Yaya raised her head and looked at him with beautiful big eyes: "Where is it difficult for dad?" 

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    "With my broken body, is it easy for me to find a way to kill the male protagonist and also take time to support my family?" 


    Zhuang Jinling put the child aside: "Give me a second level spar, and I will try to see if the impurities in it can be purified." 


    Yaya took out a white second level spar for him. 


    Zhuang Jinling put the spar on the table next to him, and injected his mental power into the second spar, trying to integrate with the impurities and energy inside, and then purified it completely. However, he just wanted to remove the impurities and energy, the fusion was bounced out by the energy in the spar. 


    He didn't dare to continue trying, lest he hurt his brain. 


    This was a world that respected martial arts. There was only internal power, no spiritual power. The spiritual power was brought by Zhuang Jinling from the original world. 


    He used to have advanced science and technology in the original world. Everyone had a brain and a floating car flying in the sky. It was a super mecha that everyone wanted to have. However, controlling mechas and manufacturing mechas all required mental power, so everyone on their planet must take this course, and then selected some strong mental powers to train into mecha fighters to protect their planet. 


    Before crossing, Zhuang Jinling had just obtained the qualifications of a mecha fighter, but he crossed into the book before he had time to touch the mecha. Fortunately, he brought a small part of his mental power during the journey to the wild forest so he could live till now.


    The previous first level spar was purified by him. The reason for purification was because the protagonist inadvertently used internal force to force the impurities out of the spar in the back of "The Legend Of Martial Arts", thus made a lot of money, and of course the process of forcing impurities out was very complicated, otherwise every warrior could force out the impurities, so he wanted to try out his mental power to force out the impurities, but he didn't expect that his mental power would be entangled with energy after entering the spar, and his mental power was mainly controlled.


    There was no explosive power such as internal force, so there was no way to force it out. After that, he tried countless times and found that although the impurities could not be forced out, he could fuse it with the energy, and then use the power in the energy to purify the impurities. 


    His method was much more useful than the method the male protagonist discovered, because after the protagonist pushed out the impurities, there was only a small amount of energy left in the spar, but his was different. After he was purified, the entire spar was full of energy, so 35.000 spars were sold to Zheng Ke at a loss.


    In fact, on the other hand, he had made a profit. Selling the spar to Zheng Ke was equivalent to making a name for himself. In the future, he would not have to sell it, and someone would ask for it. 


    Zhuang Jinling rubbed his head: "You need to cultivate your mental power no matter how hard you can. Only by improving your mental power you can purify the second level spar," 


    "Congratulations dad." Yaya suddenly happily rushed to Zhuang Jinling. 


    Zhuang Jinling squeezed her small face and smiled: "Congratulations to me for what?" 


    "Congratulations to dad for collecting 10 hate points." 


    Zhuang Jinling was taken aback, and joked: "I can get the hate points even in a hotel? who is that? Won't this little guy hate me?" 


    Yaya anxious for her own rebuttal:" I do not hate my dad. "


    " then who hate me? "


    " Dad's eldest aunt, second aunt and third aunt hate you, hate you for exposing their secrets. After they went back, they told their family members. Even their family members hated you." 


    Zhuang Jinling couldn't laugh or cry, he just Seeing that they were not pleasing to the eye so he bothered them. He didn’t expect to even do the task together: “This hate point is really good. I used to hear that it’s easy to be a bad person, but it’s hard to be a good person. It’s really good. Others hate yourself, but doing a good deed may not make people think that you are a good person. By the way, didn’t you say that you can check the redeemed items with 10 hate points? Now check what items can you redeem for hate points?".


    "Turn on the redemption function to consume 10 hate points." Yaya turned on the redemption function and checked the exchangeable items: "100 hate points can increase the level of mental power." 


    Zhuang Jinling said happily: "I fall asleep and someone give me a pillow. Yaya is awesome." 


    He picked up the child and kissed her little face. 


    "Dad is great too." Yaya hugged his neck and asked, "Dad, are you still difficult now?" 


    "It's not difficult to have you with me, baby." Zhuang Jinling kissed her on the top of her hair. After being happy, he asked: "Is it possible to get one level up for every 100 hate points?" 


    "No, the next upgrade will cost 1,000 points, and the next time will cost 10,000 points." 


