The Return of The Lord God

Chapter 285: 285


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As the entourage came to the mountain gate, Bai Lixin saw the humans kneeling at the foot of the mountain in devotion.

There were men and women, old and young. As they prostrated on the vast expanse of land, countless voices of prayer then reached Bai Lixin’s mind.

— Oh beloved God of Love, please bless my dear Alice to fall in love with me.

–Oh beloved God of Love, for the sake of the prayers of your devotee, make me the wife of Rael.

–Tell me, Oh God of Love, how can I get my mother’s love?

Countless thoughts suddenly filled his mind and Bai Lixin felt a voice in his heart struggling and swimming, trying to take over his body. He felt the strange sensation in his heart and felt the gradual dissipation of his soul. As the voice continued to grow, Bai Lixin lost consciousness.


When Bai Lixin woke up again, he was lying on top of the big bed made of white clouds again.

Unlike the brilliant and bright sunshine of this morning, the sky was now covered with golden stars.

What is this? What is happening to me?

[Lord Host, you are finally awake]. In his head, S419M’s voice seemed weak.

Bai Lixin looked at the sky that had turned black and asked in surprise, [What’s going on?]

[Lord host, the soul fusion only reached 60%. Eros’ soul did not completely dissipate and can resist and take control of the body.]

Bai Lixin’s hand fiddling with his sleeve paused, [I suddenly lost consciousness this morning because Eros’ soul took over my body?]

[Yes, Lord Host. I tried my best to stop it but it was to no avail. I could only watch as Eros took control of the body.]

Bai Lixin asked, [What did Eros do after he took over the body?]

[I don’t know if the god of love had seen the world or just didn’t care. He just hesitated for a moment and then began to listen to the prayers and bless them. When he had finished the blessings, he went back to his bedroom and fell asleep.]

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Bai Lixin laughed, [Oh, what a dutiful god of love].

[One more thing, lord host. I obtained a little message from this realm that the Lord God will be coming in three days. With the change of Lord Gods in each generation, the Lord God needs to learn the laws of the previous generation. Only after they have fully mastered them will the former Lord God choose to disappear. However, ever since the Pseudo-Lord God took charge, each new Lord God was strangled in the process of learning, and Lord Dijia was no exception. However, all the other lord gods were gradually annihilated as the years passed, but only Lord Dijia managed to create me.]

Then you found me …… Bai Lixin silently recited in his heart.

He smiled as he remembered Xuanyuan Yixiao, his cheap master of the cultivation world who claimed to be Chaos.

Chaos gave birth to all things, and all things forged Heaven and Earth.

Chaos said that he was the soul created to destroy the false gods. He did not understand what this destruction meant at that time, but he now did.

He and Dijia were intertwined in time and space. It was unclear as to whether Dijia sought him out first or he sought Dijia out first.

So Dijia, the successor to the throne of the Lord God, will appear in three days?

Bai Lixin suddenly became interested in Dijia’s appearance. He had experienced so many facets together with Dijia. Each time, both inhabiting a different body, it was surprising that he did not even know what Dijia looked like.

Eros’ soul seemed extraordinarily obsessed with the prayers of his followers. Three days down the line, Bai Lixin had concluded a pattern.

This body was not difficult to manipulate, except that, every time he got up early in the morning to give the blessing, Eros would take over the body in a strong gesture.

When Bai Lixin woke up again in the evening, he looked up at the fiery red clouds in the sky and said to the maid in charge, “Child, tell those devotees, not to come tomorrow ……”

Damn it! It’s my fault for robbing the god of love of his body, but he shouldn’t be so professional!

The maids showed puzzled expressions. Lord Eros was the most dedicated of the twelve gods. Ever since they were fortunate enough to be chosen as Eros’s attendants from among humans, they had never seen a time when Eros asked not to meet the devotees.

With a compassionate and kind smile, Bai Lixin’s hand gently stroked his attendant’s hair, “Gods need rest too. Not to mention that tomorrow is a special day.”

The maid was thrilled to be touched by the revered god of love. She knelt devoutly, resting her head on her toes, “Maya understands. Maya will convey the divine decree that the faithful should not come to kneel tomorrow.”

Bai Lixin smiled, “Maya is a good girl.”

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Bai Lixin leaned back after sending the attendants out. He collapsed on his bed of white clouds. The god of love would not come out again tomorrow, right?

After lying in bed for a while and watching the sun sink, Bai Lixin decided to put on his clothes and leave the temple. Mount Yaqin was as beautiful as a painting. Every corner had been tended to by the attendants as if it were a scroll.

