The Return of The Lord God

Chapter 220: 220


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Haizi raised a dark eyebrow and smiled, “No, not only is it not abrupt, I am flattered.”

“Nigelus,” Jonas smiled with pure kindness and said, “I admire you, and I know you come from the poor countryside. I like your character, your confidence, and your spontaneity. But what I want to tell you as a senior is that in this competitive world of experts, without a helping hand, you are likely to be like the gravel by the beach, lost in the sea of entertainment. Nigelus, I would love to be the one to give you a hand.”

A very subtle look crossed Haizi’s face. “Senior Jonas, I know there is no such thing as a free lunch.”

Jonas coughed dryly, “If there is no such thing as a free lunch, then I believe that this lunch of mine is definitely worth the cost. I’ll help you with ten points, and you’ll have to give me one point in return. I’ll take you to the world of music and all you have to do is send me a few songs every year. How about that? I don’t think that would be too difficult for you. If you don’t have a backer and are working on your own in the entertainment industry, believe me, even if you are given 50 years, you may not be able to have the future I have promised you. You’re great, but there are plenty of people who are just as good, or even better than you. That Mitchell in the music room next to you is one of them. There are so many great people; why should you be the only one to make a name for yourself? Sometimes, if you want something, you have to give something else. Do you think I’m right, Nigelus? ”

Haizi was silent for a long time, seemingly lost in thought. About two minutes passed before he said, “Senior Jonas, there are so many outstanding people; why are you the only one who has made a name for himself?”

Jonas stiffened, and the smile on his face froze a little. ” I met an important person. That is Mr. Borg. He led me to the right paths, and the rest was a result of my efforts. ”

“Some people seem to be born to succeed, and some people go through life without reaching the heights they expect. Are those who don’t succeed any less successful than others? Not necessarily. I know many singers who are outside the third tier, who have a unique sound and beautiful voice, but they just don’t make it into the public eye; some of them get a lot of attention at first, but it’s only for a year or two. They are like shooting stars in the sky. After the brightness passed over the audience, they fell and sank, languishing and struggling, unable to make any waves. Some people, with the help of unlimited exposure and the hidden help of their friends, have a smooth start and take even fewer detours. It’s several different lives, and it’s up to you whether you want to be constantly over-consumed by the company you work for, or whether you want to use it as a springboard to make your mark. ”

“Hahahaha, it’s a shame that senior Jonas isn’t an orator. Senior, I know what you want. Mr. Borg came to talk to me before. It’s not that I am deliberately giving you a hard time, but there is something I find difficult to say. I am not the actual creator of the songs; I just wrote them down to practise my voice. ” Haizi shrugged and said regretfully, “I aspire to the shortcut you speak of, but for the sake of senior’s future, I need to be honest with you and tell you the truth.”

Jonas’s eyes leapt open, “What about the song you sang at the competition? Did someone else compose it too? ”

“Oh, that was my composition. My voice is low and heavy, so the songs I compose are mostly for my voice and are very different from the ones you favored. ”

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“Senior Jonas, it’s not that I don’t want to help you. To be honest, I turned down Mr Borg’s request for your own good. As you said, some people are better than others, but why do they sink into silence? They probably don’t care about external factors; they want to be master hermits and live in solitude. I can tell Senior Jonas to be responsible. I’m not just talking about you; I’m talking about all the musicians in the music company. Any one of us singing these songs would not be able to achieve a tenth of the emotion sung by their composers. You cannot sing those songs. If the hermits hear you singing their songs without the emotion they want, they may be forced to rush out and sing the original, and it will be you who will be hurt. ”

“They? These tunes were not composed by one person?” Everyone has their own composition style and these tunes have a very different style, so, of course, they are not composed by one person. Can’t senior see that? ”

Jonas coughed dryly in embarrassment, then he thought about the amazing tunes he had heard and said, reluctantly through gritted teeth, “Is it not possible to convince your countrymen? Surely you must have a way since you came from there. ” Jonas stood up and walked over to Haizi, holding his hands affectionately and pleading, “Nigelus, those songs are really important to me. If you can help me convince those people, I promise you that I can help you reach heights you never thought possible. ”

Haizi stroked his chin in thought and said, “I’ll do my best, but it’s hard to say when or what the result will be. As for the reward, the ascent to the top is fine, but after that, if I have something to ask senior, he must not refuse. ”

Jonas brightened up. “Naturally!”