    Zhuang Jinling's mood became not beautiful again: "Then I will upgrade again and again, won’t it cost 100,000 hate points? Another time, I will get 1 million hate points?" 


    Yaya nodded her little head. 


    Zhuang Jinling was speechless: "I think when I earn one hundred thousand hate points, that is when I die, so many people hate me and want to kill me, how can I concentrate on dealing with the male protagonist? Are you sure there is no problem with this task?"


 Would he got scolded when he went out in the future? How long did it take to scold to earn so much hate points? 


    She smiled: "No." 


    "Your head." Zhuang Jinling messed up her hair: "Forget it, I don't want to, let's go with the flow. Let's take a good rest for two days, and when we have enough energy, Let's go find a house." 


    She looked at him silently. 


    "What's the matter?" 


    "Dad, don't you go to the hospital to check your health?" 


    Zhuang Jinling was startled and smiled: "Oh, my little girl knows to care about people." 


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    Yaya pouting her little mouth in anger. Not happy that Zhuang Jinling made fun of her.


    "Do not worry, I have an idea, we find a house to settle down and then I go to the hospital." Zhuang Jinling holding her to lie down: "Now let's get a good night's sleep, wake up and talk if there's something else to say." 


    Yaya saw him a bit tired between his eyebrows, lying quietly with him. 


    Zhuang Jinling hadn't had a good night's sleep since he crossed over. Every day, he was on the road and fighting with mutant animals and plants. He could sleep peacefully for an hour, and he would laugh. So he slept one day and one night, and when he woke up the next day, he would take a good rest day, and on the third morning he slowly took the children to eat breakfast and to find a house. 


    Zhuang Jinling had planned for a long time. He wanted to be neighbors with the male protagonist. Only then he would have the opportunity to get close to the male protagonist, and even doing more intimate things. Then the scope of finding a house had been reduced a lot. Just go to the male protagonist’s house and asked if there was a room that could be rented. 


    The male protagonist now lived in Efang City. 


    Efang City was the place where all the wicked in Hecheng gathered. The living environment was very bad. Fighting, killing, robbery and theft often occured. This also made the rent here particularly cheap, because ordinary people dared not live here, rich people wouldn't choose to live here. 


    Zhuang Jinling found Efang City through navigation. 


    Efang City was not a city. It was just a disused area with several old streets running together. The houses were old and most of them were more than seventy years old. Some of the tiles had fallen off, the corridors were dark and messy, and sunlight couldn't get in. Came closer there was still an unpleasant smell floating in the air. 


    Back then, Bei Yin Cangmo had no money to rent a house, and then lived here for several years, but never thought of moving out. He thought that the people in Efang City were much easier to get along with than the people outside Efang City. If people were disobedient, hit them until they were obedient. Moreover, most of the people in Efang City were straightforward people. They didn’t have so many bowels in their stomachs. Dealing with them was easy and you didn’t need to worry about made them jealous.


    When Zhuang Jinling and Yaya walked into the city, his outstanding appearance immediately attracted everyone's attention.


    The man passing by could not help whistling to Zhuang Jinling: "Beauty, hello, do you want to make a friend with me?" 


    Zhuang Jinling smiled, and the men around were immediately fascinated by his charming and clean smile. And then everyone heard him say a word very domineeringly: "Fuck -"


  The fascinated men heard him make a male voice, and instantly became sober: " a man?" 


    They thought of facing a man just now, being a nympho was like eating a shit, looking ugly. 


    The whistling man cursed: "Damn, it turned out to be a man, bad luck." 


    Zhuang Jinling sneered: "I was stared squintingly by a group of men early in the morning, and it's even more bad luck and disgusting." 


    This immediately aroused public anger. They came forward to teach him a lesson. 


    "You kid is looking for death." The whistling man raised his fist and swung it. 


    Zhuang Jinling quickly grabbed his wrist and gave him a cold glance. 


    The whistling man immediately felt something pierce his head, causing severe pain. He screamed and fell to the ground in the next second. 


    The other men halted abruptly, looked at the person who fell on the ground, holding his head and shouting in pain, stepped back involuntarily. 


