Chapter 339 - Drop Shipment (3)

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It was the world of the dead.  It was one of the few places in the Divine world where gods avoided going there.  

Once one fell into Duat and became a citizen, it didn’t matter who it was.  One had to work for Ennead.

This included humans and gods.  High rank gods weren’t an exception either.

The guards, who kept them in line, were the <Amuts>.

They extracted and ate the hearts of the sinners, who ran away.  They were the ones that maintained discipline within the underworld.

This was why the Great Spirit looked kindly on them.  They were beloved.

‘What?  Ingredients?’

Anubis, who was the messenger of death, was dumbfounded by what he saw.

He looked again and again, but the sight of his compatriots groaning with their hide ripped off remained!

“Bastard!  How dare you do this to the gods of Ennead!”

The Serpent Bearer Constructs within Lee Gun’s shadow felt miserable when faced with Anubis’ rage.

‘Ahhhk!  Master!’

This was better than the afterlife of rebirth, yet Duat was known for being dreadful within the Divine world.

‘How can he do that to the gods of Duat…!!’

‘Ahh, master.  They aren’t monsters.  You did it against gods…!!’

‘You will receive divine punishment!’

Gods never laid hands on the body of other gods.  They didn’t dare do it.

This was why Anubis wondered if this was a new type of torture instead of them gathering ingredients.

However, Yooha and Lee Gun were diligent as they picked up the skinned leather that they had chopped up.

That wasn’t all.

“Don’t you like alligator meat, uncle?  I heard it is good for your stamina.”

They planned on using the Anut as a food ingredient!

Anubis’ eyes flashed.

“How dare you do something unspeakable such as this!  You dare use violence in the holy garden of kings!!”

On the other hand, Lee Gun brushed off his hands as if he had done nothing wrong.

“I told them to tell me the location of Taeksoo, yet they ignored me.”


“Don’t worry.  I skinned them, but I didn’t kill them.  Since the quality of the ingredients was great, I was thinking about making them into my Constructs.”

In the end, Zodiac Anubis exploded in anger.


He spoke words of power with murderous intent infused within it.  A powerful Divine power exploded forth.


Yooha’s eyes turned round when she saw this.

It was because the surging power felt similar to Lee Gun’s power.


It was to be expected since Anubis was a god of death that guided the dead.  He was the conductor of souls.

[Divine Name: Judge of the Dead]

[Divine Status: Anubis (Zodiac/Construct)]

[Affiliation: Owner of the Underworld (Osiris)]

It was similar, yet completely different from Lee Gun’s power.  It surged forth in a fierce manner.

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The power of the Divine status was capable of turning a a clear sky into night.

[Your enemy released the Divine status of <Master of the Dead>]

[Warning.  He is a high rank god with high Divine status]

[You cannot withstand it with low rank Divine status]

It seemed the warning wasn’t wrong.  It was a powerful energy.

Lee Gun smirked.  He looked at Anubis in contempt.

“So you have no intention of taking me to Taeksoo too?”

Anubis’ eyes turned sharp as he burst out laughing.

“He is an excellent food.  He is such an excellent nourishment that the Zodiacs drool over him.”

As soon as he spoke, the master of the Dead unfurled both his arms.

[Summon Laborers of the Underworld (4star)]

Accompanying the savage energy, spirits were summoned behind him.

Boom!  Boom!  Boom!

Lee Gun’s eyebrows slightly rose when he saw this.


No, it was a mixture of low rank gods.  They looked like ghouls, and they were the residents of the underworld.

They looked like dead fish.  Their flesh were pale and white.  They looked like spirits that would be dispersed by the wind. 

Moreover, they numbered in the tens of thousands!

The master of the underworld bared his teeth in a savage manner.

“This is the underworld where even gods lose their power.  I’ll make sure you never return to sunlight.”

As soon as he spoke, the residents of the underworld started using a particular skill on Lee Gun.

[They are the residents of the underworld.]

[Warning.  They are under the order of the master of the underworld.  They are stealing the life and energy of their opponent.]