Three days had passed in the blink of an eye, and tomorrow was the time for Dijia to descend.

Bai Lixin could not hold back his excitement, so he mounted the celestial horse in the stables and left Yaqin Mountain.

Tomorrow was the day when the sacred light will shine in the sky when a hundred birds and a thousand beasts will come to worship.

Bai Lixin flew through the air on his celestial horse, looking down o the divine land. The land was lit with countless lamps as the sunset. Mortals used the flames to ward off the darkness and also gain warmth as they gathered around the lights to enjoy the fruits of their day’s work.

The hunted beasts were divided among the humans, who wore rough robes and drank the cold river water.

The humans living in the divine realm were primitive and archaic.

They only drilled wood for fire, women made clothes and grew mulberry silkworms. Men hunted and built houses.

The Divine Realm stood at the top of the three thousand realms, high above the rest. After countless years, humanity had come to a standstill.

These people were captives of the gods. They had lost the value of self-improvement as they lost their thinking and their quest to improve.

Bai Lixin had lived in many worlds. Whether primitive or ultra-modern, the settings and background of each generation would be different; the only thing similarity was that humanity was developing. Even the most primitive humans thought about progress.

Humanity’s progress should be inevitable, as only then would life be better tomorrow.

Yet the human race in this world, stood still.

God’s blessings are a glory; efforts are a disgrace.

God is an absolute being, and to slander Him is an unforgivable evil.

The false gods had completely captured all the humans of this realm, depriving them of the quality that should be human – evolution.

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Bai Lixin rode his celestial horse in the air for a long time before flying back to his palace.

He chose his most magnificent and immaculate set of clothes and sat on his bed of white clouds for half the night until the yellow warblers in the sky cried out and the attendants pushed open the door and came in as usual.

The maids did not expect Bai Lixin to have taken care of himself, and they were at a loss for words with the pure white clothes in their hands.

They fell to their knees in fear, “Oh great god of love, forgive us for our carelessness. We had no intention of being late, let alone presenting plain robes.”

Bai Lixin waved his hand casually and sat down at the dressing table, “You are not at fault. I just got up a little early. Please dress me most appropriately.”

The young girls stood up, carefully put the clothes they had brought aside and combed Bai Lixin’s hair intently.

There was an immense gulf between gods and humans.

Gods were strong, humans were small.

As long as there are gods, humans would not be able to progress as long as they are dependent on them.

Humans in this world were too comfortable with the status quo.

As a direct result of their complacency, beasts that could be easily killed in other worlds could easily kill them in this world.

They were fragile and helpless, and only God could rescue them.

In the divine realm, the power of faith was stronger than ever.

The gods absorb the power of human faith and their abilities were superior.

Bai Lixin looked at Maya, who was concentrating on combing his hair, and asked, “Maya, is it better to be on Mount Yaqin or in the mountains?”

Maya’s hand trembled for a moment and her eyes filled with crystal clear water, “Lord Eros, thank you for bringing Maya up to Mount Yaqin. Without your salvation, Maya would still be suffering in the mountains enduring the beasts all day long.”

“Why don’t you try to devise tools to hunt the beasts?”

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“Tools for hunting beasts? We have…we have the knowledge given to us by the Lord God. He taught us how to farm and raise mulberries. He taught us to build houses away from the dark caves. He taught us how to make stone tools for hunting beasts. But we are too small and weak, we have neither the sharp fangs nor the strong limbs of the beasts, so even though the Lord God has given us all the means, we are still weak and small. Lord Eros, it is we who are too foolish to live up to the Lord God’s expectations and bestowal.”

Bai Lixin: “……” What a very deep-rooted concept of a god.

As they spoke, Eros’ long silver hair that reached his heels was pulled back into a magnificent bun. He wore the most beautiful headdress, looking extremely sacred.

Maya and the other maids prostrated themselves on the ground, no longer daring to directly look at the present Bai Lixin.

Bai Lixin sighed. Some things needed to be worked out slowly.

But right now, it was time for Dijia to arrive. He had to present the best side of him to his lover. This was their first meeting.

Bai Lixin laughed softly as he imagined the tacit understanding and affection between the two of them when they meet.

He walked slowly to the end of the corridor and pushed open the door to the temple.

–Oh great God of Love, hear the prayers of your devotees. Corino is going to marry that bastard tomorrow, but she doesn’t love him. Please save Corino?!

Bai Lixin’s smile was still on his face, but his consciousness sank slowly.

…... Damn it! This master was clear. Didn’t he say no one should come on pilgrimage and pray today?!





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