    The area of ​​Efang City was not large. Most of the people who lived here knew each other. The person who was beaten on the ground was the person they knew. The name was Duan Wuzhe. He was a third level martial artist, and he was usually very arrogant. The main reason was that in Efang City, there were mostly 2nd and 3rd martial artists, while the 4th only six people, and the 5th level martial artist were even less. Not to mention the 6th dan, 7th dan, 8th dan and 9th level martial artsist, so there was only five. Duan Wuzhe became the boss of Efang City, and everyone saw him respectfully. 


    There were not many people who were higher than Duan Wuzhe, and there was a fourth level martial artist as his boss. After a long time, Duan Wuzhe would start to float. As long as he did not provoke the fourth level and fifth level people, he basically didn’t even look at other people. 


    Now Zhuang Jinling brought down the third level martial artist with one move, and everyone else wondered whether Zhuang Jinling was a fourth level martial artist and did not dare to step forward.


    Zhuang Jinling faintly swept the people who dared not go forward, and whispered: "Boss." 


    One of the people who was scolded said angrily: "Damn, you bastard, we all go together, I don't believe we will lose, we can't let him go." 


    Everyone was angry and rushed up together. 


    Zhuang Jinling's expression shrank, and when they approached, he released his mental power to sting their nerves. At the same time, he quickly grabbed the arm of the person approaching him and hit the key point of the opponent. His movements were cruel, fast, and heavy. Accurately didn't give the opponent the opportunity to make a move, nor let people discovered that he used his mental power to knock them down with one move. 


    The women around were attracted by his heroic gestures and sharp eyes, and they shouted: "Handsome man , you are so handsome."


    A woman in a purple coat shouted at Zhuang Jinling: "Handsome man, are you new? Resident coming?" 


    Another woman in a red coat also asked, "Handsome guy, where do you live, do you want to date me?" 


    The woman in the purple coat rolled her eyes and said, "Don't you like Boss Mo? You wake up and pray to God every day that Mr. Mo will like you and marry you. Why do you fall in love with other man in a blink of an eye?” 


    The woman in the red coat said angrily: “You said that you like Mr. Mo before, don’t you hook up with other men now?" 


    "Yes, I like Boss Mo too, but I also like this young man now, can't I?" 


    "You are a profane woman." 


    "How do you scold someone?"


    The two women quarreled very fiercely, they didn't know that the protagonist Bei Yin Cangmo in their mouth was sitting behind them. 


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    "Hey, boss, your charm is so great, there are women arguing for you on the street early in the morning." Yuan Wei sitting next to Bei Yin Cangmo laughed and teased Bei Yin Cangmo. 


    Bei Yin Cangmo was smoking a cigarette, and slanted at him lazily: "If you are not afraid of death, you can also find a few women to fight for you, don't be jealous." 


   Yuan Wei quickly said: "I'm afraid, I'm afraid, I'm especially afraid that my wife will kill me. ."


    "It's not promising." Bei Yin Cangmo smiled and lit the cigarette in his mouth. 


    "Boss, you are not married, and you haven't found anyone you like. It's impossible to realize how I'm afraid of my wife, yes..." Yuan Wei scratched his head: "Ah, I don't know how to describe it, anyway, wait for you to get married in the future. You will know." 


    Bei Yin Cangmo took a cigarette, his indifferent gaze turned to Zhuang Jinling, who was calmly leaving with the child. 


    Hey, get married... 


    He had been married a long time ago, but the other party was a man. 


    Bei Yin Cangmo slowly spit out the smoke, the white smoke covered his eyes and looked at the distant figure, his thoughts drifting away unknowingly. 


    He remembered that Zhuang Jinling’s roots were very poor. He was only a martial artist in the first level when he disappeared. He could only defeat an ordinary person at most. It had only been four years since he was able to bring down a third level martial artist in one move. In these years, is he in an adventure? 


    Seeing Bei Yin Cangmo had been watching Zhuang Jinling's departure, Yuan Wei smiled and asked, "Boss, do you want to recruit him?" 


    "I won't recruit such a person." Bei Yin Cangmo didn't want to explain too much, got up and said: "Go to work." 


    Yuan Wei obediently followed him and left. 


    On the other side, Zhuang Jinling, who had already walked far away, walked to a corner with fewer people. As soon as his nerves were loosened, the person seemed to be straddling, and he leaned against the wall and gasped for breath. The pain of his bones made him straighten out:" Damn, this body was broken." 


    It only took a few strokes to pant so hard. 


