What is a bear child? 

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    Bei Yin Cangmo had never known what kind of creature bear children was before he met Yaya, but after encountering Yaya, he thoroughly understood the feelings of parents with bear children at home. He couldn't beat or scolded them. After the adults were angry, the bear children remembered whether to eat or not, and continued to make noise, making people physically and mentally exhausted. 


    Just like the kid in front of you, when bathing her, you had to make the person who bathing herself wet to be happy. After the bath, asked someone to tell her a story, and also specifically wanted to listen to about The Little Red Riding Hood eating the big bad wolf, if you didn't tell her, she would just by his side, chattering and arguing, or jumping around on him, making him unable to fall asleep. 


    Yaya stepped on his face: "Dad scum, do you know why Little Red Riding Hood is eating the big bad wolf?" 


    Bei Yin Cangmo wanted to pretend to sleep, but when he saw her in such a bold and domineering posture looking down at himself, the corners of his eyes twitched fiercely, quickly removed her feet, rolled over and pressed the person on the bed. 


    Yaya's two little hands covered his mouth and laughed happily: "Because the big bad wolf bullies the Little Red Riding Hood's father, the Little Red Riding Hood wants to eat the big bad wolf."


Bei Yin Cangmo said amusedly: "The big bad wolf you said should be me, and the Little Red Riding Hood is you. How can you eat me with your little thing? Huh?" 


After he finished speaking, he quickly tapped the child's acupuncture point, so that the child couldn't speak or move. 


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    Bei Yin Cangmo poked her small face with his finger: "Girl, come and eat me, eat." 


    "Okay." Yaya blinked and showed a cute smile. The little hand quickly grabbed the finger that was poking her little face, and then opened her mouth and took a bite. 


    "His—" Bei Yin Cangmo was in pain. He didn't expect the child to move, and his eyes flashed with surprise: "I have clicked your acupuncture point, how can you still move?" 


    Was this child's inner strength higher than him ? Break through his acupuncture points in just a few seconds? 


    But this little kid seemed to be about three years old, at the age when he started to learn martial arts, how could she has such a deep internal strength? 


    Or did it mean that the acupuncture points of this child were different from ordinary people?


    Where did Zhuang Jinling pick up the child from? Why do you look like him?


    Yaya didn't know what he was thinking. She thought it was Bei Yin Cangmo playing with her. She threw on him excitedly, biting his neck and arm. 

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    "You little girl, are you begging for a beating?" Bei Yin Cangmo couldn't stand her anymore, got up and left his rental house with someone in his arms, and walked to the next house. 


    When passing by the window of Zhuang Jinling's room, he looked inside the room. Zhuang Jinling was standing in front of the cabinet looking for clothes. He speeded up to the door of Zhuang Jinling's room, and saw the person in the room with his back naked. Standing on his side in front of the closet, his voice stuck in his throat. 


    He stared motionlessly at the beautiful body, white and smooth skin, slender and well-proportioned figure, and the hips behind him were upturned and round, which was more attractive when embedded in the beautiful long legs. At this time, the morning light happened to shine on the naked body from outside the window, and it seemed to pass a faint halo, as beautiful as a work of art that made people unable to look away.


    Bei Yin Cangmo's eyes were deep, he had lived for twenty-eight years, and he knew for the first time that a man's body could be so beautiful. With a sudden bang, the kid in his arms covered his eyes with both hands. 


    Yaya yelled: "Pervert." 


    "..." Bei Yin Cangmo's mouth twitched. 


    Zhuang Jinling, who had just been relieved of his breath, heard the sound and slowly turned his head to look at them, then slowly put on his underwear and then put on his clothes. 


    Bei Yin Cangmo pulled down Yaya's hand, threw the child on the bed, and said to Zhuang Jinling: "Take care of your daughter and don't let her show up in my room, or I will sell her." 

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    Zhuang Jinling put on his coat and whispered quietly: "You sell your own daughter?" 


    Bei Yin Cangmo scoffed: "Zhuang Jinling, do you think I am a fool? Is she a relative? I don't know whether she is a relative?"


Zhuang Jinling asked, " Dare you make a personal identification? " 


    Bei Yin Cangmo raised his eyebrows:." I know that she is not my child, " 


    Zhuang Jinling jokingly said:." don't be so sure of everything " 


    Bri Yin Cangmo squinting, Why was this guy so sure that the child belonged to him? 


    Yaya angrily got up, crouched and cursed: "Dad scum!" 


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    "Don't come to me if you know that I'm a scum, or I'll be even worse." Bei Yin Cangmo sneered and turned to leave. 


    "Huh." Yaya angrily sat down. 


    Zhuang Jinling rubbed her little head and said: "Don't be angry, be angry doesn't help, it will only make yourself furious, want to make him uncomfortable, you can only look for the opportunities to get the king." 


    Yaya felt better, happily said: " Yes, get him." 


    Zhuang Jinling retracted his hand and asked, "If you do a paternity test with the male protagonist, can you change your DNA to be the same as him?" 


    Yaya blinked beautiful eyes: "I am his child. "


    "Why is you child so obsessed with being his daughter? Uh, we don't need to worry too much about this matter. If you can't change your DNA, I will give you the first chance to change your DNA." Zhuang Jinling put on his trousers and went to cook for her. 


    Yaya kept looking at his back without making a sound.

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