’t become one) education, was a hard worker from the start, and this also made her win the best prize.

In this way, Brother Vincent shouldn’t be able to feel indifferent about her.

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When she was acting strangely, her previous cronies seemed to keep their distance. But a new group of crony girls was formed around her before she realized it. The figure of Vivienne, who appears to be unconventional and has a strong core, seems to be well-loved by her close friends.


(If she were to be executed in this situation, there would be a torrent of criticism for the royal family…)


However, since that “torrent of criticism” is the aim of the other party that has not yet been seen, this is not enough to reassure us just yet.

Even if it was Brother Vincent, the second prince, who committed the heinous act, there is no doubt that we, who could not stop him, would also be exposed to the fire.

If all they had to do was execute Vivienne, who was so jealous that she caused an assassination attempt, they could have ended with “The Second Prince’s Scandal” but that’s not enough this time. If I only thought about saving Brother Seth, perhaps it would have been better if things had ended the way they originally were.


(Still, there is no choice but to help Vivienne…)


It’s only natural. I got anxious when she showed her creepy smile, but she’s completely my friend now.

I listened to her detailed report. Tillois has been looking pale of late. Perhaps he was more frightened than Vivienne at the impression that his sister’s execution was approaching. It must be difficult…that’s what I thought.

In my mind, it’s the same feeling I felt when Brother Seth’s execution was approaching.

But that’s why we have to work together and take measures.


“Vivienne’s popularity is solid, and it won’t suddenly overturn. However, considering that our opponent is Rubrum, who is very good at psychological warfare, we have to be careful about the possibility that they will set up some kind of incident.”

“Right, I generally try to move together with Tillois, and I won’t approach Baroness Tessier.”

“The only other thing I can think of is some ugly news, like a rumor about a terrible thing that happened in the management of your business. Mika, do you think it can shut down the business?”

“Ah, that seems likely to happen. They could contact the person who you hire and threaten them to make a fuss. They would surely do something like that.”


Vivienne said, “Huh?!” in a dissatisfied voice.

After all, the opponent we are dealing with is someone who is slowly trying to attack us from a shady position in the Commoner Correspondence Division. If we don’t pay attention to the unseen end, we might be surrounded by enemies before we know it.


“You probably also have a few hidden subordinates at the Ackerson, right? You might want to get them in place.”

“Right…I’ll ask my father about it.”

“Ah, no. Sister, I will place my subordinates instead.”

“Is that so? Thank you, even though you must be busy, Tillois.”


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After the death of his beloved wife, Duke Ackerson was not seen at many social gatherings. Considering that Tillois was in charge of the Taurus mine, one of the most important in the territory, I think he is probably trying to get Tillois to take over the position as soon as possible.

If Tillois’ hidden subordinate is to be deployed, then well, it would be a relief for now.

Perhaps he thought so too, Mika seemed to recall Baroness Tessier and began to laugh.


“Still, Baroness Tessier has been really isolating herself since the magic battle.”

“Yes…because of a certain someone’s malicious harassment.”

“Huh?! How rude! I didn’t do anything wrong. I just made sure to prepare the right robe for the lovely Emilia.”

“That’s what makes it malicious.”


Who could have come up with such a thing?

I can understand if it’s about tearing the robe or staining it, but to give away a cute robe as a gift is harassment and twisted in nature.

I never expected her, who always smiled so brightly in front of us, to come up with such a thing, which scares me even more.

As I was trembling inside, Mika said, “I guess the only thing left is that,” while putting his fingers on his chin.


“The timing of using the devil’s silver needle is very difficult.”

“If it really turns out that you’re to be executed in March, I’ll go and strike His Highness Vincent somehow.”

“Ah, I see. It’s not that Vivienne has to use the item.”

“Hmm, maybe! Because it’s a magical tool that releases someone from a state of fascination?”


That’s right, in the worst-case scenario, we have that trump card. Even so, no matter who went to stab Brother Vincent, it would be the closest thing to an assassination attempt on the royal family.

Whether I did it or Tillois did it, it was clear that it would be a problem.

But we’re hoping that as long as we manage to get through March, there will be a way open for us. Because Brother Vincent is graduating from the academy. After the end of his school life, in which he had the opportunity to see Baroness Tessier every day, he will be working at the royal castle, and the one who will be supporting him by his side is Vivienne.

In his schedule-controlled daily life, he would have to take time out of his work schedule if he wanted to meet with Baroness Tessier.

So for now, we are doing everything we can to prevent or delay the execution in March.


“I still think the devil’s silver needle is the last trump card, considering how difficult it is to use.”

“I agree. We have to be ready to be captured for it, after all.”

“—And then, what about preventing the assassination attempt and the New Year’s Eve Ball?”

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“Right, that event. I’m really worried about what to do on the New Year’s Eve Ball. I have a feeling that if I tell the second queen about it, she’ll do something about it, though…”


I glanced at Mika, but he silently shook his head.

Seeing his reaction, I also thought the same.


“It would be better to let Baroness Tessier think her plans are going well. If she thought so, she wouldn’t plot anything unnecessary.”

“It’s really troublesome to balance this~”

“Vivienne, I know the New Year’s Eve Ball can be a tough time for you, but are you okay with it?”

“I’m absolutely fine!”


Vivienne lightly showed her palm and said, “Other than dying, they’re all only a scratch for me!” She said something weird like that. Vivienne probably said that to avoid causing concern, but as it was, her situation was so grave that I couldn’t laugh.

Perhaps she noticed it too herself, she made a gloomy expression and hung her head after saying it.


(I want to get rid of her worries as soon as possible…)


I couldn’t help but smile bitterly.

But, Vivienne suddenly raised her face and asked.


“But when the New Year’s Eve ball starts, there will be a dance from the royal family, right? His Highness Seth doesn’t have a fiancée, and it wouldn’t be good if the second prince danced with a baroness to open the ceremony. What do we do?”

“Yeah, well…about that, perhaps, well, I might be the one who will take their place instead…”


Well, I don’t know for sure yet, but…as I was about to say that, everyone was surprised.


” ” “What?!” ” ”


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