The Return of The Lord God

Chapter 223: 223


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“Oh, my dear Mitchell.” Borg laughed on the other end of the line, “Since you realise the situation you are in, the solution is much easier. For the time being, in response to the many negative stories about you that have recently broken on the internet and for the sake of the company’s image, the higher-ups have decided to suspend you from all announcements and performances.”

Bai Lixin frowned slightly, “Withdrawal?”

“If you have to interpret it that way, it’s fine. I am making this call not to discuss it with you, but to inform you. Now that you know, I’ll hang up. ” Borg hung up the phone after saying that.

Bai Lixin hung up the phone, his brow furrowed in contemplation.

He had been too relaxed in this world……

Since learning that the god of love had been imprisoned and that there was no false sub god, his heart, which had been tense for a long time, had slowly begun to relax.

The first thing he saw in this world was Dijia, and everything went as smoothly as if the heavens were paving the way for him.

No false gods, no pressure, just a world where the plot was out of shape. He was so immersed in romance that he couldn’t help himself; he was so conceited that he thought he could easily turn this world upside down with the snap of his fingers. He never thought that he would fall here.

He was now like a candidate who had answered more than enough questions for the entrance exam but had tripped over the traps in the junior high school questions.

Deep down, he always had a feeling that this world had changed long before he arrived, and that there was someone in the shadows who must be slowly manipulating the course of events.

In his memories of the world, Borg had only used money and power to bully others into giving him songs, and that was as far as he could go. Things like killing had never occurred to him, so it had never occurred to Bai Lixin that Mr Yayaxi would be harmed like that.

But now Borg was so bold as to kill with impunity! What was the truth behind Mr. Yayaxi’s tragic death that led to his demise? Who was the man hiding behind them? Was it the eldest son of the Yakel family? Or was it someone else?

Hallyvette’s phone rang, and he glanced at Bai Lixin, who was deep in thought and silently walked out.

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There was silence in the large study.

The door completely isolated Hallyvette’s voice, and the only sound around was Bai Lixin’s breathing.

He rubbed his head anxiously and pounded the desk twice; if he hadn’t been so careless, Mr. Yayaxi might not have died.

[S419M], Bai Lixin called out in his mind, [Why did Mr. Yayaxi die? You should at least know this, right?]

[Lord Host, Mr. Yayaxi called and threatened Borg and Jonas after you were attacked by the netizens].

[What was the content of the threat?] Bai Lixin was stunned as he hurriedly asked.

It was then that S419M told Bai Lixin everything about Mia and what Yayaxi had on them in detail. Bai Lixin’s expression drifted off and his teeth clenched. He should have thought he might use this as a means to an end when S419M had mentioned Jonas’s use of psychotropic stimulants earlier. But he had been so comfortable at the time that he had simply swept the matter under the rug.

Jesus, what the hell had he been doing for the last three months? The plot kept going off the rails, and instead of stepping in to correct it, he locked himself away in a relatively enclosed space, smugly writing songs and flirting with Dijia.

Hallyvette walked back from the phone call and looked at Bai Lixin. “Baby, Father wants us to go back to the Lambert family home.”

Bai Lixin’s eyebrows jumped, and he asked, “What’s wrong? Why do we have to go back at this time? ”

Hallyvette sighed lightly and rubbed Bai Lixin’s hair, “Baby, don’t get too nervous. There is nothing wrong with the Lambert family home; it’s just that we haven’t been home for a long time and Father misses us a little. ”

Bai Lixin breathed a soft sigh of relief. It had indeed been nearly two months since he had been back to the Lambert family home. He nodded, “Okay, when will we go back?”

“Tonight, I promised my father.”

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In the middle of the Lambert family home, Master Lambert was sitting on the sofa looking at the newspaper as he waited for them. He had a pair of round spectacles on his face, and when he saw the two men enter, he said, with a kind smile on his face, “My dear Mitchell, it’s been a long time. Come on over and let me see if our Mitchell has put on any weight in the last two months.”

Bai Lixin walked over to Master Lambert’s side with a faint smile.

Whether Bai Lixin admitted it or not, there was hardly a world where he didn’t have an inexplicable soft spot for older people. He couldn’t help but smile at Master Lambert’s kind smile. It reminded him so much of his parents that he wanted to be near him.

As he sat down close to Master Lambert, he saw him lean in and grab his hand, sighing, “Mitchell, why have you lost weight?”

