The Return of The Lord God

Chapter 287: 287


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“So, you fought with Dijia without my permission just to test his strength?” The Pseudo Lord God asked coldly as he stood on top of the high platform and looked down at Bai Lixin.

Bai Lixin felt an invisible pressure squeezing his whole body, making him lower his head, unable to look up at the pseudo lord god, “That’s just it, Father God. I am very sorry for my deeds. ”

The Pseudo Lord God suddenly withdrew his pressure and slowly walked off the platform. “No, you did a good job. You are finally enlightened, Eros. You never showed up every time I hunted down a Successor Lord God before. I did not replace you because you have never caused me any trouble. ”

The pseudo Lord god paced in front of Bai Lixin, looking at him with a warm and peaceful smile. “Then tell Father God, how strong is Dijia?”

Bai Lixin thought for a moment and replied, “Not enough to fear. He is no match for you, Father.”

“Oh, is that so? Well then, well done, god of love. In that case, I will give you one more task, my son.”

“Father, please speak.”

“This Dijia has not returned to San Tuo Mountain since he fought you yesterday. I sent many people to look for him, but he could not be found. However, I saw that Dijia had transformed into a human and blended in with the human world. So, disguise yourself as a human and try to gain his trust. That way, you can find his weaknesses and win in one move. ”

Bai Lixin stood before the pseudo lord god and wished he could tear his disgusting face apart.

He smiled and said reverently, “As you command, Father.”

Bai Lixin had been summoned to San Tuo Mountain before dawn the next day after last night’s unhappy break-up with Dijia. The god of love was timid. Although the soul of the god of love was now sleeping deep in the body, Bai Lixin could more or less feel a few of the god of love’s emotions because of the shared body.

As soon as he heard the call of the pseudo Lord god, Eros’ soul, deep inside his body, began to tremble. There was overlapping fear and trepidation.

It turned out that the god of love feared the pseudo lord god so much.

The pseudo lord God called him to the front of the temple and first asked some irrelevant questions. Then his expression changed and he began to interrogate Bai Lixin about yesterday.

Bai Lixin made up excuses that were both true and false, and then came the pseudo lord God’s insidious scheme.

To get close to Dijia and find his weaknesses?

What an insidious fellow.

It was just after dawn when Bai Lixin returned to the Yaqin Mountain. He took off his cumbersome robe and soaked his body in the misty hot spring.

The mist was dense, and Bai Lixin lowered his head to look at his reflection in the water and chortled, “As you heard, Father wants us to pretend to be human to get close to Dijia. So set aside all those ghostly pilgrimages of yours. I know you’re lazy and don’t want to do that, so wouldn’t it be nice to let me take your place?”

The reflection in the mist distorted slightly as the water tumbled. Bai Lixin broke up the wave, and the reflection then disappeared.

After a while, the water calmed and the reflection reappeared.

A sudden cry came in Bai Lixin’s mind, [Who are you?]

Bai Lixin spoke again, “Who am I? I am you. I was born because of evasion and cowardice. I am Eros, and you are Eros too. But you, the god of love, only care for human prayers, whereas I can do many things you want to do but are afraid to do. Do you want to tell Father about us, you coward? Do you want to die? Did you not hear that Father thought of killing you. If he finds out that you are no longer normal and have given birth to another personality, with Father’s methods, do you think you would stay alive? We are now grasshoppers on one string. All you have to do is watch quietly. Let me bear all the disasters and tasks.

When Bai Lixin finished saying this, the voice in his head did not respond for a long time.

It was not until Bai Lixin finished washing his body that the voice came again, [Will I disappear?]

Bai Lixin remembered that S419M once said Eros was imprisoned in the divine realm. That meant that he had never fully occupied this body. Although he did not know what happened, he could foresee the result.

His soul disappeared, and Dijia’s soul did not escape the clutches of the pseudo lord God.

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Bai Lixin put on his robe. “No, you will not disappear. You will live on and it will be me who disappears. ”

[Then what do you need me to do?]

“Just don’t forcefully take over the body when you hear a prayer. Count it as me begging you.”

The voice in his head was a little embarrassed. [I’m sorry, I can’t help it …… I’ll be careful.]


Eros’ soul sank into his body and he slowly lost consciousness.