    "Dad." Yaya looked at him worriedly. 


    Zhuang Jinling rubbed her little head: "It's okay." 


    Compared to the time when fighting in the big forest and being chased by other animals, it waa really nothing right now. It was just good to catch a breath. In the past, he even coughed badly, until the blood came out. 


    Yaya saw he was almost out of breath, she said, "Dad got 12 hate points."


    Zhuang Jinling smiled and said: "It's worth that I beat and scold them." 


    In addition to earn annoying points, he also wanted to make a name for himself in Efang City. The reputation was big, so he wouldn't be bullied by living here. 


    Zhuang Jinling asked: "Yaya, do you know which house your scumbag dad  lives in in Efang City?" 


    The book only described the male protagonist living in the center of Efang City, but didn't specifically describe which building he lived in. 


    "I know." Yaya raised her little finger to the front: "Daddy Scum lives in the center of Efang City. It was the most chaotic area and the cheapest place to rent."


    Zhuang Jinling boasted: "Yaya is getting better and better." 


He remembered that when they first met, the little girl was stupid and didn't understand anything, and she almost got a heart attack when he asked three questions. 


    Yaya smiled: "I will be better in the future." 


    Zhuang Jinling smiled: "My little baby is cute and smart, and everyone loves her." 


    Yaya also praised him: "Dad is handsome and bright. Men and women eat." 


    "Men and women eat?" It took several seconds for Zhuang Jinling to reflect what she meant. He chuckled, "You mean men and women eat all?" 


    Yaya nodded her little head. 


    Zhuang Jinling rubbed her head amusedly: "After watching TV for two days, you have learned some new words." 


    The father and daughter came to visit the city center, talking and laughing. 


    Yaya pointed to the small supermarket in the front and said "Dad, scumbag lives on the top of the building." 


    He remembered that the proprietress of the small supermarket was mentioned in the novel as a fourth level martial artist. When the hero came here, he received a lot of care.



    The lady proprietress noticed the father and daughter standing at the door after the last guest left. She looked very fierce and had a very loud voice. With one mouth, her heroic voice could spread from this street to the end of the street.  She looked at the good-looking people with a very weak look, she couldn't help lowering her voice and asked, "What are you going to buy? 


    " Hello, lady boss, I want to rent a house here, but I don't know if there is any rent nearby?" While asking politely, Zhuang Jinling squeezed the child's small hand and motioned for her to call someone. 


    Yaya raised her head and showed a super cute smile to the proprietress, sweetly yelled: "Auntie, hello." 

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    Adults couldn't resist innocent and cute smile from children, especially the villains in Efang City needed pure angels the most to come and save their contaminated hearts, the proprietress's heart was instantly melted, and she could no longer straightened her face and said with a smile: “Your child is so cute, but it’s not safe for such a cute child to live here. Brother, it’s better for you to rent a house outside of  Efang City." 


   Zhuang Jinling reluctantly said: "I also want to rent a house outside, but I have limited funds at present, so I can only come here to find a house to live in, and I will move out after earning money in the future. "


The proprietress's looked at him and saw that he was clean and noble, not as if he had no money, but she was not good at investigating other people's private affairs. 


    Yaya gently pulled the corner of the proprietress's clothes and shook it, and said pitifully, "Auntie, I don’t have a place to live with my father, can you help us?" 


   The proprietress's heart softened, " There was still an empty suite upstairs,  two bedrooms, one living room, one bathroom and one kitchen. You can move in as long as you carry your baggage. However the suite on the top of the building I haven't renovated it and it's relatively old. If you don't dislike it, you can go up and have a look." 


    Zhuang Jinling smiled: " Okay, let's go up and have a look." 


   The proprietress took them upstairs. 


    The entrance was the hall, about 20 square meters in size. There was a one-meter-wide passage on the right side of the hall. The right side of the passage was used to illuminate the windows. The left side was the room, kitchen and bathroom. At the end was the balcony for drying clothes. The house was like the boss said. Very old, the walls were black painted, and some moldy, and the furniture was old, but very clean.


    "The outside of the passage window is someone else’s house. It’s not rented out at the moment." The proprietress introduced, pushing open the door of the room: "The first room has no window outside, because the other side of the wall was also a room. I use the other half of the floor. It's transformed into a single room, and there are already people renting it."


