The Return of The Lord God

Chapter 297: 297


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“Since it’s so great to be the pioneer of the experiment, how about you do it?” The system will dispel and reject all harmful substances that invade the host. So even if necrotic poison is injected into Bai Lixin’s body, it will only be like dragging cattle into the sea. He would not feel anything, nor would he turn into a zombie.

With a casual tug of his arm, Bai Lixin ripped the entire belt off the operating table, leaving his pale skin exposed. Bai Lixin sighed, “You cut up my last piece of clothing. If you wanted to take off my top, you could have given the word and I would have cooperated. ”

Zhou Ping and Zhou An were shocked by Bai Lixin’s calm expression. Zhou An was quick on the uptake and instantly threw a vine at Bai Lixin.

Bai Lixin grabbed the vine with his bare hands and threw it to the ground. Zhou An saw this and was about to summon it again, but Zhou Ping hurriedly stopped him, “No, all my hard work is here. It will be ruined if you summon vines!”

“If it’s ruined, it’s ruined. What are you afraid of?” Bai Lixin laughed in good humour. He opened his left palm and a flame appeared in it out of thin air.

“Fire powers? You’re a double power?! ” Zhou Ping stepped back towards the door, unable to hide the surprise in his eyes.

Jokes aside, if I had two skills and couldn’t even finish you guys off, how would I deal with the false gods? I didn’t come to the Divine Realm to play with you artificials.

“Of course I’m not a dual power.”

Seeing Zhou Ping about to breathe a sigh of relief, Bai Lixin added, “I’m more than just a dual power.” Bai Lixin’s ball of fire was not an ability, but a five-element technique from the cultivation world. Once he became familiar with the principles of the five elements, everything in heaven and earth could be put to his use.

Everything under the sky cannot escape the five elements. However, to these non-cultivators, it was no different from the manifestation of powers.

With his left hand, Bai Lixin rolled a ball of fire, while with his right hand, he created a small tornado visible to the naked eye.

Bai Lixin put his right hand and left hand together, and the quiet ball of fire turned into a surging fire dragon.

Zhou Ping’s jaw dropped.

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“Speaking of being a pioneer of the times, I think Professor Zhou should be the one to do it since he has such ideological awareness.” Bai Lixin slowly walked towards Zhou Ping with the fire dragon circling his body. The fierce tongues of fire swirled around and torched anything they touched.

Bai Lixin had both brothers, Zhou Ping and Zhou An, captured in two breaths and strapped to the operating table. He ignored their terrified faces and pushed the zombie blood into their bodies and, without waiting for their bodies to change, walked to the room where the zombies were being held.

He opened one iron door at random. The zombies watched him warily as soon as he entered the room, but they were deterred by the fire dragon wrapped around his body. They did not dare move; they were only cowering and trembling.

Bai Lixin approached one zombie, [Decipher this zombie’s memories].

The system responded and began to transmit its memories to Bai Lixin. In the eyes of ordinary human beings, zombies were like flooded beasts; they ate human flesh and were inhuman.

But they were not human, so how could they be said to be inhuman?

There was no existing moral judgement between humans and zombies, only between humans.

Humans ate birds and beasts, and the zombies ate living things.

The human race fights against the zombies for survival, but it is impossible to condemn the zombies with morality, something that belongs to the human race. The zombies are a whole new species, different from the human race.

The system slowly transmitted memories of the zombie to Bai Lixin’s mind. The zombie had a simple mind. It only knew happiness, anger, and sorrow. But above this small mind was a more majestic and massive thought that suppressed these zombies.

The zombies need fresh blood to survive, but they don’t have to eat humans. But humans were indeed a rich food source for them. The thoughts overwhelming the zombies’ simple minds kept issuing one command over and over: tear the humans apart and eat them!

[This sounds like the pseudo Lord god’s voice.] Bai Lixin said to S419M.

[It seems so, Lord Host.]

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[Can you try to cut off this compulsion?]

[I’ll try….. Okay, the connection has been severed, Lord Host.]


After cutting off that thought, Bai Lixin cupped the zombie’s chin and forced it to look at him: “Can you understand human language? Nod your head if you understand, shake your head if you don’t.”

The corpse trembled, but its eyes were much clearer. Although it was afraid, it nodded.

Bai Lixin breathed a sigh of relief and held his arm out in front of the zombie’s face, “Take a bite.”

