The Return of The Lord God

Chapter 306: 306


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Bai Lixin and Eros went to the void in search of Dijia. It was dark in the void, and they ventured around it for about ten years.

In those years, it was not a quiet one on the ground.

After rebuilding their base, the artificials were shuffled into a civil war. The artificials, who had been brought together temporarily by the threat of the zombies, saw that the threat had been eliminated and were once again divided, each on their own.

As the saying goes, “Even after years, the East is the East and the West is the West. We must combine as long as we are separated and divide as long as we are united.”

The artificials formed small circles, each with its leaders. These circles gradually left the base with their people and began their new lives as kings.

It was strange how human beings, who are social creatures, could be so solitary.

The zombies were still stable, but the forest was no longer able to support the hundreds of thousands of zombies daily. To prevent their kind from starving to death, the stronger zombies left the forest one by one with their population stock to find new habitats.

They left the forest for the older ones.

Although the zombies had mutated, their lifespan was not much different from that of humans, which was about a hundred years.

The ones who lived the best were the angels in the boundary and the two brothers, Zhou Ping and Zhou An.

Although the God of Love initially created a perfect environment for the angels, this place was at best a scenic wilderness for these angels, who were used to being well-clothed and well-fed.

Eros had left them here to fend for themselves without even building a house.

Zhou An was a wood power user; he summoned trees from the ground and manipulated them to grow without having to cut them down. He then built them into a beautiful sky loft.

The angels loved it so much that they became closer to the brothers.

The two brothers were so handsome and charming that the angels who had looked down on them gradually stopped wearing tinted glasses.

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The only human they had ever met was Bai Lixin, and Bai Lixin was not the kind of person who liked to flatter. So, compared to Bai Lixin, these two men were naturally much better.

The angels considered themselves superior and were close to the two brothers as a sign of pity for the humans, not realizing that they were the ones being pitied.

After Eros had left, Zhou Ping studied the boundaries carefully and found that it was as Eros had said. They could not cross the boundary with their power.

And when Zhou An was helping the angels, Zhou Ping also discovered a very interesting thing. These angels, who had fallen from the heavenly altar into the mortal world, had no power at all.

The Heavens always help him.

Zhou Ping also discovered that the angels were simple and foolish. To the angels, the so-called Father God they prayed to in heaven, produced the fruit from the trees.

He watched the angels getting closer and closer to them but didn’t stay idle. He asked Zhou An to build a laboratory for him.

The only thing Zhou Ping had to do was to get some experimental equipment that could be used for statistics and simple herbs.

After that, Zhou Ping began to observe the expressions of the angels. Finally, one day, he found an angel he thought liked Zhou An.

He assisted from there and finally helped Zhou An successfully capture this angel.

That night, the angel received unprecedented pleasure from Zhou An.

The angel soon passed on the details of the pleasure to other angels, who were infected with the desire to try.

Gradually, the angels became obsessed with Zhou Ping and Zhou An, like drug addicts.

Finally, with such unorthodox methods, Zhou Ping and Zhou An carved out a niche for themselves among the angels and soon became the leaders of the angelic race.

But to Zhou Ping’s disappointment, they had failed to impregnate these angels after trying so many times.

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Could it be that his initial guesses were wrong?

Was it because he and the angels were not of the same race and could not conceive offspring? No, that shouldn’t be the case. The angels had made love to each other, but they didn’t get pregnant either.

So these angels were simply chickens that could not lay eggs?

Zhou Ping was disappointed and lost all interest in the place.

The boundary had trapped him in this “paradise”, isolating him from the outside world, but everything here was so backward. There was no advanced equipment, no sufficient experiments, just a bunch of angels who cried at every turn.

Rubbish, all rubbish. What was the difference between being here and being locked up in the base? It was just a different place to be imprisoned!

But just when Zhou Ping was so disappointed that he was almost about to reveal his true face, Angel Adam’s body changed.

He vomited from time to time, and his lower abdomen bulged by a small portion.

Zhou Ping took the angel’s pulse with a tentative mind and discovered, to his surprise, that Adam was pregnant!

It was Adam’s pregnancy that inadvertently saved these angels. In a fit of rage, Zhou Ping had got the idea of using these angels as fodder for his experiments.

To experiment with the angels’ ability to produce offspring, Zhou Ping and Zhou An had been very cautious over the years lest the slightest evil thought would scare these fragile little creatures and cause them to die of fear.