    Zhuang Jinling walked all the way to the balcony. Looking down was the market where they came here, and on the right was someone else’s house, it's separated by a wall, and a few barbed iron rods are inserted on the outside wall to prevent the next door people climbed over to steal things. There was no wall on the left side of the balcony, which could lead to the other half of the roof space. 


    He walked from the balcony to the roof next to him. The open space was about twenty square meters in size, with a few men's clothes hanging in the middle. 


    The proprietress explained: "I didn't separate the roofs on both sides when I renovated it. I thought that the more open the space on the roof, it will more convenient for people on both sides to dry the quilt and do exercises. If you find it inconvenient, you can use things to separate them." 


    Zhuang Jinling Said: "I like it very much, I don't know how much rent a month is?" 


    "Two thousand yuan." 


    In terms of current prices, two thousand yuan was not expensive, which was much cheaper than the 10,000 yuan a month rent outside.


    Zhuang Jinling asked again: "Can I put the wallpaper on my own?"


The proprietress smiled heartily : "As long as you don't tear down the wall, you can do whatever you want."


    " I like it." Zhuang Jinling said to the proprietress: "We rent this one, how much deposit do we need to give?" 


    "No deposit, no contract signing, as long as the rent is paid to me at the beginning of each month, and now there are still a few days to the next one. In October, I won’t receive your money for the past few days. You only need to pay me the rent for the next month in advance. Can you please?” 


    “Of course, thank you, the boss, you are such a wonderful person.” Zhuang Jinling took the money and give her two thousand yuan: "Boss, can I ask who lives next door?" 


The  proprietress gave him the key: "It's a young man named Bei Yin Cangmo, he is working in the Hecheng Guarding Army as a captain, he is very talkative. If you have something to ask him for help, he will help you." 


    Zhuang Jinling smiled even more. Before coming, he thought it would be nice to be able to rent a house near the male protagonist. He didn't expect his  luck to be so good, rented directly to the male protagonist next door.


    "If nothing happens, I'll go down first." After the proprietress went downstairs, Zhuang Jinling threw the bag on the bed: "Yaya, we will buy wallpaper and floor stickers to decorate here." 


    Now online shopping was very convenient, just buy things in the same city can be delivered in an hour. 


    "Okay," Yaya was very excited, and she had to choose the wallpaper herself. 


    After buying the wallpaper, Zhuang Jinling took the children to the small supermarket downstairs to buy some daily necessities. 


    Although the small supermarket was small, it had everything you need. A small place was also reserved to sell rice and vegetables. The father and daughter spent 200,000 yuan when shopping in the supermarket, which all the 190,000 money was spent on grocery shopping. They have to say that the food in the city was really expensive. 


    Zhuang Jinling had the final say in his heart, the half of money for selling spar had been gone, and there was no income anymore, and he would be drinking northwest wind in a few days, and he was very tired. 


    An hour later, the wallpaper and the floor stickers were delivered to the home. 


    Except for the room with windows, the other walls were mainly moonlight white striped wallpaper, simple and generous, and the room with windows he chose pink wallpaper, just like a girl’s room, the whole room was pink and tender, with cute cartoon characters attached. 


    Zhuang Jinling looked at the pink room with his eyes twitching: "I hope you are a boy for the first time since I met you." 


    Yaya puzzled: "Why?" 


    "If you are a boy, you wouldn't choose pink wallpaper. " 


    Yaya: "..." 


   The two have been busy for two days. The old house already given a new look. The furniture was also covered with beautiful paper stickers. The father and daughter looked at the results of their labor and smiled happily because they were too tired. After the two took a bath, they rested in bed early. 


    At seven o'clock in the morning the next day, the neighbor who lived next door finally got home from work.


    The first time Bei Yin Cangmo came back, he went to collect the clothes. He found that the balcony outside was cleaned up, and he didn't even see the slightest dust. He thought it was the proprietress downstairs who went upstairs to clean. Only when the windows on the side of the balcony are opened did he know that someone was renting next door. 


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    Bei Yin Cangmo was not interested in the new neighbors, and planned to go back to sleep after he took his clothes, but when he turned back, he accidentally saw the person lying on the bed through the window of the neighbor next door. 


    The other party slept on his stomach, showing long hair, and one of his legs stretched out of the quilt. 