“It doesn’t matter if the opponent is a god with this number.  They can instantly make a low rank god into a mummy.”


Yooha quickly looked towards Lee Gun.

Until now, physical attacks had worked.  However, their enemies were deceased spirits.  Physical damage didn’t work against ghosts.

Of course, Lee Gun knew this, yet he nonchalantly extended his hand as he checked his skills.

[Currently, you are under the penalty of the Divine world.]

[There is a restriction placed on your freedom of movement.  Since you are under debt and an obligation to do forced labor, there is a restriction placed on your abilities.]

[Currently, you are able to use the following abilities.]

[<Life> 3 star ability and two others]

[<Death> 3 star ability and two others]

[<???> 5 star ability and one other]

Lee Gun smirked when he checked which skills were available for use.

It would be enough.


Yooha forgot to breathe at that moment.  It was as if a storm was trying to swallow up the desert.

Anubis smirked.

Lee Gun was the owner of <Pushover>.

The deceased spirits would extract vitality from Lee Gun, and Anubis would shared it when he had drinks with the other Zodiacs.  It would at least be enough to be a snack.

It happened at that moment.

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Anubis flinched at that moment. 

It was inevitable since the energy of the murderous deceased spirits behind his back  disappeared in an instant.

Anubis found it bizarre as he turned his head, and he found out that he wasn’t mistaken.

“Where did all the residents go!”

“Where are you looking, idiot?  They are here.”


Anubis flinched in surprise when he looked towards Lee Gun.

“Those bastards?!”

The residents summoned by Anubis were all summoned behind Lee Gun.

The eyes of the deceased spirits flashed as they stood behind Lee Gun.

[<Summon the Dead(2 star)> was used]

[Summon the Dead(2 star)] (Death)

-Souls are summoned

-When more Divine power is used, the range from where the dead could be summoned expands.  If you have a cluse, you can call forth a specific soul.

Summon the Dead was a skill that had appeared when <Death> had reached stage 2.

However, the skills that he used often had turned into <Abilities> when he arrived in the Divine world.

It was merely a guess, but it seemed <Abilities> were higher in rank than <Skills>.

‘One star is the lowest rank, and 5 star is the highest rank.’

That wasn’t all.

[Warning.  <Magical Energy> is a substitute.  It is the Divine power modified specifically for earth]

[Warning.  In the Divine world, <Divine power> is used instead of <Magical energy>]

[Divine Power: It is the power of a god.  It is Divine energy.]

[When Divine Power reaches 0%, you will perish]

[Current Divine Power of the <Serpent Bearer> is 70%]

It seemed <Magical energy> was a filtered power, so Divine energy could manifest on earth.

It meant <Divine power> was the trpower of a god.

When he had seen this before, Lee Gun would have had to come to the Divine world at least once anyhow.

After using the power of a god, Lee Gun cracked his knuckles.  On the other hand, Anubis was dumbfounded.

‘He used Summon the Dead!’

It was clearly an ability under necromancy!

‘Hmmph.  It seems he really does possess the Divine status of Death.’

This was why they were able to safely enter Duat when this place smelled like the dead.

It didn’t take long for Anubis to feign laughter.  In the end, Lee Gun was a god on the side of Death.

‘He basically told me his weakness.’

In the underworld, one could make money by renting out the deceased spirits.  This was why he was well aware of the weakness of the necromancer type gods, who used the dead spirits.

‘It is obvious.  He summoned the deceased spirits to make them into his power.’

Anubis smiled.

While he may be able to summon them, he took the wrong deceased spirits.

‘They are residents directly under the rule of the <Owner of the Underworld>.’

They were the souls of humans yoked and ruled directly by the king of Duat.  Moreover, they couldn’t become underlings of anyone else according to the rules while they were yoked to Duat.

“You lost once you summoned them to your side!”

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As proxy for the owner of the underworld, Anubis supervised the deceased spirits.  His eyes flashed.

“Bite into the neck of the snake god!”

The absolute order of Anubis caused the deceased spirits to charge towards Lee Gun when it happened.