The person who now occupied his body was another self, another soul who existed to protect him and this body wholeheartedly.

He was afraid to face Father and all that they had done but cruelly gave birth to another soul to bear it all for him.

He was truly selfish ……

Bai Lixin felt Eros’ soul sink into silence and said no more.

He got dressed and walked out of the hot spring hall. He instructed the girls that he had to leave for a while and rode his celestial horse down Yaqin Mountain.

There were already many devotees kneeling on the ground in front of the gate. These humans were not thinking about how to work to make life better, but wanted to pray to the gods for help whenever they encountered a setback.

Bai Lixin only gave them a passing glance, not taking them to heart.

A stirring came from deep within his body, and Bai Lixin’s eyes fluttered as he cried out, [Don’t come out!]

The stirring trembled a few times and shrank back.

[They are so fragile. Without the fangs of a beast, without the wings of a bird or fowl, without a hard shell, they can only hide in wooden huts. Look at their eyes; pitiful and desperate. Life is already so miserable, if I don’t help them, they won’t survive.]

[Human beings are the most tenacious beings on the planet; do you believe they will be unhappy without God’s blessings?]

Bai Lixin looked down and directed his gaze at the humans. Some of them were strong young men; some were delicate maidens. Their eyes were devout but had a sadness in them. As if they could not survive if the god of love did not fulfil their wishes, [It is because the gods give their blessings day after day that they do not want to think and refuse to work hard. They have the energy and strength to travel the long distance to the foot of Mount Yaqin, so how can they not be capable of accomplishing other things? It is you who have destroyed the confidence of these human beings.]

The revived god of love was silent for a while and slowly sank into silence.

Bai Lixin breathed a long sigh of relief after suppressing the stirring in his heart. There was no end to it. If Eros took over his body again, he would be in an endless loop of sleeping during the day and waking up during the night forever. The only way to break the cycle once and for all was to strike a quick blow to Eros.

Bai Lixin looked at the young men and women on the ground. In terms of long-term evolution, these humans were fully evolved despite their harsh environment. They no longer had the ape-faced hunched back posture of the ancient humans but a look and body shape in keeping with human aesthetics.

Perhaps this was also because they were obsessed with God. As they evolved, the ancient humans slowly became identical to God’s appearance based on their worship and belief in Him.

Perhaps in the minds of these humans, this was the only way to get closer to the gods and receive more of their mercy.

Bai Lixin has travelled through countless worlds, from ancient to modern worlds, to fantasy worlds and futuristic ones, and in almost every one of them, humans had their own beliefs.

They worship and make pilgrimages to these beliefs.

They dedicate their hearts to their beliefs with fruit and vegetable delicacies, hoping to obtain a blessing by doing so.

There is, however, no world where faith is as strong as in the Divine realm.

The gods, or deified entities, are more or less imaginary in other worlds. They worship each year in the hope of a good omen, good fortune.

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A few simple pieces of fruit and meat are offered to the gods, praying for a good harvest in the coming year, for a lifetime of good health, and a large number of children and grandchildren.

A cheap offering, an extravagant reward.

But do the people who pray believe? It was more of a habit and for peace of mind.

They pray for so much, but it is they who put it into action in the end.

But in this world, God truly exists. Their prayers are true prayers for something.

When hungry and without food, pray to the gods, and they will give you food.

When there is no drinking water, pray to the gods and they will send down rain for them.

Even things like love can be obtained by praying.

‘I love that beautiful woman. Please let her fall in love with me!’

It was the gods’ feeding that ruined evolution and civilization. By convention, humans would have become the most powerful race on this continent, but they were now deep at the bottom of the food chain.

The celestial horse flapped its wings and flew to a modestly formed tribe of a hundred or so thatched huts, each one close to the other.

Bai Lixin parked his horse at the far end and dismounted from it. He mouthed an incantation, and a mist wrapped itself around him. When the mist disappeared, his originally silver hair had turned black, his fair skin was now a healthy wheat color, and his soft robes turned into rough linen. He looked no different from the people of the tribe.

Bai Lixin patted the celestial horse, and it flapped its wings and flew back to Yaqin Mountain.

Bai Lixin walked to the river and collapsed a short distance from the tribe after making a few grazes on his arm with sand and stone.

It wasn’t long afterwards that a voice came over, and Bai Lixin was discovered.














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