    This was the most beautiful leg that Bei Yin Cangmo had ever seen. It was both long, smooth, well-proportioned, white and tender, and it was easy for men to think about it. 


    If other villains in Efang City saw this scene, they would definitely break the window and put the people inside. 


    Bei Yin Cangmo believed that he was not a gentleman, but he was not a pervert. After admiring it for a few seconds, he turned around and returned to the room. 


    The sound of the closing door awakened the little neighbor next door. She crawled out of the quilt and rubbed her eyes with her small hands. Seeing that the clothes outside the window were taken away, she immediately pushed the people around her: "Dad, scumbag is back. " 


   " Oh. " Zhuang Jinling was really too tired and sleepy, did not hear what the children say, after a while he closed his eyes slept. 


    Yaya, knowing that dad worked hard and didn’t disturb him anymore. She clumsily put on his clothes and climbed out of the bed. Then she took the quilt very thoughtfully and covered her dad's thighs. She dragged his slippers and walked outside the next room.


    She first pressed her body on the door to listen whether there was any sound inside, then raised her hand to twist the door lock, but the door lock was locked by the owner. 


    Yaya babbled, stared at the door lock for a few seconds, suddenly clicked, and the door lock opened by itself. 


    She giggled, sneaked into the house quietly, and came to the door of the room. When she was hesitating to open the room, the door was suddenly opened by the people inside. 


    Bei Yin Cangmo raised his gun and pointed at the door, and then saw a little baby who looked similar to him standing with her feet and smiling at him.


    He was startled slightly and twisted his eyebrows: "Why are you here?"


    When he heard the door opening and footsteps, he thought it was a culprit who sneaked into his home, but he didn't expect it to be the child he saw a few days ago. Who was the new neighbor next door? 


    Yaya cried out: "Dad scum, good morning." 


    "Dad scum?" Bei Yin Cangmo couldn't laugh or cry, because he had been unfriendly to her before, so he changed his name? "Girl, I tell you, it's illegal for you to run into my room without my consent. I have the right to arrest you and put you in jail." 


    Hearing that she was about to arrest herself, she muttered unhappily with a small mouth: "You lie to me." 


    "I will lock you up now." Bei Yin Cangmo picked up her back collar. 


    Yaya was frightened by him, she yelled while struggling: "Smelly ass, stinky, when you get old, I will pull out your oxygen tube." 


    Bei Yin Cangmo smiled irritably. Who taught her to say this? Zhuang Jinling? 


    "I will kill you before you pull it out." He took the person into his arms and tried to rub her face. Then, he felt hot and humid on his body. He looked down and saw that the child was actually leaking underneath.


    Bei Yin Cangmo's face was pale, and he gritted his teeth and said: "Did you pee on your pants?" 


    Yaya was ashamed, lowered his head, and clashed with fingers: "I blame you, I'm scared." 


    "..." Bei Yin Cangmo took a deep breath: "Where's your dad?" 


    "He's sleeping." 


    Bei Yin Cangmo put her down: "You go back and ask your dad to change your pants." 


    "No, dad is sleeping." 


    "Then call him and wake him up" 


    "Dad is in poor health, and my dad needs to sleep more to have some energy to accompany Yaya. " 


    Bei Yin Cangmo asked:" How bad is his body? " 


    Yaya angrily stared at him, didn't speak but her face showed " It’s all because of you."


    Bei Yin Cangmo didn't sleep all night last night, and he really didn't have the energy to spend it with her, so he walked out with people directly. 


    Yaya was also clever, and immediately hugged Bei Yin Cangmo's thigh at the moment he put her down. 


    Bei Yin Cangmo couldn't pull the person off after several times. He exhaled and pointed to the diagonally opposite window and asked: "Are you living here?" 


    Yaya nodded: "We will be neighbors in the future." 


    Bei Yin Cangmo snorted and dragged the child hanging on his thigh to the room where Zhuang Jinling was sleeping. He saw that the person lying on the bed was Zhuang Jinling, and his face was even darker because he just stared at the other person’s legs for several seconds.


    He took a deep breath and exclaimed: "Zhuang Jinling..." 


    Zhuang Jinling didn't respond. 


    Bei Yin Cangmo frowned, and then saw Zhuang Jinling's body trembling.

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