Jonas left without having achieved his goal, but he did get something out of it.

These two omegas, one has a backer and the other has such resources, are surprisingly brilliant.

These two would become stumbling blocks in his path once they grow up. They must be nipped in the bud.

Nigelus seemed sincere but refused him in a few words. He neither promised nor denied him, neither offended nor flattered him. Coupled with his talent, he is a force to be reckoned with, even without a backer.

Although Mitchell was arrogant and rude, he was appreciated by the man at the helm of the Lambert family. If he could seize that opportunity, his future would be unlimited.

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With that in mind, Jonas quickened his pace and called Mr. Borg to his home.

Jonas and Borg arrived at almost the same time, and as soon as they entered the house, Jonas wrapped his arms around Borg’s broad body and sighed, “Mr. Borg, you are the only one who can help me now.”

Borg’s body shook, and his shrewd expression instantly turned dazed.

A moment later, he reacted and excitedly threw his arms back around Jonas, “What is it, Venus of my heart?”

“I went to see Nigelus,” Jonas said, breaking free from Borg’s grip and crying, “and he’s not the original composer for those songs we were looking at.”

“What?!” Borg was stunned, “He wasn’t?”

“Do you know where Nigelus came from?” He said the creator of the tune was from his home town, and although he promised to help me find those people and convince them, I can’t take his word for it. Mr. Borg, help me find the original composers of these songs. ”

Borg nodded heavily, “Okay! I will find out Nigelus’s origins, and I will deliver to you whatever you want. ”

Jonas smiled tenderly and once again hugged Borg and burrowed into his arms, “Mr. Borg, you are the only one who has always helped me over the years. If it were not for you, I am afraid the current Jonas would not be here today. Thank you.”

Borg tenderly looked down at Jonas, seeing the long, clean neck through the collar of his shirt. The breath between his nostrils began to thicken, a faint omega pheromone that seemed to flow into the tip of his nose, making his mouth and tongue dry as his eyes gradually began to blaze.

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Borg swallowed, and when another faint whiff rushed into the tip of his nose, he couldn’t hold himself back any longer. He quickly picked Jonas up by the waist and walked familiarly into the bedroom.

In the room, a strong pheromone slowly began to escape outwards. Jonas was even more flushed, a look of ecstasy appearing on his face. His eyes were flirtatious, soft shallow moans escaped his mouth, and his hands moved around uncontrollably.

Borg’s trembling voice said, “Your pheromones escaped?”

“Yes, it seems so.” Jonas nodded and reached out to Borg with open arms, “Mr. Borg, help me.”

“Yes!” Yes, Jonas was like an angel, and only when his pheromones escaped would he extend his arms in such a bold initiative.

My little angel!

The room was thick with pheromones, and mixed in with the pheromones was a fishy, thick liquid smell.

The two men enjoyed each other for three days without any sleep.

Three days later, Borg slowly regained his senses as the pheromones dissipated.

He looked at Jonas, who was so weak from his torture, with a look of infatuation in his eyes. He bent down and kissed Jonas’s forehead before gingerly walking to the bathroom.

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The bed was sticky and muddy. Jonas’s long blonde hair covered his bruised and splotched body.

Borg was walking towards the bathroom when he heard Jonas’s mobile phone ring.

He hurried over to it, glanced at the phone before picking it up, and whispered, “Hello, it’s me, Borg.”

“…” “Jonas is resting, I’ve been working on a new record with him for the last two days and he’s just gone to sleep.”

“…” “Announcement? Give him the notice to cancel it. ”

“…” “What’s the reason? Can’t you think of a reason yourself? I didn’t hire you to come to me for a reason! ”



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