The zombie looked at Bai Lixin and then at the tender arm. He gulped and then shook its head.

Bai Lixin did not force it. He stood up and walked out of the room.

[What are you doing, Lord Host?]

[Nothing, I was just doing a test.]

Bai Lixin followed the corridor and opened the next few rooms that held the zombies in turn, taking them out and locking them in one room.

Bai Lixin had the system cut off the pseudo Lord god’s compulsion at once. After, he would place his arm in front of them and tell them to bite.

With the first zombie, a total of twenty-three zombies were locked up in the same room. Only one zombie could not resist biting Bai Lixin, but the fire dragon wrapped around Bai Lixin body snapped just as it tried to, leaving it with a scorch mark on its face.

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The zombie covered its face and howled as it retreated. The other zombies saw it and did not dare take a bite from Bai Lixin and steered clear of him.

Bai Lixin exit the room and close the door.

[Lord host, what are you doing?]

[In the history of mankind, it took a long time before it stepped into civilization. The struggle for a civilised world was bloody and cruel. It is only when one has experienced the pain that one can cherish the hard-won peace. One of the most brutal and colorful moments in the history of mankind was the slave society. It was during this time that human economies and civilizations began to develop. The rights of the slave masters had reached their peak, while the slaves, who contributed most of the human labour, were crushed underfoot. A nation, more than half of which was occupied by slaves, did not know to rebel. Why? Because they had tasted the horror of being dominated and oppressed by their masters. But after countless bloodshed and oppression, the warriors among the slaves took leadership and began to rebel. It eventually took countless wars to bring about the civilized peace that followed.]


[Ahem, I’ve talked a little too much. Why were the slaves initially obedient and did not know how to rebel? Because of the fear of being dominated by the slave master. I’m now trying to create that fear as a way to control the zombies.]

[Master, you have gone bad. Shouldn’t you be fighting for the peaceful coexistence of the two races?]

[Struggle my ass. This race is a man-eater. Are you going to let mice and cats coexist peacefully? If the east wind does not overwhelm the west wind, the west wind will have to overwhelm the east wind. The human race is gradually growing stronger, and in a short while, they will drive the zombies to extinction. I am doing this to save these zombies. You know fart.]

[Oh, I see. I see.]

S419M had the sense to shut up and stop talking after being lectured by Bai Lixin.

The host is a bit hostile today. Is it because he is dissatisfied?

After explaining, Bai Lixin found that Zhou Ping and Zhou An had already been infected with the necrotic poison. Their bodies began to blacken, their skin turned brown, and their eyes began to lose focus.

[Quickly cut off the Pseudo Lord God’s compulsion.]

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S419M hurriedly cut it off before they were manipulated by the pseudo Lord god’s compulsion.

After the compulsion was cut off, the originally lax eyes of the two brothers regained their clarity, but this did not stop their bodies from changing. They watched their bodies change slowly and finally became the same as the zombies held in the glass room.

“Ah! How dare you! How dare you do this to me!” Zhou Ping roared at Bai Lixin, his eyes bloodshot and wide with rage.

Bai Lixin was amazed, “You can still speak! Are you Zhou Ping?”

“Naturally, I am Zhou Ping! You…… No! I’ve mutated into a zombie! But why do I still retain my own powers and the ability to speak?”

Bai Lixin clapped his hands, “Then you have me to thank for that. I used my powers to protect your brain the moment your head was eroded by the zombie virus. Weren’t you going to devote yourself to the research of the zombie virus? This is exactly what you wanted.”

Zhou Ping’s face was a mixture of grief and anger. He was aware of the habits of this base when he was a human. He would torture and kill the zombies.

He could imagine his fate now that he had turned into a zombie even without having to use his brain powers.

He would be dismembered by the leader!

Even if he was locked up in a cage, he would be shredded by the zombies he had tortured.

He would have a bad death whichever side he went to!

[S419M, you said that the pseudo lord god is above the heavens, and I can’t go there. Do you think he will notice if his compulsion on the zombies’ consciousness is cut off? Will he fly down from the sky in a fit of rage?]

[I think so, but, but in that case, you can’t do it on your own, Lord Host.]

[Who said I was doing things alone? I already know where Dijia is through the memories of these zombies. But I need to prepare a gift before I go to him; my army of zombies.]

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