Chapter 1 Your Uncle, I'm Back

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At 11 o’clock on January 20, New Era 8022, at the gate of Hecheng, there were a lot of people coming in and out, and the guards were also extremely strict. There were thousands of guards guarding the high and under the walls of the city, and everyone dressed in black. Coats, sweatpants, hats, gloves and black combat boots, with a Chinese character printed on each side of the sleeves, indicating that they are members of the National Defenders Team and are responsible for all security affairs in the city. 


    In the cold winter wind, they stick to their posts. Of course, there was one exception among them, he was Bei Yin Cangmo, the captain of the National Guard, who was smoking a cigarette against the wall beside the city gate at this time. He has a very good appearance, with handsome facial features, thick black sword eyebrows, passionate peach eyes, slightly raised thin lips, and slightly messy hair. There was somewhat lazy and evil atmosphere, and the women passing by couldn't bear it. They stayed and looked at him a few more times, but it was a pity that his attention was not on them, but at people ten meters away. 


    At this time, a young man came over and smiled and asked, "Boss, what are you looking at?" 


    Bei Yin Cangmo spit out but didn't speak. 


    Yang Jing followed his gaze and saw a woman wearing a tattered red coat, with long black hair, a fair face, a tall nose, and her lips were pale and bloodless. The most attractive thing was her beautiful Danfeng eyes. A small mole, at the moment of looking up at people, like a charming little fox, not to mention too many people, the body was very clean, making people reluctant to pollute her, but the new wound on her face gives people a new feeling. This kind of wild, free and easy feeling, they had to say that she was really a very attractive woman, and it was easy to arouse all men's desire to conquer and protect. 

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    The woman was leaning against the tree and panting, as if she would fall to the ground at any time. 


    Jing Yang teased Bei Yin Cangmo: "Boss, aren't you looking at her?" 


    Bei Yin Cangmo sucked his cigarette without making a sound. It was a change of acquiescence. He had seen all kinds of beauty. Women are innocent, gorgeous, charming, gentle and strong, but no one attracted him as much as the woman in front of him, and he couldn't look away from her with just one glance. 


    Jing Yang raised his hand and hammered Bei Yin Cangmo's shoulder: "Boss, you can do it if you like someone. Don't wait for others to chase and regret it. You see a man has passed by. The good-looking one makes it easy to attract people's attention."


    Bei Yin Cangmo squinted his eyes and saw the three men walking next to the woman, only to find that the woman was very tall, and the men around her were a few centimeters shorter than her. 

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    The men didn't molest the woman, they just cared about her health. 


    The woman panted and waved her hand. When she was almost panting, she asked the men for a mobile phone to make a call. 


    One of the men lent him his cell phone. 


    Coincidentally, the woman just dialed the phone and put her mobile phone to her ear. Bei Yin Cangmo's mobile phone rang. He took out the mobile phone and saw that it was a strange number, and hung up without thinking about it. 


    Immediately afterwards, the other party called again perseveringly. 


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    Bei Yin Cangmo pressed it off again, and then the thing in his hands sounded again. 


    Jing Yang couldn't help but said, "Boss, maybe it's someone in the team who is looking for you in an urgent matter. You should answer the call and see who called you." 


    Bei Yin Cangmo spit out cigarettes, and when the phone rang again, he pressed the answer button, before he could speak, he heard the man on the other end of the phone roaring in a man's voice: "Bei Yin Cangmo, your uncle, I am back." 


    At the same time, the same minute and the same second, the woman on the other side also used the same majestic voice. Said the same thing. 


    Bei Yin Cangmo was stunned, and didn't even realize that the soot on his fingers fell on his fingers. 


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    "a man?" Police Jing Yang was so shocked that he fell off: "She, she turned out to be a man?" The person standing next to the woman was also startled by his voice. 


    "No..." Jing Yang returned to his senses and turned to look at Bei Yin Cangmo: "Boss, he seems to be calling your name just now. Do you know him?" 


Bei Yin Cangmo carefully looked at the opposite party. There was a little bit of familiarity, but he couldn't remember where he had met, and he couldn't possibly forget such a charming person. 


    When he thought of this, he felt heartbroken, he even thought of a man as a woman. 


    Bei Yin Cangmo threw away the cigarette in his hand and crushed it with his feet: "You..."


    He just wanted to ask who the person on the phone was when he saw a small figure falling from a tree, sitting lightly on the woman’s shoulder, facing the phone next to the woman’s ear, and cried out with a milky voice: "Dad, we came back."

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