When Lee Gun spoke those words, something frightening happened.


The tens of thousands of deceased spirits surrounding Lee Gun were swept up by a bright light.


The holy light surged up from the god, and it cleansed the summoned residents.

[You used the power of stage 5 <Life>]

[With the power of life, you forcefully revived the dead spirits into living beings.]


Wait a moment!  What the hell did it say!

Anubis screamed.

However, it was too early to be surprised.

[New flesh appeared on the body of the dead.]

[Vitality appeared within the body of the dead.]

[The dead receive yin and yang energy, and they are moving in an energetic manner.]

[The affiliation of the dead changed.]

[Since they are living, the rules of the underworld no longer work against them.]

In a flash, the dead spirits turned into normal humans.

“What the hell!  My body is…!”

“I’m alive!!!”

Anubis’ expression was a sight to behold as he watched them cheer.

Lee Gun merely smirked.

“The orders from the god of the underworld are useless against living beings, right?”


“What would happen if I turned all the residents of this world into living beings?”

Anubis screamed when he heard this.


The population of Duat decreased by the amount of people that Lee Gun revived.

‘Shit.  At this rate, the master will punish me!!’

The dead were considered to be assets of the underworld, and they would be lost.

The true ruler of Duat wouldn’t stand by and do nothing when such a thing happened.

This was why Anubis was taken aback.

‘What is going on?  That bastard isn’t a necromancer type Death god?’

Why does he have the Divine status of <Life>, which is the antithesis of the underworld?

‘Was my information wrong?’

That couldn’t be true.

‘Could it be?  Does he have two Divine Status?’

Anubis’ shock lasted only a moment.


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Lee Gun’s red eyes flashed as the revived diseased spirits started a riot.

Kwahng!  Kwahng!

“You guys tortured us and used us with no regards for us, bastard!”

“We are no longer shackled by Duat!”

The diseased spirits started to destroy the buildings of Duat.  They started stealing the fallen Amuts in order to sell them.

The flustered Anubis tried to stop them, but it was useless.

[The revived deceased spirits are affiliated under the Serpent Bearer temple.  They are destroying Duat.]


Lee Gun laughed when he saw this.

Of course, he had revived them using a 5 star ability, yet he had revived human ranks.

Moreover, there were restrictions.

[Your Divine status is lacking, there is a limit to how long you can maintain their life.  Duration of Life (239 dyas)]

[Since you are using your 5 star ability, you are consuming a lot of Divine power.  You need to recharge it.]

[Current Divine Power 20%]

Lee Gun scoffed.  

‘I just used it once, yet it consumed over 50% of my Divine power.’

It was to be expected since the Zodiacs on earth had a hard time filling up their Divine power.

Of course, he had beings under him faith over 100%, so his Divine power refilled quickly despite him using a lot of it.

‘Is that why they want Taeksoo?’

Well, it didn’t matter.

“No, owner of the underworld!  I didn’t dispose of the residents…  Kuh-huhk!”

Lee Gun grabbed the neck of Anubis as he was talking to someone.  


Anubis became angry as he looked at Lee Gun, who was letting out menacing laughter.

“You bastard…  Kuh-huhk!!!”

“Lead me to Taeksoo before I make you into an accessory.”

“Why the hell would I…  Kuh-huhk!!”

Bbah-gahk!!  Bbah-gahk!  Bbah-gahk!

His fists were faster than his words.

* * *

Lee Gun was dragging the bloodied Anubis somewhere.

Anubis wanted to use his power, but he couldn’t thanks to Lee Gun’s threat.

‘If you get smart with me, I’ll revive all the residents of Duat.’

If Lee Gun caused the entire population of Duat to disappear, it would be a death sentence for Anubis!

This was why Anubis gave up on using his powers.

It happened at that moment.

They arrived at the entrance of Duat where the Great Spirit would be receiving his goods.

It was an underground city connected to Osiris’ private residence.

Yooha and Lee Gun clearly saw him there.



It was a shocking sight.

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