Bai Lixin laughed, “I have not lost weight, it is father who has gained weight.”

Master Lambert: “…”

Master Lambert paused, and his face, which had been smiling, suddenly became serious. “Mitchell, don’t work for the music company anymore.”

Bai Lixin froze slightly and exchanged a glance with Hallyvette before looking at Master Lambert as if confused, “What is it, Father?”

With a glare in his eyes, Master Lambert pulled a letter out of the newspaper and threw it on the table. “Look at this. You are being watched, Mitchell.”

Bai Lixin looked at the contents of the envelope and frowned slightly as Hallyvette picked it up a step ahead of him.

Hallyvette stood and opened the envelope, and before he could unfold the letter, a razor blade slid out of it. Hallyvette’s face darkened, and a black fog covered his eyes.

Bai Lixin jerked the letter from Hallyvette’s hands and read it for a few moments.

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There was nothing of substance in it, just accusations of robbing Jonas of his resources and a bunch of curses to warn him.

After reading the letter, Bai Lixin asked Master Lambert, “Father, where did you get this letter?”

“From where? It was enclosed in this morning’s paper! ” Master Lambert grunted and flung the paper onto the table. “Mitchell, you originally wanted to go out into society, and I let you go out and have a bit of fun because you are young. But under these circumstances, I will never let you go out to work again! Don’t even think about it! What’s all this about: Aren’t you just singing? How come you’re being watched? ”

Bai Lixin’s mind was blown. Found in today’s paper? Had his relationship with Hallyvette been exposed? The letter had not been sent to the music company but had been received directly at the Lambert family home. But if someone really wanted to blackmail him, why didn’t they sent the letter to his and Hallyvette’s residence?

No, it wasn’t just a threat, but someone didn’t want him to go to the music company anymore!

If it had been sent to Hallyvette’s home, he would have ignored it, and Hallyvette would have found out who it was and retaliated. But if it was sent to Master Lambert, he would become so worried that he would order him to stop working.

But who didn’t want him at the company? Was it Jonas and Borg?

This thought was shot down as soon as it arose; Borg had already given him notice to not go back. He did not need to send this letter. But if not them, who else could it be? ”

“In short, from today on, you two will stay in the family home until I have investigated who is behind this and made sure Mitchell is not in danger before letting you leave. Hallyvette can go out, but you, Mitchell, are confined to the Lambert family home and are not to go anywhere until the danger is removed! “Master Lambert was frantic and gave Bai Lixin a straightforward grounding order.

Bai Lixin was stunned, and after a moment of silence, he let out a bitter smile, “But father, all my things are still at our house.”

“What don’t you have here for your usual necessities? If you want something, you can tell the butler to go and buy it. Don’t give me any more excuses. I am forced to do this. You are my family and I don’t want anything to happen to you.” Master Lambert gave Bai Lixin a deep look and sighed, “Mitchell, please be understanding of an old father trying to protect his family.”

Master Lambert’s words were sincere, but somehow a subtle thought flashed through Bai Lixin’s mind.

The thought came, and before he could catch the tail end of it, it flew away without a trace. If this was a mere coincidence, then it had been done with a little too much care. But what if it was not a coincidence? If he is imprisoned in a place where the plot of this world started, it will continue according to the original timeline because he as an obstacle would be absent.

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Mr. Yayaxi was a minor character, and his accident had no impact. No one would investigate him.

With him shelved by the company and being grounded, what difference would he have from Mitchell of the previous world plot?

The original song contest would go on, and it would follow the previous story, with Haizi winning the title, making a name for himself and attracting the eldest Yakel’s attention.

Mitchell didn’t enter the original song contest in the previous world plot either. After being sold to the Lambert family, he stayed in the Lambert family home until his death.

‘Till death…’ Bai Lixin’s body suddenly trembled as a terrible thought struck him.

He had been unable to figure out what good it would do for him to be “imprisoned”, but if he made a small assumption, so many things made sense!

Assuming that the figure in the shadows was a false god, he was calculated to be placed under house arrest in the Lambert family, so that the plot, which had begun to change, would revert to its original path.

The main purpose of the false god’s moves was not to change the plot but to weed out who has been searching for the soul fragments of the Lord God.

Judging from the things that had been done against him, it was very likely that the false god had already locked onto him.

If the person behind it was the false god, then he wouldn’t leave it at imprisonment! He would definitely find a way to kill him!



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