So this was the kindest they had ever been since they were born.

And because of Adam’s pregnancy, this time of kindness had been extended again.

Adam was horrified at the changes in his body. He looked at his bulging belly and held onto Zhou Ping’s arm. He was trembling with tears. “What’s happening to me? Why have I become so ugly?”

Zhou Ping comforted Adam. It took a long time to convince Adam that he was not sick but pregnant with life. Adam instantly fell to his knees and burst into tears in the direction of the Sky City. “It must be the Father God who is blessing us! The angel tree was destroyed because of that wretched human, and Father God made my belly into an angel tree. Father God, thank you for giving us new life!”

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Zhou Ping and Zhou An congratulated Adam with a serious look on their faces. They looked at each other when no one noticed and sneered in unison: it wasn’t the Father God who got you pregnant, it was us who gave you the seed! You should thank us, little one. But I wonder which of us this little one is carrying a child for.

Although angels were the same humans as their human ancestors, they had been transformed by the pseudo Lord God. In two months, Adam’s belly was as big as a basin and he was about to give birth.

That night, Adam suffered from repeated abdominal pains. Zhou Ping looked at the muddy bed and was sure that Adam was about to give birth. He sent all the angels out, and only the two brothers stayed in the room to prepare for the delivery.

Zhou Ping was born in a culture vessel, and when he grew up, he also created many lives in culture vessels. But this was the first real baby he would deliver.

Even so, seeing that he was about to reap the rewards of his efforts after months of hard work, Zhou Ping, who had always been calm, could not help but tremble as they stroked Adam’s beautifully rounded belly.

But just as Zhou Ping was considering how to make the incision, Adam’s belly suddenly felt like something was forcefully pushing it open from the inside, and two sharp claw-like hands arched out of his belly and burst out from the inside.

Adam screamed in horror. He pointed at his stomach, rolled his eyes, and passed out.

And after he fainted, the two hands moved harder and harder, frantically tearing at Adam’s stomach.

Zhou Ping and Zhou An stood in horror as they watched.

The tiny, blood-stained arms clawed themselves out. They saw a small baby slowly struggling out of the opening and firmly sitting on his blood-soaked chest, staring condescendingly at Zhou Ping and Zhou An.

The baby stared at them for a full two minutes. Zhou Ping and Zhou An just stood there in a daze, trembling under the baby’s gaze and unable to even move.

Finally, the baby withdrew its gaze, stretched out its chubby little finger and pointed at the umbilical cord on its navel, and spoke, “Won’t you cut off this dirty thing?”

The newborn baby’s tongue was still very soft, and it spoke like it had a hot groundnut in its mouth, but Zhou Ping could hear its words.

A drop of cold sweat fell from Zhou Ping’s forehead as soon as the baby opened its mouth.

Before Zhou Ping could react, his body had already begun to move. He moved toward the baby uncontrollably and lowered his head to carefully cut the umbilical cord for him.

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A look of horror crossed Zhou Ping’s lowered face. Oh my God, what kind of monster have I created?

The baby stared at them coldly, a malevolent glint in its brooding eyes.

After cutting the umbilical cord off, the infant opened its arms and continued, “Why don’t you quickly bathe and dress this Lord?”

Zhou Ping once again listened to the baby’s command and obediently carried the baby in his arms, washing away the blood stains with the comforting warm water that had been prepared long ago. When the blood was gone, the baby’s original face was revealed.

The baby was fair, with pale blue eyes like a clear lake, but they glowed with a horrible light.

Its face was delicate, and its thick, pale blonde hair clung lovingly to its head.

Zhou Ping noticed that on his back there were two tiny white feathered wings, just too small to be noticed.

Do children born of angels possess higher wisdom and power? This newborn baby could not only speak but also had an aura that made people afraid to look at it.

Zhou Ping did not dare to look directly at the baby. After carefully cleaning his entire body, he put him into swaddling clothes and gently held him in his arms.

The infant gave the unconscious and fragile Adam a glance and sighed softly, “Save him. Though foolish, he is, after all, the one who conceived me.”

Zhou Ping handed the child to the already dumbfounded Zhou An and slowly walked over to Adam, his eyes once again regaining their sanity and calmness.

Zhou Ping’s fingers were flying. The silver needle and scalpel could only be seen leaving a long tail of cold silver light, but in the blink of an eye, the originally bloodied belly was already sewn up in perfect and delicate lines.



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